Understanding the Spring @Transactional annotation

The Spring Framework provides a consistent and declarative approach for transaction management.

All that you need to do is to add @Transactional around the method to make it a single transaction:

void performTransfer(Account from, Account to, BigDecimal amount) {

@Transactional can be used at either a method or at a class level.

The following are some of the attributes you can specify on the @Transactional annotation:

  • propagation: How does the transaction propagate? Should we continue an existing transaction, if one exists, or create a new transaction? The default is Propagation.REQUIRED.
  • readOnly: Should the transaction be read-only?
  • noRollbackForClassName: Which exceptions should not cause a rollback of a transaction?
  • rollbackForClassName: Which exceptions should cause a rollback of a transaction?
  • timeout: How long should we wait for a transaction to complete?
  • isolation: What should be the isolation level for the transaction? The default is Isolation.DEFAULT.
  • transactionManager: Identifies the transaction manager that manages this transaction.
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