Building decision trees to solve multiclass problems

In this recipe, we will look at building decision trees to solve multiclass classification problems. Intuitively, a decision tree can be defined as a process of arriving at an answer by asking a series of questions: a series of if-then statements arranged hierarchically forms a decision tree. Due to this nature, they are easy to understand and interpret.

Refer to the following link for a detailed introduction to decision trees:

Theoretically, many decision trees can be built for a given dataset. Some of the trees are more accurate than others. There are efficient algorithms for developing a reasonably accurate tree in a limited time. One such algorithm is Hunt's algorithm. Algorithms such as ID3, C4.5, and CART (Classification and Regression Trees) are based on Hunt's algorithm. Hunt's algorithm can be outlined as follows:

Given a dataset, D, of n records and with each record having m attributes / features / columns and each record labeled either y1, y2, or y3, the algorithm proceeds as follows:

  • If all the records in D belong to the same class label, say y1, then y1 is the leaf node of the tree and is labeled y1.
  • If D has records that belong to more than one class label, a feature test condition is employed to divide the records into smaller subsets. Let's say in the initial run, we run a feature test condition on all the attributes and find a single attribute that is able to split the datasets into three smaller subsets. This attribute becomes the root node. We apply the test condition on all the three subsets to figure out the next level of nodes. This process is performed iteratively.

Notice that when we defined our classification, we defined three class labels, y1, y2, and y3. This is different from the problems that we solved in the previous two recipes, where we had only two labels. This is a multiclass problem. Our Iris dataset that we used in most of our recipes is a three-class problem. We had our records distributed across three class labels. We can generalize it to an n-class problem. Digit recognition is another example by which we need to classify a given image in one of the digits between zero and nine. Many real-word problems are inherently multiclass. Some algorithms are also inherently capable of handling multiclass problems. No change is required for these algorithms. The algorithms that we will discuss in the chapters are all capable of handling multiclass problems. Decision trees, Naïve Bayes, and KNN algorithms are good at handling multiclass problems.

Let's see how we can leverage decision trees to handle multiclass problems in this recipe. It also helps to have a good understanding of decision trees. Random forest, which we will venture into in the next chapter, is a more sophisticated method used widely in the industry and is based on decision trees.

Let's now dive into our decision tree recipe.

Getting ready

We will use the Iris dataset to demonstrate how to build decision trees. Decision trees are a non-parametric supervised learning method that can be used to solve both classification and regression problems. As explained previously, the advantages of using decision trees are manifold, as follows:

  • They are easily interpretable
  • They require very little data preparation and data-to-feature conversion: remember our feature generation methods in the previous recipe
  • They naturally support multiclass problems

Decision trees are not without problems. Some of the problems that they pose are as follows:

  • They can easily overfit: a high accuracy in a training set and very poor performance with a test data.
  • There can be millions of trees that can be fit to a given dataset.
  • The class imbalance problem may affect decision trees heavily. The class imbalance problem arises when our training set does not consist of an equal number of instances for both the class labels in a binary classification problem. This applies to multiclass problems as well.

An important part of decision trees is the feature test condition. Let's spend some time understanding the feature test condition. Typically, each attribute in our instance can be either understood.

Binary attribute: This is where an attribute can take two possible values, for example, true or false. The feature test condition should return two values in this case.

Nominal attribute: This is where an attribute can take more than two values, for example, n values. The feature test condition should either output n output or group them into binary splits.

Ordinal attribute: This is where an implicit order in their values exists. For example, let's take an imaginary attribute called size, which can take on the values small, medium, or large. There are three values that the attribute can take and there is an order for them: small, medium, large. They are handled by the feature attribute test condition that is similar to the nominal attribute.

Continuous attributes: These are attributes that can take continuous values. They are discretized into ordinal attributes and then handled.

A feature test condition is a way to split the input records into subsets based on a criteria or metric called impurity. This impurity is calculated with respect to the class label for each attribute in the instance. The attribute contributing to the highest impurity is chosen as the data splitting attribute, or in other words, the node for that level in the tree.

