Setting up the message bundle 

First, let's set up a message bundler. The code snippet from the Spring context is as follows:

    <bean id="messageSource"  class=  "

<property name="basename" value="classpath:messages" />
<property name="defaultEncoding" value="UTF-8" />


Important elements to note include the following:

  • class="": This configures a reloadable resource bundle. It supports the reloading of properties through the cacheSeconds setting.
  • <property name="basename" value="classpath:messages" />: This configures the loading of properties from and messages_{locale}.properties file. We will discuss the locale soon.

Now, let's configure a couple of property files and make them available in the src/main/resources folder. 

The following code snippets show the filename and the content of each file.

The content of the file is shown in the following snippet:

welcome.caption=Welcome in English    

The content of the file is shown in the following snippet:

welcome.caption=Bienvenue - Welcome in French

We can display the message from the message bundle in a View using the spring:message tag:

<spring:message code="welcome.caption" />
..................Content has been hidden....................

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