Chapter 5

Constitutive Modeling in Mechanics and Thermomechanics


The constitutive equations for a particular material, together with the conservation laws of mass, linear momentum, angular momentum, and energy, govern the response of that material. Unlike the conservation laws, however, the constitutive equations vary from material to material. In other words, they depend on the physical behavior of the particular material being modeled. In this chapter, we provide a broad overview of constitutive modeling in mechanics and thermomechanics. We describe how the constitutive equations must satisfy the second law of thermodynamics, conservation of angular momentum, material symmetry requirements, and invariance under superposed rigid body motions. Special attention is devoted to determining how various kinematic, kinetic, and thermodynamic quantities transform under a superposed rigid body motion and, in turn, how these transformations can be used to develop appropriate invariance requirements. We also examine useful thermodynamic concepts in constitutive modeling, such as thermomechanical processes and Legendre transformations.


constitutive modeling

constitutive equations

response functions


material symmetry

thermomechanical process

Legendre transformation

Part I: Mechanics

5.1 Fundamental laws, constitutive equations, a well-posed initial-value boundary-value problem

Recall from Chapter 4 that the field equations, i.e., those equations that must be satisfied at each location and time in the domain of interest, are, in the mechanical theory,


si86_e  (5.1)


si87_e  (5.2)


si88_e  (5.3)

Equations (5.1)(5.3) are the local Eulerian forms of conservation of mass, conservation of linear momentum, and conservation of angular momentum, respectively. In this form, the density ρ, velocity v, and Cauchy stress T are scalar, vector, and tensor functions, respectively, of present position x and time t. Note that in the mechanical theory (sometimes referred to as the isothermal, or constant temperature, theory), we do not concern ourselves with the thermal quantities of temperature Θ, entropy η, heat flux h, and heat supply r, nor the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Recall from Chapter 3 the definitions of the partial derivatives ρ′, grad ρ, grad v, div v, and div T appearing in (5.1)(5.3), e.g.,



The field equations (5.1)(5.3) must be satisfied at all locations x in the open region Rsi90_e of E3si91_e occupied by the body in the present configuration at each time t, for all time t in the interval of interest. In Cartesian component notation, (5.1)(5.3) consist of seven coupled nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) for the 13 scalar functions ρ, v1, v2, v3, T11, T12, T13, T21, T22, T23, T31, T32, and T33 of the independent variables x1, x2, x3, and t. To close this system of field equations (i.e., to have the same number of unknowns as equations, which is necessary for a well-posed initial-value boundary-value problem formulation), there must be six additional scalar equations.

These six scalar equations, called constitutive equations, depend on the physical behavior of the particular material being modeled. (In contrast, the field equations (5.1)(5.3) are valid for all continua.) In general, different materials will have different constitutive equations. The constitutive equations proposed for a specific material or class of materials must be grounded on physical experiments.

In the Eulerian formulation, the six scalar constitutive equations are a single tensor equation relating the stress T to the motion χ (and possibly rates, gradients, or the history of the motion). In general, the stress T at time t can depend on the entire history of motion up to time t; for practical models, however, this dependence is reduced to manageable limits, while still including enough dependence to be physically useful. The tensorial constitutive equation defines the response of the continuum to the motion, and is therefore also called the response function of the continuum. In general, different materials have different responses to the same motion, and are thus characterized by different constitutive equations.

The tensor constitutive equation relating T to the motion must be consistent with conservation of angular momentum (5.3), so it must be symmetric in T. Therefore, although the tensor constitutive equation corresponds to nine scalar equations, only six of these are independent, since we must have T21 = T12, T31 = T13, and T32 = T23. By counting equations, we see that these six independent constitutive equations are the field equations necessary to close the set (5.1)(5.3): the six constitutive equations plus (5.1)(5.3) are 13 coupled nonlinear PDEs for the 13 functions of x1, x2, x3, and t listed previously.

