
1D elements, finite element methods 86-8, 98, 107-9, 111-13

2D elements, finite element methods 88-90, 93-104, 109, 112-14

3D elements, finite element methods 98, 100, 109-10, 114-15

3D IR/FX models, Bermudan callable steepener cross-currency swaps 189-91

9/11 196

acceptance-rejection methods, random number generators 154-6, 160

accompanying software 4

accrued interest 73

Acklam algorithm 157

advanced equity models 3, 193-207

advanced Monte Carlo techniques 3, 5, 161-77

see also Monte Carlo . . .

advancing (moving) unstructured-mesh generation algorithm 84-5

algebraic multigrid methods (AMGs) 126-7

Amdahl’s law 287-8

American options 3, 7-8, 12, 15, 179-91, 202-7

see also Bermudan . . .

definition 7-8, 179

Monte Carlo simulations 179-91

prices 3, 179-91, 202-3

amplification matrices 37-8

analytical solutions 14-15, 52-3, 58-9, 168, 206, 262-4

see also Black-Scholes PDE

annual compounding 39-40

antithetic variates, Monte Carlo simulations 161-3

APIs (application programming interfaces) 285-95

Apple 7

approximation tools 24-9, 43-5, 58-70, 81-115, 133-4, 145-6, 156-60, 180-91, 209-16, 257

see also backward difference...; central difference...; forward difference...

arbitrage 2, 9, 11, 13-14, 21, 45-6, 194-6

Archimedean copulas 222, 223-9, 231-4

see also Clayton...; Frank...; Gumbel...

arithmetic Asian options 164-6

artificial boundary conditions 2, 77-9, 210-16

Asian (arithmetic average rate) options 71-2, 164-6

asset allocations 253

asymptotic analysis 145-6

see also approximation tools

at-the-money (ATM) options 44-5, 245

auditing 298

autocorrelation 217

Bachelier, Louis 19

back-substitution methods 118-20

backward difference quotient 25-7, 29, 66-70, 263-4

Bank of International Settlement (BIS) 39

barrier options 12, 15-16, 30, 77-8, 86, 101-3, 167-8, 202, 210-16, 245-51, 290-5

see also double . . . ; knockout . . .

Dirichlet boundary conditions 77-8, 101-3, 210-16

parallel architectures 290-5

basis functions 185-91

basket default swaps 234-7

Bates model 200-1

behavioral psychology 239

Bermudan options 3, 7-8, 12, 74-5, 179-80, 202-7

see also American . . .

bonds 7, 180-91

callability possibilities 74, 181-91

definition 7-8, 179

Bermudan options (Continued)

Monte Carlo simulations 179-91

prices 3, 179-91, 202-3

beta distributions 233-4

bibliography 301-6

BiCGStab 107, 191

bid-ask spreads 240

binary options see digital options

binomial trees 1-2, 5, 8-16, 30, 47, 51, 56

Black-Scholes model 10-11, 13-14

Cox-Ross-Rubinstein tree 11, 12-14

critique 1-2, 12-16

exotic options 14-16

forward trees 11, 12-14, 15-16

the Greeks 15-16

grid-adaptivity factors 15-16

multiperiod binomial model 9-10

no-arbitrage conditions 2, 11, 13-14

non-recombining trees 14, 47

one-period model 8-9, 10

oscillations 12-14, 30

Rendleman-Bartter tree 11, 12-14

biologically-inspired optimization techniques 260-1

bivariate standard normal distributions 155-7

Black Monday 196

Black-Karasinski interest-rate model 46, 73, 187-91, 217

see also Hull-White...

Black-Scholes model 2-3, 5, 10-14, 17-38, 39, 55, 71-2, 77-8, 165, 167-8, 180-1, 185-6, 194-207, 209-10, 239-40, 245, 250, 290-5

see also Brownian motion; finite difference methods

binomial trees 10-11, 13-14

critique 194-6

definitions 10-11, 17-23

Black-Scholes PDE 2, 3, 5, 17-38, 55, 71-2, 77-8, 165, 180-1, 185-6, 194-207, 209-10, 239-40, 245, 250, 290-5

definition 17-23

solutions 22-3

Black-Scholes SDE 10-11, 13-14, 17, 19-20, 55, 165

Black76 approximations 19, 43-5, 139-40, 245, 297

caplets 44-5, 245, 297

definition 44-5

swaptions 44-5, 139-40, 245

Bloomberg screens 7

bonds 2, 7, 39-53, 63-70, 72-9, 86-90, 105-7, 133-9, 140-6, 162-9, 180-91, 234-7, 240-51, 269, 274-6, 297-300

see also coupons; interest-rate instruments

Bermudan options 7, 180-91

definitions 39, 63-4

Boost library 156-9

bootstrapping of zero rates 42-3, 298-300

see also discount factors; forward . . .

boundary conditions 2, 5, 21, 23, 30-6, 49-53, 58-61, 65-70, 71, 77-9, 83-4, 92, 101-3, 106-7, 113, 127-31, 138-9, 193-207, 210-16

see also Dirichlet...; Neumann...

definitions 31-4, 58, 65, 77, 78, 101

finite element methods 92, 101-3, 106-7, 113, 139, 193-207

Box-Muller random number algorithm 155-6

British Bankers Association (BBA) 40

Brownian bridge method 3, 175-7, 290-5

Brownian covariance/distance see distance correlation

Brownian motion 17-20, 45-6, 55-6, 143-4, 171, 175-7, 196-207

see also Black-Scholes model; geometric...; Wiener processes

definition 17-19, 199-200

SDEs 19

bushy trees 14

business day conventions 40, 137, 139, 182

C1060 291-4

calibration 1-5, 21, 138-9, 193-4, 205, 207, 239-51, 255-68, 291-5, 297-300

see also optimization techniques; underlying assets

definition 4, 239

hybrid calibration algorithms 259, 261-4, 291-5

ill-posed/well-posed problems 243-5

instability problems 4

inverse problems 4, 5, 193-4, 239-51, 297

local volatility models 245-51

model risk/uncertainty 249-51

parallel architectures 291-5

penalty terms 244-5

regularization methods 243-7, 297

yield curve problems 240-5

call options 3, 7-16, 17-38, 50-2, 71-2, 74, 77-8, 164-6, 167-8, 179-91, 195-207, 209-16, 239-51, 255-68, 290-5

callable (redeemable) fixed rate bonds 63-4, 181-91, 297-300

cap-floor-parity 43

capacitance matrices, finite element methods 97-8

capital asset pricing model (CAPM) 218

caplets 43, 44-5, 143-4, 245, 297

caps 43-5, 73, 86, 139-40, 245, 297-300

definition 43

prices 43-4, 73, 297-300

cash cows 7

CDOs see collateralized debt obligations

central difference quotient 25-7, 29, 58-61, 263-4

central limit theorem 9-11, 17-19, 133-4, 229

CFL see Courant-Friedrichs-Levy condition

characteristic function methods 3, 5, 57-8, 169-75, 193-207, 209

Chi-Squared distributions 159, 233

Cholesky decomposition/factorization 117-18, 121-2, 130, 138-9, 158, 175-7, 232-4

chooser options 71-2, 75

CIR see Cox-Ingersoll-Ross interest-rate model

Clayton copulas 226-9, 233-4

clean values, definition 73

client-server architectures 298-300

CMSs see constant maturity swaps

coarse-grained parallelization 288, 299

coding requirements 1, 12, 50, 68, 119-22, 170, 180, 182-4, 289-95

coefficient matrices 117-18

collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) 234-7, 269

collocation weighting function 81

colour codes, reading guide 5

compound options 71-2

compounding 8, 39-40, 195-6, 241-7

see also annual...; continuous ...; quarterly...; semi-annual...

