Chapter 2

Our Mathematical Playground


The purpose of this chapter is to enable the reader to become fluent in the language of this textbook: tensor algebra and tensor calculus. In particular, special attention is devoted to rigorously developing the mathematical foundations underlying tensor algebra and tensor calculus from the ground up, starting with the fundamental concepts of a vector space and an inner product space. Throughout, we favor a direct (or coordinate-free) presentation of the mathematics. Although direct notation requires some effort to master, it ultimately lends itself to a more transparent presentation of the physical concepts. Care is taken to provide the reader with sufficient background to specialize the coordinate-free results to Cartesian or curvilinear coordinate systems. Almost all examples are worked by the authors to facilitate self-study and to ensure the reader has a firm mathematical foundation.


direct notation

vector space

inner product space

tensor algebra

tensor calculus

cartesian coordinates

curvilinear coordinates

This textbook is primarily a course in physics. The physical notions, however, must be expressed through the language of mathematics. When this mathematical language becomes cumbersome, there is a danger that the mathematics will obscure the physics, and the subject will appear to be mere symbol manipulation. It is therefore desirable to present the physics in the simplest possible mathematics, which is direct notation. This direct presentation of the mathematics exists independently of any coordinate system. Once the theory has been developed and presented in direct form, it may be referred to any coordinate system when applied to a particular problem. This chapter will acquaint the student with, or serve as a review of, direct notation.

In this chapter, as well as the remainder of the book, we employ for brevity the following logical notation (beyond the customary operational and ordering symbols +, −, =, <, >, ≤, ≥): ∀ abbreviates “for all” or “for any,” ∈ abbreviates “an element of,” ∃ abbreviates “there exists,” ∋ abbreviates “such that,” ⊂ or ⊆ abbreviates “a subset of,” Rsi261_e abbreviates “the set of real numbers,” ∪ abbreviates “the union of,” ⇒ abbreviates “implies,” ⇔ abbreviates “if and only if,” and ≡ abbreviates “is defined as.”

2.1 Real numbers and euclidean space

The interplay of mathematics and physics in the development of continuum mechanics was as follows1: In their observations of the world around them, physically minded scientists encountered two types of quantities. Some quantities, such as temperature, mass, and pressure, were ordered sets (see Figure 2.1). From this concept were constructed the real numbers. Other quantities, such as velocity, acceleration, and force, had both a magnitude and a direction, and combined as shown in Figure 2.2. From these observations came a vector space endowed with an inner product called a Euclidean space.

Figure 2.1 The real number line, illustrating an ordered set of masses 0 < m1 < m2.
Figure 2.2 Physical observations of the interaction between kinematic and kinetic quantities in mechanics. (a) The combination of two forces f1 and f2, yielding the resultant force f1+2 (concept of vector addition). (b) The product of mass m with acceleration a, yielding force f (concept of scalar multiplication of a vector).

2.1.1 Properties of real numbers

Physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, and mass are described by real numbers. For all scalars α, β, γ that are elements of the set of real numbers Rsi262_e (or, in simplified notation, α,β,γRsi263_e), the following properties hold:

closure of addition,α+βR;commutativity of addition,α+β=β+α;associativity of addition,α+(β+γ)=(α+β)+γ;existence of an additive identity,0α+0=α;existence of an additive inverse,(α)α+(α)=0;closure of multiplication,αβR;commutativity of multiplication,αβ=βα;associativity of multiplication,(αβ)γ=α(βγ);existence of a multiplicative identity,1α=α;existence of a multiplicative inverse(or reciprocal),1αα1α=1,α0;zero product,0α=0;distributivity of multiplication over addition,(α+β)γ=αγ+βγ.

si264_e  (2.1)

Real numbers are an ordered set, so any pair of scalars α and β that are elements of the set of real numbers Rsi265_e satisfy one and only one of


si266_e  (2.2)

2.1.2 Properties of euclidean space

In this section, we arrive at Euclidean space by progressing from vector spaces, to metric spaces, to normed spaces, and finally to inner product spaces. The vector space (whose elements are called vectors) postulates the algebraic concepts of vector addition, scalar multiplication, and the zero element (or origin) of the space. The metric space (whose elements are called points) postulates topological concepts such as the distance between two points. The normed space (a vector space endowed with a norm) postulates the concept of the length of a vector. Finally, the inner product space (a vector space endowed with an inner product) postulates the concept of an angle between two vectors. Ultimately, we illustrate that every inner product space is also a vector space, a metric space, and a normed space, and is hence endowed with all of their separate properties (refer to Figure 2.3). An n-dimensional inner product space, where n is a positive integer, is known as a Euclidean space nsi267_e.

