Chapter 9

Modeling of Thermo-Electro-Magneto-Mechanical Behavior, with Application to Smart Materials

Sushma Santapuri; Robert L. Lowe; Stephen E. Bechtel    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University Columbus, OH


A key feature of smart materials is their ability to convert energy from one form into another. For instance, piezoelectric materials deform when exposed to an electric field, thus converting electrical energy to mechanical energy. Other common smart materials include magnetostrictives, magnetorheological fluids, shape memory alloys, and electroactive polymers. These materials couple different physical effects, e.g., thermal, electrical, magnetic, and/or mechanical. In this chapter, we present a continuum framework that lays the groundwork for modeling a broad range of smart materials exhibiting coupled thermal, electrical, magnetic, and/or mechanical behavior. This framework has the breadth to accommodate large deformations (i.e., geometric nonlinearities), anisotropy, and nonlinear constitutive response (i.e., material nonlinearity). We devote special attention to developing the fundamental laws of continuum electrodynamics and presenting key aspects of thermodynamic constitutive modeling. For instance, we show how the thermodynamic formalism that produced constitutive models for classical elastic solids and viscous fluids can also be used to facilitate the constitutive modeling of smart materials with coupled thermo-electro-magneto-mechanical (TEMM) behavior. Finally, we illustrate that our modeling approach provides an overarching framework that encompasses many well-known types of smart material behavior. For instance, we explicitly demonstrate that the linear theory of piezoelectricity falls out as a special case of our more general finite-deformation TEMM framework, much the same way linear elasticity falls out of finite-deformation elasticity.


smart material


finite deformation

continuum electrodynamics

Maxwell’s equations

constitutive equations

piezoelectric material

In this chapter, we present a continuum approach to modeling smart materials. A key feature of smart materials is their ability to convert energy from one form into another. For instance, piezoelectric materials deform when exposed to an electric field, thus converting electrical energy to mechanical energy. Other common smart materials include magnetostrictives, magnetorheological fluids, shape memory alloys, and electroactive polymers. These materials couple different physical effects, e.g., thermal, electrical, magnetic, and/or mechanical. Owing to their unique properties, smart materials are implemented in a wide variety of automotive, aerospace, and biomedical applications, to name but a few.

Compared with classical elastic solids and viscous fluids (refer to Chapters 48), additional balance laws (e.g., Maxwell's equations) are required to model the complex multiphysics behavior of smart materials. Also, the thermomechanical balance laws (i.e., linear momentum, angular momentum, and energy) must be modified to account for contributions from electromagnetic fields. Finally, the constitutive equations that describe the response of smart materials should highlight the coupling of different physical effects. For example, stress in a piezoelectric material is a function of both strain and electric field.

In what follows, we present a unified continuum framework that lays the groundwork for modeling a broad range of smart materials exhibiting coupled thermal, electrical, magnetic, and/or mechanical behavior. This framework has the breadth to accommodate dynamic electromagnetic fields, large deformations (i.e., geometric nonlinearities), anisotropy, and nonlinear constitutive response (i.e., material nonlinearity). We devote special attention to developing the fundamental laws of continuum electrodynamics and presenting key aspects of thermodynamic constitutive modeling. For instance, we show how the thermodynamic formalism that produced constitutive models for classical elastic solids (refer to Chapter 6) and viscous fluids (refer to Chapter 7) can also be used to facilitate the constitutive modeling of smart materials with thermo-electro-magneto-mechanical (TEMM) behavior. Finally, we illustrate that our modeling approach provides an overarching framework that encompasses many well-known types of smart material behavior. For instance, we explicitly demonstrate that the linear theory of piezoelectricity falls out as a special case of our more general finite-deformation TEMM framework, in much the same way linear elasticity falls out of finite-deformation elasticity.

Although some of the concepts presented in this chapter are introduced in earlier parts of the book, they are restated here so that this chapter is essentially self-contained.

