
  • ACE. See Area control error (ACE)
  • AC MG frequency response model
  • Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)
    • closed-loop control system
      • for VSI-based inverter
    • generalized droop control concept
    • inputs and outputs
    • structure of
    • trained network output vs. real output
    • VSI inverter-based MG
  • AGC. See Automatic generation control (AGC)
  • Algebraic Riccati equation (ARE)
  • Algorithms
    • artificial neural network (ANN)
    • back-propagation (BP)
    • ECS (ACA-ECS) algorithm
    • genetic
    • iterative linear matrix inequalities (ILMI)
    • LS algorithm
    • PSO
    • statistical cooperative power dispatching (SCPD)
  • Analog network simulator (ANS)
  • ANFIS. See Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)
  • Angle and voltage control
  • Angle–voltage deviation graph
  • Angular velocity
  • ANN. See Artificial neural network (ANN)
  • ANN-based self-tuning frequency control
    • in intelligent control
    • proposed control scheme
      • ANN structure used for PI tuning
      • system response
      • updating weights via back-propagation learning
  • Area control error (ACE)
    • calculation
    • effects of local load changes and interface
    • signals, filtered before
  • Artificial neural network (ANN)
    • intelligent control structures
    • MG test system
    • PI tuning
  • Artificial neural networks
  • Automatic frequency and voltage controls
  • Automatic generation control (AGC)
    • communicate with SCADA
    • frequency-dependent reserves, activated by
  • Automatic voltage regulators (AVRs)
    • challenge/limitations
    • conventional
    • direct feedback linearization (DFL) is used to design
    • integrated design approach
    • intelligent approaches
  • Automatic voltage regulators (AVRs) (Continued)
    • internal model control (IMC)
      • to construct a robust controller
    • model predictive control (MPC) method
    • particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique
    • resources
    • switching-based coordination method
    • switching concept-based coordination method
    • trapezoid-shaped membership functions
    • weighed switching-based coordination method
  • AVR and PSS coordination design
    • fuzzy logic-based coordination system
      • membership functions for signals
    • simulation results
      • system generator response
  • AVR–PSS synthesis approach, robust simultaneous
    • control framework
      • control structure
      • proposed H-SOF control framework
    • developed algorithm
      • BMI problems
      • ILMI algorithm
      • stabilizing SOF gain matrix
    • experiment results
    • real-time implementation
      • control/monitoring desks
      • excitation control system
      • four-machine infinite bus power system
      • performed computer-based control loop
      • speed governing and turbine system
  • AVRs. See Automatic voltage regulators (AVRs)
  • Back-propagation learning
  • Battery energy storage system (BESS)
  • Bias factor
  • Case studies
    • isolated MG
    • new York/New England 16-machine 68-bus system
    • nine-bus power system
    • and simulation
    • SSR phenomenon, and increasing AVR gains
  • Circuit breaker (CB)
  • Communications
    • and application levels
    • between control units
    • data
    • distribution systems
    • EMS-leve
    • infrastructures
      • within the grid
    • internet protocol (IP) based
    • low-bandwidth
    • narrowband
    • power distribution networks with two-way
    • power line communication (PLC)
    • SCADA-level
    • servers
    • speed and accuracy
    • standard protocols
    • wideband
  • Contingency reserve services
  • Controller tuning, using a vibration model
    • simulation results
      • comparison of eigenvalues variation
      • exciter model with Δω type PSS
      • result of PSSs tuning in the nighttime condition
      • result of the PSS tuning in daytime condition
      • simulation with tuned PSSs of generators
      • stability change with gradual tuning of PSS connected to generator
    • tuning mechanism
    • vibration model, including effect of damping controllers
  • Control synthesis. See also Microgrids (MGs)
    • global control synthesis
      • adaptive energy consumption scheduling
        • connected MGs, distribution network
        • proposed methodology
      • power dispatching in interconnected MGs
        • methodology
    • local control synthesis
    • secondary control synthesis
      • conventional/fuzzy PI-based frequency control
        • fuzzy PI-based secondary frequency control
        • fuzzy rules set
        • PI control parameters
      • intelligent frequency control
        • AC MG frequency response model
        • case study
      • PSO-fuzzy PI frequency control
        • closed-loop system
        • online PSO algorithm
      • simulation results
  • Coordinated AVR-PSS
  • Damping coefficient
  • Damping controllers
  • Data acquisition
  • Data collection
  • Data exchange
  • Defuzzification layer
  • DFIGs. See Doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs)
  • Diesel engine generator (DEG)
    • frequency deviation
    • power response
  • Diesel generators
  • Distributed generator (DG)
  • Disturbance/fault analysis
  • Doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs)
  • Dynamic controller
  • Eastern interconnected system
  • ECSs. See Energy capacitor systems (ECSs)
  • Electromechanical dynamics
  • Elkraft Power Co.
