Chapter 3


Motion and Deformation


This chapter discusses the kinematics of a continuum. The reader is first introduced to the fundamental concepts of body, configuration, and motion, with the motion taking the body from its reference configuration to its present configuration. Special attention is devoted to developing the Lagrangian (referential) and Eulerian (spatial) descriptions of a quantity and showing that they are nothing more than labels: in the Lagrangian description, each particle is labeled by its position in the reference configuration, whereas in the Eulerian description, each particle is labeled by its position in the present configuration. The material derivative is introduced, from which fundamental definitions of velocity and acceleration follow. Finally, various deformation and strain measures are introduced and their physical meanings interpreted.









3.1 Body, configuration, motion, displacement

A body Bsi82_e is a set of particles. A representative particle is designated as Y, where Y is the name of the particle (e.g., Steve, Bob, or the color red); see Figure 3.1(a). Body Bsi83_e is seen only in its configurations. A configuration of Bsi84_e is the region of E3si85_e (Euclidean 3-space) occupied at a particular instant by the body.

Figure 3.1 The body Bsi1_e, its present configuration Rsi2_e, and its reference configuration RRsi3_e.

Consider the configuration of body Bsi86_e at time t, called the present configuration, in which Bsi87_e occupies an open volume Rsi88_e of E3si89_e bounded by a closed surface Rsi90_e; see Figure 3.1(b). (If, for instance, the body Bsi91_e is an orange, the region occupied by the flesh constitutes an open volume, and the region occupied the peel constitutes a closed surface.) Let x be the position vector of the place occupied by the representative particle Y at time t; see Figure 3.1(b). Then


si92_e  (3.1)

The mapping (3.1) is called the motion of body Bsi93_e. Note that we distinguish the function ˉχ(Y,t)si94_e from its value (or output) x. The mapping ˉχsi95_e is assumed to be differentiable as many times as necessary with respect to both Y and t. We also make the important assumption that the motion (3.1) is invertible for each t, so the function exists.


si96_e  (3.2)

One particular configuration κ of body Bsi97_e may be selected as the reference configuration, and then the body and its motion may be referred to this fixed configuration. A common practice is to choose κ to be the initial configuration, i.e., the configuration occupied by Bsi98_e at time t = 0. However, the reference configuration need not be the initial configuration; in fact, it can even be a configuration that the body Bsi99_e never actually attains. Since the selection of the reference configuration κ is taken from an infinite number of possible configurations of Bsi100_e, a motion has infinitely many different referential descriptions, all equally valid.

In the reference configuration κ, the body Bsi101_e occupies an open volume RRsi102_e of E3si103_e bounded by a closed surface RRsi104_e; see Figure 3.1(c). Let X be the position vector of the place occupied by the representative particle Y in this reference configuration.The mapping from Y to X is written


si105_e  (3.3)

The mapping (3.3), called the reference map, is assumed to be differentiable as many times as desired, and invertible. The inverse mapping is


si106_e  (3.4)

Using (3.4), we can rewrite the motion (3.1) as


si107_e  (3.5)

Equation (3.5) serves as a definition of the mapping κχ. It should be noted that κχ depends on the choice of reference configuration κ. If only one reference configuration is adopted, then the subscript κ is generally omitted, i.e.,


si108_e  (3.6)

and the dependence of χ on a particular reference configuration κ is understood.

The function (3.1) is called the material description of motion. In the material description, we deal directly with the particle Y of Bsi109_e. The description of motion (3.6) is called the referential description of motion. In the referential description, the particle Y of Bsi110_e is labeled by the position X it occupied when Bsi111_e was in its reference configuration κ.

The displacement u of the particle Y is defined as the difference between its reference and present positions, i.e.,


si112_e  (3.7)

see Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 The displacement of a particle.