Figure 2.3 A schematic illustrating the interplay between the properties of vector, metric, normed, and inner product spaces.

Vector space X. The elements of vector space X are called vectors. For all vectors u, v, w in vector space X, and for all scalars α, β that are elements of the set of real numbers Rsi268_e (or, in simplified notation, ∀ u, v, wX and α,βRsi269_e), the following properties hold:

closure of vector addition,u+vX;commutativity of vector addition,u+v=v+u;associativity of vector addition,u+(v+w)=(u+v)+w;existence of an additive identity,0u+0=u;existence of an additive inverse,(u)u+(u)=0;closure of scalar multiplication,αuX;associativity of scalar multiplication,α(βu)=(αβ)u;existence of a multiplicative identity,1u=u;distributivity of scalar multiplication over scalar addition,(α+β)u=αu+βu;distributivity of scalar multiplication over vector addition,α(u+v)=αu+αv.

si270_e  (2.3)

For a vector space we have the algebraic concepts of linear combination, independence, dependence, span, linear manifold, basis, and dimension.

Metric space X. The elements of metric space X are called points. The real-valued function d(u, v) is called the metric of X; it accepts points u and v as inputs, and provides the real-valued distance between points u and v as output. The metric d(u, v) is defined such that the following properties hold ∀ u, v, wX:


si271_e  (2.4)

For a metric space we have the topological concepts of open sets, closed sets, continuity, convergence, completeness, compactness, connectedness, and boundedness. Note that we can have a vector space without the notion of a metric, and a metric space without the notions of scalar multiplication or a zero element (i.e., an origin).

Normed space X. The normed space X is a vector space in which there exists a real-valued function |u| known as the norm of the vector u; the norm accepts vector u as input, and provides the real-valued length of u as output. The norm is defined such that the following properties hold ∀ u, vX and αRsi272_e:


si273_e  (2.5)

By definition, every normed space is a vector space (properties (2.5) of a normed space are defined on a vector space). In addition, we can show (refer to Problem 2.1 and Figure 2.3) that every normed space is also a metric space if we define the metric d(u, v) ≡ |uv|, called the natural metric generated by the norm. Hence, the elements of a normed space can be referred to as either vectors or points. That is, we may think of x as a point in space, or a vector from the zero element (origin) to the point. The length |x| of the vector x is the distance between point x and the origin. The distance d(u, v) between two points u, v is the length |uv| of the difference uv of the vectors u, v.

Problem 2.1

Prove that every normed space is also a metric space if the metric is defined d(u, v) = |uv|.


To accomplish this, we must show that properties (2.5) of a normed space, together with the particular definition d(u, v) = |uv| of the metric (called the natural metric generated by the norm), satisfy properties (2.4) of a metric space:

(i) Show that property (2.4)1 is satisfied:

uvu+(v)v+(v)uv0(property(2.3)5)|uv|>0(property(2.5)1)d(u,v)>0(definition of metric).


(ii) Show that property (2.4)2 is satisfied:

d(u,u)=|uv|(definition of metric)=|0|(property(2.3)5)=0(property(2.5)2).


(iii) Show that property (2.4)3 is satisfied:

d(u,v)=|uv|(definition of metric)=|(1)(vu)|(property(2.3)10)=|1||vu|(property(2.5)3)=|vu|=d(v,u)(definition of metric).


(iv) Show that property (2.4)4 is satisfied:

d(u,w)=|uw|(definition of metric)=|(u+0)w|(property(2.3)4)=|u+[(v)+v]w|(property(2.3)5)=|(uv)+(vw)|(property(2.3)3)|uv|d(u,v)+|vw|d(v,w)(property(2.5)4).