  • Emergency control synthesis
    • developed LS algorithm
      • case studies
      • ROCOF
      • simulation
    • system response after using LS scheme
  • Emergency protection/control loop
  • EMS. See Energy management system (EMS)
  • Energy capacitor systems (ECSs)
  • Energy consumption scheduling
  • Energy imbalance management
    • reserve
  • Energy management system (EMS)
    • application layer
  • EUROSTAG software
  • Excitation system
    • control system
  • FACTS. See Flow controlling reference points (FACTS)
  • Fixed speed induction generators (FSIGs)
  • Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC) standard
  • Flow controlling reference points (FACTS)
  • Flywheel energy storage system (FESS)
  • Four-machine infinite-bus power system
    • conventional PSS parameters
    • excitation parameters
    • generator constants
    • governor/turbine parameters
    • line parameters
  • Four-order linearized dynamical model
  • Frequency
    • control
      • dynamic
      • FC and DEG
      • load disturbance
      • operating states
      • power reserves
    • controlled protection devices
    • dependent reserves
    • deviations
      • ranges and associated control actions
      • and rate of frequency change
        • G2 outage with/without WTGs
    • generation–load dynamic, relationship
    • monitoring network
    • regulation, with contribution of RESs
    • response model
    • stability
    • variation
  • Fuel cell (FC) system
    • frequency deviation
    • fuel blocks
  • Fuzzy PI-based secondary frequency control
  • Fuzzy rules
  • Global positioning system (GPS)
    • satellite clock
    • synchronized GPS time
  • Graphical tools
    • angle–voltage deviation graph
    • electromechanical wave propagation graph
      • angle wave and system configuration
      • wave propagation
    • frequency–angle deviation graph
    • simulation results
      • disturbance in demand side
      • disturbance in generation side
    • voltage–frequency deviation graph
      • Δv−Δf graph
        • for contingency assessment
        • for load shedding synthesis
    • in WAMS, importance of
  • High-voltage DC (HVDC) special controls
  • Hurwitz criteria, polynomials
  • Hysteresis modulation
  • ICT architecture
    • data collection
      • utility-owned communications
    • data exchange between utilities require
    • requirements for a PDC
    • schema for wide-area phasor measurement system
      • PMU/WAMS
    • standards of phasor data transmission protocol
      • IEEE C37.118
    • storage of data archiving for
      • data files
  • IEEE nine-bus power system
    • updated version
  • Independent power producers (IPPs)
  • Induction generators (IGs)
  • Inertia
  • Information and communication technology (ICT)
  • Instantaneous contingency reserves
  • Intelligent droop-based voltage
    • neuro-fuzzy control framework
      • structure of ANFIS
    • synthesis procedure/performance evaluation
      • inputs/outputs of proposed controller
      • load change pattern scenario
      • trained network output versus real output
      • VSI inverter-based MG with
  • Intelligent systems in real power systems
    • problems for future extension
  • Intelligent technologies, in Japanese power system
  • Interarea low-frequency oscillations
  • International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE)
    • technical report dealing with
  • Interutility control center communication protocol (ICCP)
  • Inverter terminal voltage
  • Kharitonov’s theorem
  • Kinetic energy
  • Knowledge-based expert systems
  • Laplace transform
  • Lead-lag compensator
  • Least-squares error (LSE) method
  • Load change pattern scenario
  • Load controllers (LC)
  • Load demand management
  • Load disturbances
    • multiple step
  • Load-frequency control (LFC)
    • model
  • Load–generation system
  • Load–generation variation
  • Load shedding (LS)
    • PQ coupling
    • simultaneous voltage and frequency-based
      • approach for optimal UFVLS
      • case studies
        • 24-bus test system
        • nine-bus test system
      • implementation
      • proposed LS scheme
      • robustness of UFVLS in presence of WTGs
      • simulation results
    • standards
    • system response with
  • Local area network (LAN)
  • Local control synthesis
    • robust voltage control design
      • controller design
        • acceptable values, of polynomials
        • Kharitonov’s theorem, application
  • Long-term stability problem
  • Low-frequency oscillation dynamics
    • electromechanical modes characteristics
      • low-frequency oscillations, mode1/2
      • phase differences
        • Fourier spectrum of
    • Southeast Asia power network
      • oscillation characteristics analyses
        • frequency analysis
        • frequency deviations during
        • low-frequency oscillations, about 0.5 Hz/0.3 Hz
  • LS. See Load shedding (LS)
  • Mamdani fuzzy inference system
  • Mathematical models
    • limitations
  • MATLAB software
  • Maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
  • Measurement-based controller design
  • MG central controller (MGCC)
  • Microgrids (MGs)
    • architecture
    • control
      • central/emergency controls
      • general scheme
      • global controls
      • local
      • loops
      • secondary
    • model for microsource connected to
  • Multiarea power system
  • National Electrical Reliability Coordinating Council (NERCC)
  • National Electricity Market Management Company
  • Neuro-fuzzy control framework
    • design steps
    • structure of ANFIS
  • Nine-bus power system
  • Nine-bus test system