9.1 The fundamental laws of continuum electrodynamics: integral forms

In this section, we present the fundamental laws of continuum electrodynamics, i.e., the first principles for a deformable, polarizable, magnetizable, conductive thermo-electro-magneto-mechanical (TEMM) material. As was done in Chapter 4, the first principles are postulated at four different levels: primitive, material, integral, and pointwise. In particular, we begin by explicitly stating the first principles in their most primitive or fundamental form. These primitive statements are then expressed mathematically in material form. The material form is global, i.e., valid on the body as a whole and all subsets.1 Specializing to a continuum leads to a corresponding set of integral equations. Boundedness and continuity then allow these integral equations to be localized, i.e., expressed in a pointwise fashion. Note that we carefully progress from primitive statements to pointwise equations, rather than starting directly with a set of pointwise equations, since (1) the pointwise equations must be derivable from an integral set and (2) the assumptions for continuum models are customarily imposed on the integral form [30, 31].

9.1.1 Notation and nomenclature

We now present the notation necessary to describe the geometry of the deformable TEMM body. We label the body Bsi218_e and two arbitrary subsets S1si219_e and S2si220_e.2 Subset S1si223_e is bounded by a closed material surface, while subset S2si224_e is bounded by a closed material curve; see Figure 9.1. As will soon be evident, both closed material surfaces and closed material curves are required to formulate integral statements of the fundamental laws of continuum electrodynamics.

Figure 9.1 Subsets S1si1_e and S2si2_e as seen in the present configuration. Subset S1si3_e is an open material volume Psi4_e bounded by a closed material surface Psi5_e, while subset S2si6_e is an open material surface Qsi7_e bounded by a closed material curve Qsi8_e.

In the reference configuration, body Bsi225_e occupies open volume RRsi226_e of e RRsi227_e. Subset S1si228_e occupies open volume PRRRsi229_e, bounded by closed surface PRsi230_e, and subset S2si231_e occupies open surface QRRRsi232_e, bounded by closed curve QRsi233_e.

In the present configuration at time t, body Bsi234_e occupies open material volume Rsi235_e, bounded by closed material surface Rsi236_e. Subset S1si237_e occupies open material volume PRsi238_e, bounded by closed material surface Psi239_e, and subset S2si240_e occupies open material surface QRsi241_e, bounded by closed material curve Qsi242_e.3

9.1.2 Conservation of mass

Primitively, conservation of mass postulates that the mass Msi243_e of every subset of the body Bsi244_e is constant throughout its motion, or, equivalently, the time rate of change of the mass of every subset is zero. Applying this primitive statement to arbitrary subset S1si245_e allows us to express conservation of mass mathematically in material form:

ddtM(S1,t)=0orM(S1)independent oft.

si246_e  (9.1)

Specializing to a continuum, the approach taken heretofore in this book, allows us to express the mass Msi247_e of subset S1si248_e in Eulerian and Lagrangian integral forms, i.e.,


si249_e  (9.2)

Thus, specializing to a continuum is tantamount to a smoothness assumption on the mass Msi250_e; refer to Section 4.2. The Eulerian integral representation (top of (9.2)) corresponds to subset S1si251_e as seen in its present configuration, while the Lagrangian integral representation (bottom of (9.2)) corresponds to S1si252_e as seen in its reference configuration.4 In (9.2), dv and dV are volume elements in the present and reference configurations (refer to Section 3.6), and ρ and ρR are the mass densities in the present and reference configurations (refer to Section 4.1). Note that ρ has units of mass per present volume, while ρR has units of mass per reference volume (see Table 9.1). Both ρ and ρR are bounded, continuous functions of space and time.