With the constitutive equations given and the set of equations closed, to complete a well-posed initial-value boundary-value problem formulation, it is necessary to specify the appropriate initial conditions and boundary conditions. The initial conditions and boundary conditions necessary in a particular problem depend on the differential operators present in the constitutive equation, as well as the differential operators appearing in the field equations (5.1) and (5.2). For instance, since first-order time derivatives of ρ and v appear in (5.1) and (5.2), it is necessary to give initial values of ρ and v throughout the domain. Initial conditions on ρ′ and v′, etc., will be necessary if there are higher-order time derivatives in the constitutive equations; see Table 5.1.

Table 5.1

Eulerian Formulation of the Mechanical Initial-Value Boundary-Value Problem

DomainAll xR(t)si1_e, the region occupied by the body in the present configuration at time t
Time intervaltottf
ρ′ + v · grad ρ + ρ div v = 0
Governing equationsdiv T + ρb = ρ[v′ + (grad v) v]
T=˘T(motion)si2_e satisfying T = TT
Specified functionsb=˜b(x,t)si3_e specified for all xR(t)si4_e, tottf
Unknowns˜ρ(x,t)si5_e, ˜v(x,t)si6_e, ˜T(x,t)si7_e
Initial conditionsSpecified at t = to for all xR(to)si8_e
Boundary conditionsSpecified on xR(t)si9_e for tottf

The Lagrangian formulation of the mechanical theory differs from the Eulerian formulation in that (1) it has different unknowns, (2) it has different differential operators in the field equations and hence different initial and boundary conditions, and (3) the concept of a reference configuration requires that information be supplied about the reference state. The independent variables in the Lagrangian formulation are reference position X and time t; see Table 5.2.

Table 5.2

Lagrangian Formulation of the Mechanical Initial-Value Boundary-Value Problem

DomainAll XRRsi10_e, the region occupied by the body in the reference configuration
Time intervaltottf
ρJ = ρR
Governing equationsDivP+ρRb=ρR¨χsi11_e
P=˘P(motion)si12_e satisfying PFT = FPT
Specified functionsb=ˆb(X,t)si13_e specified for all XRRsi14_e, tottf
ρR=ˆρR(X)si15_e specified for all XRRsi16_e
Unknownsˆρ(X,t)si17_e, χ(X, t), ˆP(X,t)si18_e
Initial conditionsSpecified at t = to for all XRRsi19_e
Boundary conditionsSpecified on XRRsi20_e for tottf


1. Write the field equations (5.1)(5.3) in indicial notation. Then fully expand them into their Cartesian component forms. Verify that the resulting system of equations consists of seven scalar PDEs for 13 scalar unknowns.

5.2 Restrictions on the constitutive equations

As discussed in Section 5.1, the tensor constitutive equation relating the Cauchy stress T to the motion χ must satisfy conservation of angular momentum. Additionally, it must satisfy invariance requirements, and perhaps some material symmetry conditions. These restrictions will prove useful. For instance, in Chapter 7, we will show how these restrictions allow us to reduce a proposed form of the constitutive equation for viscous fluids. Such reductions are welcomed since they allow the fluid to be characterized with fewer laboratory experiments.

5.2.1 Invariance under superposed rigid body motions

In this book, we require that the constitutive equation for the Cauchy stress T be invariant under all possible superposed rigid body motions (SRBMs) of the body. (Refer to Appendix A for other notions of invariance.) Invariance under SRBMs demands that if two motions of a body composed of the same material differ only by a SRBM, then physically the internal response generated in the two motions must be the same, apart from orientation. The response due to the SRBM should be zero. If it is not, the proposed constitutive equation is not physical. Superposed rigid body motions

Consider two motions, given by the functions x = χ(X, t) and x+ = χ+(X, t+), both referred to the same reference configuration. A particle at reference position X is mapped by motion χ to position x at time t; this same particle at reference position X is mapped by motion χ+ to position x+ at time t+. Another particle, at position Y in the reference configuration, is mapped by motion χ to position y at time t, and by motion χ+ to position y+ at time t+; see Figure 5.1. The motions χ and χ+ differ by a SRBM if

Figure 5.1 Two motions χ and χ+ that differ by a SRBM.

(1) the elapsed time between an arbitrary pair of instants (or events) t1 and t2, and t+1 and t+2, is the same,

(2) the order in which two distinct instants t1 and t2, and t+1 and t+2, occur is the same, and

(3) the distance between an arbitrary pair of particles x and y, and x+ and y+, at any particular instant is the same.

