

1:N relationships, 880

30-day free trial for CRM Online, provisioning, 6267


access credentials for email router, 800801

incoming profiles, 800

outgoing profiles, 801

access mode, 1243

access teams, 660

access teams, templates, 675


business rules, 915

FantasySalesTeam player stats, 13211322

FieldOne Sky features, 1363

reports, 525

account activity settings (Yammer), 520

Account entity, 95103

activities, 110111

competitors, tracking, 9697

connections, establishing, 111112

navigation bar options, 101102, 106107

Contacts area, 102103

new Account entity, adding, 99

recommended fields

Account Number, 99

Annual Revenue, 101

Contact Methods, 100

Credit Hold and Payment Terms, 100

Credit Limit, 100

Currency, 99100

No. of Employees, 101

Parent Account, 99

Phone and Fax, 100

Primary Contact, 99

Website field, 100

records, creating, 10211022

relationship roles, 609611

relationship types, 9798

renaming, 96

reports, 108

required fields, 98101

types of, 97

Account module (Parature)

new accounts, creating, 356357

new customers, creating, 357358

Account Name field, 104

Account Number field, 99

account types

AppFabric Service Bus account, creating, 10281030

FantasySalesTeam, 13051306

commissioner, 1306

fan, 1306

game admin, 1306

player, 1306

achievements, goals, 158

ACS (Access Control System), 1028

action calls, creating for USD toolbar, 413415

actions, 11161127

creating, 11191127

CrmSvcUtil.exe, 1118

options, 11151116

real-time workflows, 11171118

when to use, 1119


contracts, 289

dialogs, 1138

workflows, 11481149

Active Configuration page (USD), 433434

Active Directory requirements for CRM deployment, 12271230

active orders, 153154

Active Survey Responses page (Voice of the Customer), 1432

activities, 110111. See also campaign activities

adding to cases, 274275

closing, 111

planning activities, 175176

service activities, 252, 262265

creating, 262265

rescheduling, 265

Activities option (navigation bar), 102

Activity Maps (Social Engagement), 477478

AD FS 2.0 (Active Directory Federation Services 2.0), 11971198

AD FS token certificate, exporting, 12051208

configuring, 1198, 12031208

installing, 1198

relying party trust, adding, 12101219

AD FS 3.0 (Active Directory Federation Services 3.0), 11981202

AD FS token certificate, exporting, 12051208

configuring, 12031208

installing, 11981202

relying party trust, adding, 12101219

Add Connection button, 752753


activities to cases, 274275

assemblies to plug-ins, 1073

campaign activities to campaigns, 176180

charts to MDM home page, 195196

company logo to CRM interface, 964967

connections to Social Engagement, 466468

jQuery to solutions, 941943

members to marketing lists, 168169

using Advanced Find, 170171

using Lookup, 169

pages to surveys, 14101411

plug-ins to solutions, 928929

production instances, 7679


to opportunities, 133138

to quotes, 148149

relying party trust to AD FS, 12101219

required components to solutions, 926

resources to sites, 604

Social Insights controls to forms, 482489

time slips to jobs form, 199200

users, 653

web references to Discovery Web service, 975976

widgets to MDM home page, 194195, 196197

AddList function, 1180

Addresses section (Quote form), 146147

Administration Settings, 625645

Announcements, 626627

Auto-Numbering, 627628

Languages, 640643

Microsoft Social Engagement Configuration, 645

Privacy Preferences, 643

Product Updates, 644645

Resources in Use (CRM Online Only), 644

Subscription Management (CRM Online Only), 644

System Notifications (CRM Online Only), 644

System Settings, 628640

Auditing section, 634