Table 9.1

Units for Thermal, Electrical, Magnetic, and Mechanical Quantities

Type Quantity Representation Symbol Fundamental Units Derived Units SI Units
Electrical Vacuum permittivity εo C2T2ML3Psi9_e CapacitancePresent lengthsi10_e FaradMetersi11_e
Electric field Referential eR ML2PLRT2Csi12_e ForceCharge·Present lengthReference lengthsi13_e NewtonCoulombVoltMetersi14_e
Spatial e* MLPCT2si15_e ForceChargesi16_e NewtonCoulombVoltMetersi17_e
Electric polarization Referential pR CL2Rsi18_e ChargeReference areasi19_e CoulombMeter2si20_e
Spatial p* CL2Psi21_e ChargePresent areasi22_e CoulombMeter2si23_e
Electric displacement Referential dR CL2Rsi24_e ChargeReference areasi25_e CoulombMeter2si26_e
Spatial d* CL2Psi27_e ChargePresent areasi28_e CoulombMeter2si29_e
Free charge density Referential σR CL3Rsi30_e ChargeReference volumesi31_e CoulombMeter3si32_e
Spatial σ* CL3Psi33_e ChargePresent volumesi34_e CoulombMeter3si35_e
Conductive current density Referential jR CL2RTsi36_e CurrentReference areasi37_e AmpereMeter2si38_e
Spatial j* CL2PTsi39_e CurrentPresent areasi40_e AmpereMeter2si41_e
Magnetic Vacuum permeability μo MLPC2si42_e InductancePresent lengthsi43_e HenryMetersi44_e
Magnetic field Referential hR CLRTsi45_e CurrentReference lengthsi46_e AmpereMetersi47_e
Spatial h* CLPTsi48_e CurrentPresent lengthsi49_e AmpereMetersi50_e
Magnetization Referential mR CLRTsi51_e CurrentReference lengthsi52_e AmpereMetersi53_e
Spatial m* CLPTsi54_e CurrentPresent lengthsi55_e AmpereMetersi56_e
Magnetic flux density Referential bR ML2PL2RTCsi57_e Magnetic fluxReference areasi58_e WeberMeter2Teslasi59_e
Spatial b* MTCsi60_e Magnetic fluxPresent areasi61_e WeberMeter2Teslasi62_e
Mechanical Mass density Referential ρR ML3Rsi63_e MassReference volumesi64_e KilogramMeter3si65_e
Spatial ρ ML3Psi66_e MassPresent volumesi67_e KilogramMeter3si68_e
Traction Referential tR MLPL2RT2si69_e ForceReference areasi70_e NewtonMeter2Pascalsi71_e
Spatial t MLPT2si72_e ForcePresent areasi73_e NewtonMeter2Pascalsi74_e
Stress Referential P MLPL2RT2si75_e ForceReference areasi76_e NewtonMeter2Pascalsi77_e
Spatial T MLPT2si78_e ForcePresent areasi79_e NewtonMeter2Pascalsi80_e
Velocity v LPTsi81_e MeterSecondsi82_e
Deformation gradient F LPLRsi83_e
Green's deformation C L2PL2Rsi84_e
Volumetric deformation J L3PL3Rsi85_e
Thermal Heat flux rate Referential hR ML2PL2RT3si86_e EnergyReference area·timesi87_e WattMeter2si88_e
Spatial h MT3si89_e EnergyPresent area·timesi90_e WattMeter2si91_e
Heat flux vector Referential qR ML2PL2RT3si92_e EnergyReference area·timesi93_e WattMeter2si94_e
Spatial q MT3si95_e EnergyPresent area·timesi96_e WattMeter2si97_e
Temperature Θ θ Kelvin
Specific internal energy ε L2PT2si98_e EnergyMasssi99_e JouleKilogramsi100_e
Specific entropy η L2PT2θsi101_e EnergyMass·temperaturesi102_e JouleKilogram·kelvinsi103_e



Note that M is mass, LPis present length, LRis reference length, T is time, θ is temperature, and C is charge.

To perform the integrations in (9.2), it is natural to consider ρ in its Eulerian description, i.e., as a function of x and t, and to consider ρR in its Lagrangian description, i.e., as a function of X and t, although both ρ and ρR can be expressed using either an Eulerian or a Lagrangian description. Recall that X and x are the reference and present positions of a continuum particle, related through the motion x = χ(X, t) (refer to Section 3.1).

Use of (9.2) in (9.1) leads to Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations of conservation of mass:


si256_e  (9.3a)


si257_e  (9.3b)

These integral statements are valid for any open volume Psi258_e in the present configuration and corresponding open volume PRsi259_e in the reference configuration. Note that (9.3a) and (9.3b) are identical to their counterparts in the thermomechanical theory (refer to Chapter 4).

