Spring Boot starter HATEOAS

Spring Boot has a specific starter for HATEOAS called spring-boot-starter-hateoas. We need to add it to the pom.xml file.

The following code snippet shows the dependency block:


One of the important dependencies of spring-boot-starter-hateoas is spring-hateoas, which provides the HATEOAS features:


Let's enhance the retrieveTodo resource (/users/{name}/todos/{id}) to return a link to retrieve all todos (/users/{name}/todos) in the response:

    @GetMapping(path = "/users/{name}/todos/{id}")
public Resource<Todo> retrieveTodo(
@PathVariable String name, @PathVariable int id) {
Todo todo = todoService.retrieveTodo(id);
if (todo == null) {
throw new TodoNotFoundException("Todo Not Found");

Resource<Todo> todoResource = new Resource<Todo>(todo);
ControllerLinkBuilder linkTo =

return todoResource;

Some important points to note are as follows:

  • ControllerLinkBuilder linkTo = linkTo(methodOn(this.getClass()).retrieveTodos(name)): We want to get a link to the retrieveTodos method on the current class
  • linkTo.withRel("parent"): Relationship with the current resource is parent

The following snippet shows the response when a GET request is sent to ;http://localhost:8080/users/Jack/todos/1:

"id": 1,
"user": "Jack",
"desc": "Learn Spring MVC",
"targetDate": 1484038262110,
"done": false,
"_links": {
"parent": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/users/Jack/todos"

The _links section will contain all the links. Currently, we have one link with the relation parent and href ; as http://localhost:8080/users/Jack/todos.

If you have problems executing the preceding request, ;try executing using an Accept header--application/json.

HATEOAS is not something that is commonly used in most of the resources today. However, it has the potential to be really useful in reducing the coupling between the ;service provider and the consumer.

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