
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


.accdb file extension, Exporting an Excel Table to a SharePoint Site
Access (Microsoft)
about, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010
additional information, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint, Linking a Data-centric Application to a SharePoint List
Create tab, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
Database Tools tab, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
exporting data to lists, Exporting an Excel Table to a SharePoint Site
exporting tables, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
External Data tab, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
File tab, Editing a Form
importing lists to, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
linking data-centric applications to lists, Linking an Access Database to a SharePoint List
linking databases to lists, Importing a List to an Access Database
linking tables to lists, Importing a List to an Access Database
moving data to sites, Linking a Data-centric Application to a SharePoint List
moving databases, Linking an Access Database to a SharePoint List
offline access, Working Offline
publishing databases, Linking an Access Database to a SharePoint List
revealing external data, Importing a List to an Access Database
saving databases in libraries, Linking a Data-centric Application to a SharePoint List
synchronization support, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010
troubleshooting, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint, Working Offline
Access Services, Exporting an Excel Table to a SharePoint Site
Access view, Working with an Access View
Access Web Datasheet
about, Working with a Datasheet View
accessing help topics, Working with a Datasheet View
exporting lists to spreadsheets, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet
Active Directory groups, Managing Site Users and Permissions
Add Items library permission, Managing Users and Permissions
Add Pages link, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
Add Web Parts tool pane, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
administrative pages, Creating Sites
Administrator permission level, Creating Sites
Agenda list/list template
email settings, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
Meeting Workspace and, Working with Lists, Deleting a Document Workspace, Creating a Meeting Workspace
about, Sorting and Filtering a List
deleting, Setting up Alerts, Working with Page History and Versions
for discussion boards, Viewing the Results of a Survey
Outlook support, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010, Managing SharePoint Alerts in Outlook
setting up, Sorting and Filtering a List
subscribing to, Sorting and Filtering a List, Working with Version History
subscription quotas, Setting up Alerts
troubleshooting, Managing SharePoint Alerts in Outlook
All Pages view, Changing the Layout of a Page
All Reference Books category, Searching the SharePoint Site
All Site Content page
about, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
filtered views, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
navigating to, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
Ribbon interface and, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
website address, Creating Sites
AND operator, Searching the SharePoint Site
Announcements list/list template
about, Navigating the Ribbon Interface, Working with Lists
adding to home page, Understanding Web Parts
creating indexed columns, Creating Indexed Columns
email-enabled, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
Outlook limitations, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
preventing duplicate list items, Creating Indexed Columns
usage example, Working with Advanced List Settings
anonymous access, Managing Site Users and Permissions
Approval workflow template, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint
Approve Items library permission, Managing Users and Permissions
disabling for list items, Deleting and Restoring a List Item
multiple, Attaching Files to List Items
setting list options, Working with Advanced List Settings
Attendees list/list template
email settings, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
Meeting Workspace and, Working with Lists, Deleting a Document Workspace, Creating a Meeting Workspace
author metadata property, Searching the SharePoint Site
automating business processes, Working with Workflows
(see also workflows)


Basic Meeting Workspace template, Deleting a Document Workspace
BCS (Business Connectivity Services), Versions of SharePoint Foundation, Importing a List to an Access Database
Blank Site template
about, Creating Sites, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
built-in Web Parts and, Using Alerts
Blog Tools Web Part, Creating a Blog Post
about, Introduction to SharePoint Foundation 2010, Creating Sites, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
adding comments, Creating a Blog Post
Categories list and, Working with Lists
creating, Creating a Blog Post
creating blog sites, Customizing a Meeting Workspace
list templates and, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
RSS feeds and, Working with Workspaces and Blogs, Adding a Blog Comment
breadcrumbs, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
broken link, Searching the SharePoint Site
creating Document Workspace, Creating a Document Workspace
creating Meeting Workspace, Deleting a Document Workspace, Creating Meeting Workspaces from Outlook
form templates and, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
opening documents in, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser
document libraries, Browsing Lists on a SharePoint Site
hierarchical structures, Finding Information on the SharePoint Site
lists on SharePoint sites, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
Business Connectivity Services (BCS), Versions of SharePoint Foundation, Importing a List to an Access Database
Business Data Catalog, Importing a List to an Access Database
business processes, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint
(see also workflows)
Access considerations, Linking a Data-centric Application to a SharePoint List
automating, Working with Workflows


cached copies, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook, Taking SharePoint Content Offline
Calendar list/list template
about, Browsing Lists on a SharePoint Site, Working with Lists
Calendar view and, Working with an Access View
creating Meeting Workspace, Deleting a Document Workspace, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace, Creating Meeting Workspaces from Outlook
email-enabled, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
offline access, Taking SharePoint Content Offline
Quick Launch link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
viewing in Outlook, Sending an Email Using a SharePoint Contacts List
Calendar view, Working with an Access View
Camel case, Creating a New Page
Categories list/list template, Working with Lists
Check In command, Enabling Versioning
check out/in process
configuring, Modifying a Library Template
for documents, Creating a New Folder in a Library, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
managing files, Enabling Versioning
child sites
administrative pages, Creating Sites
changing permission levels, Managing Site Users and Permissions
hierarchy of, Navigating the Site Content Tree, Creating and Managing Sites
navigating, Navigating the Site Content Tree, Managing Site Users and Permissions
viewing list of, Navigating the Site Content Tree
Choice column, Configuring a Workflow
Circulations list/list template, Working with Lists, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
opening documents in, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser
setting offline availability, Working with Advanced List Settings
closed-ended survey questions, Working with Surveys and Discussion Boards
collaboration and sharing (see team collaboration and sharing)
Collect Feedback workflow template, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint
Collect Signatures workflow template, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint
Enforce Unique Values property, Creating Indexed Columns
exporting tables to sites, Exporting an Excel Table to a SharePoint Site
hiding in Access Web Datasheet, Working with a Datasheet View
importing spreadsheets and, Importing Data from an Excel Spreadsheet to a List in SharePoint
indexed, Configuring RSS Feeds for a List or Library
list, Working with Lists, Attaching Files to List Items
re-ordering, Working with a Datasheet View
resizing, Working with a Datasheet View
selecting multiple, Working with a Datasheet View
site, Adding, Editing, and Deleting List Columns
Comments list/list template, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
comments, adding to blogs, Creating a Blog Post
Contacts list/list template
about, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
connecting to Outlook, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
copying to Outlook, Moving an Outlook Contact to a SharePoint Contacts List
email settings, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
moving Outlook contact to, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
sending emails using, Copying SharePoint Contacts into Outlook
troubleshooting, Copying SharePoint Contacts into Outlook
usage example, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Working with List Settings
content approval, configuring, Configuring Content Approval and Versioning
Content Editor Web Part, Working with Web Pages, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane, Customizing a Web Part by Using the Web Part Tool Pane
content items as search results, Finding Information on the SharePoint Site
content navigation breadcrumb
about, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
in Ribbon interface, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
content types
associating with lists, Creating a Content Type
associating with workflows, Removing Workflows from Lists and Libraries
creating, Working with Advanced List Settings, Managing Users and Permissions, Associating Workflows with Content Types
document libraries, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
site columns and, Adding, Editing, and Deleting List Columns, Associating Workflows with Content Types
contenttype metadata property, Searching the SharePoint Site
Contribute permission level
about, SharePoint Foundation User Permissions, Managing Site Users and Permissions
editing web pages, Working with Web Pages, Editing Web Part Pages
library permissions and, Managing Users and Permissions
refining, Working with Advanced List Settings
Visitors group and, Managing Site Users and Permissions
Create Alerts library permission, Managing Users and Permissions
Create page
about, Creating and Managing Sites
creating Custom List, Working with a Datasheet View
Meeting Workspace and, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
site templates, Creating Sites
website address, Creating Sites
Create View page, Working with a Datasheet View
Created by column, Adding, Editing, and Deleting List Columns
Created column, Adding, Editing, and Deleting List Columns
Cunningham, Ward, Creating a Wiki Page Library
Custom list/list template
about, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
creating, Working with a Datasheet View
email settings, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
importing data from spreadsheets, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010
Outlook limitations, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010
usage example, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
Custom Send To Destination feature, Configuring the Sites Assets Library