Let's see an example to explain it. We will use a measure called entropy to calculate the impurity.

Entropy is defined as follows:

Getting ready


Getting ready

Let's consider an example:

X = {2,2}

We can now calculate the entropy for this set, as follows:

Getting ready

The entropy for this set is 0. An entropy of 0 indicates homogeneity. It is very easy to code entropy in Python. Look at the following code list:

import math

def prob(data,element):
    """Calculates the percentage count of a given element

    Given a list and an element, returns the elements percentage count
    element_count =0
   	# Test conditoin to check if we have proper input
    if len(data) == 0 or element == None 
                or not isinstance(element,(int,long,float)):
        return None      
    element_count = data.count(element)
    return element_count / (1.0 * len(data))

def entropy(data):
    """"Calcuate entropy
    entropy =0.0
    if len(data) == 0:
        return None
    if len(data) == 1:
        return 0
        for element in data:
            p = prob(data,element)
    except ValueError as e:
        print e.message
    return entropy

For the purpose of finding the best splitting variable, we will leverage the entropy. First, we will calculate the entropy based on the class labels, as follows:

Getting ready

Let's define another term called information gain. Information gain is a measure to find which attribute in the given instance is most useful for discrimination between the class labels.

Information gain is the difference between an entropy of the parent and an average entropy of the child nodes. At each level in the tree, we will use information gain to build the tree:

We will start with all the attributes in a training set and calculate the overall entropy. Let's look at the following example:

Getting ready

The preceding dataset is imaginary data collected for a user to figure out what kind of movies he is interested in. There are four attributes: the first one is about whether the user watches a movie based on the lead actor, the second attribute is about if the user makes his decision to watch the movie based on whether or not it won an Oscar, and the third one is about if the user decides to watch a movies based on whether or not it is a box office success.

In order to build a decision tree for the preceding example, we will start with the entropy calculation of the whole dataset. This is a two-class problem, hence c = 2. Additionally, there are a total of four records, hence, the entropy of the whole dataset is as follows:

Getting ready

The overall entropy of the dataset is 0.811.

Now, let's look at the first attribute, the lead attribute. For a lead actor, Y, there is one instance class label that says Y and another one that says N. For a lead actor, N, both the instance class labels are N. We will calculate the average entropy as follows:

Getting ready

It's an average entropy. There are two records with a lead actor as Y and two records with lead actors as N; hence, we have 2/4.0 multiplied to the entropy value.

As the entropy is calculated for this subset of data, we can see that out of the two records, one of them has a class label of Y and another one has a class label of N for the lead actor Y. Similarly, for the lead actor N, both the records have a class label of N. Thus, we get the average entropy for this attribute.

The average entropy value for the lead actor attribute is 0.5.

The information gain is now 0.811 – 0.5 = 0.311.

Similarly, we will find the information gain for all the attributes. The attribute with the highest information gain wins and becomes the root node of the decision tree.

The same process is repeated in order to find the second level of the nodes, and so on.

How to do it…

Let's load the required libraries. We will follow it with two functions, one to load the data and the second one to split the data into a training set and a test it:

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedShuffleSplit
import numpy as np
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score,classification_report,confusion_matrix
import pprint

def get_data():
    Get Iris data
    data = load_iris()
    x = data['data']
    y = data['target']
    label_names = data['target_names']
    return x,y,label_names.tolist()

def get_train_test(x,y):
    Perpare a stratified train and test split
    train_size = 0.8
    test_size = 1-train_size
    input_dataset = np.column_stack([x,y])
    stratified_split = StratifiedShuffleSplit(input_dataset[:,-1], 
            test_size=test_size,n_iter=1,random_state = 77)

    for train_indx,test_indx in stratified_split:
        train_x = input_dataset[train_indx,:-1]
        train_y = input_dataset[train_indx,-1]
        test_x =  input_dataset[test_indx,:-1]
        test_y = input_dataset[test_indx,-1]
    return train_x,train_y,test_x,test_y