Necessary and sufficient conditions that the two motions x = χ(X, t) and x+ = χ+(X, t+) differ by a SRBM are that x+ and t+ are related to x and t by


si92_e  (5.4a)


si93_e  (5.4b)

where Q(t) is a proper orthogonal tensor-valued function of time t, c(t) is a vector-valued function of time t, and c is a scalar constant. (Refer to Section 2.2.6 for a discussion of proper orthogonal tensors.) Said differently,

motionsx=χ(X,t)andx+=χ+(X,t+)differ by a SRBMif and only ifx+=Q(t)x+c(t)andt+=t+c;

si94_e  (5.5)

refer to Problem 5.1. Physically, the proper orthogonal tensor Q(t) can be interpreted as a rigid body rotation, and the vector c(t) can be interpreted as a rigid body translation. Note that the linear equation (5.4a) can be inverted, i.e.,





si96_e  (5.6)

Also, we can verify that


si97_e  (5.7)

for any tensor A.

Problem 5.1

Prove that motions x = χ(X, t) and x+ = χ+(X, t+) differ by a SRBM if and only if




To prove necessity, we must show that if two motions x = χ(X, t) and x+ = χ+(X, t+) differ by a SRBM, then



for all proper orthogonal Q(t). In other words, we must show that requirements (1)-(3) discussed in Section imply (5.4a) and (5.4b).

Requirements (1) and (2) demand that t+ = t + c, i.e., the two time scales differ only by their choice of an origin, so we have shown (5.4b). We now show that requirement (3) implies (5.4a).

At time t, a particle in the one motion occupies position x, given by the function



At corresponding instant t+ = t + c in the other motion, the same particle occupies position x+, given by the function


si24_e  (a)

Another particle at time t in the first motion occupies position y, given by



and at time t+ in the second motion occupies position y+, given by


si26_e  (b)

To summarize, the motion χ takes the particles occupying reference positions X and Y to present positions x and y at time t, while the motion χ+ takes those same particles to present positions x+ and y+ at time t+. Recalling the inverse relation X = χ−1(x, t) and using t+ = t + c, we may rewrite (a) as



Similarly, (b) may be rewritten as



Requirement (3) demands that the distance |xy| between x and y at time t is the same as the distance |x+y+| between x+ and y+ at time t+ = t + c. This is equivalent to





si30_e  (c)

for all x, y, and t. It follows from (2.99)3 that differentiation of (c) with respect to x gives


si31_e  (d)

Then, differentiation of (d) with respect to y gives



from which we deduce that


si33_e  (e)

In (e) we have that a tensor-valued function of (y, t) is equal to a tensor-valued function of (x, t). Since x and y are independent, we deduce that both tensor-valued functions depend on t alone, i.e.,


si34_e  (f)

and thus, by (e),


si35_e  (g)

Equation (g) implies that Q(t) is orthogonal (refer to (2.51)), so det Q = ±1. However, the SRBM under consideration must include as a special case ˜χ+(x,t)=xsi36_e. For this particular case, Q = I and det Q = 1. Since motions are continuous, we must have det Q = 1 always, so Q(t) is proper orthogonal. The first-order PDE (f)1 (or system of first-order PDEs in component form) can then be integrated to give



which is (5.4a). We have thus completed the necessity proof.

Now, to prove sufficiency, we must show that if



with Q(t) proper orthogonal, then motions x = χ(X, t) and x+ = χ+(X, t+) differ by a SRBM. In other words, we must show that (5.4a) and (5.4b) imply conditions (1)-(3) discussed in Section

Equation (5.4b) obviously implies requirements (1) and (2). From (5.4a), it follows that for any pair of particles,



so the distance |x+y+| between x+ and y+ is the same as the distance |xy| between x and y. Thus, requirement (3) is satisfied.