Data Form Web Part, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Data View Web Part
adding, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
as RSS reader, Configuring RSS Feeds for a List or Library
databases (see Access (Microsoft))
Datasheet view
about, Working with a Standard View
creating multiple list items, Adding and Editing List Items
navigating cell-to-cell, Working with a Datasheet View
setting list options, Working with Advanced List Settings
sorting/filtering, Adding Summary Tasks to a Task List
switching between Standard view and, Working with a Datasheet View
usage example, Working with a Datasheet View
dBase database, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
Decisions list/list template, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
Delete Items library permission, Managing Users and Permissions
Delete Versions library permission, Managing Users and Permissions
alerts, Setting up Alerts, Working with Page History and Versions
Document Workspace, Publishing a Document Back to a Document Library
documents, Using the Recycle Bin, Using Alerts
libraries, Deleting and Restoring a Library
list columns, Adding, Editing, and Deleting List Columns
list items, Deleting and Restoring a List Item, Working with a Datasheet View
lists, Using List Validation
Meeting Workspace, Creating Meeting Workspaces from Outlook
Web Parts, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
description metadata property, Searching the SharePoint Site
Design permission level
about, SharePoint Foundation User Permissions, Managing Site Users and Permissions
editing Web Part pages, Customizing a Web Part by Using the Web Part Tool Pane
library permissions and, Managing Users and Permissions
refining, Working with Advanced List Settings
saving web templates, Changing a Site’s Theme
Directions list/list template, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
discussion boards
about, Navigating a SharePoint Site, Working with Surveys and Discussion Boards
creating, Viewing the Results of a Survey
email settings and, Configuring Incoming Email Settings, Creating and Using a Discussion Board
list templates, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
permission levels, Viewing the Results of a Survey
Quick Launch link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
usage example, Viewing the Results of a Survey
viewing in Outlook, Enabling a Discussion Board for Email
Discussions link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
display name, Creating Sites, Creating a New List
Disposition Approval workflow template, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint
Document content type, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
document information panels
about, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
additional information, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel, Editing a Custom Document Information Panel
creating, Editing a Form
editing, Editing a Custom Document Information Panel
editing custom properties, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
viewing custom properties, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
document libraries
about, Browsing Lists on a SharePoint Site, Creating and Managing Sites, Working with Libraries
Access view, Working with an Access View
adding documents, Editing Documents
browsing, Browsing Lists on a SharePoint Site
checking documents in/out, Creating a New Folder in a Library, Modifying a Library Template, Enabling Versioning
creating, Working with Libraries, Working with Workspaces and Blogs
creating content types, Managing Users and Permissions
creating documents, Creating a New Document
creating folders in, Creating a Wiki Page Library
Custom Send To Destination feature, Configuring the Sites Assets Library
deleting documents, Using Alerts
displaying document properties, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
document information panels, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
document version history, Checking Documents In and Out
editing documents, Creating a New Document
email-enabled lists, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
exporting to spreadsheets, Importing Data from an Excel Spreadsheet to a List in SharePoint
form libraries and, Creating a Picture Library and Adding Pictures
list templates, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
List Templates gallery, Creating and Using a List Template
managing users and permissions, Creating a Custom Send To Destination
Meeting Workspace and, Creating a Meeting Workspace
modifying library templates, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser
picture files and, Adding Documents
publishing documents back to, Accessing an Existing Document Workspace
removing workflows from, Terminating Workflows
restoring documents, Using Alerts
searching for files across, Searching the SharePoint Site
using alerts, Working with Version History
version history, Checking Documents In and Out
workflow process and, Configuring a Workflow, Working with Workflows, Associating Workflows with Content Types
document metadata
about, Editing a Form
document information panels and, Editing a Form
editing, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
search queries and, Searching the SharePoint Site
viewing, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
document templates
creating content types, Managing Users and Permissions
modifying, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser
Document Workspace
about, Office Integration with SharePoint Foundation, Working with Workspaces and Blogs
accessing existing, Accessing an Existing Document Workspace
built-in Web Parts and, Using Alerts
creating, Working with Workspaces and Blogs
deleting, Publishing a Document Back to a Document Library
discussion boards and, Viewing the Results of a Survey
editing pages, Working with Web Pages
navigating to, Accessing an Existing Document Workspace
publishing documents back to document libraries, Accessing an Existing Document Workspace
site templates, Creating Sites, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Working with Workspaces and Blogs
adding, Editing Documents
associating with meeting dates, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
checking in/out, Creating a New Folder in a Library, Modifying a Library Template, Enabling Versioning, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
creating, Creating a New Document
deleting, Using Alerts
editing, Creating a New Document
enabling versioning, Checking Documents In and Out, Configuring Required Checkout
hyperlinks after exporting, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet
inheriting permissions, Creating a Custom Send To Destination
metadata about, Editing a Form
publishing back to document libraries, Accessing an Existing Document Workspace
restoring, Using Alerts
using alerts, Working with Version History