Calendar section, 633

Customizations section, 637638

Email section, 634636

Formats section, 633

General section, 629633

Goals, 640

Marketing section, 636637

Outlook section, 638639

Reporting section, 639

Yammer Configuration, 645

administrative options for reports, 531532

advanced customizations, 967968. See also customizations

for USD, 438440

Custom Panel Layout component, 440443

UII SDK package, 438440

Advanced Find, 15. See also Quick Search

Under and Not Under option, 17

Advanced Find dialog box, 170171


of CRM Online, 5253

of manual updates, 12941295

of web client, 731

Adxstudio Portals, 1325

configuring, 1329

deploying, 13271328

entity forms, 13291335

Contact Us form, creating, 13301335

unsupported features, 1330

entity lists, 13381347

entity permissions, 13361338

features, 13261327

functions performed by, 13251326

installing, 1328

starter portals, 1329

web forms, 13471353

three-step survey, creating, 13481353

Type attribute options, 13471348

Agent Scripting control, 404

agent scripts, 425427

agreement invoices, 1374

agreement schedules, 13721374

agreements, 13711372

alerts, Message Center, 479480

allocating resources for services, 257259

analytics dashboard (Social Engagement), 472474

announcements, 626627

Yammer, 514

Annual Revenue field, 101

anonymous link, providing to survey users, 1421


enhancements to CRM, 3132

Yammer Data Export API, 495

in-app licensing enforcement, 46

Appears in Global Filter in Interactive Experience property, 346347

AppFabric Service Bus account, creating, 10281030

in-application help, 12881289

appointments, 268271

approval requests, 202204

approving, articles, 284

Apps for Dynamics CRM button, 732


interactive service hub, 319

On-Premises version, supported configurations, 3435

Area node, 897

articles, 277282

approving, 284

creating, 281282

rejecting, 284285

reports, 285286

security, 286

subjects, 282283

submitting, 283284

templates, 279, 612

ASP.NET, custom reports, building, 582591

assemblies, adding to plug-ins, 1073

asset types, for solutions, 932

Assets and Media area (MDM navigation bar), 221223

components, 221223

sections, 221


record ownership to teams, 99

record ownership to users, 10161018


customers with accounts, 356

KB articles with cases, 273

report categories, 529

asynchronous mode, 1069

asynchronous workflows, 11421150

run settings, 11431145

triggering events, 1143


debugger to host process, 11031106

onChange event to field controls, 907912

attachments, adding to posts, 509510

attributes, of entity permissions, 13361338

Audit and Diagnostics Settings page (USD), 434437

Audit History option (navigation bar), 102, 112

auditing, 634

Auditing settings, 676679


claims-based authentication, 11901191

configuring, 12081210

SSL certificates, 11941197

for email router, 799800

forms authentication, IFD, configuring, 12101219

Integrated Windows Authentication, 11871188

MFA, 28

OAuth, 10201021

auto save

caveats, 89

conditions, 89

turning off, 8788

Automation page (MDM navigation bar), 208212

automation rules, configuring for Social Engagement, 468470

auto-numbering, 627628

Auto-Save, Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 708, 12971298

Azure, 10271028

ACS, 1028

AppFabric Service Bus account, creating, 10281030

Dynamics CRM 2016 development environment, configuring, 10471065

ExpressRoute, 1065

hosting Dynamics CRM, 10471065

listener applications, creating, 10411045

Online certificate, obtaining, 10301031

products, 10271028

service bus configurations, 1028

endpoints, registering, 10311039

Service Bus message queues, configuring, 243246