computational finance 1-5, 217, 239

see also calibration; models; risk analyses; risk management; valuations

definition 1

overview of the book 1-5

computing scalability 298-9

conditional Monte Carlo 166-8

conditional VaR (CVaR) see Expected Shortfall

confidence levels, VaR 269-76

congruential random number generators 148-52

conjugate gradient iterative method 125-6, 129, 130-1

consistent formulations 98

constant maturity swaps (CMSs) 42-5, 73, 76-7, 137-9, 188-91

constant memory 290

continuous compounding 40, 195-6, 241-7

continuous time models for equity prices 17-19

contribution VaR 274-6

control divergence problems, parallel architectures 289

control variates, Monte Carlo simulations 161, 163-6

Controllable Cellular Automata 151

convection-diffusion-reaction problems 2, 22-3, 30, 47, 53, 55-70, 90-104, 105-7, 119-31

convergence analysis 9-10, 11, 12-16, 36-8, 122-31, 134, 169-75

convexity 249, 254-5, 265

copulas 3-4, 5, 217, 221-37, 274

see also Archimedean . . . ; correlations; elliptical...; Frank...; Gaussian...; Gumbel...; t...

critique 217, 221-2

default probabilities 234-7

definition 217, 221-9

important copula functions 222-9

Monte Carlo inversion method 232-4

parameter estimates 229-34

sampling 229, 232-4

types 221-9

correlation ratios, definition 221

correlations 3-4, 5, 138-9, 141-6, 149-50, 162-9, 170-5, 196-207, 217-37, 248-9, 271-83

see also copulas; Kendall’s ...; Pearson’s...; Spearman’s...

critique 3-4, 217-37

de-correlation factors 144-6

definitions 217-21

LMM 141-6

overview 3-4, 5, 217

pitfalls 3-4, 5, 217-37

types 217-21

counter-party risk 269

coupons 7-8, 39-53, 63-70, 72-9, 137-9, 181-91, 240-51, 297-300

see also bonds

Courant-Friedrichs-Levy condition (CFL) 38, 58

Courant-Isaacson-Rees method 57

covariance 140-1, 157-60, 161-9, 218-21, 266-8, 270-1

Cox-Ingersoll-Ross interest-rate model (CIR) 46, 159, 196-7, 248

Cox-Ross-Rubinstein tree 11, 12-14

CPUs, parallel architectures 4, 285-95, 299

Crank-Nicolson semi-implicit finite difference method 29, 30, 33-6, 66-70

credit default swaps (CDSs) 235-7, 269

credit derivatives 4, 234-7, 269

credit events 39, 234-7, 240

credit ratings 39

credit risk 234-7, 269

credit spread risk 269, 274-6

cross-currency swaps 109, 189-91

CUDA framework 287-8, 289-95

dangling nodes, finite element methods 83-5

data management systems 297-300

databases 297-300

day-count conventions 40-1, 44, 139, 182, 241, 297-300

day-count fractions (DCFs) 43-5

DE see Differential Evolution

de-correlation factors 144-6

default probabilities 4, 234-7, 240, 269

see also copulas

Delauny triangulation unstructured-mesh generation technique 84-5

delta 15-16, 21-2, 29, 55-6, 81, 83, 143, 272-6, 278-83, 299

see also gamma

delta hedging 16, 21-2, 55-6

dense matrices 117

dependencies 217-37

see also copulas; correlations

derivatives 1-5, 7-16, 39-53, 71-90, 101-3, 133-60, 169

see also interest-rate . . . ; options; swaps

overview of the book 1-5

statistics 39

Differential Evolution (DE) 260-1, 263-4

diffusion-reaction problems 2, 22-3, 30, 47, 53, 55-70, 90-104

digital options 52, 71-2

digital range-accrual notes 52-3

Dirac-delta functions 81, 83

direct search methods 259-60

Direct Search Simulated Annealing (DSSA) 259-60, 263-4

direct solving methods, linear equations 3, 117-22

Dirichlet boundary conditions 30-6, 58, 77-9, 101-3, 127-8, 210-16

definition 31-4, 58, 77, 101

double barrier options 77-8, 101-3, 210-16

finite element methods 101-3

dirty values, definition 73

discount bonds

see also forward rates

LMM 140-6

discount factors 10-11, 40, 42-5, 137-9, 140-6, 165-6, 180-91, 290-5

discounting 9, 10-11, 40, 42-53, 73, 74-5, 137-9, 140-6, 165-6, 180-91, 290-5

discrete dividends 22, 71, 74-9

discretization tools 2-3, 22-38, 51-3, 56-70, 81-115, 117-31, 135-9, 162-3, 165-6, 168-9, 171-5, 180-91, 193-207, 209-16

see also upwinding techniques

dispersion 169-75

see also low-discrepancy sequence theory; variance

distance correlation 221

distributed memory systems 285-8

diversification 218

dividends 7-8, 14, 22-3, 71, 74-9, 196-207, 248-51

see also equities

double barrier options, Dirichlet boundary conditions 77-8, 101-3, 210-16

down-and-in European call options 167-8

down-branching trinomial-tree regimes 48-53, 56

drift 19-23, 48-53, 56-70, 105-7, 186-91, 198-207, 221-2, 241-5

see also expected returns

Dupire local volatility model 194-6, 246-8

see also volatility smiles

dynamic copulas 222

Egger-Engl local volatility algorithm 246-8

eigensystem calculations, PCA 276-83

electricity spot markets, mean-reversion rates 49

element matrices, finite difference methods 91-104

elliptical copulas 222-6, 233-4

see also Gaussian...; t...

