

Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.

Acceleration 80–81, 84
Ampère-Maxwell law 
Eulerian form 269–271, 273–274, 275–277
Lagrangian form 269–271, 275–277
Angular momentum 116–117, 139–140, 256–257
Archimedes' principle 202–203
Area elements 112, 112f
Axial vector 43–44


Balance of angular momentum 117, 133–135
for electrodynamics 
Eulerian form 256–257, 269–271
Lagrangian form 256–257, 275–277
for thermomechanics 
Eulerian form 117–118, 131–132
Lagrangian form 140, 141–142, 144–145
Balance of linear momentum 117, 132–133
for electrodynamics 
Eulerian form 252–256, 269–271
Lagrangian form 252–256, 275–277
for thermomechanics 
Eulerian form 117–118, 131–132
Lagrangian form 140, 141–142, 144–145
Blatz-Ko model 194
Body 75, 76f, 78–80
Body force 
electromagnetic 252–256, 280–282


Cartesian components 
curl 56
divergence 56, 58–59
dyadic product 34
fourth-order tensor 47–48
gradient 56–58, 66–67
identity tensor 26, 32–33
indicial notation 25
product of two tensors 26, 33–34
second-order tensor 31–32
second-order tensor, transpose 26, 33
summation convention 12–31
third-order tensor 47–48
Cauchy deformation tensor 89–91
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality 11, 12
Cauchy stress tensor 124, 125–128
Cayley-Hamilton theorem 45–46, 192–193
Chain rule 52–53
density, referential and spatial 260–262
Christoffel symbols 65–66, 67–68
Chu model 279
Clausius-Duhem inequality 148–149, 150–153, 175, 216–217, 259–260, 284–285
Eulerian integral form 148–151, 259–260, 269
Lagrangian integral form 148–151, 259–260, 275
restrictions imposed on constitutive equations 148–149
nonlinear elastic materials 183–186
thermo-electro-magneto-elastic materials 285–291
viscous fluids 207–208
initial 75, 78–80, 79f
present 75, 76f, 78–80, 79f
reference 75, 76f, 78–80, 79f
Conservation laws 117
angular momentum  See (Balance of angular momentum)
linear momentum  See (Balance of linear momentum)
Eulerian form 117–118, 131–132, 222, 269–271
Lagrangian form 140, 144–145, 251–252, 275–277
Constitutive equations 216–217
in electrodynamics 
definition 283–284
elastic solids, large deformation 284–285
elastic solids, small deformation 296–299
restrictions on 285–286, 293–294
in mechanics 
definition 158
inviscid fluids 205
Newtonian fluids 200–201
nonlinear elastic solids 194–195
restrictions on 159–161
in thermomechanics 
definition 175–178
inviscid fluids 212
Newtonian fluids 209–211
nonlinear elastic solids 191–193
restrictions on 178–179
Constitutive limit 
incompressibility 227–229
isentropic incompressibility 235–236
isothermal incompressibility 234–235
Constraint equations 
incompressibility (absolute) 220–222, 237–240
isentropic incompressibility 232–233
isothermal incompressibility 229–232
motion-entropy, general 217–218
motion-temperature, general 216–217
Constraint response 216–217, 220, 221, 230–231, 238
Continuum 3
Couette flow 226
Curl 52–53
conductive (free) 260–262, 264–265
magnetization 264–265
polarization 260–262, 264–265
Curvilinear coordinates 
contravariant basis vectors 62–64, 62f
coordinate surfaces 59, 60f
covariant basis vectors 60, 61f
cylindrical polar coordinates 48–50, 60
physical components 63–67
spatial derivatives 
Christoffel symbols 65–68
tensor divergence 70–72
vector gradient and divergence 66–67, 68–72
spherical coordinates 48–50, 60
Cylindrical polar coordinates 48–50, 60


Deformation gradient 101–103
polar decomposition 91, 92–93, 92f
in present configuration 115–116
in reference configuration 115–116
Dependent variable 175–178, 283–284
Description, of a quantity 
material 75–78
referential (Lagrangian) 75–78
spatial (Eulerian) 75–78
Determinant 36
Dilatation 89–90, 110–111
Direct notation 5
Discrete 3
Cartesian component form 83
material description 77–78
referential description 77–78
spatial description 78
Divergence 52–53, 56, 80–83
Divergence theorem 53, 55–56, 276
Dyadic product 22, 34, 44–46