Survey Designer, 14081420

Windows Azure portal, main method variables, updating, 10451047


badges (FantasySalesTeam), 1316

basic customizations, 882

form customizations, 883894

Card forms, 892

Main forms, 883890

Main-Interactive Experience forms, 892894

Quick Create forms, 892

Quick View forms, 890891

view customizations, 894

Basic license, 58

best practices

for FantasySalesTeam, 13221323

for solutions, 929932

BFPs (business process flows), 700701

billing accounts (FieldOne Sky), 13661367

Bing maps, adding to forms, 889890

Birthday field, 105

bit type option set, 872

BlackBerry support on Dynamics CRM for Phones app, 709

BPFs (business process flows), 1115, 11271132

default BPFs, enabling, 1128

designing, 11291132

enabling for entities, 11271128

task flows, 11541158

on mobile app, 11551157

branding, company logo, adding to CRM interface, 964967

breakeven point for Online and CRM On-Premisess, 6

Budgeting area (MDM navigation bar), 223224

building custom reports, 570571

with ASP.NET, 582591

with SSRS, 573575

bulk adding users, to CRM Online, 7374

bulk contact creation, 10181019

bundles, 620

business closures calendar, 268

Business Closures settings, 597

business flow branching, 18

Business Management settings, 594624

Business Closures, 597

Connection Roles, 608609

Currencies, 606608

Customization, 624

Facilities/Equipment, 597598

Fiscal Year settings, 595596

Goal Metrics, 596597

Product Catalog, 617623

discount lists, 621622

families & products, 618620

price lists, 620621

unit groups, 623

Queues, 598601

Relationship Roles, 609611

Resource Groups, 601602

Sales Territories, 602603

Service Management, 623624

Services, 603

Sites, 603604

Subjects, 605606

Templates, 611617

article templates, 612

contract templates, 612

document templates, 617

email templates, 612616

mail merge templates, 616

business processes. See also processes

leads, removing, 125

business rules, 915919

accessing, 915

conditions, 915916

error messages, showing, 916917


default value, setting, 919

locking/unlocking, 919

value, setting, 917918

visibility, setting, 919

business units, 667671

businesses, setting up in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016, 12811283


Add Connection, 752753

Apps for Dynamics CRM, 732

chat buttons, creating in Parature, 370371

for command bar, 901903

creating for USD toolbar, 412413

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 for Outlook

Convert To, 750752

Set Regarding, 749750

View in CRM, 754

buzz maps, 477


cached data, Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 705708

cadence of updates, 11

calculated and rollup fields, 1819

calculated field editor, 875876

calculated fields, 873876

creating, 874

form customization, 913915


business closures calendar, 268

configuring, 633

entity list calendars, 13461347

Fiscal Year settings, 595596

holiday schedule calendar, 306307

campaign activities

adding to campaigns, 176180

mail merge, 180

Campaign Canvas page (MDM navigation bar), 208212

campaign dashboard, 212213

campaigns, 165, 172184. See also campaign activities; quick campaigns

automating, 208212

creating, 207208

new campaigns, creating, 173176

planning activities, 175176

price information, entering, 174

versus quick campaigns, 172

responses, 181183

converting, 182183

creating, 181182

templates, 172173

validating, 211212

Campaigns page (MDM navigation bar), 207208

canceling, cases, 276

card forms, 343346

cascading rules, 881

case records, 87

menu options, 8991

Case Settings with Record Creation and Update Rules section (Service Management), 290300