elliptical distributions 217-21, 222-3

empirical copulas 229-34

equidistantly spaced grids, finite difference methods 24-38, 211-16

equities 3, 4, 7-16, 17-38, 39-53, 71-9, 165-6, 193-207, 239-51, 269, 297-300

see also dividends

advanced equity models 3, 193-207

definition 7


finite difference methods 25-7, 36-8, 60-1, 214-16

Fourier-cosine series expansions 206-7

linear equations 122-31

Euler equation 31-6, 58-61, 135-9, 162-3, 165-6, 168, 191

see also explicit finite difference method

Euribor 41-3, 76, 186-91

European options 3, 7-16, 17-38, 44-5, 47, 50-2, 78, 165-6, 167-8, 179, 193-207, 210-16, 255-68

concepts 7-16, 44-5, 50-2, 78, 165-6, 167-8, 179, 193-207

definition 7-8

payoffs 7-8, 10-11,21,71-2

execution models, parallel architectures 285-9

exotic options 3, 14-16, 52-3, 71-2, 75-7, 164-6, 179-91, 202-7, 210-16, 249-51, 290-5

see also Asian...; barrier...; snowball floaters; target redemption notes

binomial trees 14-16

prices 3, 14-16, 52-3, 71-2, 75-7, 164-6, 179-91, 202-7, 210-16, 249-51, 290-5

expected returns 19-23

see also drift

Expected Shortfall (ES)

concepts 4, 218, 269-76, 280-3, 288, 299

definition 270, 272, 281

expected values 133, 134-5, 166-8

expiry times

see also theta

bonds 39-53, 63-70, 297-300

options 7-16, 20-38, 50-2, 71-5, 194-6, 239-51, 255-68

explicit finite difference method 12, 17, 28-9, 30-8, 57-70, 212-16

see also binomial trees

exponential distributions 153-4, 155, 160, 199, 210-16

extreme value copulas 222, 229

see also Gumbel . . .

extreme value theory (EVT) 4, 229, 278-83

FACTORY software 297-300

Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) 3, 193, 201-7, 297

fat tails 194-6, 217-37, 282-3

see also kurtosis; skewness

Faure sequences 171-5

feasible region, optimization techniques 253-68

fees for market data 297-8

Feller condition 46, 197, 249, 261-4

FEMs see finite element methods

financial crisis from 2007 217, 221

financial instruments 1, 2, 71-9, 179-91, 297-300

see also individual instruments

computational finance definition 1,181

large software systems 297-300

term sheets 2, 71-9, 297

fine-grained parallelization 288

finite difference methods 2, 5, 23-38, 55-70, 72, 77-9, 110, 117-31, 191, 193-207, 209-16, 262-4, 297

see also Black-Scholes PDE; partial differential equations; upwinding techniques

approximation tools 24-9, 209-16

backward difference quotient 25-7, 29, 66-70, 263-4

central difference quotient 25-7, 29, 58-61, 263-4

concepts 2, 5, 23-38, 55-70, 77, 110, 191, 193-207, 209-16, 262-4, 297

Crank-Nicolson semi-implicit method 29, 30, 33-6, 66-70

definition 23-7

element matrices 91-104

error analyses 25-7, 36-8, 60-1, 214-16

explicit method 12, 17, 28-9, 30-8, 57-70, 212-16

five-point stencils 26-7, 31-3

forward difference quotient 25-7, 29, 211-16, 263-4

heat equations 23, 30-8, 56

implicit method 12, 29, 30, 32-6, 77, 105, 117-31, 191, 212-16

overview 2, 5, 23

semi-implicit method 29, 30, 33-6, 66-70, 117-31

spatial discretization 2, 24-38, 56-70, 211-14

stability considerations 2, 30, 34-8, 49, 55-70, 77

Taylor series expansions 24-7, 28-9, 59-61, 136-9, 256-7, 272, 277

time discretization 2, 24, 27-38, 56-70, 117-31, 162-3, 191, 193-207, 209-16

finite element methods 2, 5, 16, 24, 72, 77, 78-9, 81-115, 117-31, 139, 193-207, 209-16, 245, 297

1D elements 86-8, 98, 107-9, 111-13

2D elements 88-90, 93-104, 109, 112-14

3D elements 98, 100, 109-10, 114-15

boundary conditions 92, 101-3, 106-7, 113, 139, 193-207

capacitance matrices 97-8

collocation weighting function 81

concepts 2, 5, 24, 72, 78-9, 81-115, 139, 193-207, 209-16, 245, 297

convection-diffusion-reaction problems 98, 103-4, 105-7, 119-31

dangling nodes 83-5

definition 81-3

Galerkin weighting function 82-3, 92, 97-8, 103-4, 105-7, 209

global matrices 98-100

grid generation processes 83-5, 211-12

integration variables 94-7, 112, 210

least squares weighting function 82

linear elements 86-90, 93-104, 109-10, 113-15, 117

linear shape functions 86-90, 94-104

local coordinates 96-104, 107-15

matrix assembly processes 2, 82-5, 90-104

natural coordinates 110, 111-15

overview 2, 5

quadratic elements 88-90, 93-8, 106-9, 117-31

rectangular elements 90, 98, 103, 109, 113-15

shape functions 85-90, 94-115

stabilization considerations 103-4

streamline-diffusion stabilization method 104-7

streamline-upwind-Petrov-Galerkin stabilization method 104-7

structured meshes 83-5

subdomain weighting function 82

time discretization 97-8, 103-4, 105-7, 117-31, 193-207, 209-16

triangular elements 88-90, 93-104, 109, 112-14

unstructured meshes 84-5

weighted residual methods 81-3, 97-8

first order upwind schemes 57-61, 63

see also upwinding techniques

five-point stencils, finite difference methods 26-7, 31-3

fixed income instruments see interest-rate instruments

floating-rate notes (FRNs) 40-2, 73-4, 75-6, 133, 274-6

floorlets, definition 43

floors 43-5,73,76, 86, 189

Flynn’s taxonomy 285

foreign exchange (FX) rate instruments 3, 14, 109, 137-9, 179-91, 269, 271-83, 297-300

foreign exchange risk 269

fork-join parallel execution model 286-8

forward difference quotient 25-7, 29, 211-16, 263-4

forward rates 9-10, 42-5, 139-46, 185-91, 195-6, 241-5, 297-8

see also discount bonds; interest rates; Libor market model

definition 42-3

forward start swap rates 43

forward trees 11, 12-14, 15-16

see also Cox-Ross-Rubinstein tree

Fourier transforms 3, 193, 201-7, 297

Fourier-cosine series expansions

concepts 3, 193-4, 201, 202, 203-7

definition 203-6

Frank copulas 226-9

FTSE-100 index 194-6, 249-50, 295

Galerkin weighting function 82-3, 92, 97-8, 103-4, 105-7, 209

gamma 21-2, 83, 159-60, 233-4

see also delta

gamma distributions 159-60, 233-4

Gauss-Legendre quadrature 95-6, 112

Gauss-Newton method 258

Gauss-Seidel iterative method 122, 124-5, 127-8

see also Jacobi...

