First and foremost, we would like to thank the amazing staff at No Starch Press for working with us. Tyler Ortman was immediately enthusiastic when first approached and made this book possible. He gave us great tips on how to write for a younger audience when editing the early chapters of the book. Jan Cash brought our book across the finish line with her editing expertise, and Hayley Baker helped immensely in the editing process. We want to thank our production editors, Alison Law and Riley Hoffman, for their patience and hard work in polishing our words and perfecting the layouts that make the book look fantastic. Serena Yang—a big thanks for dealing with code coloring, illustrations, the cover, and lots of screenshots!

Thank you to Keiko Satoh, our illustrator. She read through all of our examples and came up with the witty drawings that you see scattered throughout the book’s pages. Gloria has loved Keiko’s artwork ever since they went to school together long ago in Brighton, England, and is thrilled that Keiko came on board to illustrate her first book!

We would also like to thank Josh Ellingson for the cover illustration and Max Burger for additional illustrations inside the book.

Thanks to Mark H. Granoff for the technical review. Swift is a new language, and we appreciate the time and effort that he spent familiarizing himself with Swift and for carefully and thoroughly reviewing our book.

Finally, we are so grateful to Gloria’s dad, Floyd Winquist, for his patient and careful review of the book. He tested all the examples, read through several versions of all of the chapters, and provided much valuable feedback.

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