1. Verify that for any tensor A,

(a) (AT)+ = (A+)T,

(b) (A−1)+ = (A+)−1,

(c) (˙A)+=·¯A+.si98_e Relationships between geometric and kinematic quantities under a SRBM

In addition to preserving the distance between a pair of particles (refer to Problem 5.1), it can be shown that the transformation (5.4a) also preserves the angle θ between any two nonzero vectors, so


si99_e  (5.8)

refer to Problem 5.2. Now consider a surface in the present configuration that contains two points x and y, and has outward unit normal n. Since the SRBM (5.4a) is angle preserving, the angle between n and xy is the same as the angle between n+ and x+y+. As a consequence, it can be shown that


si100_e  (5.9)

refer to Problem 5.3. Similarly, it can be shown that the infinitesimal line elements dx+ and dx (refer to Section 3.3.1) differ only by a rotation, i.e.,


si101_e  (5.10)

Problem 5.2

Show that cos θ+ = cos θ.


Consider three different particles: one at reference position X, another at reference position Y, and a third at reference position Z. The motions χ and χ+, which differ by a SRBM, map these particles to positions x, y, z at time t, and x+, y+, z+ at time t+, respectively. Let θ be the angle between vectors xy and xz, and θ+ be the angle between vectors x+y+ and x+z+. It follows from definition (2.54) that



The relations



and the preservation of length under a SRBM, then imply that



Orthogonality of Q (refer to definition (2.50)) demands that



Problem 5.3

Prove that n+ = Qn.


Consider a surface in the present configuration that contains two points x and y, and has outward unit normal n. Since the SRBM (5.4a) is angle preserving (refer, for instance, to Problem 5.2), the angle between n and xy is the same as the angle between n+ and x+y+, i.e.,



The vectors n and n+ are unit vectors, so |n| = |n+| = 1. Since SRBMs are length preserving, |x+y+| = |xy|. Also,



These results imply that the original expression simplifies to






Since nQTn+ is independent of xy, we have



or, premultiplying both sides by Q,



Recall that many kinematical quantities, such as v, F, C, L, D, and W, are derived from the motion χ. The SRBM χ+ will likewise be accompanied by v+, F+, C+, L+, D+, and W+. The transformation (5.4a) imposes relationships between these two sets of quantities. For instance,


si102_e  (5.11)



si103_e  (5.12)

allows us to rewrite (5.11) as


si104_e  (5.13)

It can be shown (refer to Problem 5.4) that the tensor Ω(t) is skew. Another fundamental kinematic relationship is


si105_e  (5.14)

Using (5.13) and (5.14), we can verify that


si106_e  (5.15)

where Q(t) is proper orthogonal and Ω(t) is skew; refer to Problems 5.55.10.

Problem 5.4

Prove that the tensor Ω=˙QQTsi50_e is skew.


Since Q is orthogonal,



The material derivative of this expression is



It follows from (3.22) and (3.23) that



Use of definition (5.12) leads to



which implies that






Hence, Ω is skew (refer to definition (2.16)).

Problem 5.5

Prove that C+ = C.




Problem 5.6

Prove that U+ = U.




Problem 5.7

Prove that L+ = QLQT + Ω.







Problem 5.8

Prove that D+ = QDQT.


D+=12[L++(LT)+](definition(3.58)1)=12[L++(L+)T](result(5.7)1)=12[QLQT+Ω+(QLQT+Ω)T](result(5.15)7)=12[QLQT+Ω+(QLQT)T+ΩT](result(2.14)1)=12[QLQT+Ω+QLTQT+ΩT](results(2.14)2and(2.14)3)=12[QLQT+QLTQT](Ωis skew,definition(2.16))=Q[12(L+LT)]QT(result(2.12))=QDQT(definition(3.58)1).


Problem 5.9

Prove that J+ = J.




Problem 5.10

Prove that da+ = da.


It follows from (3.75) that



Then, using (2.62), (5.9), and (5.10), we have



Definition (2.64) and proper orthogonality of Q then imply that



This result—that the element of area remains unaltered under a SRBM—is consistent with the length-preserving and angle-preserving properties of transformation (5.4a).


