Chapter 10. Large-Scale Machine Learning – Online Learning

In this chapter, we will see the following recipes:

  • Using perceptron as an online linear algorithm
  • Using stochastic gradient descent for regression
  • Using stochastic gradient descent for classification


In this chapter, we will concentrate on large-scale machine learning and the algorithms suited to tackle such large-scale problems. Till now, when we trained all our models, we assumed that our training set can fit into our computer's memory. In this chapter, we will see how to go about building models when this assumption is no longer satisfied. Our training records are of a huge size and so we cannot fit them completely into our memory. We may have to load them piecewise and still produce a model with a good accuracy. The argument of a training set not fitting into our computer memory can be extrapolated to streaming data. With streaming data, we don't see all the data at once. We should be able to make decisions based on whatever data we are exposed to and also have a mechanism for continuously improving our model as new data arrives.

We will introduce the framework of the stochastic gradient descent-based algorithms. This is a versatile framework to handle very large-scale datasets that will not fit completely into our memory. Several types of linear algorithms, including logistic regression, linear regression, and linear SVM, can be accommodated using this framework. The kernel trick, which we introduced in our previous chapter, can be included in this framework in order to deal with datasets with nonlinear relationships.

We will begin our list of recipes with the perceptron algorithm, the oldest machine learning algorithm. Perceptron is easy to understand and implement. However, Perceptron is limited to solving only linear problems. A kernel-based perceptron can be used to solve nonlinear datasets.

In our second recipe, we will formally introduce the framework of gradient descent-based methods and how it can be used to perform regression-based tasks. We will look at different loss functions to see how different types of linear models can be built using these functions. We will also see how perceptron belongs to the family of stochastic gradient descent.

In our final recipe, we will see how classification algorithms can be built using the stochastic gradient descent framework.

Even though we don't have a direct example of streaming data, with our existing datasets, we will see how the streaming data use cases can be addressed. Online learning algorithms are not limited to streaming data, they can be applied to batch data also, except that they process only one instance at a time.

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