Gaussian copulas 221-6, 231-7, 274

Gaussian elimination

see also LU decomposition/factorization; Thomas algorithm

linear equations 117-22

General Electric (GE) 194-6

generalized Pareto distributions 278-83

geometric Asian options 164-6

geometric Brownian motion (GBM) 19-21

see also Black-Scholes model; Brownian motion

global matrices, finite element methods 98-100

global memory 289

global minimizer of the optimization problem 253-4

Gnedenko-Pickands-Balkema-deHaan theorem (GPBdH) 278-83

Godunov’s theorem 62

Gould’s study 118

GPUs, parallel architectures 4, 285-95

gradient-based optimization method 4, 205, 249, 255, 256-8, 262-4

graphics cards 289, 291-5

the Greeks 15-16, 21-2, 83-4, 206, 239-40

see also delta; gamma; rho; theta; vega

binomial trees 15-16

types 21-2, 239-40

Green’s theorem 91-2

grid generation processes, finite element methods 83-5, 211-12

grid-adaptivity factors 15-16, 24

gsl algorithm 157-9

GTX260 291-4

Gumbel copulas 226-9, 233-4

halley it2 algorithm 158-9

Halton sequences 171-5

hardware environments 4, 5, 146-8, 155-60, 206, 285-95

see also hardware environments; software

hazard rates, default probabilities 234-7

heat equations 23, 30-8, 56, 92, 239

hedge funds 300

hedging 16, 20-3, 41-2, 45-6, 55, 142, 222, 300

Hermite polynomials 108

Hessian matrices 256-8

Heston calibration model 4, 245, 248-51, 259, 260, 261-4

concepts 4, 245, 248-51, 260, 261-4

hybrid algorithm 259, 261-4, 291-5

Heston stochastic volatility model 46, 159, 196-7, 205-7, 245, 248-51, 290-5

heuristically motivated optimization method 4, 190-1, 255-6, 258-61

higher order upwinding schemes 61-3

see also upwinding techniques

histograms, uniformly distributed random numbers 149-50

historical VaR 269, 272-4, 278

Ho-Lee interest-rate model 45-6

host memory 289

Hull-White interest-rate model 45-8, 49-53, 56, 63-70, 73, 78-9, 105-7, 117, 137-40, 146, 177, 186-91, 217, 241-5, 297

see also Black-Karasinski . . . ; trinomial trees

calibration 240-5, 297

critique 46

definition 45-6, 65, 105-6

Monte Carlo simulations 137-9, 146, 177, 186-91

upwinding techniques 63-70

hybrid algorithm, Heston calibration model 259, 261-4, 291-5

ill-posed/well-posed problems, calibration 243-5

implicit finite difference method 12, 29, 30, 32-6, 66-70, 77, 105, 117-31, 191, 212-16

implied volatilities 21, 143-6, 194-6, 239-40, 246-51

see also volatility smiles

definition 239-40

noisy data 239-40, 247-8

in advance coupons 73

in arrears coupons 73

in-the-money (ITM) options 44-5, 240, 246

individual VaR 274-6

induction methods 42-3, 298

infinite activity models 196, 199-200, 209, 249-51

see also Normal Inverse Gaussian . . . ; Variance Gamma . . .

inflation rates 185, 271-83

information flows,

upwinding techniques 56-70

initial conditions 30, 34-6, 210-16

instability problems of calibration 4

integer programming 255

integral equations of the first kind 241

integration principles, Monte Carlo simulations 133-4

integration variables, finite element methods 94-7, 112, 210

Intel E5520 CPUs 291

interbank funding 40-1 interest rate risk 269, 274-6

interest rates 2, 3, 8-9, 12-16, 22, 39-53, 64-70, 71, 133-60, 179-91, 239-51, 269-83, 297-300

see also Euribor; forward...; Libor...; rho terminology 39-43

interest-rate instruments 2, 3, 39-53, 55-70, 72-3, 75-9, 135-46, 162-9, 179-91, 274-6

see also bonds; caps; floors; models; swaps

overview 2, 5, 39

snowball floaters 75-7, 185-6

statistics 39

TARNs 76-7

terminal conditions 72-3

terminology 39-43

interest-rate models 2, 5, 39-53, 56, 63-70, 71, 73, 78-9, 105-7, 117, 135-40, 146, 162-9, 177, 186-91, 217, 239-51, 300

see also models; short-rate . . .

critique 46

types 45-53, 105, 137-46, 186-8, 217, 300

interest-rate swaps (IRSs) 41-5, 73, 137-9, 146, 181-91, 297-300

agreement terms 41-2

Black76 approximations 43-5, 139-40, 245, 297

cash-flow schematics 41-2

CMSs 42-5, 73, 76-7, 137-9, 146, 188-91

definition 41-3

forward rates 42-3, 297-8

replication methods 41-2

valuations 42, 43-5, 73, 137-9, 146, 181-91, 297-300

interface conditions 2, 5, 22, 71, 75-9, 210-16

overview 2, 5

snowball floaters 75-7

TARNs 76-7

interior point optimization methods 4, 254-5, 268

International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) 41-2

Internet 298

interpolation techniques 26-7, 68-70, 72, 81-115, 155-60, 185-91, 214-16

see also polynomial-type . . .

intranets 298-300

introduction 1-5

inverse problems 4, 5, 193-4, 239-51, 297

overview 4, 5

parameter calibration 4, 5, 193-4, 239-51

inverse transform method, random number generators 152-4, 156-7

investment banks 240

iterative solvers methods, linear equations 3, 101, 117, 122-31

Itô’s lemma 17, 19, 45-6, 55-6, 136-9, 195-6, 245

Jacobi iterative method 122, 124, 127-30

see also Gauss-Seidel...

Jacobian matrices 94-5, 122, 124, 127, 258

joint cumulative distribution function 222-37

joint distributions 222-37

jump-diffusion models 160, 171, 196-207, 209-16

see also Brownian motion; Kou . . . ; Merton . . . ; Poisson process

definitions 196, 198-9

jumps 160, 171, 196-201, 209-16, 245-51

‘junior quants’ 1

Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient 217, 220-1, 226-9, 231-4