9.1.3 Balance of linear momentum

Balance of linear momentum postulates that the time rate of change of the linear momentum Lsi260_e of any subset of the body is equal to the resultant external force f acting on that subset. Applying this primitive statement to subset S1si261_e gives the material form:


si262_e  (9.4)

Assuming smoothness of Lsi263_e, we write its Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations:


si264_e  (9.5)

where v is the velocity of a continuum particle at the present time t, and the integrands are continuous, bounded functions of space and time. As was done in Section 4.2, it is assumed that the resultant external force f can be additively decomposed into a body force and a contact force. The effects of electromagnetism are modeled through an electromagnetic contribution to the body force [32, 33] so that


si265_e  (9.6)

where fm is the mechanically induced body force per unit mass, fem is the electro-magnetically induced body force per unit mass, t and tR are the spatial and referential tractions (refer to Section 4.9), and da and dA are area elements in the present and reference configurations (refer to Section 3.6).5 Elaborating, t is the traction acting on surface Psi266_e in the present configuration measured per unit area of Psi267_e, whereas tR is the traction acting on surface Psi268_e in the present configuration but measured per unit area of the corresponding surface PRsi269_e in the reference configuration. Thus, t has units of force per present area, while tR has units of force per reference area (see Table 9.1).

Use of (9.5) and (9.6) in (9.4) gives Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations of balance of linear momentum:


si270_e  (9.7a)


si271_e  (9.7b)

Comparing (9.7a) and (9.7b) with their counterparts in the thermomechanical theory (refer to Chapter 4), we see that (9.7a) and (9.7b) contain an additional body force fem.

9.1.4 Balance of angular momentum

Balance of angular momentum postulates that the time rate of change of the angular momentum H0 of any subset of the body about the origin 0 is equal to the resultant external moment M0 acting on that subset about the origin 0. In material form:


si272_e  (9.8)

Assuming that H0 is smooth leads to Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations of the angular momentum about 0, i.e.,


si273_e  (9.9)

The integrands in (9.9) are continuous, bounded functions of space and time. Similarly, smoothness of M0 implies that


si274_e  (9.10)

Following [32, 33], an electromagnetically induced body couple per unit mass cem is included in (9.10) to model the effects of electromagnetism. Note that the first two terms in (9.10)1 and (9.10)2 represent the moment about 0 due to the resultant external force f, the first term being a contribution from the body force and the second term being a contribution from the contact force.

Use of (9.9) and (9.10) in (9.8) gives Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations of balance of angular momentum:


si275_e  (9.11a)


si276_e  (9.11b)

Comparing (9.11a) and (9.11b) with their counterparts in the thermomechanical theory (refer to Chapter 4), we see that (9.11a) and (9.11b) contain additional moments due to (1) the electromagnetic body force fem and (2) the electromagnetic body couple cem.

9.1.5 First law of thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics (or conservation of energy) postulates that the time rate of change of the total energy (i.e., kinetic energy K plus internal energy E) of any subset of the body is equal to the rate of work R generated by the resultant external force acting on that subset plus the rate of all other energies Asi277_e (e.g., heat, electromagnetic, chemical) entering or exiting that subset. In material form,


si278_e  (9.12)

Assuming that the kinetic and internal energies of part S1si279_e are smooth implies that


si280_e  (9.13)

where ε is the specific internal energy (or internal energy per unit mass), and the integrands are bounded, continuous functions of space and time. The rate of work R generated by the resultant external force f can be additively decomposed into contributions from the body force and the contact force, i.e.,


si281_e  (9.14)

Following [32, 33], the auxiliary energy rate Asi282_e is additively decomposed into three contributions, two from radiation and one from conduction: the rate of heat absorption throughout the volume, the rate of electromagnetic energy absorption throughout the volume, and the rate of heat entering through the boundary, i.e.,


si283_e  (9.15)

where rt is the specific heat supply rate, rem is the specific electromagnetic energy supply rate, and hR and h are the referential and spatial heat flux rates (refer to Section 4.9.3).6 Elaborating, h is the rate of heat flow out of the present boundary Psi284_e measured per unit area of the present boundary Psi285_e. Conversely, hR is the rate of heat flow out of the present boundary Psi286_e, but measured per unit area of the corresponding boundary PRsi287_e in the reference configuration. Thus, h has units of energy per time per present area, while hR has units of energy per time per reference area (see Table 9.1).