Edit Control Block (ECB), Configuring the Sites Assets Library
Edit Items library permission, Managing Users and Permissions
Edit List Item permission, Managing Workflows
email applications
configuring settings for discussion boards, Creating and Using a Discussion Board
configuring settings for lists, Granting List Item Permissions
receiving alerts, Working with Version History, Working with Page History and Versions
sending using Contacts list, Copying SharePoint Contacts into Outlook
setting up alerts, Sorting and Filtering a List
event receivers, Working with Workflows
associating Meeting Workspace with, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
recurring, Creating a Meeting Workspace, Moving an Outlook Contact to a SharePoint Contacts List, Copying SharePoint Contacts into Outlook, Creating Meeting Workspaces from Outlook
Excel (Microsoft)
additional information, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010
exporting lists to spreadsheets, Importing Data from an Excel Spreadsheet to a List in SharePoint
exporting tables to sites, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet
File tab, Editing a Form
importing data from spreadsheets, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010
importing spreadsheets, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
importing tables, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010
renaming tables, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet
revealing external data, Importing a List to an Access Database
synchronizing lists to spreadsheets, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet, Exporting an Excel Table to a SharePoint Site
viewing/editing document properties, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
Exchange Server (Microsoft), Deleting a Document Workspace, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
Access data to lists, Exporting an Excel Table to a SharePoint Site
Excel tables to sites, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet
History list contents, Configuring a Workflow
lists to spreadsheets, Importing Data from an Excel Spreadsheet to a List in SharePoint
troubleshooting, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
Expression Blend (Microsoft), Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
exporting Access data and, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
importing Access data and, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
Web Part support, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT), Using Alerts
External Data list/list template, Discovering Default Lists in a Site


farm level, Saving and Using a Site Template, Configuring the Sites Assets Library
feeds, RSS (see RSS feeds)
filename metadata property, Searching the SharePoint Site
Access formats, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
attaching to list items, Deleting and Restoring a List Item
checked-out, Enabling Versioning
links to, Searching the SharePoint Site
searching for, Searching the SharePoint Site
SharePoint Workspace limitations, Working Offline with SharePoint Workspace
filetype metadata property, Searching the SharePoint Site
discussion board topics, Viewing the Results of a Survey
documents, Creating a New Document
lists, Adding Summary Tasks to a Task List, Checking Documents In and Out
Flat view, Viewing the Results of a Survey
creating in libraries, Creating a Wiki Page Library
granting list item permissions, Granting List Item Permissions
inheriting permissions, Creating a Custom Send To Destination
library templates, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser
setting list options, Working with Advanced List Settings
<FORM> element, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
form libraries
about, Creating a Picture Library and Adding Pictures, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
configuring, Deleting and Restoring a Library
creating, Creating a Picture Library and Adding Pictures, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
email-enabled lists, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
list templates, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
modifying, Creating a Form Library
form templates
creating, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
modifying form libraries, Creating a Form Library
publishing, Creating a Form Library, Creating a Form Library
about, Creating a Picture Library and Adding Pictures, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
creating, Modifying a Form Library
document information panels, Editing a Form
editing, Modifying a Form Library, Editing a Form
offline access, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
searchable, Creating a Form Library
Forms folder, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser, Creating a Form Library
Full Control permission level
about, SharePoint Foundation User Permissions, Managing Site Users and Permissions
editing Web Part pages, Customizing a Web Part by Using the Web Part Tool Pane
library permissions and, Managing Users and Permissions
Owners group and, Managing Site Users and Permissions
refining, Working with Advanced List Settings
Site Owners group, Customizing a Web Part by Using the Web Part Tool Pane


Gantt charts, Working with a Datasheet View
Gantt view, Working with a Datasheet View
Grant Permissions command, Managing Site Users and Permissions
Group Approval workflow template, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint
group calendars
email-enabled lists, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
list templates, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
Group Work Site template
about, Creating Sites, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
Circulations list and, Working with Lists
Group Calendar list template and, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
Phone Call Memo list template and, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
Resources list template and, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
Web Part support, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Whereabouts list template and, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
initial categories, Managing Site Users and Permissions, Managing Site Users and Permissions
permission levels, Managing Site Users and Permissions


ID column, Adding, Editing, and Deleting List Columns
Image Viewer Web Part, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Image Web Part, Working with Web Pages, Customizing a Web Part by Using the Web Part Tool Pane
data from spreadsheets, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010
Excel tables, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010
lists to Access databases, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
spreadsheets, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
troubleshooting, Importing Data from an Excel Spreadsheet to a List in SharePoint
Web Parts, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Incoming Links feature, Creating a New Page
index, defined, Searching the SharePoint Site
indexed columns, Configuring RSS Feeds for a List or Library
InfoPath (Microsoft)
additional information, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
Design mode, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
Fill Out a Form mode, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
form libraries and, Creating a Picture Library and Adding Pictures
revealing external data, Importing a List to an Access Database
InfoPath Designer 2010
about, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
back view, Creating a Form Library
creating form libraries, Creating a Form Library
document information panels, Editing a Form, Editing a Custom Document Information Panel
File tab, Creating a Form Library
modifying form libraries, Creating a Form Library
onstage view, Creating a Form Library
InfoPath Filler 2010
about, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
creating forms, Modifying a Form Library
editing forms, Editing a Form
InfoPath Form Services, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
InfoPath forms
about, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
creating, Modifying a Form Library
document information panels, Editing a Form
editing, Modifying a Form Library, Editing a Form
offline access, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
searchable, Creating a Form Library
inheriting permissions, Working with Web Pages, Managing Users and Permissions, Granting List Item Permissions, Creating a Custom Send To Destination
Installable Sequential Access Method (ISAM), Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
internal names, Creating Sites
Internet forums (see discussion boards)
ISAM (Installable Sequential Access Method), Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
Issue Tracking list/list template, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Configuring Incoming Email Settings, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook


keyboard shortcuts
accessing help topics, Working with a Datasheet View
cancel edits, Working with a Datasheet View
copy operation, Working with a Datasheet View
cut operation, Working with a Datasheet View
moving single contacts, Moving an Outlook Contact to a SharePoint Contacts List
paste operation, Working with a Datasheet View
row/column selection, Working with a Datasheet View
synchronizing Outlook connections, Taking SharePoint Content Offline
undo changes, Working with a Datasheet View