Effective electromagnetic fields 
Chu model 279, 279t
definition 261
Lorentz model 278, 279t
Minkowski model 278, 279t, 280
statistical model 278–279, 279t
Eigenvalues 44, 46
Eigenvectors 44, 97
Elastic solids, nonlinear 
restrictions on constitutive equations, 
imposed by the second law 183–186
imposed by invariance and angular momentum 187–189
imposed by material symmetry (isotropy) 191–193
strain energy models 194–195, 241–243
incompressible 237–240
constitutive equations 239–240
strain energy models 241–243
Electric displacement, referential and spatial 263–264
Electric field, referential and spatial 262
Electric flux 263–265
Electric permittivity 263
Electrodynamics, continuum 
constitutive equations  See (Thermo-electro-magneto-elastic materials)
coupling terms, electromagnetically induced 280–282
effective electromagnetic fields 261
fundamental laws 250–271
Ampère-Maxwell law 264–265
balance of angular momentum 256–257
conservation of electric charge 260–262
conservation of mass 251–252
Faraday's law 262
first law of thermodynamics 257–259
Gauss's law, 
electricity 263–264
magnetism 262–263
balance of linear momentum 251–252
second law of thermodynamics 259–260
Maxwell stress tensor 281, 282–283
notation and nomenclature 250–251, 251f
spatial and referential quantities, relations between 265–268
thermo-electro-magneto-mechanical process 283–284, 299–300, 300f, 301t
total stress tensor 281
Electromagnetic energy 257–259, 280–282
Electromotive force 262
Energy theorem 
for electrodynamics 
Eulerian form 269–271
Lagrangian form 275–277
for mechanics 
definition 130–131
Eulerian form 130–131, 135–136, 269
Lagrangian form 143–144, 276
Enthalpy 218–219, 315–316
Equations of motion, mechanical.  See Conservation laws See also mass; Balance of linear momentum; Balance of angular momentum
Equations of state 218–219, 314
Euclidean space 
definition 5, 7
properties 7–10
inner product space 9, 11–12
metric space 9
normed space 9
vector space 7–9
Euler-Almansi strain tensor.  See Eulerian strain tensor
Eulerian strain tensor 97, 99


Faraday's law 
Eulerian form 262, 269–271
Lagrangian form 262, 275–277
Finger deformation tensor 97, 101–103
First law of thermodynamics 
for electrodynamics 
Eulerian form 269
Lagrangian form 275
for thermomechanics 
Eulerian form 120, 153
Lagrangian form 141, 144–145
Fluid mechanics.  See Inviscid fluids See also Newtonian fluids; Viscous fluids
Fourth-order tensors 48
Fundamental laws.  Electrodynamics, Mechanics, and Thermomechanics


Gauss's law 
electricity 263–264, 269, 275
magnetism 262–263, 269, 275
Gibbs free energy 218–219, 316–317
Gradient 52–53, 81–82
Green's deformation tensor 88–90
Green-Lagrange strain tensor.  See Lagrangian strain tensor


Heat flux vector 
referential (Lagrangian) 142, 237
spatial (Eulerian) 124–125, 128–130
Helmholtz free energy 177, 185, 189
Hyperelastic material 181–182, 183–186


Ideal fluids.  See Inviscid fluids See also mechanical theory
Identity tensor 12–13, 26, 32–33
Incompressibility.  Elastic solids, incompressible theory and Newtonian fluids, incompressible theory
Independent variable 175–178, 216, 219, 283–284
Indicial notation 25, 42–43
Inner product space 9, 11–12
Internal constraints.  See Constraint equations
Internal energy 119, 218–219, 257–259
Invariance under superposed rigid body motions 
application to inviscid fluids 205
application to nonlinear elastic solids 187–189
application to thermo-electro-magneto-elastic solids 293–294
application to viscous fluids 198–200, 207–208
comparision with material frame indifference 305
requirements on constitutive equations 171–174, 179, 293–294
Inverse, of a tensor 39–41
Inviscid fluids 
mechanical theory 205
ideal fluids 205–206
thermomechanical theory 
perfect fluids 212–214
Irrotational motions 105
Isochoric motions 110–113, 220


Kinetic energy 119, 257–259
Kronecker delta 25


Lagrange multiplier 221, 231, 239
Lagrangian strain tensor 97, 99
Left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor.  See Finger deformation tensor
Legendre transformation 177, 219, 288, 289t
Levinson-Burgess model 194–195
Linear momentum 116–117, 139–140, 252–256
Localization theorem 122–123
Lorentz model 278


Magnetic field, referential and spatial 264–265
Magnetic flux 262–263
Magnetic flux density, referential and spatial 262
Magnetization, referential and spatial 264–265
Magnetic permeability 264
Material derivative 80, 81
Material line 109–110
Material point 109, 109f
Material surface 109–110
Material symmetry 
basic principles 171–174
isotropy considerations, nonlinear elastic solids 191–193
Material volume 110
Matrix representation, of a tensor 26–33, 34
Maxwell's equations.  See Electrodynamics, continuum
Maxwell stress 281, 282–283
constitutive equations  (Constitutive equations in mechanics)
inviscid fluids 205
nonlinear elastic materials 181–182
viscous fluids 
Navier-Stokes equations 202–204
Newtonian fluids 200–203
fundamental laws  See (Equations of motion, mechanical)
Metric space 9
Minkowski model 278, 280
Mooney-Rivlin model 
compressible 194–195
incompressible 241–243
Motion 75, 77, 78–80, 98–101