Automatic Record Creation and Update Rules, 298300

Parent and Child Case Settings section, 294295

queues, 291293

Routing Rule Sets, 295298

Subjects, 300

cases, 271277

activities, adding, 274275

canceling, 276

closing, 988989

creating, 272273

deleting, 275

KB articles, associating with, 273

numbering scheme, 272

reports, 276277

resolving, 275

viewing in interactive service hub, 333337

Cases option (navigation bar), 102

categories of reports, 523524, 528531

CCA Hosted Application control, 404


Online certificate for Azure, obtaining, 10301031

for Online version, 5758

change tracking, 31


service activity status, 269270

work hours of users, 266268

charts, 554563. See also reports

adding to MDM home page, 195196

exporting, 561562

filtering, 556557

layout, changing, 560561

personal charts

advanced options, 559560

creating, 557559

sharing, 560

predefined charts, 554555

printing, 568

refreshing, 556557

system charts, 557

types of, 554

using in Dynamics CRM for Tablets, 701

view, changing, 555

visualizations, 562563

chat (Yammer), 516

Chat module (Parature), 370372

chat buttons, creating, 370371

chat queues, 371

routing rules, 371372

chat queues, 371

child goals, 140

claims-based authentication, 11901191

configuring, 12081210

SSL certificates, 11941197


IExecutionContext, 10771081

IOrganizationServiceFactory, 1081

IServiceProvider, 1076

ITracingService, 1082

ClickOnce technology, 493494

client setup

browser clients, 1278

Outlook clients, 12781279


customizations, preparing, 894

USD setup, 386398

client-to-server integration (SharePoint), 11731176

document location options, 11771178

integration features, 11761177

record GUID in folder name, 11781179

clock icon (ISH navigation bar), 326327


patches, 944945

solutions, 945946

Close Opportunity dialog box, 139

Closed Activities, 111


cases, 988989

opportunities, 138140

cloud computing

Azure, 10271028

ACS, 1028

AppFabric Service Bus account, creating, 10281030

ExpressRoute, 1065

hosting Dynamics CRM, 10471065

listener applications, creating, 10411045

main method variables, updating, 10451047

Online certificate, obtaining, 10301031

products, 10271028

service bus configurations, 1028

Dynamics CRM 2016 development environment, configuring, 10471065

COLAC, 4546


OneNote integration, 2829

Yammer, 491

account activity, 520

announcements, 514

chat feature, 516

ClickOnce technology, 493494

CRM integration, 495, 496501

default configuration, 496

entities, configuring, 501503

extending, 495

file attachments, adding to posts, 509510

home page, 492

installing, 493494

My Applications (Yammer), 521

network settings, 518520

notification window, 494, 521

opportunities, working with, 503507

org chart settings, 518

polls, 510512

posting to, 506508, 515

praise, 513

preferences, 521522

profile settings, 517518

SDK, 495

settings, 516517

command bar

buttons, 901903

rules for enabling/showing, 901903

customizing, 901905

RibbonDiffXml node, 903905

Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 695

Metadata Sync alert, 696

Quick Create, 695

Refresh command, 696

locations of, 901

CommandClientTypeRule, properties, 903

commands, HTTP, PATCH, 1024

commissioner account (FantasySalesTeam), 1306

Commissioner Portal (FantasySalesTeam), 13201321

communication card, 688689

community forums, getting support from, 12871288

company logo, adding to CRM interface, 964967


campaigns and quick campaigns, 172

dialogs and workflows, 1133

leads and potential sales, 124

Online versus On-Premises versions, 57

infrastructure, 6

price, 6

updates, 6


Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 for Outlook, previous version compatibility, 762763