Khronos group 289

knockout barrier options 15-16, 77-8, 101-3

Kou jump-diffusion model 199, 212-14

Kronecker delta 143-4

Krylov subspace methods 122, 125-6

kurtosis 194-7, 200

see also fat tails; skewness

Lagrange interpolation 26-7

Laplace operators 26-8, 129, 233-4

large software systems 4, 5, 297-300

see also software

law of large numbers 133-4

Lax-Wendroff upwinding scheme 61-3

leapfrog-like methods 61

Least Squares Monte Carlo algorithm (LSMC) 3, 5, 179-91

examples 186-91

overview 3, 5

least squares weighting function 82

Lehman Brothers 196

Levenberg-Marquardt convergent algorithm (LMA) 256, 257-8, 261-4, 293-5

Levy models 165-6, 196, 209-16

Libor 3, 40-3, 45, 139-46, 177

Libor market model (LMM) 3, 40-3, 45, 139-46, 177

see also forward rates; stochastic interest rates

correlations 141-6

definition 139-46

setup processes 141-2, 145

steepener valuations 146, 177, 188-91

volatility function 142-3

likelihood function 231-4, 278-83

linear correlation see Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient

linear elements, finite element methods 86-90, 93-104, 109-10, 113-15, 117

linear equations 2-3, 5, 28-9, 107, 117-31, 158, 209-16, 243-5

see also partial (integro) differential equations

Cholesky decomposition/factorization 117-18, 121-2, 130, 138-9, 158, 175-7, 232-4

conjugate gradient iterative method 125-6, 129, 130-1

direct solving methods 3, 117-22

errors 122-31

Gauss-Seidel iterative method 122, 124-5, 127-8

Gaussian elimination 117-22 iterative solvers methods 3, 101, 117, 122-31

Jacobi iterative method 122, 124, 127-30

Krylov subspace methods 122, 125-6

LU decomposition/factorization 120-2, 130

matrix decomposition 123-5

multigrid methods 117-18, 126-8, 130

preconditioning procedures 129-31

solving 2-3, 5, 29, 107, 117-31

SOR 122, 125

stabilized bi-conjugate gradient iterative method 126, 130-1

Thomas algorithm 119-20

Linear Programming (LP) 253-5, 268

linear shape functions, finite element methods 86-90, 94-104

Lipschitz continuous conditions 63

LMA see Levenberg-Marquardt convergent algorithm

LMM see Libor market model

load balancing and computing scalability 298-9

local coordinates, finite element methods 96-104, 107-15

local minimizer of the optimization problem 253-4

local volatility models 194-6, 245-51

localization errors 210-16

Log-Likelihood function 231-4

log-normal distributions 11, 17-20, 44-5, 46, 74-5, 193-6, 201

log-returns 17-20, 193-7

long positions 43-5

Longstaff and Schwartz LSMC approaches 179-81, 185-91

low-discrepancy sequence theory 3, 161, 169-76, 290-5

see also pseudo random numbers; Quasi Monte Carlo method

definition 169-74

lower bound algorithms, LSMC 186-91

LSMC see Least Squares Monte Carlo algorithm

LU decomposition/factorization, linear equations 120-2, 130

lumped formulations 98

marginal distributions 217-37, 273-4

market data

calibration 239-51, 255-6, 272-3, 297-300

fees 297-8

software 298-300

market risk 269-83

see also risk...

Markowitz, Harry 265

Marsaglia ‘Diehard’ tests, random number generators 150, 151

Marsaglia-Bray random number algorithm 156

MathConsult 1

see also UnRisk software package

Mathematica 12, 50, 148-9, 151, 299

mathematical finance, overview of the book 1-5

matrix assembly processes, finite element methods 2, 82-5, 90-104

matrix decomposition 123-5

Maximum-Likelihood method 231, 278-83

mean excess function 282-3

mean reversion 2, 5, 45-53, 56-70, 78-9, 105-7, 189-91, 197, 217, 241-5

see also upwinding techniques

concepts 2, 5, 45-53, 78-9, 105-7, 197, 217, 241-5

overview 2, 5

means 11-12, 18-23, 45-53, 133-60, 218-21, 240, 282-3


physical measures 9, 10-11

risk measurements 218, 221-2, 269-83, 297-300

risk-neutral measures 9, 10-11, 135-9, 165-6, 193-207, 209-16


parallel architectures 285-95

types 289-90

Mersenne Twister random number generator 151-2, 171-5, 291-5

Merton jump-diffusion model (MJD) 160, 198-9

Merton, Robert 19

meta-heuristic methods 256, 258-61

Metropolis algorithm 259

Milstein scheme 136

MIMD (multiple instruction, multiple data) 285-9

‘min-mod’ limiter 63

MJD see Merton jump-diffusion model


see also calibration

Bates model 200-1

Black-Karasinski interest-rate model 46, 73, 187-91, 217

Black-Scholes model 2, 3, 5, 10-11, 13-14, 17-38, 39, 55, 71-2, 77-8, 165, 167-8, 180-1, 185-6, 194-207, 209-10, 239-40, 245, 250, 290-5

Black76 approximations 19, 43-5, 139-40, 245, 297

CIR 46, 159, 196-7, 248

continuous time models for equity prices 17-19

critique 45-6

Heston calibration model 4, 245, 248-51, 259, 260, 261-4

Heston stochastic volatility model 46, 159, 196-7, 205-7, 245, 248-51, 290-5

Ho-Lee interest-rate model 45-6

Hull-White interest-rate model 45-8, 49-53, 56, 63-70, 73, 78-9, 105-7, 117, 137-40, 146, 177, 186-91, 217, 241-5, 297

infinite activity models 196, 199-200, 209, 249-51

jump-diffusion models 160, 171, 196-207, 209-16

Kou jump-diffusion model 199, 212-14

large software systems 4, 5, 297-300

Levy models 165-6, 196, 209-16

LMM 3, 40-3, 45, 139-46, 177

local volatility models 194-6, 245-51

Merton jump-diffusion model 160, 198-9

one-factor short rate interest-rate models 2, 39, 45-53, 63-70, 71, 73, 86, 105-7, 117, 135-9, 185, 241-5

overview of the book 1-5

two-factor interest-rate models 52, 78-9, 105-7, 117, 137-40, 146, 177, 245

upwinding techniques 2, 5, 55-70, 211-16

Vasicek interest-rate model 2, 45-6, 48-51, 78-9, 136, 162-3, 186-91

money markets 298

moneyness 44-5, 240, 245-6

see also at-the...; in-the...; out-of-the...

monotonicity concepts 62, 152, 162, 218-37

Monte Carlo methods 2, 3, 5, 72, 133-60, 161-77, 179-91, 209, 232-4, 245, 269, 273-4, 278, 288, 290-5, 297

see also advanced...; Least Squares ...; Quasi...

copula sampling 232-4

overview 2, 3, 5, 133-4

parallel architectures 288, 290-5

Monte Carlo simulations 2, 3, 5, 72, 133-60, 161-77, 179-91, 209, 232-4, 245, 269, 273-4, 278, 288, 290-5, 297

