7.3 Requirements Analysis

Before designing a system, we need to know what we are designing. The terms “requirements” and “specifications” are used in a variety of ways—some people use them as synonyms, while others use them as distinct phases. We use them to mean related but distinct steps in the design process. Requirements are informal descriptions of what the customer wants, while specifications are more detailed, precise, and consistent descriptions of the system that can be used to create the architecture. Both requirements and specifications are, however, directed to the outward behavior of the system, not its internal structure.

The overall goal of creating a requirements document is effective communication between the customers and the designers. The designers should know what they are expected to design for the customers; the customers, whether they are known in advance or represented by marketing, should understand what they will get.

Functional and nonfunctional requirements

We have two types of requirements: functional and nonfunctional. A functional requirement states what the system must do, such as compute an FFT. A nonfunctional requirement can be any number of other attributes, including physical size, cost, power consumption, design time, reliability, and so on.

A good set of requirements should meet several tests [Dav90]:

Correctness: The requirements should not mistakenly describe what the customer wants. Part of correctness is avoiding overrequiring—the requirements should not add conditions that are not really necessary.

Unambiguousness: The requirements document should be clear and have only one plain language interpretation.

Completeness: All requirements should be included.

Verifiability: There should be a cost-effective way to ensure that each requirement is satisfied in the final product. For example, a requirement that the system package be “attractive” would be hard to verify without some agreed upon definition of attractiveness.

Consistency: One requirement should not contradict another requirement.

Modifiability: The requirements document should be structured so that it can be modified to meet changing requirements without losing consistency, verifiability, and so forth.

Traceability: Each requirement should be traceable in the following ways:

We should be able to trace backward from the requirements to know why each requirement exists.

We should also be able to trace forward from documents created before the requirements (e.g., marketing memos) to understand how they relate to the final requirements.

We should be able to trace forward to understand how each requirement is satisfied in the implementation.

We should also be able to trace backward from the implementation to know which requirements they were intended to satisfy.

How do you determine requirements? If the product is a continuation of a series, then many of the requirements are well understood. But even in the most modest upgrade, talking to the customer is valuable. In a large company, marketing or sales departments may do most of the work of asking customers what they want, but a surprising number of companies have designers talk directly with customers. Direct customer contact gives the designer an unfiltered sample of what the customer says. It also helps build empathy with the customer, which often pays off in cleaner, easier-to-use customer interfaces. Talking to the customer may also include conducting surveys, organizing focus groups, or asking selected customers to test a mock-up or prototype.

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