Consider a vector quantity f related to the motion of body Bsi113_e. (Our use of a vector quantity is arbitrary; the discussion that follows is equally valid for a scalar quantity φ or a tensor quantity A.) In the material description, the quantity f is expressed as a function of particle Y and time t, i.e.,


si114_e  (3.8)

In the referential description, f is expressed as a function of the position X occupied by Y in the reference configuration κ, and time t. To see this we use (3.4) in (3.8):


si115_e  (3.9)

The quantity f may also be expressed as a function of the position x occupied at time t by the particle Y, and time t. To see this we use (3.2) in (3.8):


si116_e  (3.10)

In (3.10) we have expressed f in terms of the present position x of Y, and time t. Such a description is called the spatial description. Referential and spatial descriptions are also referred to as Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions, respectively.

To review: A vector quantity f (or a scalar quantity φ or a tensor quantity A) related to the motion of body Bsi117_e may be expressed in any of three different descriptions:



This freedom is due to our assumptions that the mappings (3.1) and (3.3) are invertible. In the referential description, each particle is labeled by its reference position; in the spatial description, each particle is labeled by its present position. We note that the material description is seldom used in continuum mechanics since it becomes intractable to find a different name for each particle in the body; the other two representations, however, are useful and will be employed.

Problem 3.1

In a particular motion of body Bsi119_e, the reference configuration is chosen to be the configuration at time t = 0, i.e., the initial configuration. At t = 0, the red particle is at (1, 1, 1), the blue particle is at (0, 0, 0), and the white particle is at (−1, −1, −1). At t = 5 (the present configuration), the red particle is at (2, 2, 2), the blue particle is at (1, 1, 1), and the white particle is at (3, 3, 3), and their temperatures are 5°, 0°, and 10°, respectively; see Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3 Schematic illustrating the positions and temperatures of the red, white, and blue particles in the reference and present configurations of the body at t = 0 and t = 5, respectively.


(a) The equation x=ˉχ(Y,t)si120_e answers the question: “Where is particle Y at time t?” That is, the input to the function ˉχ(Y,t)si121_e is the particle name Y and the time t, and the output is the present position x of the particle at time t. For instance, ˉχ(red,5)=(2,2,2)si122_e and ˉχ(blue,5)=(1,1,1)si123_e.

(b) The equation Y=ˉχ1(x,t)si124_e answers the question: “Which particle is at x at time t?” That is, the input to the function ˉχ1(x,t)si125_e is the time t and the present position x of the particle at time t, and the output is the name Y of the particle. For instance, ˉχ1((1,1,1),5)=bluesi126_e.

(c) The equation X = κ (Y) answers the question: “Where is particle Y in the reference configuration?” That is, the input to the function κ (Y) is the particle name Y, and the output is the reference position X of the particle. For instance, κ (red) = (1,1,1).

(d) The equation Y = κ−1(X) answers the question: “Which particle is at X in the reference configuration?” That is, the input to the function κ−1(X) is the reference position X of the particle, and the output is the particle name Y. For instance, κ−1(−1, −1, −1) = white.

(e) The equation x = χ (X, t) answers the question: “Where is the particle that was at X in the reference configuration now located at time t?” That is, the input to the function χ (X, t) is the reference position X of the particle and the time t, and the output is the present position x of the particle at time t. For instance, χ ((1,1,1),5) = (2,2,2). To see this, note that



(f) Let Θ be the temperature. The equation Θ=ˉΘ(Y,t)si128_e answers the question: “What is the temperature of particle Y at time t?” The input to the function ˉΘ(Y,t)si129_e is the particle name Y and the time t, and the output is the temperature Θ of the particle at time t. For instance, ˉΘ(white,5)=10°si130_e.

(g) The equation Θ=ˆΘ(X,t)si131_e answers the question: “What is the temperature at time t of the particle Y that occupied reference position X?” The input to the function ˆΘ(X,t)si132_e is the reference position X of the particle and the time t, and the output is the temperature Θ of the particle at time t. For instance, ˆΘ((0,0,0),5)=0°si133_e.

(h) The equation Θ=˜Θ(x,t)si134_e answers the question: “What is the temperature at time t of the particle Y that occupies present position x at time t?” The input to the function ˜Θ(x,t)si135_e is the time t and the present position x of the particle at time t, and the output is the temperature Θ of the particle at time t. For instance, ˜Θ((2,2,2),5)=5°si136_e.

