Gloria Winquist is a longtime Apple enthusiast and has fond memories of playing Zork on her family’s Apple III home computer. Her first programming languages were Logo and BASIC, and then she learned C while getting her mechanical engineering degree. She worked for a while as a mechanical engineer but realized all she really wanted to do at work was write code. So she went to night school and learned Java, then Lisp, then JavaScript, and finally iOS programming and Objective-C. She found that she loved writing apps and has been doing it ever since!

Matt McCarthy first learned to program in BASIC on an Apple II+ at the age of 10. He still remembers his first program; it was just two lines of code, but he was instantly hooked. He’s programmed professionally (and for fun) in many computer languages. But when the iOS App Store launched in 2008, he was immediately drawn to it and soon started publishing iOS apps through his company, Tomato Interactive LLC. Matt has worked professionally as an iOS engineer since 2012, developing healthcare apps for doctors and patients.

Gloria and Matt live in Concord, Massachusetts, and are the parents of a blended family of six kids. Coding iPhone Apps for Kids is their first book.

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