Exploring Spring Boot starter projects

The following table shows some of the important starter projects provided by Spring Boot:

Starter Description
spring-boot-starter-web-services This is a starter project to develop XML-based web services.
spring-boot-starter-web This is a starter project to build Spring MVC-based web applications or RESTful applications. It uses Tomcat as the default embedded servlet container.
spring-boot-starter-activemq This supports message-based communication using JMS on ActiveMQ.
spring-boot-starter-integration This supports the Spring Integration Framework, which provides implementations for Enterprise Integration Patterns.
spring-boot-starter-test This provides support for various unit testing frameworks, such as JUnit, Mockito, and Hamcrest matchers.
spring-boot-starter-jdbc This provides support for using Spring JDBC. It configures a Tomcat JDBC connection pool by default.
spring-boot-starter-validation This provides support for the Java Bean Validation API. Its default implementation is hibernate-validator.
spring-boot-starter-hateoas HATEOAS stands for Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State. RESTful services that use HATEOAS return links to additional resources that are related to the current context in addition to data.
spring-boot-starter-jersey JAX-RS is the Java EE standard to develop REST APIs. Jersey is the default implementation. This starter project provides support to build JAX-RS-based REST APIs.
spring-boot-starter-websocket HTTP is stateless. WebSockets allow you to maintain a connection between the server and the browser. This starter project provides support for Spring WebSockets.
spring-boot-starter-aop This provides support for aspect-oriented programming. It also provides support for AspectJ for advanced aspect-oriented programming.
spring-boot-starter-amqp With RabbitMQ as the default, this starter project provides message passing with AMQP.
spring-boot-starter-security This starter project enables auto configuration for Spring Security.
spring-boot-starter-data-jpa This provides support for Spring Data JPA. Its default implementation is Hibernate.
spring-boot-starter This is a base starter for Spring Boot applications. It provides support for auto configuration and logging.
spring-boot-starter-batch This provides support to develop batch applications using Spring Batch.
spring-boot-starter-cache This is the basic support for caching using Spring Framework.
spring-boot-starter-data-rest This is the support to expose REST services using Spring Data REST.


Up until now, we have set up a basic web application and understood some of the important concepts related to Spring Boot, including the following:

  • AutoConfiguration
  • Starter projects
  • spring-boot-maven-plugin
  • spring-boot-starter-parent
  • The @SpringBootApplication annotation

In this section, we adopted the manual approach of creating a web application with Spring Boot.

Do you know that we could have autogenerated this application in a few simple steps? Let's look at that in the next section.
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