(i) Note that the material form ˉΘ(Y,t)si137_e, the referential form ˆΘ(X,t)si138_e, and the spatial form ˜Θ(x,t)si139_e are different functions. To illustrate this, note that ˆΘ((1,1,1),5)=5°si140_e but ˜Θ((1,1,1),5)=0°si141_e, i.e., different functions generally provide different output when given identical input.

3.2 Material derivative, velocity, acceleration

Consider once again a vector quantity f related to the motion of body Bsi142_e. The material derivative of f, denoted by ˙fsi143_e, is defined as the partial derivative of the material description (3.8) of f with respect to time t, holding the label Y fixed:


si144_e  (3.11)

The quantity ˙fsi145_e can be described as the time rate change of f following a particle. It follows that the velocity v and acceleration a of the particle Y are defined by


si146_e  (3.12)

We now determine the referential and spatial descriptions of the material derivative ˙fsi147_e, which was defined in its impractical material description in (3.11). Using (3.3), (3.9), (3.11), and the chain rule (2.95), we have



Therefore, in the referential description, ˙fsi149_e is


si150_e  (3.13)

so the referential forms of the velocity v and acceleration a are


si151_e  (3.14)

These forms give the velocity and acceleration at time t of a particle Y that occupied position X in the reference configuration.

To obtain the spatial description of ˙fsi152_e, we use (3.1), (3.10), (3.11), (3.12), and the chain rule (2.95):



Therefore, the spatial description of ˙fsi154_e is


si155_e  (3.15)

so the spatial form of the acceleration a is


si156_e  (3.16)

This form gives the acceleration at time t of a particle Y that occupies position x at time t.

Similarly, for a scalar quantity φ, we have material, referential, and spatial descriptions of the material derivative:


si157_e  (3.17)

and, for a tensor quantity A,


si158_e  (3.18)

For a scalar-, vector-, or tensor-valued function of position and time associated with the motion of body Bsi159_e, there are four possible partial derivatives, depending on if the function is considered in its referential form or its spatial form:


si160_e  (3.19)

We employ this notation throughout the remainder of the book. In words, ˙fsi161_e denotes the partial derivative of the referential description of f with respect to time (this is a restatement of (3.13)); f′ denotes the partial derivative of the spatial description of f with respect to time; Grad f denotes the gradient of the referential description of f; and grad f denotes the gradient of the spatial description of f. Also, Div f and div f are the divergence of f when considered in its referential and spatial descriptions, respectively. With use of the notation introduced in (3.19), the spatial forms of ˙φsi162_e, ˙fsi163_e, and ˙Asi164_e (refer to (3.15), (3.17)3, and (3.18)3) become


si165_e  (3.20)

Note that to relate the operations Grad and grad, we have, for instance,


si166_e  (3.21)

where F = Grad x = ∂x/∂X is called the deformation gradient (there is more on this in Section 3.3).

The following forms of the product rule can be verified:


si167_e  (3.22)

where φ is a scalar, f and g are vectors, and A and B are tensors. We also have


si168_e  (3.23)

Problem 3.2

Consider a motion x = χ (X, t) whose Cartesian components are



(a) Invert the motion to obtain X = χ−1 (x, t).

(b) Calculate the referential and spatial forms of the displacement u.

(c) Determine the referential and spatial forms of the velocity v.

(d) Calculate the referential and spatial forms of the acceleration a.


(a) Upon inverting the motion x = χ (X, t), we obtain



(b) Recall that the displacement is defined in (3.7); in Cartesian component form, we have



It follows that the referential form of the displacement is



while the spatial form is



(c) The referential form of the velocity ˆv(X,t)si174_e is obtained using (3.14)1:



The spatial form of the velocity ˜v(x,t)si176_e is obtained by substituting the inverted motion



into ˆv1si178_e, ˆv2si179_e, and ˆv3si180_e, yielding



(d) The referential form of the acceleration ˆa(X,t)si182_e is deduced using (3.14)2:



The spatial form of the acceleration ˜a(x,t)si184_e can be obtained by substituting the inverted motion into ˆa1si185_e, ˆa2si186_e, and ˆa3si187_e:



Alternatively, the spatial form of the acceleration ˜a(x,t)si189_e can be found using (3.16), whose Cartesian component form is







1. In Cartesian component notation, verify the following forms of the product rule:

(a) ·¯φf=˙φf+φ˙fsi192_e.