1. Prove that dx+ = Q dx.

2. Prove that B+ = QBQT.

3. Prove that V+ = QVQT.

4. Show that R+ = QR.

5. Verify that E+ = E.

6. Show that W+ = QWQT + Ω.

7. Verify that ρ+ = ρ.

8. Prove that dv+ = dv. Relationships between kinetic quantities under a SRBM

Consider now the tractions t and t+ associated with the motions χ and χ+, respectively, i.e.,






It is physical to assume that t is unaltered apart from orientation by a SRBM, i.e.,

(1) the magnitude of t(x, t, n) is equal to the magnitude of t+ (x+, t+, n+), and

(2) the angle θ between t(x, t, n) and xy, for any y, is the same as the angle θ+ between t+(x+, t+, n+) and x+y+.

In mathematical language, these invariance assumptions become


si109_e  (5.16a)



si110_e  (5.16b)

It can be shown that as a consequence of (5.16a) and (5.16b),


si111_e  (5.17)

which, in turn, implies that


si112_e  (5.18)

refer to Problems 5.11 and 5.12. Also,


si113_e  (5.19)

Problem 5.11

Prove that t+ = Qt.


Recall invariance assumption (5.16b), i.e.,



Since the distance between two particles is unaltered by a SRBM,



This observation, together with invariance assumption (5.16a), implies that (5.16b) becomes



Then, use of



leads us to conclude that






Since tQTt+ and x are independent of y, it follows from (2.99)3 that differentiation of this scalar expression with respect to vector y gives






Problem 5.12

Prove that T+ = QTQT.


Recall from Problem 5.11 that t+ = Qt. Also recall from Section 4.6 that t = Tn. Together, these results imply that



Use of n+ = Qn leads to



Since the coefficient of the unit normal n is independent of n itself, and n is arbitrary, we conclude that the coefficient vanishes:







1. Show that P+ = QP.

2. Verify that S+ = S. Invariance requirements

In summary, for the Cauchy stress T to be invariant under all possible SRBMs of the body, any proposed constitutive equation for T must satisfy






for all proper orthogonal Q(t), skew Ω(t), and vector functions c(t) and ˙c(t)si116_e. Collectively, these conditions are referred to as invariance requirements. As will become evident in Chapters 6 and 7, invariance requirements allow us to reduce postulated forms of the constitutive equation for the Cauchy stress T for different materials. Such reductions are welcomed since they allow the characterization of a material from fewer laboratory experiments.

5.2.2 Material symmetry

In addition to angular momentum and invariance requirements, the constitutive equation for the Cauchy stress T generally must satisfy material symmetry conditions. The motion of a body Bsi117_e may be referred to any number of reference configurations (refer to Section 3.1). Let 0κ and 1κ be two such reference configurations. Consider a typical particle Y of Bsi118_e located at position 0X in reference configuration 0κ, position 1X in reference configuration 1κ, and position x in the present configuration at time t (see Figure 5.2). In the notation of Section 3.1,



It follows that



We denote


si121_e  (5.20)

From (5.20) we have



Figure 5.2 A motion referred to two reference configurations.

Suppose the constitutive equation for the Cauchy stress T is assumed to depend on the deformation gradient with respect to a specific reference configuration, say, 0κ. (This assumption is appropriate for an elastic solid, as will soon become apparent in Chapter 6.) Then,



The choice of reference configuration is arbitrary. Hence, the constitutive equation may just as well be assumed to depend on the deformation gradient with respect to another reference configuration, say, 1κ:



Hence, it follows that


si125_e  (5.21)

In general, the constitutive equation for T depends on the choice of reference configuration. For instance, 0κ may be stress-free, and 1κ may be stressed. We would not expect the addition of the same amount of stretch to each configuration to illicit the same response. It may happen, however, that the two reference configurations 0κ and 1κ are equivalent in the sense that constitutive functions referred to 0κ are identical to those referred to 1κ. If 0κ and 1κ are equivalent, then it follows from (5.21) that


si126_e  (5.22)

and the tensor H is called a symmetry transformation with respect to the reference configuration 0κ.

Consider now a particular reference configuration κ, and the set of all configurations iκ, i = 1,2,…, equivalent to κ. Denote by iH the gradient of the reference map iκ with respect to the reference map κ. Each of iH is then a symmetry transformation with respect to the reference configuration κ; see Figure 5.3. The set of all such symmetry transformations forms a group with respect to tensor multiplication, and is called the symmetry group Gsi127_e of the material relative to the reference configuration κ.