advanced techniques 161-77

American options 179-91

antithetic variates 161-3

Bermudan options 179-91

Brownian bridge method 3, 175-7, 290-5

conditional Monte Carlo 166-8

control variates 161, 163-6

definition 133-4

derivatives’ pricing 133, 134-9

Euler scheme 135-9, 162-3, 165-6, 191

integration principles 133-4

Longstaff and Schwartz LSMC approaches 179-81, 185-91

Milstein scheme 136

overview 3, 5, 133-4

random number generators 3, 146-60, 169-75

steepener valuations 137-9, 146, 177, 188-91

two-factor Hull-White interest-rate model 137-40, 146, 177, 186-91

uncertainty sources 133

variance-reduction efficiency techniques 152, 161-9

Monte Carlo VaR 269, 273-4, 278, 299

MPI (message passing interface) 285-8

multi-library approaches, software 299-300

multi-moment correlation measures 221

multicore CPUs, parallel architectures 4, 285-95, 299

multigrid methods 117-18, 126-8, 130

multiperiod binomial model 9-10

multistep optimization procedures 232-4

multivariate distribution functions 222-37, 274

multivariate normals, random number generators 157-9

n-th to default baskets 234-7, 269

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 150

natural coordinates, finite element methods 110, 111-15

Neumann boundary conditions 30-6, 65-70, 78-9, 101, 103, 106-7, 139, 213-14

artificial boundary conditions 78-9

definition 31, 32, 65, 78, 101, 103

finite element methods 101, 103, 106-7, 139

Newton optimization 256-8

Newton-Cotes formulae 214-16

Newton-Raphson technique 158-9

NIG see Normal Inverse Gaussian model

nine-point prolongation 128-9

NLP see Nonlinear Programming

no-arbitrage conditions 2, 11, 13-14, 21, 45-6, 105-7, 140-6, 194-6

noisy data, implied volatilities 239-40, 247-8

non-puttable fixed rate bonds, upwinding techniques 69-70

non-recombining trees, binomial trees 14, 47

non-scalar risk factors 271, 274, 276-83

Nonlinear Programming (NLP) 255-8

normal distributions 3, 17-20, 45-6, 155-9, 162-3, 193-6, 198-9, 217-37, 271, 278, 290-5

normal equations 117

Normal Inverse Gaussian model (NIG) 196, 199-200, 249-51

nr it5 algorithm 158-9

numerical integration techniques 94-7, 112, 193-207

numerical methods

see also finite...; Fourier...; Monte Carlo...; trees

overview of the book 1-5

P(I)DEs 3, 5, 193, 209-16

uses 3, 14-15, 22-4, 47-53, 56, 65-70, 81, 133, 193, 209-16, 245, 297

numerical quadrature methods 3, 72, 95-6, 112, 154-5, 161, 169-75, 193, 201-7, 211-16

NVIDIA 289, 291

objective function, optimization techniques 253-68

one-factor short rate interest-rate models 2, 39, 45-53, 63-70, 71, 73, 86, 105-7, 117, 135-9, 185, 241-5

see also models

one-period binomial tree model 8-9, 10

open architecture and multi-library approaches 299-300

OpenCL framework 287-9

OpenMP framework 286-8, 291-5

optimal exercise rule, definition 179-81

optimal portfolio selection, definition 265-8

optimization techniques 4, 5, 205, 232-4, 246-7, 249, 253-68, 291-5, 297

see also calibration

definition 4, 253-5

hybrid algorithm for Heston calibration model 259, 261-4, 291-5

overview 4, 5, 253-5

parallel architectures 291-5

portfolios 265-8

terminology 253-5

options 2, 3, 7-38, 43-5, 50-2, 63-70, 71-2, 74-5, 138-46, 164-6, 167-8, 171, 179-91, 193-207, 209-16, 239-51, 255-68, 290-5, 297-300

see also American . . . ; barrier . . . ; Bermudan...; call...; chooser...; compound . . . ; digital . . . ; European . . . ; exotic...; put...; swaptions

Black-Scholes model 2, 3, 5, 10-11, 13-14, 17-38, 71-2, 77-8, 165, 167-8, 180-1, 185-6, 194-207, 209-10, 250, 290-5

definitions 7-8, 240

payoffs 7-9, 10-11, 21, 52-3, 71-2, 77-8, 140-6, 165-6, 290-5

prices 2, 3, 7-16, 17-38, 50-2, 71-2, 74-5, 138-9, 164-6, 167-8, 179-91, 193-207, 209-16, 239-51, 255-68, 290-5, 297-300

replication methods 8-9

terminal conditions 71-2, 139

types 7-8, 12, 71-2

oscillations 12-14, 30, 35-6, 56-70, 103-4, 197

see also stabilization considerations

OTC see over-the-counter derivatives

out-of-the-money options 44-5, 240, 246

outliers 219-37

over-the-counter derivatives (OTC) 39, 41, 297

see also swaps

statistics 39

overview of the book 1-5

parallel architectures 4, 5, 160, 206, 285-95, 299

definition 285-8

different levels 288

hybrid calibration algorithms 291-5

overview 4, 5, 285

QMC valuations 288, 290-5

valuations 288-95, 299

parameters 1-5, 21, 138-9, 193-4, 205, 207, 229-34, 239-51, 269-71, 277

see also calibration

copulas 229-34

parametric (variance-covariance) VaR 269-71, 277

Pareto distributions 278-83

partial differential equations (PDEs) 2, 5, 17-38, 45,55-6,71-9,81-115, 117-31, 135-9, 185-91, 193-207, 209-16, 239-40, 246-51

see also Black-Scholes PDE; finite...

short-rate models 55-6, 186-91

partial (integro) differential equations (P(I)DEs) 2-3, 5, 117-31, 193, 209-16

concepts 2-3, 5, 117, 193, 209-16

definition 117

numerical solution methods 3, 5, 193, 209-16

path-dependency 2, 71-9, 167-8

payer swaps 41-3

payer swaptions 44-5

payoffs, options 7-9, 10-11, 21, 52-3, 71-2, 77-8, 140-6, 165-6, 290-5

PCA see principal component analysis

PDEs see partial differential equations

Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient 217, 218-21

penalty terms, calibration 244-5

periodicity considerations for random number generators 147-8

physical measures 9, 10-11

P(I)DEs see partial (integro) differential equations

pivots 119-22

Poisson process 126-7, 129, 160, 171, 196, 198-201, 209-16

see also jump . . .

polynomial time algorithms 255

polynomial-type interpolation functions 81-115, 185-91, 214-16

portability considerations for random number generators 148

portfolios of financial instruments 1, 8-9, 20-38, 217, 265-8, 269, 276, 297-300

computational finance definition 1

optimization techniques 265-8

power sum40 algorithm 158-9

power sum100 algorithm 158-9

preconditioning procedures, linear equations 129-31

predictor-corrector methods 29

present value (PV) 40, 69-70, 73


see also valuations

American options 3, 179-91, 202-3

Asian (arithmetic average rate) options 72, 164-6

Bermudan options 3, 179-91, 202-3

binomial trees 1-2, 5, 8-16

Black-Scholes model 2, 3, 5, 10-11, 13-14, 17-38, 71-2, 77-8, 165, 167-8, 180-1, 185-6, 194-207, 209-10, 250, 290-5

calibration 1-5, 21, 138-9, 193-4, 205, 207, 239-51, 291-5

caplets 44, 143-4, 245

caps 43-4, 73, 297-300

characteristic function methods 3, 5, 193-207

exotic options 3, 14-16, 52-3, 71-2, 75-7, 164-6, 179-91, 202-7, 210-16, 249-51, 290-5