_layouts folder, Creating Sites
left navigation panel
about, Team Collaboration and Sharing, Navigating a SharePoint Site
All Site Content link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site, Customizing the Top Navigation Area
customizing, Customizing the Top Navigation Area
libraries, Working with Library Settings
(see also specific libraries)
about, Navigating a SharePoint Site, Working with Libraries, Working with Library Settings
associating workflows and content types, Associating Workflows with Content Types
configuring RSS feeds, Configuring RSS Feeds for a List or Library
connecting to Outlook, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
creating folders in, Creating a Wiki Page Library
deleting, Deleting and Restoring a Library
enabling version for documents, Configuring Required Checkout
exporting contents to spreadsheets, Importing Data from an Excel Spreadsheet to a List in SharePoint, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet
Forms folder, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser, Creating a Form Library
managing users and permissions, Creating a Custom Send To Destination
Quick Launch link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
removing Outlook connections, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
removing workflows from, Terminating Workflows
restoring, Deleting and Restoring a Library
RSS feeds and, Managing Site Content Syndication
saving Access databases in, Linking a Data-centric Application to a SharePoint List
Libraries link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
library settings
configuring other library types, Deleting and Restoring a Library
configuring required checkout, Modifying a Library Template
configuring Site Assets library, Managing Checked-Out Files
creating content types, Managing Users and Permissions
creating Custom Send To Destination feature, Configuring the Sites Assets Library
creating views, Creating a View
deleting libraries, Deleting and Restoring a Library
managing checked-out files, Enabling Versioning
managing users and permissions, Creating a Custom Send To Destination
modifying library templates, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser
opening documents, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser
restoring libraries, Deleting and Restoring a Library
library views
about, Working with List and Library Views
Access view, Working with an Access View
Calendar view, Working with an Access View
Gantt view, Working with a Datasheet View
Standard view, Creating a View, Working with List and Library Views
Limited Access permission level
about, SharePoint Foundation User Permissions, Managing Site Users and Permissions
library permissions and, Managing Users and Permissions
linked objects, Importing Data from an Excel Spreadsheet to a List in SharePoint
Links list/list template
about, Browsing Lists on a SharePoint Site, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
email settings, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
Outlook limitations, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010
Access databases to lists, Importing a List to an Access Database
adding in Quick Launch, Customizing the Top Navigation Area
adding to wiki pages, Creating a New Page
data-centric applications to lists, Linking an Access Database to a SharePoint List
reordering in Quick Launch, Customizing the Top Navigation Area
tables to lists, Importing a List to an Access Database
to files, Searching the SharePoint Site
typical Quick Launch, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
list columns
about, Working with Lists
column types, Attaching Files to List Items
manipulating, Adding, Editing, and Deleting List Columns
list items
about, Working with Lists
adding, Adding and Editing List Items
adding to Meeting Workspace, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
Alert Me option, Sorting and Filtering a List
attaching files to, Deleting and Restoring a List Item
creating multiple, Adding and Editing List Items
Datasheet view, Adding and Editing List Items
deleting, Deleting and Restoring a List Item, Working with a Datasheet View
disabling attachments, Deleting and Restoring a List Item
editing, Adding and Editing List Items
granting permissions, Granting List Item Permissions
keyboard shortcuts, Working with a Datasheet View
managing permissions, Managing Users and Permissions
multiple attachments, Attaching Files to List Items
preventing duplicate, Creating Indexed Columns
restoring, Deleting and Restoring a List Item
setting permissions, Working with Advanced List Settings
list settings
about, Working with List Settings
accessing, Deleting and Restoring a List Item
advanced list settings, Working with Advanced List Settings
associating content types with lists, Creating a Content Type
configuring content approval, Configuring Content Approval and Versioning
configuring for email, Granting List Item Permissions
configuring RSS feeds, Configuring RSS Feeds for a List or Library
configuring versioning, Configuring Content Approval and Versioning
creating content types, Working with Advanced List Settings
creating custom content types, Creating a Content Type
creating indexed columns, Configuring RSS Feeds for a List or Library
deleting lists, Using List Validation
granting list item permissions, Granting List Item Permissions
list validation options, Associating a Content Type with a List
managing permissions, Managing Users and Permissions
managing users, Managing Users and Permissions
Meeting Workspace and, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
preventing duplicate list items, Creating Indexed Columns
restoring lists, Using List Validation
setting list title and description, Working with List Settings
setting navigation, Working with List Settings
list templates
creating, Working with a Calendar View
customizing, Attaching Files to List Items
default, Working with Lists
naming conventions, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
List Templates gallery, Creating and Using a List Template, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
List View Web Part, Adding and Editing List Items, Using Alerts
list views, Working with a Standard View
(see also Datasheet view)
about, Working with List and Library Views
Access view, Working with an Access View
Calendar view, Working with an Access View
Gantt view, Working with a Datasheet View
generating, Adding and Editing List Items
lookup columns, Creating and Using a List Template
Meeting Workspace and, Creating a Meeting Workspace
navigating to default page, Adding and Editing List Items
sorting/filtering lists, Adding Summary Tasks to a Task List
about, Navigating a SharePoint Site, Creating and Managing Sites, Working with Lists
associating content types with, Creating a Content Type
associating workflows and content types, Associating Workflows with Content Types
attaching documents to, Deleting and Restoring a List Item
browsing on SharePoint sites, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
configuring email settings, Granting List Item Permissions
configuring RSS feeds, Configuring RSS Feeds for a List or Library
connecting to Outlook, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
creating, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
customizing Meeting Workspace, Adding Items to a Meeting Workspace
default, Working with Lists
deleting, Using List Validation
exporting Access data to, Exporting an Excel Table to a SharePoint Site
exporting to spreadsheets, Importing Data from an Excel Spreadsheet to a List in SharePoint
filtering, Adding Summary Tasks to a Task List, Checking Documents In and Out
importing data from spreadsheets, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010
importing to Access databases, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
inheriting permissions, Managing Users and Permissions
linking Access databases to, Importing a List to an Access Database
linking data-centric applications to, Linking an Access Database to a SharePoint List
linking tables to, Importing a List to an Access Database, Working Offline
list settings (see list settings)
lookup columns, Creating and Using a List Template
navigating, Working with List Settings
offline access, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010
Quick Launch link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
removing Outlook connections, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
removing workflows from, Terminating Workflows
renaming, Working with List Settings
restoring, Using List Validation
RSS feeds and, Managing Site Features
selecting title/description, Working with List Settings
sorting, Adding Summary Tasks to a Task List
synchronizing to Access databases, Importing a List to an Access Database
synchronizing to spreadsheets, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet, Exporting an Excel Table to a SharePoint Site
validating, Associating a Content Type with a List
Lists link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
Local Machine groups, Managing Site Users and Permissions
lookup columns, Creating and Using a List Template