Figure 5.3 Equivalent reference configurations.

One of the properties of a material is the amount of symmetry it possesses, which is reflected in its particular symmetry group Gsi128_e for a given κ. Relations such as (5.22) must hold for all H in Gsi129_e. The restrictions thus placed on the constitutive functions can therefore tell us much about the form of these functions. Hence, material symmetry considerations play a role in reducing the functional dependence of the response functions for a particular material.

On physical grounds, it can be argued that if the density of a material is altered, then the material will exhibit different behavior, i.e., the response function will be altered. Therefore, for H to be an element of the symmetry group Gsi130_e, it must be unimodular (i.e., det H = ±1), so density is preserved between the two reference configurations.

The most symmetry a material can possess, relative to a particular reference configuration κ, is G=μsi131_e, where μ is the full unimodular group. For such a material, there is no difference in the response from any two configurations having the same density. This has been taken as one definition of a fluid. By this definition, a fluid is a material for which G=μsi132_e, i.e., the symmetry group is the full unimodular group.

The least symmetry that a material can possess in a particular reference configuration is G={I}si133_e. In this case the response functions in the reference configuration are different from those in any other reference configuration.

A material is said to be isotropic if there exists a reference configuration, called the undistorted or stress-free configuration, for which the symmetry group Gsi134_e contains the full orthogonal group Osi135_e. Hence, for the isotropic material, there is a stress-free state in which there is no preferred orientation.

A solid can be defined as a material that has different responses from two reference configurations if the change from one configuration to the other involves a deformation (as opposed to a rigid rotation or translation). Therefore, under this definition, a solid possesses a reference configuration for which the symmetry group Gsi136_e is a subgroup of the full orthogonal group Osi137_e.

Reviewing our definitions, we have the following:

fluid(maximal symmetry):G=μ;isotropicmaterial:OG;solid:GO.


Since all orthogonal tensors are unimodular (i.e., Oμsi139_e), we note that fluids are isotropic.

It can be shown that there exists no group Asi140_e such that OAμsi141_e, so Osi142_e is maximal in μ. This implies that all isotropic materials are either solids (G=Osi143_e) or fluids (G=μsi144_e). However, not all solids are isotropic, since there are proper subgroups of the full orthogonal group (e.g., {I}Osi145_e). Therefore,

isotropicsolid:G=O(for the stress-free configuration);anisotropicsolid:GO(for the stress-free configuration).


Part II: Thermomechanics

In the thermomechanical theory, the mechanical equations of motion are supplemented by the first and second laws of thermodynamics, and an appropriate set of constitutive equations for the thermal and mechanical quantities.

5.3 Fundamental laws, constitutive equations, thermomechanical processes

Recall from Chapter 4 that the field equations and second law inequality in the thermomechanical theory are


si147_e  (5.23)


si148_e  (5.24)


si149_e  (5.25)


si150_e  (5.26)


si151_e  (5.27)

Equations (5.23)(5.26) are the local Eulerian forms of conservation of mass, conservation of linear momentum, conservation of angular momentum, and the first law of thermodynamics (conservation of energy). Inequality (5.27) is the Clausius-Duhem inequality, our particular statement of the second law of thermodynamics. Involved in (5.23)(5.27) are the quantities


si152_e  (5.28)


si153_e  (5.29)


si154_e  (5.30)

These quantities have been conceptually divided into three sets. This division is not for the purposes of solving initial-value boundary-value problems, but rather for the purposes of placing restrictions on the constitutive equations (or response functions).

The elements of set (5.28) are the independent variables. Other quantities will be determined by constitutive equations that depend on these independent variables. For the purposes of restricting the forms of the constitutive equations, we will be able to specify the motion ˉχ(Y,t)si155_e and entropy ˉη(Y,t)si156_e as any function of material particle Y and time t, with the confidence that (5.23), (5.24), and (5.26) can be satisfied.

The elements of set (5.29) are the dependent variables. The stress T, heat flux vector q, internal energy ε, and temperature Θ at a particular particle Y and time t are determined through constitutive equations from ˉχ(Y,τ)si157_e and ˉη(Y,τ)si158_e, including time and space derivatives, with τt (called the history of χ and η). Therefore, the specification of the motion χ and entropy η throughout the body and time interval of interest also fixes T, q, ε, and Θ.