Inner product space X. The inner product space X is a vector space in which there exists a real-valued function u · v known as the inner product of vectors u and v; the inner product accepts vectors u and v as inputs, and provides a real-valued quantity related to the angle between u and v as output. (Look ahead to Eq. (2.54).) The inner product is defined such that the following properties hold ∀ u, v, wX and αRsi274_e:


si275_e  (2.6)

By definition, every inner product space is a vector space (properties (2.6) of an inner product space are defined on a vector space). It can be shown (refer to Problem 2.3 and Figure 2.3) that every inner product space is also a normed space and a metric space if |u| = (u · u)1/2 and d(u, v) = [(uv) · (uv)]1/2. These are called the natural norm and natural metric, respectively, generated by the inner product. An n-dimensional inner product space, where n is a positive integer, is known as a Euclidean space nsi276_e. We hereafter specialize to three-dimensional Euclidean space 3si277_e.

Problem 2.2

Prove the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (u · v)2 ≤ (u · u)(v · v).


For any vectors u and w, the properties of normed and inner product spaces demand that



Then, once again using the properties of an inner product space, this becomes



We now set



with v arbitrary. Then



It follows that






Problem 2.3

Prove that every inner product space is also a normed space if the norm is defined |u|=(u·u)12si11_e.


To accomplish this, we must show that properties (2.6) of an inner product space, along with the particular definition |u|=(u·u)12si12_e of the norm (called the natural norm generated by the inner product), satisfy properties (2.5) of a normed space:

(i) Show that property (2.5)1 is satisfied:

u0u·u>0(property(2.6)4)(u·u)12>0|u|>0(definition of norm).


(ii) Show that property (2.5)2 is satisfied:



The result 0· v = 0 is true for any vector v in 3si15_e. In particular, if we choose v = 0, then



where we have used the definition of the norm.

(iii) Show that property (2.5)3 is satisfied:

|αu|=(αu·αu)12=[α2(u·u)]12definition of norm(property(2.6)2)=(α2)12(u·u)12=|α||u|(definition of norm).


(iv) Show that property (2.5)4 is satisfied:
It follows from the definition of the norm and the properties (2.6) of inner product spaces that



The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (refer to Problem 2.2) then implies that



Then, from the definition of the norm, it follows that



from which we have



and, finally,



All results obtained in this treatise follow rigorously from the postulated properties(2.1)(2.6).

2.2 Tensor algebra

The presentation of the conceptual material in this section follows [2].

2.2.1 Second-order tensors, zero tensor, identity tensor

A second-order tensor (or tensor, for short) is defined only by how it acts on an arbitrary vector (a vector is also known as a first-order tensor). In particular, a second-order tensor T is an operation that assigns to each vector v in vector space 3si278_e a vector Tv in vector space 3si279_e such that


si280_e  (2.7)

for any vectors v,w3si281_e and scalars αRsi282_e. Property (2.7)1 indicates that the map of the sum is the sum of the maps, and property (2.7)2 indicates that the map of the product is the product of the map; thus, a second-order tensor is a linear map from vector space 3si283_e to vector space 3si284_e. The set of all second-order tensors is denoted by Lsi285_e.

Addition and scalar multiplication of second-order tensors are defined by


si286_e  (2.8)

for any tensors S,TLsi287_e, vectors vε3si288_e, and scalars αRsi289_e. Note that the operations S + T and αS are defined by how they act on an arbitrary vector v. With definition (2.7), definition (2.8), and the properties of ε3si290_e (refer to Section 2.1.2), it can be shown (refer to Problem 2.4) that all of the requirements (2.3) are satisfied. Hence, the set Lsi291_e of all second-order tensors is a vector space.

Problem 2.4

Prove that the set Lsi23_e of all second-order tensors is a vector space.


In what follows, we show that the properties of a vector space are satisfied by any arbitrary second-order tensors R, S, and T. That is, the algebraic properties of second-order tensors will be deduced using properties (2.3), which are postulated to hold for vectors, along with definitions (2.7) and (2.8).2

Closure of tensor addition

For any vectors v, w in ε3si24_e and scalars α in Rsi25_e,






It follows from (2.7) that T + S is a linear map from ε3si28_e to ε3si29_e, i.e., T+SLsi30_e.

Commutativity of tensor addition

For any vector v in ε3si31_e,



Since v is arbitrary, we conclude that T + S = S + T. Note that commutativity of tensor addition was deduced using commutativity of vector addition (postulated property (2.3)2).