Monte Carlo simulations 133, 134-9, 146-60, 161-77, 179-91, 245, 288, 290-5

options 2, 3, 7-16, 17-38, 50-2, 71-2, 74-5, 138-9, 164-6, 167-8, 179-91, 193-207, 209-16, 239-51, 255-68, 290-5, 297-300

parallel architectures 288-95

prime numbers 148-52

principal component analysis (PCA) 177, 271, 272, 274, 276-83

concepts 276-83

definition 272

probabilities 3, 8-9, 17-23, 193-4, 230-7, 259-68, 270-83

probability density functions 3, 193-4, 278-83

problem size direct methods 3

pseudo random numbers 3, 146-7, 151-2, 160, 161, 169-75

see also low-discrepancy sequence theory; Monte Carlo simulations

pseudo-Maximum-Likelihood method 231

put options 2, 3, 7-16, 17-38, 50, 63-70, 71-2, 75, 179-91, 205-7, 245-51, 255-68, 290-5

puttable (retractable) fixed rate bonds, upwinding techniques 2, 63-70

QMC see Quasi Monte Carlo method

Quad/Octree unstructured-mesh generation technique 84-5

quadratic elements, finite element methods 88-90, 93-8, 106-9, 117-31

Quadratic Programming (QP) 254-5, 257-8, 265-8, 293-4

quantile-quantile plots 194-6

quantitative methods 1-5, 21, 81, 86, 159-60, 217, 239

quarterly compounding 39-40

Quasi Monte Carlo method (QMC) 3, 72, 154-5, 161, 169-77, 193, 209, 288-95

concepts 3, 154-5, 161, 169-77, 193, 209, 288, 290-5

definition 161, 169-75

parallel architectures 288, 290-5

Quasi-Newton methods 257-8

random number generators 3, 146-60, 169-75, 290-5

acceptance-rejection methods 154-6, 160

Box-Muller random number algorithm 155-6

commonly used distributions 155-60, 162-3

congruential random number generators 148-52

definition 146-7

inverse transform method 152-4, 156-7

Mersenne Twister random number generator 151-2, 171-5, 291-5

properties 147-50

recent developments 151-2, 171-5

tests 150-1, 169-75

transformation of variables 152-5

random permutation of digits technique 174

random shift technique 174

random vectors 150-1, 174-5

random walks 176-7, 245

randomizing QMC 174-5

randomness considerations for random number generators 148, 174-5

rank correlation coefficients see Kendall’s . . . ; Spearman’s . . .

reading guide 5

real-world examples, overview of the book 1

Rebonato’s formulation of the LMM 140-6

receiver swaps 41-3

receiver swaptions 44-5

rectangle (mid-point) rule 215-16

rectangular elements, finite element methods 90, 98, 103, 109, 113-15

recursion 180-91

regression analysis 179-91

regularization methods, calibration 243-7, 297

Rendleman-Bartter tree 11, 12-14

replication methods

IRSs 41-2

options 8-9

reproducibility considerations for random number generators 147-8

return/risk ratios 218

returns 11-12, 17-38, 193-6, 218, 266-8

Reuters 7

reverse floaters 73-4, 186-91

rho 22

see also interest rates

Riemann integral 18, 214-16

risk analyses, overview of the book 1-5

risk management 1-5, 217, 218, 221-2, 239, 249-51, 253, 269-83, 297-300

see also Expected Shortfall; Value at Risk

concepts 1, 4, 5, 218, 221-2, 269-83, 297-300

definition 269, 298-9

large software systems 4, 5, 297-300

overview of the book 1-5

risk measurements 218, 221-2, 269-83, 297-300

risk types 269

risk-free rates 9, 10, 21, 55-6, 71, 167-8, 202-7, 212-16, 240-51

risk-neutral measures 9, 10-11, 135-9, 165-6, 193-207, 209-16

Runge-Kutta methods 29

sampling, copulas 229, 232-4

scalar risk factors 271, 274, 276-83

scenario index 272-3, 277-83

scenario sensitivity 269-70, 272-83, 298-300

scrambled net technique 174

SDEs see stochastic differential equations

security aspects of software 298-9

self-fulfilling prophecies 239

semi-annual compounding 39-40

semi-implicit finite difference method 29, 30, 33-6, 66-70, 117-31

sensitivity analysis 269-70

Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) 257-8

series expansions 3, 24-7, 28-9, 59-61, 136-9, 193-4, 201-7

settlement day conventions 40

SGI Altix 4700 CPUs 291

shape functions, finite element methods 85-90, 94-115

shared memory systems 285-8, 290

short positions 20-3

short-rate models 2, 39, 45-53, 55-70, 71, 73, 86, 139, 185, 186-91, 241-5

see also models

concepts 45-53, 55-70, 71, 73, 139, 185, 186-91

definition 45-6

PDEs 55-6, 186-91

upwinding techniques 56-70

SIMD (single instruction, multiple data) 285-9

Simpson rule 215-6

Simulated Annealing (SA) 259-60, 263-4

skewness 194-7, 199-200

see also fat tails

Sklar’s theorem 222, 231

snowball floaters 75-7, 185-6

Sobol sequences 169, 173-5, 177, 262, 290-5

see also Quasi Monte Carlo method

software 1, 4, 5, 12, 50, 68, 119-22, 146-8, 155-60, 170, 180, 182-4, 285-95, 297-300

see also hardware environments; parallel architectures

accompanying software 4

coding requirements 1,12, 50, 68, 119-22, 170, 180, 182-4, 289-95

concepts 1, 4, 297-300

databases 297-300

large software systems 4, 5, 297-300

load balancing and computing scalability 298-9

market data 298-300

open architecture and multi-library approaches 299-300

security aspects 298-9

UnRisk software package 1, 297-300

user administration 298-300

solvers methods 3, 101, 117-31

SOR see successive over-relaxation iterative method

space grids 24-38, 57-8, 65-70, 107, 127-31, 211-14

spatial discretization, finite difference methods 2, 24-38,56-70,211-14

Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient 217, 218-20

speed considerations for random number generators 148, 186

SQP see Sequential Quadratic Programming

stabilization considerations 2, 30, 34-8, 48-53, 55-70, 77, 103-4, 126, 130-1

see also finite . . . ; oscillations

stabilized bi-conjugate gradient iterative method 126, 130-1

stable and robust schemes 1, 297-300

standard deviations 19-23, 133-60, 194-9, 218-37, 240, 271-83

see also variances; volatilities

steepeners 137-9, 146, 177, 188-91

steepest descent method 256-7, 258

stochastic calculus 17-21, 45-6, 55-6, 195-6

stochastic differential equations (SDEs) 3, 10-11, 13-14, 17-20, 133, 135-9, 165-6, 168, 193-207, 209-16