The elements set of (5.30) are the balancing terms. With χ and η arbitrarily specified and T, q, ε, and Θ determined from χ and η through the response functions, the density ρ, body force b, and heat source r are assigned the values necessary to ensure that (5.23), (5.24), and (5.26) are satisfied. Note that the balancing term ρ depends only on the motion χ, and is independent of the choice of the constitutive functions, whereas the balancing terms b and r can be determined only after the constitutive assumptions have been made.

Therefore, the field equations (5.23)(5.26) and inequality (5.27) are employed as follows: The conservation laws for mass (5.23), linear momentum (5.24), and energy (5.26) are employed to determine ρ, b, and r. Then, the conservation law for angular momentum (5.25) and the Clausius-Duhem inequality (5.27) place restrictions on the response functions for T, q, ε, and Θ. A group of quantities χ, η, T, q, ε, Θ, ρ, b, and r, each a function of material particle Y and time t, which satisfies the conservation laws (5.23)(5.26) and Clausius-Duhem inequality (5.27) for all space and time in the domain of interest is called a thermomechanical process.

From the above discussion, we see that we can specify the motion χ and entropy η as functions of space and time arbitrarily and still have them part of a thermomechanical process (i.e., a process that satisfies all the equations and inequality of motion), as long as the constitutive equations for T, q, ε, and Θ satisfy the restrictions imposed by conservation of angular momentum and the Clausius-Duhem inequality, and ρ, b, and r are the functions of space and time demanded by conservation of mass (to determine ρ), conservation of linear momentum (to determine b), and conservation of energy (to determine r).

As an example, suppose we specify


si159_e  (5.31)

for all X, t, so each particle remains at its reference location, and the entropy of each particle increases linearly in time. We can then explicitly calculate


si160_e  (5.32)

Constitutive equations have been provided for T, q, ε, and Θ, so they are determined as



With the functions ˜Tsi162_e, ˜qsi163_e, ˜εsi164_e, and ˜Θsi165_e so prescribed for all X and t, the derivatives div T, ˙εsi166_e, div q, and grad Θ appearing in (5.23)(5.27) are also prescribed. Then from (5.23), (5.24), and (5.26) we can solve for



which are now uniquely determined, from conservation of mass, linear momentum, and energy, in terms of the known functions ρR, div T, div q, and ˙εsi168_e. We know that if we could create these density, body force, and heat supply fields, and produce a material characterized by our chosen constitutive equations, we would observe the thermomechanical process with motion x = X and entropy η = 10t.

The conceptual division given in (5.28)(5.30) is arbitrary, and was chosen on the basis of the form of the Clausius-Duhem inequality (5.27). Its drawback is the choice of entropy η as an independent variable. Any physical understanding that most people have of entropy is as a vague, conceptual measure of “disorder in the universe.” This understanding is then often exceeded when one is asked to propose a constitutive equation, say, for stress T, as a function of entropy.

A much more comfortable choice as an independent variable is absolute temperature Θ rather than entropy η, since the notion of stress depending on temperature (which can easily be measured with a thermometer or thermocouple) is more familiar. To accomplish the change of independent variable from η to Θ, we must replace the dependent variable ε with ψ through the Legendre transformation


si169_e  (5.33)

where ψ is the Helmholtz free energy and ε is the internal energy. Under the Legendre transformation (5.33), the fundamental laws (5.23)(5.26) and the Clausius-Duhem inequality (5.27) become


si170_e  (5.23)


si171_e  (5.24)


si172_e  (5.25)


si173_e  (5.34)


si174_e  (5.35)

The independent variables, dependent variables, and balancing terms are then, as an alternative to (5.28)(5.30),


si175_e  (5.36)


si176_e  (5.37)


si177_e  (5.38)

The conservation laws for mass (5.23), linear momentum (5.24), and energy (5.26) or (5.34) hold for all thermomechanical materials. To complete the continuum model for a particular material or class of materials, we must

 postulate constitutive relations for T, q, ε, and Θ at point Y and time t, in terms of ˉχ(Y,τ)si178_e and ˉη(Y,τ)si179_e and their space and time derivatives, for τt, or

 postulate constitutive relations for T, q, ψ, and η in terms of ˉχ(Y,τ)si180_e and ˉη(Y,τ)si181_e and their space and time derivatives, for τt.

