Working with Clips

After you capture or import a video clip or audio clip, you can preview the individual clips within a collection in the monitor. The monitor works similarly to a VCR/DVD. If you have a long clip that you want to divide into smaller clips, you can split the clip on your own or let Movie Maker try to do it. Movie Maker creates clips automatically based on time stamps insert by the digital video camera or significant frame change in the video.

Preview a Clip in a Collection

Click the Collections button.

Click the Collection folder you want to preview.

Click the clip you want to preview.

Click the Play button.


Press Spacebar to play or pause a clip quickly.

To pause the clip, click the Pause button. Click the Play button again to continue.

To stop the clip, click the Stop button.

Did You Know?

You can drag a clip to play it. You can drag any clip from the Collections area to the monitor to begin playing that clip.

Split a Clip

Click the clip from which you want to split.

Drag the Playback indicator on the Seek bar to the frame where you want to split the clip.

Click the Split the Clip button.


Press Ctrl+L to split a clip.

Create Clips Automatically

Click the video clip for which you want to detect and create clips.

Click the Tools menu, and then click Create Clips.

Did You Know?

You can combine clips. Hold down Ctrl, click the consecutive clips you want to combine, click the Clip menu, and then click Combine.

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