(b) ·¯f·g=˙f·g+f·˙gsi193_e.

(c) ·¯f×g=˙f×g+f×˙gsi194_e.

(d) ·¯Af=˙Af+A˙fsi195_e.

(e) ·¯AB=˙AB+A˙Bsi196_e.

(f) ·¯A·B=˙A·B+A·˙Bsi197_e.

2. In Cartesian component notation, verify that ·¯A+B=˙A+˙Bsi198_e.

3. Prove in direct notation that ·¯AT=(˙A)Tsi199_e.

3.3 Deformation and strain

A fundamental postulate of classical continuum mechanics is that the response at a particle of the continuum to a deformation at a particular time depends only on the deformation of a small neighborhood of the particle up to that time. We will therefore devote a sizeable amount of space to (1) defining what is meant by the small neighborhood of a particle, (2) defining what is meat by deformation, and (3) describing the kinematical quantities that characterize deformation.

3.3.1 Deformation gradient

The small neighborhood of a particle Y consists of particle Y and all of its nearest neighbors. Suppose Y occupies position X in the reference configuration RRsi200_e and position x in the present configuration Rsi201_e; refer to Figure 3.1. A vector dX is a filament of infinitesimal length dS in the reference configuration, radiating from X in the direction along unit vector N:


si202_e  (3.24)

The line element dX connects particle Y to one of its nearest neighbors in the reference configuration; see Figure 3.4. The small neighborhood of particle Y in the reference configuration RRsi203_e is the set of all dXs radiating from position X.

Figure 3.4 During the motion of the body, line element dX in the reference configuration stretches and rotates into line element dx in the present configuration.

The motion x = χ (X, t) is defined for all particles in the body, i.e., for all X in RRsi204_e. During this motion, the line element dX will be deformed—in general stretched (or compressed) and rotated, but not bent (dX is too short to be bent)—into a line element dx of length ds, radiating from the new position x of particle Y in the direction along unit vector n:


si205_e  (3.25)

see Figure 3.4. Recall from Section 3.1 that the motion x = χ (X, t) of the body maps each particle Y from its reference position X to its present position x. Since the motion is defined for all particles in the body, the deformation, or change in local geometry, of the small neighborhood of particle Y can be found by evaluating the function χ (X, t) on the particle and all of its nearest neighbors. However, a more tractable approach to quantifying the deformation of this small neighborhood involves defining a deformation measure that can be evaluated at Y alone, so the need to track the motion of all of the nearest neighbors of Y is obviated. This is accomplished through the use of a Taylor series.

A Taylor series is a mathematical tool that expresses the value of a function at one point in terms of the value of the function and its derivatives at another point. Suppose two particles that occupy points 1Xsi206_e and 2Xsi207_e in the reference configuration are mapped to points 1xsi208_e and 2xsi209_e in the present configuration (see Figure 3.5). A Taylor series expansion at 1Xsi210_e gives


si211_e  (3.26)

If 1Xsi212_e and 2Xsi213_e are nearest neighbors, then the higher-order terms are negligible, leaving



Upon replacing 1Xsi215_e with X, 2X1Xsi216_e with dX, and 2x1xsi217_e with dx, we have



We label


si219_e  (3.27)



si220_e  (3.28)

where F is called the deformation gradient.

Figure 3.5 The motion of two nearest neighbors from their reference positions 1Xsi4_e and 2Xsi5_e to their present positions 1xsi6_e and 2xsi7_e.

Using definition (3.28), one can verify that F satisfies requirements (2.7) and is thus a tensor. Hence, F linearly maps each line element dX radiating from X in the reference configuration into a line element dx radiating from x in the present configuration. (dX is not bent when it is mapped by F to dx.) Therefore F describes the mapping of the small neighborhood of X to the small neighborhood of x, and thus quantifies the changes in the relative positions of nearest neighbors in the body; see Figure 3.6. In other words, F, a function evaluated only at the point X, is a measure of the deformation, or change of local geometry, in the neighborhood of X as it moves to x.

