Other options ;for application configuration values

Until now, the approaches ;we took to ;configure application properties was using the key value pairs from either application.properties or application-{profile-name}.properties.

Spring Boot provides a number of other ways to configure application properties.

Listed here are some of the important ways of providing application configuration:

  • Command-line arguments
  • Creating a system property with the name ;SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON and including the JSON configuration
  • ServletConfig init parameters
  • ServletContext init parameters
  • Java System properties (System.getProperties())
  • Operating system environment variables
  • Profile-specific application properties outside of .jar, somewhere in the classpath of the application (application-{profile}.properties)
  • Profile-specific application properties packaged inside your .jar (application-{profile}.properties and YAML variants)
  • Application properties outside the .jar
  • Application properties packaged inside the .jar

More information can be found in the Spring Boot documentation at ;http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current-SNAPSHOT/reference/htmlsingle/#boot-features-external-config.

The approaches at the top of this list have higher priority than those at the bottom of the list. For example, if a command-line argument with the name spring.profiles.active is provided when launching the application, it would override any configuration provided through application.properties because command-line arguments have higher preference.

This provides great flexibility in determining how you would want to configure your application in different environments.

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