Use of (9.13)(9.15) in (9.12) yields Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations of the first law of thermodynamics:


si288_e  (9.16a)


si289_e  (9.16b)

Comparing (9.16a) and (9.16b) with their counterparts in the thermomechanical theory (refer to Chapter 4), we see that (9.16a) and (9.16b) contain additional energy contributions from (1) the work due to the electromagnetic body force fem and (2) the electromagnetic energy supply rem.

9.1.6 Second law of thermodynamics

In this chapter—as was done in the thermomechanical theory of Chapter 4—we adopt the Clausius-Duhem inequality as our particular statement of the second law of thermodynamics. The Clausius-Duhem inequality postulates that the rate of change of the entropy Nsi290_e of any subset of the body is greater than or equal to the rate of entropy generation Rsi291_e due to the radiative heat supply minus the rate of entropy loss Hsi292_e due to the outward heat flux. Applying this primitive statement of the second law to subset S1si293_e yields the material form:


si294_e  (9.17)

Specializing to a continuum and assuming smoothness of N(S1,t)si295_e, R(S1,t)si296_e, and H(S1,t)si297_e, we can write


si298_e  (9.18)



si299_e  (9.19)

where η is the specific entropy (or entropy per unit mass) and Θ is the absolute temperature. The Eulerian integral representations of N(S1,t)si300_e, R(S1,t)si301_e, and H(S1,t)si302_e (top of (9.18) and (9.19)) correspond to subset S1si303_e as seen in its present configuration, while the Lagrangian integral representations of these quantities (bottom of (9.18) and (9.19)) correspond to subset S1si304_e as seen in its reference configuration.

Use of (9.18) and (9.19) in (9.17) leads to Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations of the Clausius-Duhem inequality:


si305_e  (9.20a)


si306_e  (9.20b)

Note that these integral statements are valid for any open volume Psi307_e bounded by closed surface Psi308_e in the present configuration, or corresponding open volume PRsi309_e bounded by closed surface PRsi310_e in the reference configuration. Also note that (9.20a) and (9.20b) are identical to their counterparts in the thermomechanical theory (refer to Chapter 4).

9.1.7 Conservation of electric charge

Conservation of charge postulates that the time rate of change of the total electric charge (i.e., free charge Σ plus bound charge Σb) within any closed material surface is equal to the sum of the free (or conductive) current Jsi311_e and the polarization current Jpsi312_e entering that surface. Applying this primitive statement of the law to subset S1si313_e (an open material volume bounded by a closed material surface) allows us to express conservation of charge mathematically in material form:


si314_e  (9.21)

Loosely, free charges are unpaired and “free” to move; this motion gives rise to the conductive current. Conversely, bound charges are paired, and are thus “bound” to a particular atom. When a material experiences a spatially varying polarization, the bound charges realign; if this polarization is also time varying, a polarization current arises.

Physically, the conductive current J(S1,t)si315_e always enters and exits subset S1si316_e at time t through its present surface Psi317_e, but we are free to label this surface by its reference location PRsi318_e instead. Similarly, the free charge (S1,t)si319_e always resides in present volume Psi320_e, but we are free to label this volume by its reference location PRsi321_e instead. Exploiting this freedom in how the geometry of S1si322_e is labeled allows us to write Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations of the free charge, bound charge, conductive current, and polarization current, i.e.,


si323_e  (9.22)


si324_e  (9.23)

where n and N are outward unit normals in the present and reference configurations (refer to Section 3.6), “div” denotes the Eulerian divergence (i.e., the divergence calculated with respect to the present configuration), and “Div” denotes the Lagrangian divergence (i.e., the divergence calculated with respect to the reference configuration). Note that the minus signs in (9.23) are required to maintain consistency in our sign convention: positive Jsi325_e denotes current flowing into the boundary (see (9.21)), whereas positive j* · n implies that current is flowing out of the boundary (n is an outward unit normal).

In (9.22) and (9.23), σ* and σR are denoted the spatial free charge density and referential free charge density, j* and jR the spatial conductive current density and referential conductive current density, and p* and pR the spatial electric polarization and referential electric polarization. All are bounded, continuous functions of space and time. Recall that the spatial and referential representations of a particular quantity are different since they are associated with different labels for the geometry of the subset: σ* has units of charge per present volume, while σR has units of charge per reference volume; j* has units of current per present area, while jR has units of current per reference area; and p* has units of charge per present area, while pR has units of charge per reference area (see Table 9.1).