Figure 3.6 The deformation of a small neighborhood of X from a sphere into an ellipsoid.

Since F is a linear map, if the small neighborhood of X in the reference configuration is a sphere, then the deformation maps it into an ellipsoid in the present configuration; see Figure 3.6. (If a spherical volume in the reference configuration deforms into a shape other than an ellipsoid, then it is too large to qualify as a small neighborhood, thereby invalidating our truncation of the series (3.26).) Note that although F is a tensor, which is by definition a linear map, the deformation is not restricted to be “linear,” in the sense of infinitesimal. The stretch and rotation of the map from dX to dx can be large.

The tensor F, in general, is a function of position and time, i.e.,


si221_e  (3.29)

If F is independent of position, i.e., F = F(t), the deformation is said to be homogeneous. If F is independent of time, i.e., F=ˆF(X)=˜F(x)si222_e, the deformation is said to be static.


1. Prove that the deformation gradient F is a tensor.

3.3.2 Stretch, rotation, green's deformation tensor, cauchy deformation tensor

The deformation gradient F contains the knowledge of what happens, both stretch and rotation, to all elements dX radiating from X in the reference configuration, as they deform to dx in the present configuration at time t. It is worthwhile separating the two concepts of stretch and rotation, which are combined in F, since, as we shall see in later sections, sometimes only one or the other is physically important. We now produce functions of F that isolate stretch or rotation. We will also identify particular elements dX and dx, of the infinitely many radiating from X and x, which have special significance in understanding the deformation.

In general, the line element dX undergoes both stretch and rotation in the deformation (3.28). The ratio


si223_e  (3.30)

of the length of dx to the length of dX is called the stretch λ of the line element. Note that λ is always positive and

λ>1the line element lengthens,λ<1the line element shortens,λ=1the length of the line element remains the same.

si224_e  (3.31)

Suppose we are interested only in the stretch, and not the rotation, that will happen to a particular line element dX along direction N. Using (3.24) and (3.25), we can rewrite (3.28) as



or, using the definition of stretch (3.30),


si226_e  (3.32)

By taking the inner product of (3.32) with itself, we can show that (refer to Problem 3.3)


si227_e  (3.33)



si228_e  (3.34)

is called Green's deformation tensor (or the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor). It can be shown (refer to Problem 3.4) that C is symmetric and positive definite. From relation (3.33), we see that C contains information about the stretch, and not the rotation, that will happen to a line element dX along direction N in the reference configuration.

Problem 3.3

Prove in direct notation that λ2 = N · CN = C · (NN).


Upon taking the inner product of (3.32) with itself, we have



Since n is a unit vector, n · n = 1. It follows that



where we have used definitions (2.11) and (2.13). Thus, since C = FTF,



Result (2.43) then implies that



Problem 3.4

In direct notation, prove that the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor C is symmetric and positive definite.


We have



so, according to definition (2.15), C is symmetric. It follows from (3.33) and positivity of λ that



with the unit vector N arbitrary and nonzero, so by (2.53) C is positive definite.

Suppose instead we are interested only in the stretch, and not the rotation, that has happened to a particular dx along direction n in the present configuration. Recall that we assumed in Section 3.1 that the motion x=ˉχ(Y,t)si229_e is invertible for all particles Y and times t. Then, using (3.2) and (3.3), we obtain


si230_e  (3.35)

so the motion x = χ (X, t) is invertible. From linear algebra, it follows that


si231_e  (3.36)

We refer to J ≡ det F as the Jacobian of the deformation gradient, which, as we will see later, is related to the local dilatation or volume change. Inequality (3.36) implies that the tensor F−1 exists, i.e., F = Grad x is invertible:


si232_e  (3.37)

Using (3.24) and (3.25), we can rewrite (3.37) as





si234_e  (3.38)

By taking the inner product of (3.38) with itself, we can show that


si235_e  (3.39)



si236_e  (3.40)

is called the Cauchy deformation tensor. It can be verified that c is symmetric and positive definite. From relation (3.39), we see that c contains information about the stretch, and not the rotation, that has happened to a line element dx along direction n in the present configuration.