Associativity of tensor addition

For any vector v in ε3si33_e,



Since v is arbitrary, we conclude that T + (S + R) = (T + S) + R. Note that associativity of tensor addition was deduced using associativity of vector addition (postulated property (2.3)3).

Existence of an additive identity

The zero tensor 0 maps any vector v in ε3si35_e to the zero vector 0, i.e., 0v = 0 (refer to (2.9)). We have,



Since v is arbitrary, T + 0 = T. Note that the existence of a zero tensor was deduced using the existence of a zero vector (postulated property (2.3)4).

Existence of an additive inverse

For any vector v in ε3si37_e,



Thus, T + (−T) = 0. Note that the existence of an additive inverse for tensors was deduced using the existence of an additive inverse for vectors (postulated property (2.3)5).

Closure of scalar multiplication

For any vectors v, w in ε3si39_e and scalars β in Rsi40_e,






It follows from (2.7) that αT is a linear map from ε3si43_e to ε3si44_e, i.e., αTLsi45_e.

Associativity of scalar multiplication

For any vector v in ε3si46_e,



Therefore, since v is arbitrary, α(βT) = (αβ)T. Note that associativity of scalar multiplication of a tensor was deduced using associativity of scalar multiplication of a vector (postulated property (2.3)7).

Existence of a multiplicative identity

For any vector v in ε3si48_e,



Thus, 1T = T. Note that the existence of a multiplicative identity for tensors was deduced using the existence of a multiplicative identity for vectors (postulated property (2.3)8).

Distributivity of scalar multiplication over scalar addition

For any vector v in ε3si50_e and scalars α, β in Rsi51_e,



Thus, (α + β)T = αT + βT. Note that this property for tensors was deduced using the analogous property (2.3)9 for vectors.

Distributivity of scalar multiplication over tensor addition

For any vector v in ε3si53_e and scalar α in Rsi54_e,



Since v is arbitrary, we have α(T + S) = αT + αS. Note that this property for tensors was deduced using the analogous property (2.3)10 for vectors.

2 The properties of a first-order tensor (vector) are postulated in Section 2.1.2, while those of higher-order tensors must be deduced from those postulated properties.

Recall from properties (2.3) that every vector space has a zero element. The zero element of Lsi292_e is the zero tensor 0 that maps every vε3si293_e to the zero vector 0 of ε3si294_e, i.e.,


si295_e  (2.9)

The identity tensor I maps every vε3si296_e to itself, i.e.,


si297_e  (2.10)

2.2.2 Product, transpose, symmetry

The product of two tensors is defined by


si298_e  (2.11)

for any vector vε3si299_e. Note that this product is defined such that v is first mapped by T to Tv, then Tv is mapped by S to S(Tv); see Figure 2.4. It can be shown (refer to Problem 2.5) that with definition (2.11) the product of two tensors is itself a tensor. Tensor multiplication is not commutative, since in general STTS, although it is associative. It can be verified (refer to Problem 2.6) that tensor multiplication distributes over tensor addition as


si300_e  (2.12)

Figure 2.4 Schematic illustrating how the product ST operates on an arbitrary vector v.

Problem 2.5

Prove that the product of two tensors is itself a tensor.


For the product ST of tensors S and T to itself be a tensor, it must satisfy definition (2.7), i.e.,



for any tensors S, T in Lsi57_e, vectors v, w in ε3si58_e, and scalars α in Rsi59_e.



Problem 2.6

Prove in direct notation that (S + T)R = SR + TR.


For any vector v in ε3si61_e,



Since v is arbitrary, (S + T)R = SR + TR, i.e., tensor multiplication is distributive over tensor addition.

The transpose ST of S is defined by


si301_e  (2.13)

for any vectors u,vε3si302_e. It can be shown (refer to Problem 2.7) that the transpose is unique. We have, for instance (refer to Problems 2.82.11),


si303_e  (2.14)

Problem 2.7

Show that the transpose is unique.


The structure of this uniqueness proof follows the customary approach: we assume at the outset that two elements satisfy a particular mathematical statement, then systematically demonstrate that these two elements are identical.