Let's write the functions to help us build and test the decision tree model:

def build_model(x,y):
    Fit the model for the given attribute 
    class label pairs
    model = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion="entropy")
    model =,y)
    return model

def test_model(x,y,model,label_names):
    Inspect the model for accuracy
    y_predicted = model.predict(x)
    print "Model accuracy = %0.2f"%(accuracy_score(y,y_predicted) * 100) + "%
    print "
Confusion Matrix"
    print "================="
    print pprint.pprint(confusion_matrix(y,y_predicted))
    print "
Classification Report"
    print "================="
    print classification_report(y,y_predicted,target_names=label_names)

Finally, the main function to invoke all the other functions that we defined is as follows:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Load the data
    x,y,label_names = get_data()
    # Split the data into train and test    
    train_x,train_y,test_x,test_y = get_train_test(x,y)
    # Build model    
    model = build_model(train_x,train_y)
    # Evaluate the model on train dataset    
    # Evaluate the model on test dataset

How it works…

Let's start with the main function. We invoke get_data in the x, y, and label_names variables in order to retrieve the Iris dataset. We took the label names so that when we see our model accuracy, we can measure it by individual labels. As said previously, the Iris data poses a three-class problem. We will need to build a classifier that can classify any new instances in one of the tree types: setosa, versicolor, or virginica.

Once again, as in the previous recipes, get_train_test returns stratified train and test datasets. We then leverage StratifiedShuffleSplit from scikit-learn to get the training and test datasets with an equal class label distribution.

We must invoke the build_model method to induce a decision tree on our training set. The DecisionTreeClassifier class in the model tree of scikit-learn implements a decision tree:

model = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion="entropy")

As you can see, we specified that our feature test condition is an entropy using the criterion variable. We then build the model by calling the fit function and return the model to the calling program.

Now, let's proceed to evaluate our model by using the test_model function. The model takes instances x , class labels y, decision tree model model, and the name of the class labels label_names.

The module metric in scikit-learn provides three evaluation criteria:

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score,classification_report,confusion_matrix

We defined accuracy in the previous recipe and the introduction section.

A confusion matrix prints the confusion matrix defined in the introduction section. A confusion matrix is a good way of evaluating the model performance. We are interested in the cell values having true positive and false positive values.

Finally, we also have classification_report to print the precision, recall, and F1 score.

We must evaluate the model on the training data first:

How it works…

We have done a great job with the training dataset. We have 100 percent accuracy. The true test is with the test dataset where the rubber meets the road.

Let's look at the model evaluation using the test dataset:

How it works…

Our classifier has performed extremely well with the test set as well.

There's more…

Let's probe the model to see how the various features contributed towards discriminating the classes.

def get_feature_names():
    data = load_iris()
    return data['feature_names']

def probe_model(x,y,model,label_names):

    feature_names = get_feature_names()
    feature_importance = model.feature_importances_
    print "
Feature Importance
    print "=====================
    for i,feature_name in enumerate(feature_names):
        print "%s = %0.3f"%(feature_name,feature_importance[i])

    # Export the decison tree as a graph

The tree classifier object provides an attribute called feature_importances_, which can be called to retrieve the importance of the various features towards building our model.

We wrote a simple function, get_feature_names, in order to retrieve the names of our attributes. However, this can be added as a part of get_data.

Let's look at the print statement output:

There's more…

This looks as if the petal width and petal length are contributing more towards our classification.

Interestingly, we can also export the tree built by the classifier as a dot file and it can be visualized using the GraphViz package. In the last line, we export our model as a dot file:

# Export the decison tree as a graph

You can download and install the Graphviz package to visualize this:

See also

  • Preparing data for model building recipe in Chapter 6, Machine Learning I
  • Finding nearest neighbors recipe in Chapter 6, Machine Learning I
  • Classifying documents using Naive Bayes recipe in Chapter 6, Machine Learning I
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