  • Nonspinning (contingency) reserve
  • Off-line stability evaluation
  • Oscillation characteristics, in power systems
    • Eigenvalue analysis
    • in interconnected power system
      • block diagram of AVR
      • generator rated capacity and output
      • IEEJ WEST 10-machine system model
      • mode shapes associated with generator angle
      • participation factors associated with generator angle
      • system constants of WEST 10-machine system
    • participation factor
  • Oscillation model identification
    • using phasor measurements
      • dominant mode identification, with signal filtering
      • oscillation model of electromechanical mode
  • Oscillation monitoring, using phasor measurements
    • Japan Power Network, monitoring of
      • NCT2000
      • overall schema for the campus WAMS
      • phasor measurement unit
      • phasor voltage, computation using sinusoidal voltage
    • monitoring of the Southeast Asia power network
      • WAMS for power system dynamics using PMUs
  • Oscillations
    • in accelerator powers
    • angular velocity of
    • characteristics (See Oscillation characteristics, in power systems)
    • damping
      • coordinator designs
      • with poor
    • damp interarea
    • dynamics
      • low-frequency
    • electromechanical
    • interarea low-frequency
    • magnitude of
    • model identification using (See Oscillation model identification)
    • modes
    • monitoring
    • original and filtered
    • power
    • second-order oscillation model
    • small-signal
    • stability
    • torsional
    • undesirable
    • voltage/rotor angle
  • Overfrequency generation trip (OFGT)
  • Overfrequency generator shedding (OFGS)
  • Participation factors
    • associated with generator angle
  • Particle swarm optimization (PSO) techniques
  • PDCs. See Phasor data concentrators (PDCs)
  • Peak-to-average ratio (PAR)
  • Phase angle
  • Phasor data concentrators (PDCs)
  • Phasor measurement units (PMUs)
    • to collect the data measured by
    • data automatically collected by PDCs
    • frequency variation observed by
    • installations
    • installed within service area of each power company
    • measurements
    • PMU/intelligent electronic devices (IEDs)
    • projects in Canada
    • protocol applies to sending data from
    • schema of PMU/WAMS
  • Photovoltaic (PV) panel
  • PI feedback control
  • PMUs. See Phasor measurement units (PMUs)
  • Point of common coupling (PCC) junction
  • Power dynamic management
  • Power generation–load balance
  • Power grids
  • PowerLink Co.
  • Power Log
  • Power system
    • controls
      • emergency controls
      • normal/preventive controls
    • interconnected
    • oscillation dynamics
    • parameters
    • stability, (See also Power system stabilizers (PSSs))
      • defined
      • small-signal
  • Power system stabilizers (PSSs)
    • challenge/limitations
    • conventional
    • direct feedback linearization (DFL) is used to design
    • integrated design approach
    • intelligent approaches
    • internal model control (IMC)
      • to construct a robust controller
    • model predictive control (MPC) method
    • particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique
    • resources
    • switching-based coordination method
    • switching concept-based coordination method
    • trapezoid-shaped membership functions
    • weighed switching-based coordination method
  • Primary control,. See also Frequency, control
  • PSS–AVR system
  • PSSs. See Power system stabilizers (PSSs)
  • Pulse density modulation (PDM)
  • Pulse width modulation (PWM)
  • Rate of change of frequency (ROCOF)
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Real-time stability assessment
  • Real-world power systems
  • Regulation power
    • reserve
  • Reliability test system (RTS)
  • Remote terminal units (RTUs)
  • Renewable energy source (RES)
    • actual RES tie-line power
    • contribution to regulation services
    • frequency regulation with contribution of
    • impacts of renewable energy options
    • power fluctuation
    • variations caused by
  • Replacement reserves
  • RES. See Renewable energy source (RES)
  • Research Laboratory of the Kyushu Electric Power Company (KEPCO)
  • Rotating inertia
  • Rotor angle stability
  • SCADA system. See Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system
  • Secondary control
  • Secondary voltage control
  • Security assessment, and control system
  • Short-term stability problem
  • Simulation
    • case study
    • data and system parameters
    • model
    • package
    • results
    • sampling time
    • time domain
  • Small-signal stability assessment
    • based on frequency monitoring
      • comparison of eigenvalues
      • comparison of modeling accuracy
      • FFT results
      • filtered speed deviations of each point
    • based on phasor measurements
      • comparison of eigenvalues
      • comparison of modeling accuracy
      • FFT results
      • location of installed PMUs
    • simulation study
      • comparison of Eigenvalues with type of filtering method
      • eigenvalues of dominant modes, calculated by
      • generator rated capacity
      • original and filtered oscillations
  • Smart grid technologies
  • Spare power capacity
  • Spinning reserve
  • Standards redesign
  • Static compensator (STATCOM)
  • Static VAR compensator (SVC)
  • Statistical cooperative power dispatching (SCPD)
  • Substation automation systems (SASs)
  • Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system
    • architecture
    • regional SCADA, West Regional Electric Co.