see also Black-Scholes SDE

concepts 17-20, 135-9, 195-6, 209-16

discretization 135-9, 165-6

stochastic interest rates 3, 45-6, 77-9, 139-46, 180-91

see also Libor market model

stochastic processes 3, 18-23, 39-53, 55-6, 77-9, 105-7, 133, 180-91, 221-2, 235-7, 245-51

see also Brownian motion

stock exchanges 7-8

stopping criterion, Fourier-cosine series expansions 206-7

stratified sampling 168-9

streamline-diffusion stabilization method (SD) 104-7

streamline-upwind-Petrov-Galerkin stabilization method (SUPG) 104-7

stress tests 239, 298-300

strike prices 7-16, 20-38, 50-2, 71-2, 138-9, 164-6, 194-6, 206, 210-16, 239-51, 255-68, 290-5, 298-300

structured meshes, finite element methods 83-5

subdomain weighting function 82

subgrid scale stabilization method (SGS) 104

successive over-relaxation iterative method (SOR) 122, 125

‘super-bee’ limiter 63

SUPG see streamline-upwind-Petrov-Galerkin stabilization method

swaps 41-5, 73, 76-7, 109, 137-9, 146, 181-91, 234-7, 245-51, 269, 271, 297-300

see also interest-rate . . .

concepts 41-5, 109, 137-9, 181-91, 269, 271, 297-300

valuations 42, 43-5, 73, 137-9, 146, 181-91, 297-300

swaptions 43-5, 47, 138-46, 245-51, 297-300

Black76 approximations 44-5, 139-40, 245, 297

definition 44-5

t-copulas 223, 225, 231, 232-7

target redemption notes (TARNs) 76-7

Taylor series expansions 24-7, 28-9, 59-61, 136-9, 256-7, 272, 277

term sheets 2, 71-9, 297

terminal conditions 2, 5, 20, 23, 71-9, 139, 193-207, 210-16

equity options 71-2, 139

interest-rate instruments 72-3

testing functions 81-2

see also weighted residual methods

TestU01 software library 150

theta 22, 29, 32-8, 165-6

see also expiry times

Thomas algorithm, linear equations 119-20

threads, parallel architectures 286-95

Tikhonov regularization 243-7

time discretization 2, 24, 27-38, 56-70, 97-8, 103-4, 105-7, 117-31, 135-9, 162-6, 175-7, 180-91, 193-207, 209-16

time grids 24-38, 57-8, 65-70, 73, 135-9, 211-14

time series 217, 270, 272-3, 299

timestep restrictions, trinomial trees 49-53

total variance diminishing framework (TVD) 62-3

transaction costs 21, 29

transformation of variables, random number generators 152-5

trapezoidal rule 137, 211, 215-16

trees 2, 5, 8-16, 30, 39, 45, 47-53

see also binomial . . . ; trinomial . . .

triangular elements, finite element methods 88-90, 93-104, 109, 112-14

tridiagonal matrices 27, 33-6, 66-70, 117-31

trigonometric interpolation functions 81, 155-6

trinomial trees 2, 5, 45, 47-53, 56

see also Hull-White interest-rate model

critique 52-3

definition 47-9

down/up branching regimes 48-53, 56

overview 2, 5, 47

stabilization considerations 48-53, 56

timestep restrictions 49-53

trust regions 258

TVD see total variance diminishing framework

two-factor interest-rate models 52, 78-9, 105-7, 117, 137-40, 146, 177, 245

see also Hull-White . . .

uncertainty sources, Monte Carlo simulations 133

underlying assets 3-5, 7-16, 17-38, 39-53, 71-9, 86, 164-6, 181-91, 194-207, 209-16, 234-7, 239-51, 269-83, 290-5, 297-300

see also calibration

uniformly distributed random numbers 147-50, 169-75, 290-5

UnRisk FACTORY software 297-300

UnRisk software package 1, 297-300

see also MathConsult

unstructured meshes, finite element methods 84-5

up-and-out call options 15-16, 249-51, 290-5

up-branching trinomial-tree regimes 48-53, 56

upwinding techniques 2, 5, 56-70, 211-16

see also finite difference methods; mean reversion

definition 56-63

first order upwind schemes 57-61, 63

higher order upwinding schemes 61-3

Lax-Wendroff upwinding scheme 61-3

overview 2, 5, 56-7

puttable (retractable) fixed rate bond example under the Hull-White one-factor model 63-70

TVD 62-3

user administration, software 298-300

valuation pools, parallel architectures 288

valuations 1-5, 7-16, 17-38, 71-9, 133, 134-9, 162-3, 165, 167-8, 179-91, 245, 288-95, 297-300

see also prices

Black-Scholes model 2, 3, 5, 10-11, 13-14, 17-38, 71-2, 77-8, 165, 167-8, 180-1, 185-6, 194-207, 209-10, 250, 290-5

overview of the book 1-5

parallel architectures 288-95, 299

swaps 42, 43-5, 73, 137-9, 146, 181-91, 297-300

Value at Risk (VaR) 4, 217, 218, 269-76, 277-83, 288, 298-9

see also contribution . . . ; historical . . . ; individual . . . ; Monte Carlo . . . ; parametric . . .

definitions 269-76, 281

van der Corput sequences 170-5

vanilla floaters, definition 40-1

Variance Gamma model (VG) 196, 199-200, 203, 249-51

variance-reduction efficiency techniques, Monte Carlo simulations 152, 161-9

variances 11-12, 18-23, 44-53, 140-6, 152, 157-60, 161-9, 196-207, 218-21, 248-51, 265-8, 270-83

Vasicek interest-rate model 2, 45-6, 48-51, 78-9, 136, 162-3, 186-91

artificial boundary conditions 78-9

critique 46

definition 45-6

vector of unknowns, definition 117

vega 22, 239-40

see also volatilities

VG see Variance Gamma model

volatilities 10-11, 12-16, 19-23, 29, 44-5, 49-53, 65-70, 74-5, 138-46, 165-6, 168, 186-91, 194-207, 239-51, 271-83, 298-300

see also implied . . . ; standard deviations; vega

concepts 10-13, 19-23, 29, 142-3, 194-6, 199-200, 298-300

model parameters 248-51

volatility smiles 144-6, 194-7

see also Dupire local volatility model; implied volatilities

volatility of variance 197, 248-9

Volterra integral equations 241

warps, parallel architectures 289

warrants 240

Wavelet-based methods 193

weighted residual methods, finite element methods 81-3, 97-8

Wiener processes 10-11, 17-21, 45-6, 135-6, 171, 191, 199-200, 248-9

see also Brownian motion

‘wrong’ points, one-dimensional regression analysis 186

yield curves 42-5, 48-53, 73, 138-46, 165-6, 168, 207, 240-51, 271-3, 277-83, 298-300

zero-coupon bonds 42-53, 69-70, 73, 78-9, 105-7, 138-46, 162-9, 274-6, 298-300

zero-coupon curves 42-5, 73, 138-46, 274-6, 298-300

Index compiled by Terry Halliday

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