σ*, j*, and p* are often called effective electromagnetic fields in the literature [33] to signify that they are measured with respect to a co-moving frame, or rest frame, i.e., one affixed to but not deforming with the continuum. In this book, an effective electromagnetic field is denoted by a superscript asterisk. In Section 9.3, we present transformations that relate the effective electromagnetic fields to the standard electromagnetic fields, the latter being measured with respect to a stationary frame, or laboratory frame, rather than a co-moving frame.

Use of (9.22) and (9.23) in (9.21) leads to Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations of conservation of charge:


si326_e  (9.24a)


si327_e  (9.24b)

These integral statements are valid for any open volume Psi328_e bounded by closed surface Psi329_e in the present configuration, or corresponding open volume PRsi330_e bounded by closed surface PRsi331_e in the reference configuration. Note that (9.24a) and (9.24b) involve only free charge and free current. Also note that to perform the integrations in (9.24a) and (9.24b), it is more natural to consider σ* and j* in their Eulerian descriptions, i.e., as functions of x and t, and σR and jR in their Lagrangian descriptions, i.e., as functions of X and t.

9.1.8 Faraday's law

Faraday's law postulates that the time rate of change of the magnetic flux Bsi332_e through any open material surface is equal to and opposite the electromotive force Esi333_e induced in the closed material curve bounding that surface. Mathematically, in material form for subset S2si334_e (an open material surface bounded by a closed material curve), this amounts to


si335_e  (9.25)

Smoothness of Bsi336_e and of Esi337_e imply that


si338_e  (9.26)

where dl and dL are line elements in the present and reference configurations, I and IR are unit tangents in the present and reference configurations, b* and bR are the spatial magnetic flux density and referential magnetic flux density (or magnetic induction), and e* and eR are the spatial electric field and referential electric field. Refer to Table 9.1 for their respective units. Use of (9.26) in (9.25) leads to Eulerian and Lagrangian representations of Faraday's law:


si339_e  (9.27a)


si340_e  (9.27b)

Note that these integral statements are valid for any open surface Qsi341_e bounded by a closed curve Qsi342_e in the present configuration, or corresponding open surface QRsi343_e bounded by a closed curve QRsi344_e in the reference configuration.

9.1.9 Gauss's law for magnetism

Gauss's law for magnetism (a statement of conservation of magnetic flux, or, alternatively, the absence of magnetic monopoles) postulates that the magnetic flux Bsi345_e through any closed material surface is zero, i.e.,


si346_e  (9.28)

Assuming that the magnetic flux B(S1,t)si347_e through the surface of S1si348_e (recall that S1si349_e consists of an open volume bounded by a closed surface) at time t is smooth, we can write


si350_e  (9.29)

Use of (9.29) in (9.28) gives Eulerian and Lagrangian representations of Gauss's law for magnetism:


si351_e  (9.30a)


si352_e  (9.30b)

9.1.10 Gauss's law for electricity

Gauss's law for electricity postulates that the electric flux Fsi353_e through any closed material surface is proportional to the total electric charge (i.e., free charge Σ plus bound charge Σb) enclosed within that surface, i.e.,


si354_e  (9.31)

where εo is the electric permittivity in vacuo. Assuming that the electric flux Fsi355_e is smooth implies that


si356_e  (9.32)

where J is the determinant of the deformation gradient F, and C−1 is the inverse of the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor C = FTF. Recall that the free charge Σ and the bound charge Σb associated with subset S1si357_e at time t are given in (9.22). Subsequent use of (9.22) and (9.32) in (9.31) leads to Eulerian and Lagrangian representations of Gauss's law for electricity:


si358_e  (9.33a)


si359_e  (9.33b)

where the spatial electric displacement d* and referential electric displacement dR are introduced through the algebraic relationships (see, for instance, [37])


si360_e  (9.34)

