Spring Cloud Data Flow REST APIs

Spring Cloud Data Flow offers RESTful APIs around applications, streams, tasks, jobs, and metrics. A complete list can be obtained by sending a GET request to http://localhost:9393/.

The following screenshot shows the response for the GET request:

All the APIs are self-explanatory. Let's look at an example of sending a GET request to http://localhost:9393/streams/definitions:

"statusDescription":"All apps have been successfully


Important things to note are as follows:

  • The API is RESTful. _embedded element contains the data for the request. _links element contains HATEOAS links. The page element contains pagination information.
  • _embedded.streamDefinitionResourceList.dslText contains the definition of the stream "significant-stock-change-source|stock-intelligence-processor|event-store-sink".
  • _embedded.streamDefinitionResourceList.status
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