Either way, the specific choice of constitutive equations characterizes the material for all motion and entropy histories in the first case, or all motion and temperature histories in the second case.


1. Show that use of the Legendre transformation (5.33) in inequality (5.27) leads to inequality (5.35).

5.4 Restrictions on the constitutive equations

In addition to being grounded on physical experiments, the constitutive equations proposed for a specific material or class of materials in the thermomechanical theory must satisfy

(1) conservation of angular momentum (5.25),

(2) invariance requirements under SRBMs (there is more on this in Section 5.4.1),

(3) the Clausius-Duhem inequality (5.27) or (5.35) for all thermomechanical processes, and perhaps

(4) some material symmetry requirements (refer to Section 5.2.2).

5.4.1 Invariance under superposed rigid body motions

In this section, we present invariance relations for the thermal quantities, which supplement the invariance relations developed in Section 5.2.1 for the geometric, kinematic, and kinetic quantities. Relationships between thermal quantities under a SRBM

It is reasonable to assume that the specific internal energy ε, specific heat supply r, heat flux h, specific entropy η, and absolute temperature Θ are unaltered by a SRBM, i.e.,


si182_e  (5.39)

As a consequence of these invariance assumptions, we can show that


si183_e  (5.40)

refer to Problems 5.135.15. Recall that g and gR are the spatial and referential temperature gradients (refer, for instance, to (4.64) and (4.65)), ψ is the Helmholtz free energy (refer, for instance, to (5.33)), and q and qR are the spatial and referential heat flux vectors (refer, for instance, to (4.31), (4.49)2, and (4.53)).

Problem 5.13

Prove that g+ = Qg.


From definition (4.64)1 and use of the chain rule, we have



It then follows from (5.6) and (5.39)5 that



Problem 5.14

Prove that g+R = gR.


We have






Problem 5.15

Prove that q+ = Qq.


It follows from the invariance assumption h+ = h that



Use of the result n+ = Qn and definition (2.13) of the transpose leads to



Since QTq+q is independent of n,






If, in addition, we assume


si184_e  (5.41)

it can be shown that our invariance relationships together with the integral form of conservation of energy (4.19) can be used to obtain the integral forms of conservation of mass (4.11a), linear momentum (4.11b), and angular momentum (4.11c). This demonstrates that our invariance assumptions (5.16a), (5.16b), (5.39), and (5.41) are sensible in that they are consistent with the conservation laws. Invariance requirements

In summary, we find that for formulation (5.36)(5.38), the constitutive equations for the Cauchy stress T, heat flux vector q, Helmholtz free energy ψ, and entropy η must satisfy






for all proper orthogonal Q(t), skew Ω(t), and vector functions c(t) and ˙c(t)si187_e.


1. Prove that ψ+ = ψ.

2. Verify that q+R = qR.

3. Show that the invariance relations developed in Sections 5.2.1 and 5.4.1, together with the integral form of conservation of energy (4.19), can be used to obtain the integral forms of conservation of mass (4.11a), conservation of linear momentum (4.11b), and conservation of angular momentum (4.11c). (Hint: Conservation of energy must be invariant under all possible SRBMs, i.e., for any proper orthogonal Q(t), skew Ω(t), and vector functions c(t) and ˙c(t)si188_e. To derive the conservation laws of mass, linear momentum, and angular momentum, consider invariance of conservation of energy under several particular SRBMs. For instance, to derive conservation of mass and conservation of linear momentum, consider the particular SRBM that has, at time t, Q = I, Ω=˙Ω=0si189_e, ˙c=c0constantsi190_e, and ˙c=0si191_e. Then, to derive conservation of angular momentum, consider the particular SRBM that has, at time t, Q = I, Ω = Ω0 ≡ constant, ˙Ω=0si192_e, and ˙c=˙c=0si193_e.)

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