major versions, Configuring Required Checkout
Manage Lists library permission, Managing Users and Permissions, Configuring a Workflow
Manage Pages link, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
Meeting Workspace
adding list items, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
adding pages, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
Agenda list, Working with Lists, Deleting a Document Workspace, Creating a Meeting Workspace
Attendees list, Working with Lists, Deleting a Document Workspace, Creating a Meeting Workspace
creating, Deleting a Document Workspace
creating from Outlook, Deleting a Document Workspace, Managing SharePoint Alerts in Outlook
customizing, Adding Items to a Meeting Workspace
deleting, Creating Meeting Workspaces from Outlook
document libraries and, Creating a Meeting Workspace
home page layout, Creating a Meeting Workspace
Objectives list, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Deleting a Document Workspace, Creating a Meeting Workspace
permission levels, Deleting a Document Workspace
site templates, Creating Sites, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Working with Workspaces and Blogs, Deleting a Document Workspace
Text Box list template and, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
Things To Bring list template and, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
troubleshooting, Creating a Meeting Workspace, Adding Items to a Meeting Workspace
Web Parts and, Deleting a Document Workspace, Creating a Meeting Workspace, Adding Items to a Meeting Workspace
Members group
about, Managing Site Users and Permissions
editing web pages, Working with Web Pages, Editing Web Part Pages
permission levels, Managing Site Users and Permissions, Editing Web Part Pages
message boards (see discussion boards)
Access considerations, Working Offline
document, Editing a Form, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
Outlook limitations, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010
metadata properties, Searching the SharePoint Site
Microsoft Access (see Access (Microsoft))
Microsoft Business Connectivity Services, Versions of SharePoint Foundation, Importing a List to an Access Database
Microsoft Excel (see Excel (Microsoft))
Microsoft Exchange Server, Deleting a Document Workspace, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
Microsoft Expression Blend, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Microsoft InfoPath (see InfoPath (Microsoft))
Microsoft Office (see Office (Microsoft))
Microsoft Outlook (see Outlook (Microsoft))
Microsoft Picture Manager, Adding Documents
Microsoft PowerPoint, Editing a Form, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
Microsoft Silverlight applications (see Silverlight applications)
Microsoft Technet website, Automating Business Processes Using SharePoint, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010
Microsoft Word (see Word (Microsoft))
minor versions, Configuring Required Checkout
Modified by column, Adding, Editing, and Deleting List Columns
Modified column, Adding, Editing, and Deleting List Columns
More Options command, Changing the Layout of a Page


Objectives list/list template
about, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
email settings, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
Meeting Workspace and, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Deleting a Document Workspace, Creating a Meeting Workspace
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
Office (Microsoft)
creating document libraries, Working with Workspaces and Blogs
creating web databases, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
Datasheet view and, Working with a Standard View
File tab, Editing a Form
InfoPath support, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
integration with, Versions of SharePoint Foundation
Office Web Apps, Office Integration with SharePoint Foundation
Research pane, Searching the SharePoint Site
revealing external data, Importing a List to an Access Database
searching for files within, Searching the SharePoint Site
setting offline client availability, Working with Advanced List Settings
Workspace support, Creating and Managing Sites
Office Web Apps
about, Office Integration with SharePoint Foundation
manipulating documents, Creating a New Document
opening documents, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser
troubleshooting, Editing Documents
offline access
Access support, Working Offline
cached copies and, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
caching data in local tables, Importing a List to an Access Database
editing documents, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
InfoPath forms, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
lists, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010
Outlook support, Working Offline with Outlook, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010, Taking SharePoint Content Offline
setting client availability, Working with Advanced List Settings
synchronization process, Taking SharePoint Content Offline
troubleshooting, Working Offline
Workspace support, Deleting and Restoring Documents
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
Open Items library permission, Managing Users and Permissions
open-ended survey questions, Working with Surveys and Discussion Boards
opening editing, Working with Web Pages
OR operator, Searching the SharePoint Site
orphan sites, Creating Meeting Workspaces from Outlook
Outlook (Microsoft)
connecting Contacts list to, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
copying contacts to, Moving an Outlook Contact to a SharePoint Contacts List
creating Meeting Workspace, Deleting a Document Workspace, Managing SharePoint Alerts in Outlook
integration with, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010
managing alerts, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010, Managing SharePoint Alerts in Outlook
managing workflow tasks, Managing Workflow Tasks within Outlook 2010
moving contacts to Contacts list, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
offline access, Working Offline with Outlook, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010, Taking SharePoint Content Offline
recurring events and, Creating a Meeting Workspace
removing connections, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
revealing external data, Importing a List to an Access Database
RSS feeds and, Adding a Blog Comment, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010, Configuring an RSS Feed
viewing discussion boards in, Enabling a Discussion Board for Email
viewing personal calendars, Sending an Email Using a SharePoint Contacts List
working offline, Working Offline with Outlook
Override Check Out library permission, Managing Users and Permissions
Owners group, Managing Site Users and Permissions, Managing Site Users and Permissions


Page Viewer Web Part, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
.pdf file extension, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
permission levels
about, SharePoint Foundation User Permissions
changing for child sites, Managing Site Users and Permissions
creating sites, Creating Sites
default, SharePoint Foundation User Permissions, Managing Site Users and Permissions
discussion boards, Viewing the Results of a Survey
granting for list items, Granting List Item Permissions
inheriting, Working with Web Pages, Managing Users and Permissions, Granting List Item Permissions, Creating a Custom Send To Destination
list templates and, Creating and Using a List Template
managing, Creating Sites, Managing Users and Permissions, Creating a Custom Send To Destination
Meeting Workspace and, Deleting a Document Workspace
Outlook considerations, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
refining default, Working with Advanced List Settings
Ribbon interface and, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
SharePoint groups, Managing Site Users and Permissions
Site Actions menu and, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
surveys and, Responding to a Survey
Permissions page, Managing Site Users and Permissions, Managing Site Users and Permissions
personal calendars, viewing, Sending an Email Using a SharePoint Contacts List
personal views, Working with a Standard View
Phone Call Memo list/list template, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
picture libraries
about, Adding Documents
adding pictures, Adding Documents
configuring, Deleting and Restoring a Library
creating, Adding Documents
email-enabled lists, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
list templates, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
Quick Launch link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
Web Part support, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Picture Library Slideshow Web Part
about, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
adding, Editing Web Part Pages
customizing, Removing a Web Part
Picture Manager (Microsoft), Adding Documents
Pictures link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
Portland Pattern Repository, Creating a Wiki Page Library
Posts list/list template, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
PowerPoint (Microsoft), Editing a Form, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
in Gantt chart, Working with a Datasheet View
summary tasks, Adding Summary Tasks to a Task List
Project Tasks list/list template
about, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
adding summary tasks, Adding Summary Tasks to a Task List
email settings, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
Gantt chart, Working with a Datasheet View
project timelines, Working with a Datasheet View
property promotion/demotion, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
Publish to Source Location link, Accessing an Existing Document Workspace
about, Linking a Data-centric Application to a SharePoint List
documents back to document libraries, Accessing an Existing Document Workspace
Excel lists, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet
form templates, Creating a Form Library, Creating a Form Library