Outlook for Mac, 730

competitors, 140142

tracking with Accounts entity, 9697

components, 221223

adding to dashboards, 567

in CRM email router, 789

of solutions, 921922

required components, adding, 926

of a successful implementation, 593594


for business rules, 915916

for enabling/showing command bar buttons, 901903

for support, 1285

configuration pages

creating, 925

USD, 399

configuration roles, 455


AD FS 2.0, 1198, 12031208

AD FS 3.0, 12031208

Adxstudio Portals, 1329

business closures, 597

calendars, 633

claims-based authentication, 12081210

Dynamics CRM 2016 development environment in Azure, 10471065

email, 634636

services, 789793

email router

CRM email router, 802

deployments, 803806

Forward mailboxes, 810811

incoming emails, tracking, 812813

incoming profiles, 802803

for multiple deployments, 801

queues, 807809, 813814

Rule Deployment Wizard, 814817

facilities/equipment, 597598

FantasySalesTeam, 1305

roles, 13131315

FieldOne Sky, 13611364

fields, 13641366

forms authentication, IFD, 12101219

goal metrics, 596597

hosted controls, default UII actions, 402404

IFD, 11911194

DNS server, 12221223

marketing options, 636637

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 for Outlook, 738742

advanced configuration, 744746

Outlook, 638639

queues, 598601

resource groups, 601602

server-side synchronization, 775785

Social Engagement, 447465

adding users, 453

automation rules, 468470

connections, 466468

default solution settings, 448453


Audit and Diagnostics Settings page, 434437

client setup, 386398

server setup, 380385

toolbars, 411414

USD (Unified Service Desk), hosted controls, 400411

Voice of the Customer, 1405

Woodford solution, 13871392

customization, 13941400

security, 13921394

Yammer, 645

default configuration, 496

entities, 501503


Social Engagement to Dynamics CRM, 480482

Social Insights controls, adding, 482489

Yammer to Dynamics CRM, 498499

connection roles, 608609


establishing, 111112

Social Engagement, configuring, 466468

Connections option (navigation bar), 102

Contact Methods field, 100

Contact Us form, creating, 13301335

Contacts entity, 103105. See also Account entity

bulk contact creation, 10181019

connections, establishing, 111112

navigation bar options, 106107

recommended fields, 105

relationship roles, 609611

renaming, 96

reports, 108

required fields, 104105

Contacts option (navigation bar), 102

contracts, 286289

activating, 289

hosted controls, CTI Desktop Manager control, 407

SLAs, 359362

creating, 359361

enhanced SLAs, 314317

permissions, 361362

templates, 287, 612


CrmEntityFormView control, 1330

field controls, onChange event, attaching, 907912

hosted controls, 399

Agent Scripting control, 404

CCA Hosted Application control, 404

creating, 401

CRM Dialog control, 405406

CRM Page control, 406

Debugger control, 407

default UII actions, 402404

Global Manager control, 408

KM control, 409

Listener Hosted control, 409

listener hosted controls, 436437

Panel Layout control, 409

Ribbon Hosted control, 409410

Session Lines control, 410

User Notes control, 411

Social Insights controls

adding to forms, 482489

for CRM dashboards, 489490

visual controls for mobile interfaces, 727728

Convert To button, 750752


campaign responses, 182183

currencies, 607

email to tickets, 372375

leads, 128131

CopyIntoItems function, 11821183

copyService operations (SharePoint 2013), 11821183

core entities

COLAC, 4546

as xRM selection criteria, 44


breakeven point, 6

of Online add-on features, 60

of Online version, 35

of On-Premises licenses, 6

Create method, 978980, 994995

new accounts, creating, 978

testing, 979980

Create Order dialog box, 152


actions, 11191127

agreements, 13711372

appointments, 269

articles, 281282

calculated fields, 874

campaigns, 173176, 207208

cases, 272273

charts, personal charts, 557559

chat buttons in Parature, 370371

configuration pages, 925

connection roles, 608609

connections, 111112

contacts, 10181019

contracts, 286289

dashboards, 348352

email marketing messages, 214220

entities, with Quick Create, 329

EULA in Parature, 366

Excel templates, 837842

goal metrics, 159161

goals, 158, 161163

hosted controls, 401

incidents, 1290

landing pages, 220

leads, 117, 124125

listener applications, 10411045

marketing lists, 166167

opportunities, 132133

packages, 960962

personal dashboards, 564567

plug-ins, 10721073

polls, 510512

publishers, 923925

quick campaigns, 185187

quotes, 144

