Log messages - the flow of events

Extracts related to processing of the message are shown as follows:

#Source Log
SignificantStockChangeSourceApplication : sending StockPriceChangeEvent [stockTicker=MICROSOFT, oldPrice=15, newPrice=12]

#Transformer Log
.f.StockIntelligenceProcessorApplication : started processing event StockPriceChangeEvent [stockTicker=MICROSOFT, oldPrice=18, newPrice=20]

.f.StockIntelligenceProcessorApplication : ended processing eventWithHoldings StockPriceChangeEventWithHoldings [holdings=30, toString()=StockPriceChangeEvent [stockTicker=MICROSOFT, oldPrice=18, newPrice=20]]

#Sink Log
c.m.s.c.d.f.EventStoreSinkApplication : Received: StockPriceChangeEventWithHoldings [holdings=30, toString()=StockPriceChangeEvent [stockTicker=MICROSOFT, oldPrice=18, newPrice=20]]

The source application sends StockPriceChangeEvent. The Transformer application receives the event, adds the holdings to the message, and creates a new StockPriceChangeEventWithHoldings event. The sink application receives and logs this message.

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