queries (see search queries)
Quick Launch
about, Team Collaboration and Sharing
adding links, Customizing the Top Navigation Area
displaying discussion boards, Viewing the Results of a Survey
reordering links, Customizing the Top Navigation Area
Ribbon interface and, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
site templates and, Creating Sites
typical links, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site


Read permission level
about, SharePoint Foundation User Permissions, Managing Site Users and Permissions
library permissions and, Managing Users and Permissions
refining, Working with Advanced List Settings
Visitors group and, Managing Site Users and Permissions
recurring events
creating Meeting Workspace from, Creating a Meeting Workspace, Creating Meeting Workspaces from Outlook
troubleshooting, Moving an Outlook Contact to a SharePoint Contacts List, Copying SharePoint Contacts into Outlook
Recycle Bin
about, Navigating a SharePoint Site, Understanding Web Parts
Access considerations, Linking a Data-centric Application to a SharePoint List
All Site Content page and, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
deleting documents in, Using the Recycle Bin, Using Alerts
home page link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
left navigation panel and, Customizing the Top Navigation Area
restoring documents from, Using the Recycle Bin
restoring libraries from, Deleting and Restoring a Library
Relevant Documents Web Part, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
lists, Working with List Settings
tables, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet
Report Viewer Web Part, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Reporting Services Web Part, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Research pane, Searching the SharePoint Site
resizing rows/columns, Working with a Datasheet View
Resources list/list template, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
documents, Using Alerts
documents from Recycle Bin, Using the Recycle Bin
libraries, Deleting and Restoring a Library
list items, Deleting and Restoring a List Item
lists, Using List Validation
Web Parts, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Ribbon interface
additional information, Navigating the Site Content Tree
Alert Me option, Sorting and Filtering a List
Browse tab, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
Documents tab, Navigating the Ribbon Interface, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser
exploring, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
Items tab, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
Library Settings button, Working with Library Settings
Library tab, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
List tab, Navigating the Ribbon Interface, Working with List Settings
navigating, Navigating the Site Content Tree
Page tab, Navigating the Ribbon Interface, Deleting and Restoring a Library
Publish button, Working with Version History
Rich Text Format (RTF), Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
resizing, Working with a Datasheet View
selecting multiple, Working with a Datasheet View
RSS feeds
about, Creating Sites, Adding a Blog Comment, Configuring an RSS Feed
changing properties, Configuring an RSS Feed
configuring, Configuring an RSS Feed
configuring for libraries, Configuring RSS Feeds for a List or Library
configuring for lists, Configuring RSS Feeds for a List or Library
managing syndication, Managing Site Features
Outlook support, Adding a Blog Comment, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010, Configuring an RSS Feed
search queries and, Searching the SharePoint Site
Time To Live setting, Configuring RSS Feeds for a List or Library
usage example, Adding a Blog Comment
RTF (Rich Text Format), Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint


