Exploring View resolution

Spring MVC provides a very flexible View resolution. It provides multiple View options:

  • There is integration with JSP and, Freemarker.
  • There are multiple View resolution strategies. A few of them are listed as follows:
    • XmlViewResolver: View resolution based on an external XML configuration.
    • ResourceBundleViewResolver: View resolution based on a property file.
    • UrlBasedViewResolver: This direct mapping of the logical View name to a URL.
    • ContentNegotiatingViewResolver: This delegates to other View resolvers based on the accept request header.
    • InternalResourceViewResolver : This is a subclass of UrlBasedViewResolver. It provides support for servlets and JSPs along with JstlView and TilesView.
  • There is support for chaining of View resolvers with the explicitly defined order of preference.
  • It provides direct generation of XML, JSON, and Atom using content negotiation.
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