    • structure
    • typical center, simplified structure
  • Sustainable energy
  • SVC. See Static VAR compensator (SVC)
  • Synchronized phasor measurement
  • Synchronous condensers
  • Synchrophasors, IEEE Standard
  • System parameters
    • open-loop bode diagram
    • rated values
  • System response. See various algorithm applications
  • Tabu search
  • Tertiary voltage control
  • Torsional oscillation
  • Trade-off
    • AVR and PSS performance
    • optimal (full NAs demand) and uniform (no NAs demand) schemes
    • simplicity and preciseness
    • voltage regulation and closed-loop stability
  • Tuning mechanism
  • Turbine time constant
  • UFVLS scheme. See Underfrequency/voltage LS (UFVLS)
  • Uncertain parameters
    • variation range
  • Underfrequency generation trip (UFGT)
  • Underfrequency load shedding (UFLS)
    • strategy
  • Underfrequency/voltage LS (UFVLS)
    • considering time delay and permitted shedding region
    • flowchart
    • optimal approach
    • robustness of UFVLS in the presence of WTGs
  • Undervoltage load shedding (UVLS)
  • Utility-owned communications
  • Vibration model
    • dynamics
  • Virginia Tech
  • Voltage behavior
    • impact of wind turbines on
      • DFIG-type penetration
      • IG-type penetration
      • with/without static compensator
  • Voltage compensators
  • Voltage control design
    • case study
    • designs
  • Voltage stability
  • Voltage variation
  • VSI-based inverter
  • WAMS. See Wide-area measurement system (WAMS)
  • Wave propagation-based emergency control
    • proposed control scheme
      • framework of proposed methodology
    • simulation results
      • application to 24-bus test system
      • ring systems and islanding
  • Western Electricity Coordinating Council, United States
  • Wide-area measurement system (WAMS)
    • based controller design
      • design procedure
        • closed-loop system configuration
      • simulation results
        • Bode diagram of the model
        • coefficients of H controller
        • comparison of bode diagrams
        • eigenvalues of simple two-area system
        • exciter and PSS model for generators
        • filtered phase difference
        • filtered phase difference and output signal
        • Fourier spectrum
        • input signal u for low-order model
        • with original two-area system
        • phase difference between nodes
        • simple two-area system model
        • simulation with tuned PSSs of generators
        • step response with low-order model
      • wide-area power system identification
        • approximate oscillation model of interested mode represented by
  • Wide-area measurement system (WAMS) (Continued)
        • oscillation dynamics with a single mode
        • procedure of determining model F(s)
        • simulation with tuned PSSs of generators
    • based coordination approach
      • application
      • developed algorithm
        • control laws
        • generalized stable region of power system
        • proposed control algorithm
        • rotor rotation
        • swing equation
      • high penetration of wind power
      • simulation results
        • with wind power
        • without wind power
    • based interarea mode identification
      • fast Fourier transform (FFT)-based filter, for pass band
      • original and filtered phase differences
    • damping controller design with
    • emergency control (See Load shedding (LS))
    • performed Campus WAMS
      • configuration in Japan
      • overall framework
    • small-signal stability assessment (See Small-signal stability assessment)
    • tuning mechanism
  • Wide-area monitoring system. See Wide-area measurement system (WAMS)
  • Wide-area phasor measurement system
  • Wide-area power system dynamics
  • Widrow–Hoff correlation
  • Wind
    • energy
    • generation
    • power
      • facilities
      • high penetration
      • on system performance
    • speed
    • turbine generator
  • Ziegler–Nichols method
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