Navier-Stokes equations 
compressible 202–204
incompressible 219–224
neo-Hookean model 
compressible 194–195
incompressible 241–243
Newtonian fluids 
compressible 200–201, 209–211, 218–219
equations of state 209–211, 218–219, 314
mechanical theory 200–203
thermomechanical theory 209–211
incompressible 220–222, 227–229
thermal expansion, of 
definition 229
isentropic incompressibility 232–233, 235–236
isothermal incompressibility 229–232, 234–235
Nonlinear elasticity.  See Elastic solids, nonlinear
Normed space 9


Ogden model 
compressible 194–195
incompressible 242
Orthogonal 39, 41–43


Partial derivatives 48–53
Perfect fluids.  Inviscid fluids, thermomechanical theory
Permutation symbol 42–43
Piezoelectric materials 249, 302–303
Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensors 142, 145
Poiseuille flow 225f, 226
Polar decomposition 45, 46–47, 91–92
Polarization, referential and spatial 260–262
Cartesian component form 98–101
present 75–78
reference 75–78
Positive definite 39
constraint 221, 233, 238, 240
Product of two tensors 7–9, 16–17, 33–34
Product rule 80–83


Rate of deformation tensor 104–105
Real numbers 
definition 5, 6f
properties 5–7
Reference map 75–77
Residual dissipation inequality 286
Response functions.  See Constitutive equations
Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor.  See Green's deformation tensor
Rotation tensors 88, 90, 91, 93–98, 100


Scalar product 35, 37, 38, 39, 40
Scalar triple product 43
Second law of thermodynamics.  See Clausius-Duhem inequality
Second-order tensor 12–17, 22, 26, 31–32
Skew tensor 17
Small neighborhood 85, 87f
Smart materials, modeling of.  See Electrodynamics, continuum
Spherical coordinates 48–50, 60
Stability, of thermodynamic equilibrium 7–10, 317–319
Statistical model 278–279
Steady laminar flow 219–224, 225f
Stokes's theorem 
Eulerian form 269
Lagrangian form 276
Strain-displacement relations 96–98, 296
Stress power 130–131
definition 88, 90–91
pure stretch 
in U 94–96, 100
in V 96, 100
tensors 88, 90–91
Summation convention 26
Superposed rigid body motions (SRBMs) 
definition 160–164, 160f
implications on invariance of constitutive equations  (Invariance under SRBMs)
transformations under a SRBM 
electromagnetic quantities, 
geometric and kinematic quantities 164–168
kinetic quantities 169–171
thermal quantities 178–180
Surface element 112–114
Symmetry, of a material.  See Material symmetry
Symmetric tensor 17, 43–44


Tangent basis vectors 60
Tensor algebra 12–13, 44–46
Cartesian components 24–31
Tensor calculus 47–48
Cartesian component form 56–59
Thermal expansion, of Newtonian fluids 
definition 229
isentropic incompressibility 232–233, 235–236
isothermal incompressibility 229–232, 234–235
Thermoelastic solids.  See Elastic solids, nonlinear
Thermo-electro-magneto-mechanical process 283–284, 299–300, 300f, 301t
Thermomechanical process 175–178
Thermoviscous fluids.  See Viscous fluids
Thermo-electro-magneto-elastic materials 
large-deformation theory 
angular momentum requirements 293
conjugate pairs 284–285
constitutive equations 286
fundamental laws  See (Electrodynamics, continuum)
invariance requirements 293, 294
Legendre transformation 288–291, 289t
reduced Clausius-Duhem inequality 284–285
residual dissipation inequality 286
small-deformation theory 
fundamental laws 295–296
linear constitutive equations 296–298, 297t
material symmetry, implications of 298–299, 299f
piezoelectric materials, specialization to 302–303
constitutive modeling 
constitutive equations  (Constitutive equations in thermomechanics)
dependent variables 175
independent variables 175
thermomechanical process 176
fundamental laws 
balance of angular momentum  (Balance of angular momentum for thermomechanics)
balance of linear momentum  (Balance of linear momentum for thermomechanics)
conservation of mass  See (Conservation laws See also mass)
first law of thermodynamics  See (First law of thermodynamics)
Third-order tensor 47–48
Total stress tensor in electrodynamics 281
Trace 35
referential (Lagrangian) 137–143, 252–256
spatial (Eulerian) 116–117, 124–125, 137–142, 252–256
Transport theorem 269, 271–273, 275
Transpose, of a tensor 17, 17f


Varga model 242
Vector product 42–43
Vector space 7–9
Velocity 80–81, 83, 104, 105
Velocity gradient 104–105
bulk 209–211
dilatational 200–201, 205, 209–211
Viscous fluids, compressible 
mechanical theory 
Navier-Stokes equations 202–204
Newtonian fluids 200–203
restrictions imposed by invariance 198–199
thermomechanical theory 
Newtonian fluids 209–211
restrictions imposed by invariance 207–208
restrictions imposed by the second law 207–208
Volume element 110–111, 111f, 113
Vorticity tensor 104, 105–107
Vorticity vector 104


Zero tensor 13
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