Save And Close button, Responding to a Survey
search queries
about, Finding Information on the SharePoint Site
AND operator, Searching the SharePoint Site
for information, Finding Information on the SharePoint Site
for sites, Searching the SharePoint Site
InfoPath forms, Creating a Form Library
lists, Working with Advanced List Settings
OR operator, Searching the SharePoint Site
troubleshooting, Searching the SharePoint Site, Searching the SharePoint Site
Search Results page, Searching the SharePoint Site
Search Server 2010 Express, Searching the SharePoint Site
SharePoint groups and, Managing Site Users and Permissions
sharing Access databases, Working Offline
Settings menu (see list settings)
Shared Documents library
about, Browsing Lists on a SharePoint Site
configuring required checkout, Modifying a Library Template
creating, Working with Libraries
modifying library templates, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser
Quick Launch link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
setting as default location, Managing Checked-Out Files
shared views, Working with a Standard View
SharePoint Central Administration
anonymous access, Managing Site Users and Permissions
configuring email settings, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
creating sites, Creating and Managing Sites
deleted items considerations, Deleting and Restoring a List Item
System Settings, Setting up Alerts, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
SharePoint Designer 2010
about, SharePoint Foundation and SharePoint Server 2010
adding Data Form Web Part, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
adding Web Parts, Customizing a Web Part by Using the Web Part Tool Pane
additional information, Automating Business Processes Using SharePoint
customizing web pages, Working with Web Pages
downloading, Automating Business Processes Using SharePoint
theme support, Creating a Child Workspace
SharePoint Features
about, Versions of SharePoint Foundation, Managing Site Features
installing, Managing Site Features
scopes supported, Saving and Using a Site Template
SharePoint Foundation
about, Introduction to SharePoint Foundation 2010
new features, Versions of SharePoint Foundation
Office integration, Versions of SharePoint Foundation
Outlook integration, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010
system requirements, Introduction to SharePoint Foundation 2010
version information, SharePoint Foundation User Permissions
SharePoint groups
initial categories, Managing Site Users and Permissions, Managing Site Users and Permissions
permission levels, Managing Site Users and Permissions
SharePoint Server 2010
about, Office Integration with SharePoint Foundation
BCS support, Importing a List to an Access Database
editing document information panels, Editing a Custom Document Information Panel
search capabilities, Searching the SharePoint Site
web database sites and, Linking a Data-centric Application to a SharePoint List
SharePoint Services 3.0, Changing a Site’s Theme
SharePoint sites (see sites)
SharePoint Workspace
about, Deleting and Restoring Documents
setting offline client availability, Working with Advanced List Settings
synchronizing documents, Working Offline with SharePoint Workspace
working offline, Deleting and Restoring Documents
Silverlight applications
setting list options, Working with Advanced List Settings
Silverlight Create dialog, Creating Sites
Silverlight Web Part and, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Site Actions menu
about, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
Add Pages link, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
Manage Pages link, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
Meeting Workspace and, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace
More Options command, Changing the Layout of a Page
New Page command, Changing the Layout of a Page
New Site option, Creating and Managing Sites, Creating a Document Workspace
Site Settings link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site, Creating Meeting Workspaces from Outlook
View All Site Content link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
Site Assets library, Managing Checked-Out Files
Site Collection Administrator, Using Alerts
site collections
about, Navigating the Site Content Tree, Browsing Lists on a SharePoint Site
defining site columns, Associating Workflows with Content Types
indexed columns, Creating Indexed Columns
List Templates gallery, Creating and Using a List Template
Navigate Up icon, Navigating the Site Content Tree
RSS feeds and, Managing Site Features, Configuring RSS Feeds for a List or Library
SharePoint Features level, Managing Site Features
workflows and, Associating Workflows with Content Types
Workflows page, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint
site column gallery, Adding, Editing, and Deleting List Columns
site columns, Adding, Editing, and Deleting List Columns, Associating Workflows with Content Types
site content tree
about, Navigating the Site Content Tree
displaying structure, Customizing the Left Navigation Panel
Navigate Up icon, Navigating the Site Content Tree
navigating, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
Site Owners group, Customizing a Web Part by Using the Web Part Tool Pane
Site Pages library, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site, Working with Web Pages
Site Settings page
administrative links, Creating and Managing Sites
deleting sites, Creating Meeting Workspaces from Outlook
List Templates gallery, Creating and Using a List Template
Meeting Workspace and, Creating a Meeting Workspace
opening, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
Save Site As link, Creating Sites
website address, Creating Sites
site templates
about, Creating and Managing Sites, Creating Sites
provisioning lists, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
saving/using, Creating a Child Workspace
site users
managing, Creating Sites, Managing Users and Permissions, Creating a Custom Send To Destination
viewing list of, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Site Users Web Part, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
administrative pages, Creating Sites
browsing lists, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
changing themes, Creating a Child Workspace
components, Navigating a SharePoint Site, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
creating, Creating and Managing Sites
creating form libraries, Creating a Form Library
deleting, Managing Site Content Syndication
exporting Excel tables to, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet
Help window, Team Collaboration and Sharing
importing data from, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
left navigation panel, Team Collaboration and Sharing, Customizing the Top Navigation Area
locating, Team Collaboration and Sharing
managing features, Saving and Using a Site Template
managing syndication, Creating Sites, Managing Site Features
managing users and permissions, Creating Sites, Managing Users and Permissions
moving Access data to, Linking a Data-centric Application to a SharePoint List
navigating, Navigating a SharePoint Site
Quick Launch link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
searching, Searching the SharePoint Site
SharePoint Features level, Managing Site Features
top navigation area, Team Collaboration and Sharing, Browsing Document Libraries
Sites link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
size metadata property, Searching the SharePoint Site
Social Meeting site template, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Viewing the Results of a Survey
Solutions Gallery
Outlook limitations, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
site templates, Saving and Using a Site Template
discussion board topics, Viewing the Results of a Survey
lists, Adding Summary Tasks to a Task List
Spelling & Grammar feature (Word), Editing a Page
spreadsheets (see Excel (Microsoft))
SQL Server Web Part, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Standard view
about, Working with List and Library Views
creating, Creating a View, Working with a Standard View
switching between Datasheet view and, Working with a Datasheet View
Status bar, Editing a Page
Subject view, Viewing the Results of a Survey
subsites (see child sites)
summary tasks
adding, Adding Summary Tasks to a Task List
predecessors, Adding Summary Tasks to a Task List
about, Navigating a SharePoint Site, Working with Surveys and Discussion Boards
adding page separators, Responding to a Survey
creating, Working with Surveys and Discussion Boards
email settings, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
exporting to spreadsheets, Importing Data from an Excel Spreadsheet to a List in SharePoint
formatting questions, Working with Surveys and Discussion Boards
list templates, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
Outlook limitations, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
permission levels, Responding to a Survey
responding to, Working with Surveys and Discussion Boards, Creating a Survey
troubleshooting, Responding to a Survey
validating, Creating a Survey
viewing results, Responding to a Survey
Access support, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010, Importing a List to an Access Database, Working Offline
documents, Working Offline with SharePoint Workspace
lists to Access databases, Importing a List to an Access Database
lists to spreadsheets, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet, Exporting an Excel Table to a SharePoint Site
offline content, Taking SharePoint Content Offline
Workspaces, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010
syndicating site content, Creating Sites, Managing Site Features


column names and, Importing Data from an Excel Spreadsheet to a List in SharePoint
displaying document properties, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
exporting to sites, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet
exporting via Access, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
importing, Using SharePoint Foundation with Excel 2010 and Access 2010
linking to lists, Importing a List to an Access Database, Working Offline
moving data to sites, Linking a Data-centric Application to a SharePoint List
renaming, Exporting a SharePoint List to an Excel Spreadsheet
troubleshooting, Importing a List to an Access Database
Tasks list/list template
about, Browsing Lists on a SharePoint Site, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
Access view, Working with an Access View
adding summary tasks, Adding Summary Tasks to a Task List
Assign To column, Managing Workflows
Calendar view, Working with a Calendar View
email settings, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
Gantt chart, Working with a Datasheet View
list views, Adding and Editing List Items
managing workflows, Managing Workflow Tasks within Outlook 2010
Quick Launch link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
saving, Creating and Using a List Template
three-state workflows, Configuring a Workflow
usage example, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
team collaboration and sharing
Document Workspace, Publishing a Document Back to a Document Library
editing wiki pages, Working with Web Pages
tools supporting, Introduction to SharePoint Foundation 2010, Office Integration with SharePoint Foundation
Team Discussion discussion board, Viewing the Results of a Survey
Team Site template
about, Creating Sites, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
built-in Web Parts and, Using Alerts
discussion boards and, Viewing the Results of a Survey
templates, Managing Users and Permissions
(see also specific templates)
document, Opening Documents in the Client or the Browser, Managing Users and Permissions
form, Using SharePoint Foundation with InfoPath 2010
list, Working with Lists, Attaching Files to List Items, Working with a Calendar View
site, Creating and Managing Sites, Creating Sites, Creating a Child Workspace, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
web, Creating Sites, Changing a Site’s Theme, Managing Site Features
Text Box list, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
Text Layout command, Editing a Page
text messages
receiving alerts, Working with Version History
setting up alerts, Sorting and Filtering a List
applying, Creating a Child Workspace
Meeting Workspace templates, Creating Sites
Things to Bring list template, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
Threaded view, Viewing the Results of a Survey
three-state workflows, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint, Associating Workflows with Content Types
Time To Live setting, Configuring RSS Feeds for a List or Library
title metadata property, Searching the SharePoint Site
top link bar
about, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
configuring, Browsing Document Libraries
Home tab link, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
top navigation area
about, Team Collaboration and Sharing, Navigating a SharePoint Site
customizing, Browsing Document Libraries
Ribbon interface and, Navigating the Ribbon Interface
top link bar, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site
top-level sites, Creating and Managing Sites, Managing Site Content Syndication
Translation Management workflow template, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint
alerts, Managing SharePoint Alerts in Outlook
exporting Access data to lists, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
importing data from spreadsheets, Importing Data from an Excel Spreadsheet to a List in SharePoint
Meeting Workspace, Creating a Meeting Workspace, Adding Items to a Meeting Workspace
moving contacts, Copying SharePoint Contacts into Outlook
Office Web Apps, Editing Documents
queries, Searching the SharePoint Site
recurring events, Moving an Outlook Contact to a SharePoint Contacts List, Copying SharePoint Contacts into Outlook
search queries, Searching the SharePoint Site, Searching the SharePoint Site
surveys, Responding to a Survey
tables, Importing a List to an Access Database
URLs, Creating a Meeting Workspace, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
web pages, Removing a Web Part
Web Parts, Removing a Web Part
Work Offline command, Taking SharePoint Content Offline
workflows, Working with Workflows
working offline with Access data, Working Offline


