Laying the Groundwork for a Creative Environment 119
Getting Started Checklist
Question Yes No
Provide time for dening a problem or issue.
Revisit the denition frequently to avoid having it be the focus of
activities occurring on the project.
Seek consensus over the denition of a problem or issue before
determining any solution.
Provide opportunities to create
Allow team members to broaden their knowledge and experience to
discover more creative ways to perform project work.
Encourage people to look for opportunities to be creative rather
Identify and highlight problems or issues to address and ask for
Provide some downtime to allow the subconscious to work.
Broaden peoples knowledge and experience
Conduct cross-training.
Encourage people to look at other projects that have handled similar
problems or issues.
Encourage people to share knowledge and experiences on the existing
and other projects.
Have two or more people who have a diversied background work
jointly on a task.
Provide broad-based training.
Counter groupthink
Bring in consultants from outside the project team.
Have every decision identify potential pitfalls that accompany it.
Hire people with a diversied background, including personality
Select someone at team meetings to play the devil’s advocate.
Encourage transformational leadership
Acknowledge that every project requires both types of leadership.
Make the distinction between transformational and transactional
Recognize publicly that transformational leadership has an inherent
risk that transactional leadership does not.
120 Creative, Ecient, and Eective Project Management
1. Daniel Goleman, Paul Kaufman, and Michael Ray, e Creative Spirit (New York:
Dutton, 1992), p. 130.
2. James M. Higgins, Innovate or Evaporate (Winter Park, FL: e New Management
Publishing Company, 1995), p. 269.
3. Goleman, Kaufman, and Ray, e Creative Spirit, p.107–110, 306.
4. Dietrich Dorner, e Logic of Failure (Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books, 1996), p. 99.
5. David Whyte, e Heart Aroused (New York: Doubleday, 1994), p. 96.
6. Whyte, e Heart Aroused, p. 76.
7. Dorner, e Logic of Failure, p. 45.
8. Dorner, e Logic of Failure, p. 7.
9. Dorner, e Logic of Failure, p. 61.
10. Goleman, Kaufman, and Ray, e Creative Spirit, p.127.
11. Whyte, e Heart Aroused, p. 143.
12. Whyte, e Heart Aroused, p. 78.
13. Whyte, e Heart Aroused, p. 79.
14. Goleman, Kaufman, and Ray, e Creative Spirit, p.140.
15. Whyte, e Heart Aroused, p. 92.
16. Goleman, Kaufman, and Ray, e Creative Spirit, p.121.
17. Dorner, e Logic of Failure, p. 76.
18. Goleman, Kaufman, and Ray, e Creative Spirit, p. 61–62.
19. Whyte, e Heart Aroused, p. 83.
20. Higgins, Innovate or Evaporate, p. 256.
21. Dorner, e Logic of Failure, p. 5.
22. Higgins, Innovate or Evaporate, p. 302.
23. Whyte, e Heart Aroused, p. 76.
24. Higgins, Innovate or Evaporate, pp. 261, 304.
25. Whyte, e Heart Aroused, p. 85.
26. Dorner, e Logic of Failure, p. 69.
27. Dorner, e Logic of Failure, p. 43.
28. Goleman, Kaufman, and Ray, e Creative Spirit, p. 106.
29. Higgins, Innovate or Evaporate, p. 307.
30. Whyte, e Heart Aroused, p. 131.
31. Dorner, e Logic of Failure, p. 90.
32. Dorner, e Logic of Failure, p. 92.
33. Dorner, e Logic of Failure, pp. 33–34.
34. Higgins, Innovate or Evaporate, p. 241.
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