9 Dot puzzle, 160, 172


Abductive Thinking, 164171

checkerboard illusion, 165

exercises, 171

getting started, 170

old dog, 166

Takeaway, 171

Absolute truths, 86, 90, 93, 100101

Absorption capability, 192, 195, 197

Accuracy, 195196

Agreement, 124, 150, 153

Always a way, 2426

Ambiguity, 3032

Anaya, Ivan Fernandex, 104

Answer, 51, 82

I don't know, 39

knowledge, 33, 41

perspectives, 137

Thinking Coach, 7478

Think Outside the Box, 160

Triangular Thinking, 136140

Why?, 36

Anticipatory Thinking, 5761

exercises, 61

getting started, 60

a miss, 63

Takeaway, 61

what's next?, 59

Applications, 58, 68, 77

Approval, 153, 181182, 187

ASAP, 183

Assumptions, 110113

automatic mode, 110, 112

bad, 119

conversation, 127

critical thinking mode, 110

invalidate, 39, 112, 118, 150151

Takeaway, 113

validated, 145

Automatic mode, 56, 8, 19, 62, 88, 110, 112, 124

Automatic thinking, 1, 4, 19, 84, 108, 120


Bacon, Sir Francis, 33

Because!!, 34, 3941

Beliefs, 89, 107109, 121122

change, 107

different, 107

filter, 105, 114

ideological, 109

Takeaway, 109

values, 104105

Benefits, xv, 12, 7, 911, 79, 196197, 205

Better mousetrap, 155

Biases, 7

Boeing, 59


beyond, 172

box, 159, 161

knowledge, 39

outside, 161


boundaries, 161

inside, 161

outside, 155156, 159163

premise, 161

Triangular Thinking, 138139


changes things, 166

hides information, 8

makes things up, 6, 99

throws things out, 56, 99

Bucket, 2327, 99100, 204

empty, 2326, 100

exercises, 26

filled, 23, 108

getting started, 25

Takeaway, 26

Business problem solving, xiii


Change, 141146

acknowledge, 145

exercises, 145

getting started, 144

helping people accept, 143

Takeaway 145


decision criteria, 187

decision maker's, 180

Clarity, 1617, 1982

am I done?, 81

getting started, 79

practice, 80

summary, 79

Takeaway, 82

Clear HeadScratcher, 17, 120

Components, weight, 120

Conclusions, 17, 83154

Assumptions, 110113

Beliefs, 104109

exercises, 126

Experiences, 99103

Facts, 9093

getting started, 124, 176

jumping to, 119

Observations, 9498

personalities, 120

premise, 8589, 114

putting it together, 114127

right, 121

summary, 176177

Takeaway, 126

Conclusions and Innovation, 155175

Abductive Thinking, 164171

Impossible Thinking, 172175

Outside-the-Box, 159163

world of, 156

Confidence, 8788, 117, 122

change, 141143

less, 126, 141142, 153

persuade, 151, 153

stronger premise, 89, 117, 130

triangular thinking, 138, 140

Confusion, 2930

Consequences, 4748, 57, 63

Consistency 132135

exercises, 135

getting started, 134

Takeaway, 135

Constraints, 23, 40, 173

Context recognition, 5

Controllability, 191, 193, 195, 197

Conversation, 2526, 33

assumptions, 122, 125

decision, 187

impossible, 172

need, 52, 54, 56

observations, 95

premise, 123124

risk, 201

so what?, 44

upside-versus-downside, 189

vision, 71

what else?, 62

Cooperation, 54

Counter observation, 150

Creating Solutions, 176177

Creativity, xi, 23, 207, 209

Credibility, 128131, 148, 176

exercises, 131

getting started, 130

lose, 129

Takeaway, 130

Criteria, 186188

decision maker's, 187

exercises, 188

getting started, 187

Takeaway, 188

Critical Thinking:


list of business functions, 11

list of business issues and goals, 12

list of day-to-day activities, 14

benefits, 7

definition, 3

process, 9, 16, 33, 74, 8182, 176

when to use, 10

Cube, 137138

Customer calls, 8, 47, 87, 111, 115, 134

Customers, 21, 37, 45, 5859, 134, 144


Dates, 97, 183184, 186, 201

Decision maker, xiii, 179, 182187, 198, 200201

Decisions, 82, 179202

act, 17, 28, 131, 179, 188

Criteria. See Criteria

getting started, 201

Risk. See Risk

skills, 9

summary, 200202

time-dependent, 183

time-independent, 183

Who-Need-When. See Who-Need-When

Deductive reasoning, 8586, 90

Disagree, 106108, 147, 153

Downside, 191


E-mails, 15, 25, 30, 80, 204205

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 155

Empty Your Bucket. See Bucket

Error, xiii, 125, 144

Estimates, 136139

high-confidence, 138, 140

Executives, 204


Abductive Thinking, 171

Anticipatory Thinking, 61

Change, 145

Conclusions, 126

Consistency, 135

Credibility, 131

Criteria, 188

Empty your bucket, 26

Facts, Observations, and Experiences, 101

Facts and Observations, 97

Impossible Thinking, 175

Influence and Persuasion, 154

Ingredient Diagram, 70

Inspection, 31

Need, 55

Outside-the-Box, 163

Risk, 199

So What?, 49

Thinking Coach, 78

Triangular Thinking, 140

Vision, 73

What Else?, 64

Who, When, and Need, 185

Why?, 42

Experiences, 99103

bucket, 23

Takeaway, 101


Facts, 9093

absolute truth, 90

Credibility, 129

Takeaway, 93

Filter, 105, 114

Focus, 18, 23, 31, 54, 69, 73, 143, 149

Foundation, xiii, 8889, 114, 157

Framework, 2, 7, 9, 16, 20


Getting Started:

Abductive Thinking, 170

Anticipatory Thinking, 60

Change, 144

Clarity, 79

Conclusions, 124, 176

Consistency, 134

Creditibility, 130

Criteria, 187

Decisions, 201

Emptying your bucket, 25

Impossible Thinking, 174

Influencing and Persuading, 151

Ingredient Diagram, 69

Inspection, 30

Need, 54

Outside-the-Box, 162

Risk, 198

So What?, 46

Thinking Coach, 77

Triangular Thinking, 139

Vision, 72

What Else?, 63

Who, Need, and When, 184

Why?, 40

Goal, 1, 12, 79, 177

of HeadScratchers, LLC, xii

Impossible, 173

manager's, 206

personal, 55, 206

setting, 15, 30, 40

of a team, 52

of Think Smarter, xi

Thinking Coach, 74, 76

Group, 2829, 31, 44, 54, 69


Abductive Thinking, 166167, 170171

educated, 164


Headscratcher, 1, 10, 1617, 21, 36

Headscratchers, better, xii, 209

HeadScratchers, LLC, xiixiii 209

Headscratching, 3, 41



Abduction, 171

Disagree, 125

Ingredient Diagram, 65

Innovation, 157

a jump, 120

necessary, 51

Thinking Coach, 74

What else?, 64

Impossible conversations, 172

Impossible thinking, 172175

exercises, 175

getting started, 174

Takeaway, 175

Inductive reasoning, 8590, 120121, 155, 159, 165168, 171, 176

Influencing and Persuading, 147154

difference, 147

exercises, 154

getting started, 151

premise to influence, 149

premise to persuade, 149

senior management, 147

Takeaway, 153

Information, 56, 8, 95, 120

conflicting, 132, 138

credible, 130

Ingredient Diagram, 6570

exercises, 70

getting started, 69

productivity example, 68

Takeaway, 70

Ingredients, headscratcher's, 66

Innovation. See Conclusions and Innovation

Inspection, 2831, 63, 71, 75, 204

e-mail, 30, 205

exercises, 3132

getting started, 30

goal setting, 30

meetings, 30, 80

Takeaway, 31


Kallet, Michael, 209

Knowledge, 145

Abduction, 164, 167

Consistency, 129

ignorance, 19

is power, 164

Why?, 33


Learning, 6, 145


Meetings, 14, 25, 30, 33, 4142, 4647, 61, 80

Memories, 2325

Metrics, 194

Misinformation, 129130

Mitigation strategy, 193

Mutai, Abel, 104


Necessity. See Need

Need, 5056, 173, 183, 193, 195

exercises, 55

getting started, 54

great teams, 52

survival, 53

Takeaway, 55

No-brainer, 169170


Observations, 9498

additional, 112, 143, 145

contradictory, 118

Credibility, 129, 150

missing, 123

Takeaway, 96

weighted, 150

Outcome, 10, 8788

bad, 191, 194

Outside-the-box, 159163, 174

9 dot puzzle, 160

exercises, 163

getting started, 162

Takeaway, 163

What if? and What other?, 161


Partiality, 3, 67

Pattern recognition, 45

Personalities. See Conclusions

Perspectives, 8, 23, 60, 109, 139

Persuading. See Influencing and Persuading

Plato, 50, 85

Prediction, 93, 194

Preeminent Metrics, 194

Prejudices, 7, 105106

Premise, 84, 8590, 93, 96, 101, 109, 114, 117123, 125130

Assumptions, 110113

Change, 141

components, 84

Consistent, 132

Credible, 128

Deduction, 85

inconsistency, 132133

Induction, 86

Influence, 149

Persuade, 149

weaker, 118, 120, 132, 150

well-thought-out, 204

Probability, 81, 122, 189

Probability of downside, 191, 194, 196


right, 55

strategic, xiv

technical, 169

unclear, 18

wrong, 19, 21, 83

Problem solving, 16, 55, 72, 81, 176177, 204, 207

improving, xi

speeds up, 19

Process, 7, 18

Puzzle, 9 dot, 160161


Quality problem solving, xiii, 1920, 28


Ramifications, 47

Reasoning. See Deductive reasoning; Inductive reasoning

Reconcile disagreements, 106, 108109, 122123

Reversibility, 193

Risk, 189199

evaluating, 190191, 198

example, 194196

exercises, 199

Factors, 190

Absorption capability, 192

Controllability, 193

Downside, 191

Ignoring statistical downside, 192

Mitigation strategy, 193

Necessity of the upside, 193

Preeminent Metrics, 194

Probability of downside, 191

Probability of the upside, 192

Reversibility, 193

Upside, 192

getting started, 198

Takeaway, 198

Role of Thinking Coach, 74

Root cause, 34, 3738

triangulate, 139


Beliefs, 106

done with clarity, 81

Facts, 91

Thinking Coach, 76

when to use Critical Thinking, 10


So What?, 4349

exercises, 49

getting started, 46

lessons learned, 48

Takeaway, 48

your company, 45

your product, 45

your so what, 4546

Socrates, 85

Solutions, 78, 1617, 19. See also Conclusions

best, 122

higher-quality, xi

innovative, 7, 26, 176, 204

Outside-The-Box, 155, 162

paradigm-changing, 155

Statement, initial, 8689

Strength of premise, 143, 153. See also Premise

Suggestions, 203206

Critical Thinking, 204

executives, 204

individual contributors, 204

supervisors, managers, directors, 204

Summary of Clarity, 79

Summary of Conclusions, 176

Summary of Decisions, 200

Survival, 5354


The Takeaway:

Abductive thinking, 171

Anticipatory thinking, 61

Assumptions, 113

Beliefs, 109

Change, 145

Clarity, 22, 82

Consistency, 135

Credibility, 130

Criteria, 188

Critical Thinking, 9

Decision maker, 184

Empty bucket, 26

Experiences, 101

Facts, 93

Impossible thinking, 175

Inductive reasoning, 89

Influence and

Persuasion, 153

Ingredients, 70

Inspection, 31

Need, 55

Observations, 96

Outside-the-box, 163

Premise, 126

Risk, 198

So What?, 48

Thinking Coach, 77

Thinking Smarter, 207

Triangular Thinking, 140

Vision, 73

What Else?, 64

when to use, 15

Why?, 41

Because!!, 40

I don't know, 39

Root cause, 38

This versus That, 36


great, 52

problem-solving, 76

Techniques, xi, xiii, 6, 20, 28, 125, 149, 156, 176, 203

Critical Thinking. See Contents

Think Smarter Takeaway, 207

Thinking Coach, 7478

exercises, 78

getting started, 77

role, 74

Takeaway, 77

ten rules, 76

To-do list, 1718, 42, 55, 61, 185, 188

To-dos, 16, 36, 83

Tool set, 4, 7

Track record, 137

Triangular thinking, 136140

exercises, 140

getting started, 139

Takeaway, 140

Truth, 86, 90


Upside, 190193, 195196, 199

Decision, 193


Value proposition, 45, 48

Values. See Beliefs

Variables. See Ingredient Diagram

Vision, 7173

conversation, 7172

exercises, 73

getting started, 72

Takeaway, 73


Warning system, early. See Preeminent Metrics

What Else?, 6264

brainstorming, 63

exercises, 64

getting started, 63

Takeaway, 64

Who-Need-When, 181

exercises, 185

getting started, 184

Takeaway, 184

Why? 3342

Because!!, 3940

drill down, 37

exercises, 42

getting started, 40

I don't know, 3839, 41

Root cause, 3738

summary of Takeaways, 41

This versus That, 3436

World of Conclusions, 156

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