
A GREAT COMMANDING OFFICER is imperative for the development and success of subordinates. I would like to thank both of mine, Colonel Jerry Durant and Colonel Robert Coates. Both were men whom I was inspired to follow and emulate. I appreciate their guidance and the high standards that they demanded of me.

As big an impact as both had, it was my platoon sergeants who taught me the most about leadership. I would not be the leader that I am today if I had not been as lucky as I was to have Staff Sergeant George Sanchez and Gunnery Sergeant Tom Dewitt in my life.

I met 2nd Lieutenant Mike Johannes on the first day of the Basic School. He was my roommate. He no longer is, but he remains my best friend. I associate with people who make me better. He has and continues to do so. Thank you.

You don’t choose your parents. If I could have, I would have picked the ones I was lucky enough to have been born to. Most parents let their kids grow up. I am so thankful that you raised me. To my mom: as a parent, I now appreciate how close you always want your children. I also understand how detrimental that can be. A man is a sum of his experiences. Thank you for telling me to go and have mine. To my dad: thank you for not only telling me, but more importantly, for showing me how to be the best teammate and team leader for my most important team, my family.

Doug Zembiec. WWZD. What Would Zembiec Do? You are still a guiding influence in my life. You will remain as such until I draw my final breath. Not a day goes by that I don’t still think about you, Warrior. I miss you.

To my son, Axel, and my daughter, Anastasia: if I have accomplished anything in my life, none of it compares to being your father. It is the greatest joy I have ever had and you are both my (and your mom’s) greatest accomplishments. You have both made me better and continue to do so every day in countless ways. Thank you for being my son and daughter. Thank you even more for being such great teammates.

To my wife, Melissa: I am sorry for the mistakes that I have made throughout our long relationship. I appreciate you for not only sticking by me, I appreciate you for always supporting me. We accomplish nothing in our lives as individuals. Everything we accomplish is as a member of a team. No team is more important to me than our family, and I wouldn’t want, nor could I have, a better teammate and team leader than you. I love you with my whole heart and appreciate you even more.

Finally, thank you to all the Marines with whom I had the pleasure of serving. In some way, you each had an everlasting impact on me. Outside of Husband and Daddy, Marine is still my most cherished title.

—Eric Kapitulik

As Marines we often speak about “standing on the shoulders of giants.” I have had the honor and privilege of knowing more than a few giants in my life. It is only by standing on their shoulders that I have been able to succeed.

My first battlefield was the football field, and Terry Hennigan at Irvine High School and Mike Browne at Tufts University, taught me to be tough, humble, and loyal.

I served on countless actual battlefields during my time in the Marine Corps. Every single Marine with whom I served had an impact on me, many of whom I literally owe my life to—in particular Trent Gibson, Gil Juarez, Jason Smith, John Mayer, Dave Lewis, Jason Soucy, and Matt Chase. You all impacted my life differently, but all moved me in the right direction. I only hope this book is an accurate reflection of the lessons you taught me.

The first Marine I ever met was my father, John MacDonald Jr. He has guided and influenced me throughout my life. I’m proud that we share the title United States Marine. I’m even prouder that we share the same name. My mom, Elaine, was, and is, every bit as tough as my Marine father. Through countless moves and cross-country drives, my mom taught me to be resilient and to always maintain a positive attitude. My sister, Kate, despite being a far superior athlete to me, showed me what it means to be a great teammate. I love you all.

My wife, Maria, is the love of my life and has done an amazing job of leading our family. I believe that through hard work and preparation we make our own luck. But, in this case, I am so lucky that you came into my life. I love you. My son, Johnny, and daughter, Sasha, keep me going and I can barely remember what my life was like before they came into it. Singing the Marines’ Hymn to them as they fall asleep is always the best part of my day.

—Jake MacDonald

Eric and Mac would also like to thank:

Our editor, Vicki Adang. This book flat out would not exist without your guidance, counsel, and most importantly your patience.

Zach Schisgal and his team at Wiley Publishing. Thank you for putting your trust and faith in two first-time authors. Your advice along the way was, and is, always spot on and appreciated.

The Program team. We feel so fortunate to be able to call these men and women teammates. In particular, we want to thank Ghislaine Stonnaker. She was our proofreader, research assistant, sounding board, and shoulder to cry on, among other varied and crucial roles. Her contributions to this book may not be visible to the reader, but her influence is in every word and page.

Special thanks to Kylie Knight, Ohio State women’s soccer captain, class of 2019, who helped track down so much of the data used in the book. She was invaluable. We would be remiss if we didn’t also recognize Jamie Haines. Thank you so much for taking care of “the little things”—like grammar and punctuation!

Finally, we would like to thank all military veterans and those currently serving, as well as the emergency first-responder community. We live in peace and prosperity with individual freedoms unlike any other country in the world. Thank you for providing it.

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