Therefore, in summary, to find the stretch of a line element without concern for its rotation, if one has knowledge of the shape of the reference configuration (e.g., a specimen in a tensile test), use (3.33), and if one has knowledge of the shape of the deformed configuration (e.g., an inflated inner tube or beach ball), use (3.39).


1. Prove in direct notation that 1λ2=n·cn=c·(nn)si237_e.

2. Prove in direct notation that the Cauchy deformation tensor c is symmetric and positive definite.

3.3.3 Polar decomposition, stretch tensors, rotation tensor

We return to our discussion of the deformation gradient F. Since F is invertible (see (3.37)), it can be decomposed using the polar decomposition theorem (refer to Section 2.3) into the form


si238_e  (3.41a)



si239_e  (3.41b)

where R is an orthogonal tensor (it will be shown in Sections 3.6 and 4.12 that det F > 0, so R is in fact proper orthogonal), and U and V are symmetric, positive-definite tensors. For physical reasons to be revealed shortly, the tensors R, U, and V are called the rotation tensor, right stretch tensor, and left stretch tensor, respectively.

The effect of the multiplicative decompositions (3.41a) and (3.41b) is to replace the linear transformation (3.28) by either of two pairs of linear transformations:




dX*=UdXfollowed bydx=RdX*,

si241_e  (3.42a)





dX*=RdXfollowed bydx=Vdx*;

si243_e  (3.42b)

see Figure 3.7. We emphasize that (3.42a) and (3.42b) involve sequential (or serial) mappings, a distinguishing feature of multiplicative decompositions. Physically, it can be shown that (3.42a) represents stretch followed by pure rotation (refer to Problem 3.6), while (3.42b) represents pure rotation followed by stretch (refer to Problem 3.7).

Figure 3.7 The polar decomposition of the deformation dx = F dX (center) into dx = R (UdX) (top) and dx = V (RdX) (bottom).

Problem 3.5

Prove in direct notation that C = U2.


From definition (3.34) and the polar decomposition (3.41a), we have



It follows from result (2.14)2 that



Recall that the rotation tensor R is orthogonal, so RTR = I (refer to (2.51)). It follows that



since U is symmetric.

Problem 3.6

Prove in direct notation that decomposition (3.42a) represents stretch followed by pure rotation. That is, show that the deformation (3.42a)1 of dX into dX* involves stretching (and perhaps rotation), and the deformation (3.42a)2 of dX* into dx is rotation without stretch (i.e., pure rotation).


To prove this, we demonstrate that the intermediate element dX* has the same length ds as the deformed element dx; this, in turn, implies that the part of the deformation (3.42a) described by the map U contains all of the stretch of the total deformation from dX to dx, so the part of the deformation (3.42a) described by the map R is pure rotation. To begin, we have



Using definitions (2.11) and (2.13), and noting that U is symmetric, we find that



It follows that



where we have used (3.24), (3.30), (3.33), and C = U2 (refer to Problem 3.5). We then conclude that



Problem 3.7

Prove in direct notation that decomposition (3.42b) represents pure rotation followed by stretch. That is, show that the deformation (3.42b)1 of dX into dx* is pure rotation (rotation without stretch), and the deformation (3.42b)2 of dx* into dx involves stretching (and perhaps rotation).


To prove this, we demonstrate that the intermediate element dx* has the same length dS as the undeformed element dX; this, in turn, implies that the part of the deformation (3.42b) described by the map R is only rotation, and all of the stretch of the total deformation from dX to dx is contained in the map V. To begin, we have



Since R is orthogonal, it follows from definition (2.50) that






3.3.4 Principal stretches and principal directions

Recall the sequential mappings (3.42a) and (3.42b) that arise as a result of the polar decomposition of F, and refer to Figure 3.7. We showed in Problems 3.6 and 3.7 that the maps dx* = R dX and dx = R dX* are pure rotations since they involve no length change. The maps dX* = U dX and dx = V dx*, on the other hand, are called stretches since they incorporate all of the length change of the line element, from length dS of dX to length ds = λdS of dx. In general, these latter two maps also involve a change of direction (or rotation), in addition to this stretch.

