How to do it...

  1. Load the .rec file as iterators. The following is the function to load the .rec data as iterators:
# Function to load data as iterators 
data.iterator <- function(data.shape,,, BATCHSIZE = 128) { 
  # Load training data as iterator 
  train <- 
    path.imgrec =, 
    batch.size  = BATCHSIZE, 
    data.shape  = data.shape, 
    rand.crop   = TRUE, 
    rand.mirror = TRUE) 
  # Load validation data as iterator 
  val <- 
    path.imgrec =, 
    batch.size  = BATCHSIZE, 
    data.shape  = data.shape, 
    rand.crop   = FALSE, 
    rand.mirror = FALSE 
  return(list(train = train, val = val)) 

In the preceding function, reads batches of images from the RecordIO (.rec) files.

  1. Load data using the data.iterator function:
# Load dataset 
data  <- data.iterator(data.shape = c(224, 224, 3), 
             = "pks.lst_train.rec", 
              = "pks.lst_val.rec", 
                      BATCHSIZE = 8) 
train <- data$train 
val   <- data$val 
  1. Load the Inception-BN pretrained model from the Inception-BN folder:
# Load Inception-BN model 
inception_bn <- mx.model.load("Inception-BN", iteration = 126) 
symbol <- inception_bn$symbol 
The different layers of the model can be viewed using function symbol$arguments 
  1. Get the layers of the Inception-BN model:
# Load model information 
internals <- symbol$get.internals() 
outputs <- internals$outputs 
flatten <- internals$get.output(which(outputs == "flatten_output")) 
  1. Define a new layer to replace the flatten_output layer:
# Define new layer 
new_fc <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = flatten,  
                                   num_hidden = 2,  
                                   name = "fc1")  
new_soft <- mx.symbol.SoftmaxOutput(data = new_fc,  
                                    name = "softmax") 
  1. Initialize weights for the newly defined layer. To retrain the last layer, weight initialization is performed using the following script:
# Re-initialize the weights for new layer 
arg_params_new <- mxnet:::mx.model.init.params( 
  symbol = new_soft,  
  input.shape = c(224, 224, 3, 8),  
  output.shape = NULL,  
  initializer = mxnet:::mx.init.uniform(0.2),  
  ctx = mx.cpu(0) 
fc1_weights_new <- arg_params_new[["fc1_weight"]] 
fc1_bias_new <- arg_params_new[["fc1_bias"]] 

In the aforementioned layer, weights are assigned using uniform distribution between [-0.2, 0.2]. The ctx define the device on which the execution is to be performed.

  1. Retrain the model:
# Mode re-train 
model <- mx.model.FeedForward.create( 
  symbol             = new_soft, 
  X                  = train,          = val, 
  ctx                = mx.cpu(0), 
  eval.metric        = mx.metric.accuracy, 
  num.round          = 5, 
  learning.rate      = 0.05, 
  momentum           = 0.85, 
  wd                 = 0.00001, 
  kvstore            = "local", 
  array.batch.size   = 128, 
  epoch.end.callback ="inception_bn"), 
  batch.end.callback = mx.callback.log.train.metric(150), 
  initializer        = mx.init.Xavier(factor_type = "in", magnitude = 2.34), 
  optimizer          = "sgd", 
  arg.params         = arg_params_new, 
  aux.params         = inception_bn$aux.params 

The preceding model is set to run on CPU with five rounds, using accuracy as the evaluation metric. The following screenshot shows the execution of the described model:

Output from Inception-BN model, trained using CIFAR-10 dataset

The trained model has produced a training accuracy of 0.97 and a validation accuracy of 0.95.

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