records, 8586, 10211022

report categories, 530

reports, with Report Wizard, 533539

sales literature, 183184

schema, 956957

sender address, 234235

service activities, 262265

services, 253259

session lines, 422425

SharePoint folders, 11721173

SLAs, 359361

solutions, 923

streams in Social Engagement, 475477

subscription center, 233234

surveys, 14061408

surveys in Parature, 375377

teams, 658659

territories, 603

Word templates, 821827

workflows, 1145, 1158

Credit Hold and Payment Terms field, 100

Credit Limit field, 100

criteria, 163

for goals, setting, 163

for report filters, 527528

for xRM selection, 4245

core entities, 44

Dynamics CRM features, 4344

end application, 4243

licensing model, 45

user experience, 43

CRM 2016 Report Authoring Extension, 532

installing, 571573

CRM app for Outlook, 763772

CRM Configuration Migration, 955959

exporting data, 957958

schema, creating, 956957

CRM Dialog control, 405406

CRM email router, 788789

components, 789

tasks performed by, 788

CRM Online, 5152, 53

advantages of, 5253

certifications, 5758

comparing with On-Premises version, 57

data centers

global data centers, 5455

Microsoft data centers, 54

redundancy, 5556

dual licensing, 36

interactive service hub, 19

direct link to, 321

licensing, 47, 5862

add-on features, 6061

new Microsoft licensing paradigm, 6162

user capabilities, 59

MDM integration, 240246

new users, adding, 648649

privacy, 5657

production instances, adding, 7679

provisioning process, 6267

regional data redundancy, 55

signing up for, 62

subscription management, 7475

support, 12861292

in-application help, 12881289

community forums, 12871288

Enhanced support, 1291

incidents, creating, 1290

Microsoft support page, 12901291

Premier support, 1292

Professional direct support, 12911292

Service Dashboard, 1288

subscription support, 1287

system health status, checking, 76

updates, 89, 5354

user administration, bulk adding users, 7374


adding, 6871

managing, 7173

Yammer, removing, 501

CRM On-Premises

Active Directory modes, 12271230

Adxstudio Portal deployment, 13271328

claims-based authentication, configuring, 12081210

comparing with Online version, 57

database support, 12321233

dual licensing, 36

IFD, 11871190

AD FS 2.0, 11971198

AD FS 3.0, 11981202

configuring, 11911194

disabling, 1223

DNS server, configuring, 12221223

SSL certificates, 11941197

IIS requirements, 12301232

interactive service hub, 19

direct link to, 321

licensing, 47, 60

MDM integration, 246249

multiple server deployments, 12471251

new users, adding, 649650

operating system requirements, 1227

reports, scheduling, 541542

SharePoint integration, 12331234

single-server deployment, 1226, 1247

support, 12931295

manual updates, 12941295

supported configurations, 3435

updates, 7

Yammer, removing, 501

CRM Page control, 406

CrmEntityFormView control, 1330

CrmSvcUtil.exe, 993994, 1118

CTI Desktop Manager control, 407

currencies, 606608

Currency field, 99100

Custom Code Validation Tool, 907

Custom Panel Layout component (USD), 440443

default logo, changing, 440441

registering, 441442

custom reports, 570571

building, 570571

with ASP.NET, 582591

with SSRS, 573575

when to use, 570571

custom source rules, 461463

custom workflow activities, 11621165

deploying, 1164

customer experience, Parature, 2122

Customer module (Parature), 356

Customer Service Schedule option (Service Terms group), 307310

customers, 95, 330333. See also leads


with accounts, 356

with products, 369

converting to from leads, 128131

SLAs, 359362

customization file (USD), 432433

customizations, 624, 637638

advanced customizations, 967968

for USD, 438443

basic customizations, 882

form customizations, 883894

view customizations, 894

client customizations, preparing, 894

command bar, RibbonDiffXml node, 903905

command bar customizations, 901905

comparing Online and On-Premises versions, 6

Developer Resources page, 953955

form customizations

calculated fields, 913915

Custom Code Validation Tool, 907

JavaScript events, 906907

importing/exporting, 920921

for interactive service hub, 340341

migrating from previous versions, 952

navigation bar customization, 895901

with ISV Config, 898901

with Site Map, 895898

principles of, 870871

publishing, 894

for Social Engagement, 465466

themes, 964967

unsupported, 871


entities, 869870

FieldOne Sky mobile app, 13871400

lead fields, 130


dashboards, 563568. See also interactive experience dashboards