When dX is in certain directions, however, the deformation (3.42a)1 from dX to dX* = U dX is pure stretch, i.e., dX* is parallel to dX. Similarly, when dx* = R dX is in certain directions, the deformation (3.42b)2 from dx* to dx = V dx* is pure stretch, i.e., dx is parallel to dx*. Directions of pure stretch in the map U

Recall the map dX* = U dX, where U is the right stretch tensor. The condition that a particular element d1Xsi244_e along direction 1Nsi245_e undergoes pure stretch in the map U is



or, equivalently,



Therefore, if d1Xsi248_e is along a direction 1Nsi249_e that undergoes pure stretch in the map U, then it is along an eigenvector of U, in which case the direction 1Nsi250_e is an eigenvector of U, and the stretch 1λsi251_e that d1Xsi252_e undergoes is an eigenvalue of U (refer to Section 2.3).

Since U is symmetric and positive definite, there always exist at least three mutually perpendicular eigenvectors 1Nsi253_e, 2Nsi254_e, 3Nsi255_e of U, with corresponding positive eigenvalues 1λsi256_e, 2λsi257_e, 3λsi258_e. Therefore, there exist at least three directions of pure stretch in the map U, which we will label 1Nsi259_e, 2Nsi260_e, 3Nsi261_e, with corresponding stretches 1λsi262_e, 2λsi263_e, 3λsi264_e. We call 1Nsi265_e, 2Nsi266_e, 3Nsi267_e the principal directions, and 1λsi268_e, 2λsi269_e, 3λsi270_e the principal stretches. These three mutually perpendicular unit vectors 1Nsi271_e, 2Nsi272_e, 3Nsi273_e in the directions of pure stretch form an orthonormal basis. With respect to this basis, the matrix of tensor U is diagonal, with components equal to the principal stretches:


si274_e  (3.43)

Again, refer to Section 2.3.

With this understanding of the principal directions (directions of pure stretch) and principal stretches of U, we can now give the following description of the deformation dx = FdX, as decomposed into dx = R(UdX):

Suppose the small neighborhood of X is a sphere of radius dS. The deformation F takes this sphere into an ellipsoid (see Figure 3.6). In the decomposition F = RU, the sphere is first stretched into an ellipsoid; in this deformation there are (at least) three line elements d1Xsi275_e, d2Xsi276_e, d3Xsi277_e become the principal axes 1λd1Xsi278_e, 2λd2Xsi279_e, 3λd3Xsi280_e of the ellipsoid (see Figure 3.8). The rotation R then rigidly rotates this ellipsoid, so 1Nsi281_e (the direction of d1X si282_e) rotates to 1nsi283_e, 2Nsi284_e rotates to 2nsi285_e, and 3N si286_e rotates to 3n si287_e. Since R is a rigid rotation, 1nsi288_e, 2nsi289_e, 3nsi290_e is an orthonormal basis for E3 si291_e. Therefore,


si292_e  (3.44)

The final product of the composition of these two maps is an ellipsoid with principal axes


si293_e Directions of pure stretch in the map V

Suppose d1Xsi294_e is along a direction of pure stretch in U, i.e., d1Xsi295_e is along an eigenvector of U. Then,



We also have






so d1x*=Rd1Xsi299_e is along an eigenvector of the left stretch tensor V. As such, the deformation V takes Rd1Xsi300_e to 1λRd1Xsi301_e, so it stretches without rotating. Therefore, the rotation R rotates the principal stretch directions 1Nsi302_e, 2Nsi303_e, 3Nsi304_e of U into the principal stretch directions 1nsi305_e, 2nsi306_e, 3nsi307_e of V; see Figure 3.8. Furthermore, the principal stretches 1λsi308_e, 2λsi309_e, 3λsi310_e of V are the principal stretches 1λsi311_e, 2λsi312_e, 3λsi313_e of U. Hence, V can be expressed as


si314_e  (3.45)

Figure 3.8 Polar decomposition: principal directions.