Web Compatibility Issues table, Importing a List to an Access Database
web database sites, Linking a Data-centric Application to a SharePoint List
web databases, Exporting an Excel Table to a SharePoint Site
web logs (see blog(s))
web pages, Working with Web Pages
(see also Web Part pages; wiki pages)
adding Web Parts, Using Alerts
alert support, Working with Page History and Versions
removing Web Parts, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
troubleshooting, Removing a Web Part
types of, Working with Web Pages
Web Part Page Gallery, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
Web Part Page Maintenance page, Removing a Web Part
Web Part pages
about, Working with Web Pages
customizing, Editing Web Part Pages
editing, Customizing a Web Part by Using the Web Part Tool Pane
Personal version, Customizing a Web Part by Using the Web Part Tool Pane
Shared version, Customizing a Web Part by Using the Web Part Tool Pane
Web Part pane
adding Web Parts, Using Alerts
Closed Web Parts category, Removing a Web Part
customizing Web Parts, Removing a Web Part
removing Web Parts, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Web Part zones, Customizing a Web Part by Using the Web Part Tool Pane
Web Part(s)
about, Navigating the Home Page and the SharePoint Site, Customizing the Left Navigation Panel
adding, Understanding Web Parts
adding from Web Part pane, Using Alerts
connected, Relating List and Item Views
creating, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
customizing via Web Part pane, Removing a Web Part
importing, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Meeting Workspace and, Deleting a Document Workspace, Creating a Meeting Workspace, Adding Items to a Meeting Workspace
moving, Editing Web Part Pages
removing, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
restoring, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
troubleshooting, Removing a Web Part
web pages and, Working with Web Pages
web templates
about, Creating Sites, Changing a Site’s Theme
saving, Saving and Using a Site Template
SharePoint Features, Managing Site Features
What’s New Web Part, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
Whereabouts list/list template, Discovering Default Lists in a Site, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
Whereabouts Web Part, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
wiki page libraries
configuring, Deleting and Restoring a Library
creating, Creating a Wiki Page Library
creating pages, Changing the Layout of a Page
editing pages, Working with Web Pages
email settings, Configuring Incoming Email Settings
list templates, Discovering Default Lists in a Site
versioning support, Adding Links
wiki pages, Customizing the Left Navigation Panel
(see also Web Parts)
about, Working with Web Pages
adding links, Creating a New Page
changing page layouts, Editing a Page
creating, Changing the Layout of a Page
editing, Working with Web Pages
naming convention, Creating a New Page
reverting to previous copies, Adding Links
versioning support, Adding Links
about, Introduction to SharePoint Foundation 2010, Creating a Wiki Page Library, Working with Workspaces and Blogs
creating, Working with Workspaces and Blogs
RSS feed support, Working with Workspaces and Blogs
Wikipedia, Creating a Wiki Page Library
WikiWikiWeb, Creating a Wiki Page Library
Windows groups, Managing Site Users and Permissions
Word (Microsoft)
creating blog posts, Creating a Blog Post
email settings and, Granting List Item Permissions
File tab, Editing a Form
offline editing, Connecting a SharePoint Contacts List to Outlook
revealing external data, Importing a List to an Access Database
Spelling & Grammar feature, Editing a Page
viewing/editing document properties, Creating a Custom Office Document Information Panel
Work Offline command, Taking SharePoint Content Offline
workflow templates
about, Automating Business Processes Using SharePoint
associating with content types, Associating Workflows with Content Types
associating with document libraries, Configuring a Workflow
built-in, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint
customizing, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint
three-state, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint, Associating Workflows with Content Types
about, Working with Workflows
Access considerations, Linking a Data-centric Application to a SharePoint List
additional information, Automating Business Processes Using SharePoint
associating with content types, Removing Workflows from Lists and Libraries
built-in, Automating Business Processes Using SharePoint
configuring, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint
managing, Working with Workflows
managing tasks within Outlook, Managing Workflow Tasks within Outlook 2010
process example, Configuring a Workflow
removing from libraries, Terminating Workflows
removing from lists, Terminating Workflows
terminating, Managing Workflow Tasks within Outlook 2010
troubleshooting, Working with Workflows
Workflows page, Understanding the Built-in Workflows of SharePoint
Workspaces, Creating and Managing Sites
(see also specific types of Workspaces)
about, Creating and Managing Sites
creating, Managing Site Users and Permissions
remembering URLs, Accessing an Existing Document Workspace
revealing external data, Importing a List to an Access Database
synchronizing, Understanding the Home Page of a Meeting Workspace, Using SharePoint Foundation with Outlook 2010
.wsp file extension, Creating Sites, Saving and Using a Site Template


XLV (XSLT List View) Web Part
about, Using Alerts, Relating List and Item Views
adding, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane, Editing Web Part Pages
customizing, Removing a Web Part
Data View Web Part and, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
exporting Access data and, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
importing Access data and, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
Web Part support, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
XML Viewer Web Part, Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
.xps file extension, Exporting Data from an Access Database to a List in SharePoint
XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language), Adding a Web Part from the Web Part Pane
XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation), Using Alerts
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