Chapter 7. Machine Learning 2

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Predicting real-valued numbers using regression
  • Learning regression with L2 shrinkage – ridge
  • Learning regression with L1 shrinkage – LASSO
  • Using cross-validation iterators with L1 and L2 shrinkage


In this chapter, we will introduce regression techniques and how they can be coded in Python. We will follow it up with a discussion on some of the drawbacks that are inherent with regression methods, and discuss how to address the same using shrinkage methods. There are some parameters that need to be set in the shrinkage methods. We will discuss cross-validation techniques to find the optimal parameter values for the shrinkage methods.

We saw classification problems in the previous chapter. In this chapter, let's turn our attention towards regression problems. In classification, the response variable Y was either binary or a set of discrete values (in the case of multiclass and multilabel problems). In contrast, the response variable in regression is a real-valued number.

Regression can be thought of as a function approximation. The job of regression is to find a function such that when X, a set of random variables, is provided as an input to that function, it should return Y, the response variable. X is also referred to as an independent variable and Y is referred as a dependent variable.

We will leverage the techniques that we learnt in the previous chapter to divide our dataset into train, dev, and test sets, build our model iteratively on the train set, and validate it on dev. Finally, we will use our test set to get a good picture of the goodness of our model.

We will start the chapter with a recipe for simple linear regression using the least square estimation. At the beginning of the first recipe, we will provide a crisp introduction to the framework of regression, which is essential background information required to understand the other recipes in this chapter. Though very powerful, the simple regression framework suffers from a drawback. As there is no control over the upper and lower limits on the values that the coefficients of linear regression can take, they tend to overfit the given data. (The cost equation of linear regression is unconstrained. We will discuss more about it in the first recipe). The output regression model may not perform very well on unseen datasets. Shrinkage methods are used to address this problem. Shrinkage methods are also called regularization methods. In the next two recipes, we will cover two different shrinkage methods called LASSO and ridge. In our final recipe, we will introduce the concept of cross-validation and see how we can use it to our advantage in estimating the parameter, alpha, that is passed to ridge regression, a type of shrinkage method.

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