9.1.11 Ampère-maxwell law

The Ampère-Maxwell law postulates that the time rate of change of the electric flux Fsi361_e through any open material surface plus the conductive current Jsi362_e, polarization current Jpsi363_e, and magnetization current Jmsi364_e passing through that surface is proportional to the magnetic field Tsi365_e around the closed material curve bounding that surface. Application of this primitive statement of the law to subset S2si366_e (an open material surface bounded by a closed material curve) allows us to express the Ampère-Maxwell law mathematically in material form:


si367_e  (9.35)

where μo is the magnetic permeability in vacuo. Smoothness allows us to write


si368_e  (9.36)


si369_e  (9.37)


si370_e  (9.38)

where m* and mR are the spatial magnetization and referential magnetization (or magnetic polarization), “curl” is the Eulerian curl (i.e., the curl calculated with respect to the present configuration), and “Curl” is the Lagrangian curl (i.e., the curl calculated with respect to the reference configuration). Use of (9.36)(9.38) in (9.35) leads to


si371_e  (9.39a)


si372_e  (9.39b)

where we have used (9.34) to introduce d* and dR, and the algebraic relationships (see, for instance, [36])


si373_e  (9.40)

to introduce the spatial magnetic field h* and referential magnetic field hR.

9.1.12 Transformations between spatial and referential TEMM quantities

The spatial (Eulerian) and referential (Lagrangian) TEMM quantities appearing in Sections, along with their corresponding units, are listed in Table 9.1. (In Table 9.1, we employ the following notation for the fundamental units: M is mass, LP is present length, LR is reference length, T is time, θ is temperature, and C is charge.)7 It can be shown that these spatial and referential quantities are related through the following linear algebraic transformations:


si374_e  (9.41)

Recall that J is the determinant of the deformation gradient F, and is a measure of dilatation or volume change (refer to Section 3.6). Several of these results—namely, (9.41)8, (9.41)10, and (9.41)11—were obtained in Sections 4.10 and 4.12. The other transformations can be obtained in a similar manner; refer to Problems 9.19.3.

Problem 9.1

Verify that eR = FTe*.


Recall from (9.26)2 that depending on whether we label the closed curve enclosing subset S2si128_e by its present location Qsi129_e or its reference location QRsi130_e, the electromotive force Esi131_e induced in the boundary of S2si132_e has the following Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations:



It follows that


si134_e  (a)

Upon a change of independent variable from x to X, the left-hand side of (a) becomes


si135_e  (b)

where we have used



i.e., the deformation gradient F linearly maps each line element dIR = IR dL in the reference configuration into a line element dI = I dl in the present configuration. (Refer to (3.28), and recall that IR and I are unit tangents in the reference and present configurations, and dL and dl are the infinitesimal lengths of the line elements.) Substitution of (b) into (a), and subsequent use of the definition (2.13) of the transpose of a tensor, leads to



Since the integrand is continuous and QRsi138_e is arbitrary, the localization theorem in Section 4.5.2 implies that



Since the coefficient of IR is independent of IR, and IR is arbitrary, it follows that



An alternative proof that starts with the electric flux Fsi141_e (refer to (9.32)) instead of the electromotive force Esi142_e (refer to (9.26)2) is left as an exercise for the reader.

Problem 9.2

Verify that σR = *.


Recall from (9.22)1 that depending on whether we label the volume occupied by subset S1si143_e by its present location Psi144_e or its reference location PRsi145_e, the free charge Σ within S1si146_e has the following Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations:



It follows that


si148_e  (a)

The left-hand side of (a), after a change of independent variable from x to X and use of the relationship dv = J dV (refer to (3.71)), becomes


si149_e  (b)

Substitution of (b) into (a) and use of the localization theorem leads to



Problem 9.3

Verify that bR = JF−1b*.


Recall from (9.29) that depending on whether we label the closed surface bounding subset S1si151_e by its present location Psi152_e or its reference location PRsi153_e, the magnetic flux Bsi154_e through the boundary of S1si155_e has the following Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations:



It follows that


si157_e  (a)

Upon a change of independent variable from X to x, the right-hand side of (a) becomes


si158_e  (b)

where we have used the relationship



from Section 3.6. Substitution of (b) into (a), and subsequent use of the definition (2.13) of the transpose of a tensor, leads to



The localization theorem then implies that



Since the coefficient of n is independent of n, and n is arbitrary, it follows that



Note that this relationship can also be obtained starting from the Eulerian and Lagrangian integral representations of the magnetic field Tsi163_e in (9.38), an exercise that we leave to the reader.