analytics (Social Engagement), 472474

campaign dashboard, 212213

components, adding, 567

creating, 348352, 564567

editing, 564565

entity dashboards, 352

features, 567568

grids, 563

interactive service hub, 321322

stream records, 322323, 329330

tile view, 322

visual filters, 322

layout, selecting, 349351

personal dashboards, 563564

predefined system dashboards, 563

Sales dashboard, 693

Server-Side Synchronization Performance Dashboard, 785

service dashboard, 1288

sharing, 568

Social Insights controls, 489490

Survey Dashboard, 1431

system dashboards, 563564

data centers

global data centers, 5455

Microsoft data centers, 54

redundancy, 5556

Data Management settings, 675

data replication, 55

data types

calculated field support, 873874

rollup field support, 876

datetime type option set, 873

Debugger control, 407


JavaScript, 912913

plug-ins, 11021111

attaching debugger to host process, 11031106

with Plug-in Profiler, 11061111

decimal type option set, 873

default BPFs, enabling, 1128

Default Preferences page (Social Engagement), 449450

default properties of IFRAMES, 888889

default UII actions for hosted controls, 402404

Delete method, 986988, 996

deleting new accounts, 986987

testing, 987988


cases, 275

new accounts, 986987

quotes, 149

records, 10241025

dependencies, displaying, 926927


Adxstudio Portals, 13271328

custom workflow activities, 1164

packages, 962964

plug-ins, 10821087

reports in SSRS, 580

Voice of the Customer, 14021405

Deployment Manager, 12731274

deployment options

for CRM email router, 803806

SharePoint, 11701171

deregistering, plug-ins, 11011102


BPFs, 11291132

surveys, 14171420

Developer Resources page, 953955

development. See also SDK

Developer Resources page, 953955

Dynamics CRM 2016 development environment, configuring in Azure, 10471065

plug-ins, 10711073

IExecutionContext class, 10771081

IOrganizationServiceFactory class, 1081

IServiceProvider class, 1076

ITracingService class, 1082

reports, 575578

sandbox support, 3031

SDK, downloading, 10301031

workflows, 11611162

dialog boxes

Advanced Find, 170171

Close Opportunity, 139

Create Order, 152

Fiscal Year Settings, 595596

Handler Properties, 911

Look Up address, 147

Look Up Records, 169

Resolve Case, 275

Service Endpoint Registration, 10341035

Virtual Machine Configuration, 10491050

Windows Security, 1188

dialog sessions, 112

dialogs, 11331141

activating, 1138

input arguments, 1134

options, 11151116

steps, 11351138

testing, 11391141

variables, 1134


IFD, 1223

users, 656


of manual updates, 12941295

of web client, 731

of web interface for JavaScript, 912

discount lists, 621622

Discovery Web service, 975976

multi-tenancy, 975

web references, adding, 975976


dependencies, 926927

error messages, 916917

disqualifying, leads, 128129

distributing plug-ins, 11121113

divisions, 236

DLL (dynamic link library) files, 1073

DNS server, IFD configuration, 12221223

Do Not Allow for email error, 100101

document libraries, 112

Document Management console, SharePoint integration, 11691170

Document Management settings, 676

documents. See also reports

sales literature, 183184

SharePoint location options, 11771178

templates, 617

uploading to OneDrive, 862863

Documents option (navigation bar), 102

domains, 1222

Double Opt-in for Emails warning (MDM), 193

Download module (Parature), 365367


Dynamics CRM for Phones app, 709

SDK, 10301031

USD, 379380

draft status for quotes, 145

drag and drop operations, performing, on fields, 886

dual licensing, 36

dynamic marketing lists, 167

Dynamics CRM, products, 34, 1112

Dynamics CRM Entity Model, 871882

fields, 872873

calculated fields, 873876

data types, 872

global option sets, 872873

rollup fields, 876878

keys, 878879

messages, 882

relationships, 879882

1:N relationships, 880

behavior, 881882

N:1 relationships, 880

N:N relationships, 880

Dynamics CRM for Phones app

downloading, 709

entities, enabling, 710711

features, 727

forms, creating, 711713

installing, 713726

required privileges, 710

supported operating systems, 709

visual controls for mobile interfaces, 727728

Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 682

Auto-Save, 708

BFPs, 700701

charts, 701

command bar, 695

Metadata Sync alert, 696

Quick Create, 695

Refresh command, 696

communication card, 688689

CRM for Mobile privilege, form options, 686688

enabled entities, 691692

for read-only operations, 692

for read-write operations, 691692