We can now give the following description of the deformation dx = F dX, as decomposed into dx = V(R dX):

Suppose the small neighborhood of X is a sphere of radius dS. The deformation F takes this sphere into an ellipsoid (see Figure 3.6). In the decomposition F = VR, the sphere is first rotated rigidly, and is then stretched into the final ellipsoid. The initial rotation is such that the final stretch is accomplished without any change of direction in the principal axes of the ellipsoid; see Figure 3.8.

Note that R is a rigid rotation of the small neighborhood of X, not of the body as a whole; R can be a function of position, so different parts of the body rotate different amounts.

3.3.5 Other measures of deformation and strain

Recall Green's deformation tensor



and the Cauchy deformation tensor



which were defined in Section 3.3.2. Also recall that


si317_e  (3.46)

We now define


si318_e  (3.47)

called the Finger deformation tensor (or the left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor). It can be shown that


si319_e  (3.48)

Also, we can verify that





si321_e  (3.49)

Suppose 1Nsi322_e is an eigenvector of U, with corresponding eigenvalue 1λsi323_e. Then



Therefore, the eigenvectors of C are the eigenvectors of U, and the eigenvalues of C are the squares of the principal stretches. It follows that


si325_e  (3.50)

Similarly, it can be shown that V and B have the same eigenvectors 1nsi326_e, 2nsi327_e, 3nsi328_e, and that the eigenvalues of B are the squares of the principal stretches, so


si329_e  (3.51)

All of the measures of deformation we have so far defined, namely, F, F−1, C, c, B, R, U, and V, reduce to the identity tensor in the absence of deformation:



We now define two additional measures,


si331_e  (3.52)

called the Lagrangian strain tensor (or Green-Lagrange strain tensor), and


si332_e  (3.53)

called the Eulerian strain tensor (or Euler-Almansi strain tensor). These strain tensors vanish in the absence of deformation:



Recall that C, c, U, and V are symmetric; it can be shown that B, E, and e are also symmetric.

The deformation and strain tensors presented heretofore can be expressed in terms of the displacement u = xX. For instance, we have





si335_e  (3.54)






si337_e  (3.55)

Equations (3.54) and (3.55) are referred to as strain-displacement relations.

Problem 3.8

Given the motion



determine matrix representations of

(a) the deformation gradient F, Green's deformation tensor C, the Finger deformation tensor B, and the Cauchy deformation tensor c;

(b) the Lagrangian strain tensor E and the Eulerian strain tensor e;

(c) the right stretch tensor U, the left stretch tensor V, and the rotation tensor R.


(a) We have x = xiei and X = XAeA, where ei and eA are the Cartesian basis vectors associated with the present and reference configurations, respectively. (Note that lowercase subscripts pertain to the present configuration, and uppercase subscripts pertain to the reference configuration.) It then follows from (3.27) that the Cartesian components of the deformation gradient are FiA = ∂xi/∂XA, which in turn implies that



Thus, using (2.34), we have



Note that the deformation is homogeneous since the components of F are independent of position X, and static since the components of F are independent of time t. Then, since C = FTF, it follows from (2.35) and (2.37) that









Note that, as expected, [c]−1 = [B].

(b) Recall that E=12(CI)si344_e; it follows from (2.36) that






(c) To calculate the right stretch tensor U, we use the relationship U2UU = C. Since [C] is a diagonal matrix in this example, [U] is obtained by taking the square root of each of the elements of [C], i.e.,






(To calculate the square root of a matrix with nonzero off-diagonal terms, the matrix is first re-expressed in terms of its basis of eigenvectors, which results in a diagonal representation of the matrix. The square root of this diagonal matrix is calculated as shown above, i.e., by taking the square root of the diagonal elements. The resulting matrix is then rotated back to the original Cartesian basis.)

Finally, we use the relationship R = FU−1 to calculate the rotation tensor:



Note that since R is orthogonal,



as expected.

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