How to do it...

The section will provide steps to set-up an RNN model.

  1. Load the MNIST dataset:
# Load mnist dataset from tensorflow library 
datasets <- tf$contrib$learn$datasets 
mnist <- datasets$mnist$read_data_sets("MNIST-data", one_hot = TRUE) 
  1. Reset the graph and start an interactive session:
# Reset the graph and set-up a interactive session 
  1. Reduce image size to 16 x 16 pixels using the reduceImage function from Chapter 4, Data Representation using Autoencoders:
# Covert train data to 16 x 16  pixel image 
trainData<-t(apply(mnist$train$images, 1, FUN=reduceImage)) 
validData<-t(apply(mnist$test$images, 1, FUN=reduceImage)) 
  1. Extract labels for the defined train and valid datasets:
labels <- mnist$train$labels 
labels_valid <- mnist$test$labels
  1. Define model parameters such as size of input pixels (n_input), step size (step_size), number of hidden layers (n.hidden), and number of outcome classes (n.classes):
# Define Model parameter 
  1. Define training parameters such as learning rate (lr), number of inputs per batch run (batch), and number of iterations (iteration):
iteration = 100 
  1. Define a function rnn that takes in batch input dataset (x), weight matrix (weight), and bias vector (bias); and returns a final outcome predicted vector of a most basic RNN:
# Set up a most basic RNN 
rnn<-function(x, weight, bias){ 
  # Unstack input into step_size 
  x = tf$unstack(x, step_size, 1) 
  # Define a most basic RNN  
  rnn_cell = tf$contrib$rnn$BasicRNNCell(n.hidden) 
  # create a Recurrent Neural Network 
  cell_output = tf$contrib$rnn$static_rnn(rnn_cell, x, dtype=tf$float32) 
  # Linear activation, using rnn inner loop  
  last_vec=tail(cell_output[[1]], n=1)[[1]] 
  return(tf$matmul(last_vec, weights) + bias) 
Define a function eval_func to evaluate mean accuracy using actual (y) and predicted labels (yhat): 
# Function to evaluate mean accuracy 
eval_acc<-function(yhat, y){ 
  # Count correct solution 
  correct_Count = tf$equal(tf$argmax(yhat,1L), tf$argmax(y,1L)) 
  # Mean accuracy 
  mean_accuracy = tf$reduce_mean(tf$cast(correct_Count, tf$float32)) 
  1. Define placeholder variables (x and y) and initialize weight matrix and bias vector:
with(tf$name_scope('input'), { 
# Define placeholder for input data 
x = tf$placeholder(tf$float32, shape=shape(NULL, step_size, n_input), name='x') 
y <- tf$placeholder(tf$float32, shape(NULL, n.class), name='y') 
# Define Weights and bias 
weights <- tf$Variable(tf$random_normal(shape(n.hidden, n.class))) 
bias <- tf$Variable(tf$random_normal(shape(n.class))) 
  1. Generate the predicted labels:
# Evaluate rnn cell output 
yhat = rnn(x, weights, bias) 
Define the loss function and optimizer 
cost = tf$reduce_mean(tf$nn$softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=yhat, labels=y)) 
optimizer = tf$train$AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr)$minimize(cost) 
  1. Run the optimization post initializing a session using the global variables initializer:
for(i in 1:iteration){ 
  spls <- sample(1:dim(trainData)[1],batch) 
  # Reshape sample into 16 sequence with each of 16 element 
  sample_data=tf$reshape(sample_data, shape(batch, step_size, n_input)) 
  out<-optimizer$run(feed_dict = dict(x=sample_data$eval(), y=sample_y)) 
  if (i %% 1 == 0){ 
    cat("iteration - ", i, "Training Loss - ",  cost$eval(feed_dict = dict(x=sample_data$eval(), y=sample_y)), "
  1. Get the mean accuracy on valid_data:
valid_data=tf$reshape(validData, shape(-1, step_size, n_input)) 
cost$eval(feed_dict=dict(x=valid_data$eval(), y=labels_valid)) 
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