1. Confirm that use of the free charge (9.22)1, bound charge (9.22)2, conductive current (9.23)1, and polarization current (9.23)2 in the material form of conservation of charge (9.21) leads to the integral forms (9.24a) and (9.24b).

2. Verify that use of the free charge (9.22)1, bound charge (9.22)2, and electric flux (9.32) in the material form of Gauss's law for electricity (9.31) leads to the integral forms (9.33a) and (9.33b).

3. Demonstrate that use of (9.36)(9.38) in the material form of the Ampère-Maxwell law (9.35) leads to the integral forms (9.39a) and (9.39b). (Hint: You will need to use Stokes's theorem (9.44) to convert the magnetization current (9.37)2 from a surface integral to a line integral.)

4. Prove all transformations in (9.41) that remain unverified.

5. Using the fundamental units provided in Table 9.1, verify that the following equations are dimensionally homogeneous (i.e., all terms in the equation have the same units):

(a) The Eulerian and Lagrangian integral forms of the electromagnetic balance laws.

(b) The algebraic relationships (9.34) and (9.40).

(c) The transformations (9.41).

9.2 The fundamental laws of continuum electrodynamics: pointwise forms

In this section, we derive pointwise versions of the Eulerian and Lagrangian integral balance laws presented in Section 9.1.

9.2.1 Eulerian fundamental laws

We begin by recalling the Eulerian integral forms of the first principles developed in Section 9.1:

Conservation of mass


si375_e  (9.42a)

Balance of linear momentum


si376_e  (9.42b)

Balance of angular momentum


si377_e  (9.42c)

First law of thermodynamics


si378_e  (9.42d)

Second law of thermodynamics


si379_e  (9.42e)

Conservation of electric charge


si380_e  (9.42f)

Gauss's law for magnetism


si381_e  (9.42g)

Faraday's law


si382_e  (9.42h)

Gauss's law for electricity


si383_e  (9.42i)

Ampère-Maxwell law


si384_e  (9.42j)

To obtain pointwise versions of the integral equations (9.42a)(9.42j), we use tools similar to those employed in Section 4.8, including the transport theorem for volume integrals (refer to Section 4.5.1), the divergence theorem (refer to (2.104)), and the localization theorem (refer to Section 4.5.2). Several additional tools that will prove useful in this section include the transport theorem for surface integrals (refer to Problem 9.4)


si385_e  (9.43)

and Stokes's theorem


si386_e  (9.44)

where a=˜a(x,t)si387_e is an arbitrary vector-valued function of present position x and time t, v is the velocity, “div” denotes the Eulerian divergence (i.e., the divergence calculated with respect to the present configuration), “curl” denotes the Eulerian curl, and



denotes the Eulerian time derivative, i.e., the partial derivative of the spatial description of a with respect to time t. Also useful are the relations


si389_e  (9.45)

where T is the Cauchy stress and q is the spatial heat flux vector. Note that the proofs of (9.45)1 and (9.45)2 in a thermo-electro-magneto-mechanical setting are essentially identical to the corresponding proofs in a thermomechanical setting (refer to Section 4.6). With these tools in hand, it can be shown (refer, for instance, to Problem 9.5) that the pointwise variants of the Eulerian integral equations (9.42a)(9.42j) are


si390_e  (9.46a)


si391_e  (9.46b)


si392_e  (9.46c)


si393_e  (9.46d)


si394_e  (9.46e)


si395_e  (9.46f)


si396_e  (9.46g)


si397_e  (9.46h)


si398_e  (9.46i)


si399_e  (9.46j)

where L = grad v is the Eulerian velocity gradient, Γem is a skew tensor whose corresponding axial vector is cem, i.e., Γema = cem × a for any vector a, and



denotes the material time derivative of an arbitrary vector a=˜a(x,t)si401_e. Note that in deriving the pointwise version of the first law of thermodynamics (9.46d) from its integral counterpart (9.42d), we have made use of the Eulerian form of the energy theorem for continuum electrodynamics:


si402_e  (9.47)

Compare (9.47) with (4.33), the Eulerian form of the energy theorem for mechanics.

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