Suppose there exists a tensor R in Lsi63_e such that



for any vectors u, v in ε3si65_e. It follows that






where we have used property (2.6)3 and definition (2.8)1, respectively. Since u is arbitrary,



and since v is arbitrary,



so R = ST, i.e., the transpose is unique.

Problem 2.8

In direct notation, prove that (S + T)T = ST + TT.


Since S + T is a tensor (refer to Problem 2.4, closure), we have by definition (2.13)



for any vectors u and v in ε3si71_e. Working with the left-hand side, we obtain



Using this result in the original expression, we obtain



for any vectors u and v in ε3si74_e. Since u and v are arbitrary, (S + T)T = ST + TT, i.e., the transpose of the sum is the sum of the transposes.

Problem 2.9

In direct notation, prove that (SR)T = RTST.


Since ST is a tensor (refer to Problem 2.5), we have by definition (2.13)



for any vectors u and v in ε3si76_e. Working with the left-hand side, we obtain



Using this result in the original expression, we obtain



for any vectors u and v in ε3si79_e. Since u and v are arbitrary, (SR)T = RTST, i.e., the transpose of the product is the product of the transposes.

Problem 2.10

In direct notation, prove that (ST)T = S.


For any vectors u and v in ε3si80_e,



Since vectors u and v are arbitrary, it follows that (ST)T = S.

Problem 2.11

In direct notation, prove that IT = I.


It follows from definition (2.13) that for any vectors u and v in ε3si82_e



Working with the left-hand side, we obtain



Upon use of this result in the original expression, it follows that



Successive use of properties (2.6)3 and (2.8)1 allows us to write



for any vectors u and v in ε3si87_e. Since u is arbitrary,



and since v is arbitrary,



so IT = I.

A tensor for which


si304_e  (2.15)

is called a symmetric tensor, and a tensor for which


si305_e  (2.16)

is called a skew tensor. It can be shown (refer to Problem 2.12) that every tensor S can be additively decomposed into a symmetric part D and a skew part W, i.e.,


si306_e  (2.17)



si307_e  (2.18)

Problem 2.12

Given the decomposition S = D + W, where D=12(S+ST)si90_e and W=12(SST)si91_e, prove in direct notation that D is symmetric and W is skew.


To prove that D is symmetric and W is skew, we must show that DT = D and WT = −W:

DT=12(S+ST)T(definition ofD)=12[ST+(ST)T](result(2.14)1)=12(ST+S)(result(2.14)3)=12(S+ST)(commutativity of tensor addition)=D(definition ofD);WT=12(SST)T(definition ofW);=12[ST(ST)T](result(2.14)1)=12(STS)(result(2.14)3)=12(SST)(commutativity of tensor addition)=W(definition ofW).


2.2.3 Dyadic product

The dyadic product (or tensor product) ab accepts two vectors a,bε3si308_e as inputs and provides as output a second-order tensor that maps each vε3si309_e to the vector (b · v)a. That is,


si310_e  (2.19)

where (b · v)a is the projection of b onto v in the direction of a. We have, for instance (refer to Problems 2.142.17),


si311_e  (2.20)

Problem 2.13

Verify that ab is a tensor.


To prove that ab is a tensor, we must demonstrate that it satisfies definition (2.7), i.e.,



for all vectors a, b, v, w in ε3si94_e and scalars α in Rsi95_e:



Problem 2.14

In direct notation, prove that (ab)T = ba.


Since ab is a tensor (refer to Problem 2.13), it follows from definition (2.13) that



for all vectors u, v in ε3si98_e. Working with the left-hand side, we obtain



Using this result in the original statement, we obtain



Since u and v are arbitrary, it follows that (ab)T = ba.

Problem 2.15

In direct notation, prove that S (ab) = (Sa) ⊗ b.


For any vector v in ε3si101_e,



Since v is arbitrary, it follows that S(ab) = (Sa) ⊗ b.

Problem 2.16

In direct notation, prove that (ab) S = a ⊗ (STb).


For any vector v in ε3si103_e,



Since v is arbitrary, (ab)S = a ⊗ (STb).

Problem 2.17

In direct notation, prove that (ab)(cd) = (b · c)(ad).


For any vector v in ε3si105_e,



Since v is arbitrary, it follows that (ab)(cd) = (b · c) (ad).

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