
A special thanks to my dynamic duo, Brad and Darlyn Kuhn of Brad Kuhn & Associates in Orlando, Florida. Your talents and creative writing and editing make my words jump off the page to deliver the true essence of my message to my readers.

I’m so grateful to Jeff Hegarty Photography for Jeff’s exceptional artistic creative abilities in capturing all the images and photos in this book. Your work makes the text come alive with visuals throughout the book.

Thanks to Jill Hegarty, owner of Twist Hair Studio in Orlando, Florida, for providing the photography studio and locations for the photo shoots, as well as hair and make-up for the models and actors. Thanks to personal hairdresser Jill Hegarty and stylists Jax St. Ledger, Megan Gregory, Lindsey Dixon, Audrey Weech, and Julian Montalvo for making us all look fabulous!

Likewise, gratitude is due to Maile Professional Image, Modeling & Acting School in Winter Park, Florida, and to Debbie Wisner, school owner, for providing the majority of the professional actors and models for the book. Thanks, Deb!

A special thanks to all my actors and models. Your dedication and time devoted to the project were overwhelming and deeply appreciated.

Dr. David Matsumoto and daughter Sayaka Matsumoto—thank you both for your training materials in reading facial expressions and intercultural communications. I am proud to be an affiliate trainer for your company, Humintell.

Thank you, Dr. James Pennebaker, for your contribution by providing your research and graph for reading the words people say, as author of The Secret Life of Pronouns.

Warm thanks to literary agent Marilyn Allen, who contacted me when searching for the perfect writer for The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Reading Body Language. You’re a beautiful soul and an inspiration. Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity and for making this all happen. And thank you, Tom Stevens, senior acquisitions editor at Alpha Books, for being a kind mentor, guiding me along the whole way.

To Jim Duke, Retired Lieutenant, New Jersey State Police, my best friend and colleague. Jim is my go-to person when I need a fresh set of eyes, support, and guidance as well as the technical writer for this book. I love you, Jim!

I appreciate my parents, Carol and John Kane, for always being there unconditionally. Love you both!

Most of all, to the loves of my life, my children. Thank you, my two beautiful daughters, Madison and McKenzie Faller, for supporting Mom all the way and putting up with my time spent plugging away on the computer. You are who I live for and my reason to take a breath each morning. My message each day to my girls is: “There is nothing you could ever say or do that would make me stop loving you. Thank you for giving my life meaning and purpose. Love you, Mommy.”

Special Thanks to the Technical Reviewer

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Reading Body Language was reviewed by an expert who double-checked the accuracy of what you’ll learn here, to help us ensure that this book gives you everything you need to know about body language. Special thanks are extended to Jim Duke.


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