Playing Media Using a Playlist

Instead of playing digital media files, such as music tracks, video clips, or DVD segments, one at a time or in sequential order from a CD or DVD, you can use Windows Media Player to create a playlist. A playlist is a customized list or sequence of digital media that you want to listen to or watch. A playlist allows you to group together media files and specify the order in which you want to play back the media. You can mix and match the media files on your computer, a network, a CD, or the Internet, creating a personal juke box. You can create an easy access general playlist called Now Playing List, create one with a specify name, or specify criteria to create an Auto Playlist.

Create a Now Playing List

Click the Library tab.

Right-click the the media files, point to Add to, and then click Now Playing.

Click the Now Playing tab.

To clear the Now Playing List, click the Clear List pane button.

To save the list, click the Now Playing button, click Save Playing List As, type a name, specify a location, and then click Save.

Create a Playlist

Click the Library tab.

Click the arrow below the Library tab, and then click Create Playlist.

Display the media files you want to add to the playlist, and then drag them to the playlist.

Type a name for the playlist, and the press Enter.

Click Save Playlist to save the playlist in the Playlists folder.

  • To save a playlist in a another format, click the List button, and then click Save Playlist As.

Create an Auto Playlist

Click the Library tab.

Click the arrow below the Library tab, and then click Create Auto Playlist.

Type a name for the Auto Playlist.

Select the criteria options you want.

Click OK.

Add Media Files from Your Hard Disk to a Playlist

Open the folder window that contains the files or folders you want to add to a playlist.

Select the file(s) or folder(s) you want to include in the playlist.

Right-click the selection, and then click Add to ‘playlist name’.

Did You Know?

You can quickly play a playlist. Click th Library tab, and then double-click the playlist in the Navigation pane you want to play.

You can edit playlist. Click the Library tab, right-click the playlist you want to edit, click Edit in Pane, make your changes, and then click Save Playlist.

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