How to do it...

The RNN models in TensorFlow can easily be extended to LSTM models by using BasicLSTMCell. The previous rnn function can be replaced with the lstm function to achieve an LSTM architecture:

# LSTM implementation 
lstm<-function(x, weight, bias){ 
  # Unstack input into step_size 
  x = tf$unstack(x, step_size, 1) 
  # Define a lstm cell 
  lstm_cell = tf$contrib$rnn$BasicLSTMCell(n.hidden, forget_bias=1.0, state_is_tuple=TRUE) 
  # Get lstm cell output 
  cell_output = tf$contrib$rnn$static_rnn(lstm_cell, x, dtype=tf$float32) 
  # Linear activation, using rnn inner loop last output 
  last_vec=tail(cell_output[[1]], n=1)[[1]] 
  return(tf$matmul(last_vec, weights) + bias) 

For brevity the other parts of the code are not replicated.

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