form elements, 689691

home page, 693

installing on Windows 10, 682686

limitations of, 691

lookup fields, 688

multi-entity quick search, 702705

navigation bar, 693695

offline access, 705708

records, navigating, 689

server-side extensibility, 708

simple lists, 696698

Stakeholders and Sales Team lists, 698700

viewing images, 708

Dynamics Marketing. See marketing


E2T (email to ticket conversion), 372375

early binding, 993997

CrmSvcUtil.exe, 993994

for plug-ins, 1076

regular operations

Create method, 994995

Delete method, 996

Retrieve method, 995

RetrieveMultiple method, 996

Update method, 997


dashboards, 564565

existing CRM Online users, 7173

KB articles, 365

report with Visual Studio, 532


pages, 14131414

questions, 14141415

XML files, 895

effect of licensing on design, 4849

email, 746748, 773774

configuring, 634636

converting to tickets, 372375

CRM email router, 788789

components, 789

tasks performed by, 788

Do Not Allow error, 100101

Double Opt-in for Emails warning (MDM), 193

email router

access credentials, 800801

authentication types, 799800

configuring for multiple deployments, 801

CRM email router, configuring, 802

data migration, 785788

deployment options, 803806

Forward mailboxes, 810811

incoming emails, tracking, 812813

installing, 793797

installing on multiple computers, 797799

queues, 807809, 813814

Rule Deployment Wizard, 814817

Email Router Configuration Manager tool, 799

marketing, 213220

messages, creating, 214220

marketing options, 39

Outlook, 2628

configuration wizard, 28

configuring, 638639

MFA, 28

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 for Outlook, 733734

ribbons, 9294

POP3 email servers, manual rule creation, 817819

sender address, creating, 234235

server-side synchronization, 774775

configuring, 775785

services, configuring, 789793

SMTP requirements for CRM deployment, 1236

templates, 612616

undelivered email, warning message, 791

Unsubscribe option, 187

Email Router Configuration Manager tool, 799

embedding, videos in KB articles, 366367


BPFs for entities, 11271128

Microsoft OneDrive integration, 859861

Microsoft OneNote integration, 847856

users, 656

end application, as xRM selection criteria, 4243

endpoints, Azure service bus endpoints, registering, 10311039

enhanced SLAs, 24, 314317

Enhanced support, 1291

Enterprise license, 58

enterprise social software, 491

entities, 9596

Account, 9596, 96103

Account Number field, 99

activities, 110111

Annual Revenue field, 101

competitors, tracking, 9697

connections, establishing, 111112

Contact Methods field, 100

Credit Hold and Payment Terms field, 100

Credit Limit field, 100

Currency field, 99100

navigation bar options, 106107

new Account entity, adding, 99

No. of Employees, 101

Parent Account field, 99

Phone and Fax field, 100

Primary Contact field, 99

records, creating, 10211022

relationship roles, 609611

reports, 108

required fields, 98101

types of, 97

Website field, 100

BPFs, enabling, 11271128

COLAC, 4546

base entities, 45

design principles, 4546

Competitor, 98

Contacts, 103105

adding new contacts, 103104

connections, establishing, 111112

creating, 10181019

navigation bar options, 106107

recommended fields, 105

reports, 108

required fields, 104105

creating with Quick Create, 329

customizations, 869870

importing/exporting, 920921

security roles, granting, 948952

Dynamics CRM Entity Model, 871882

enabling for Dynamics CRM for Phones app, 710711


Bing maps, adding, 889890

Social Insights controls, 482489

keys, 878879

multi-entity quick search, 702705

predefined charts, 554555

renaming, 96

reports, running, 526527

Yammer configuration, 501503

entitlements, 303306

Entitlements option (navigation bar), 102

entity dashboards, 352

entity forms (Adxstudio Portals)

Contact Us form, creating, 13301335

unsupported features, 1330

entity lists (Adxstudio Portals), 13381347

entity searches (USD), 416420

ERP systems, CRM, integrating, 100

error messages, displaying, 916917

Essential licensing, 48, 58

Est. Closed Date field, 133

Est. Revenue field, 133

establishing connections, 111112

EULA (end-user license agreement), creating in Parature, 366

evaluating members of marketing lists, 171

event handling

JavaScript, 905913

Custom Code Validation Tool, 907

debugging, 912913

web interface, disadvantages of using, 912

plug-ins, 10671068

USD, 415416

Excel integration, 2526

Excel Online, 844845


requirements for CRM On-Premises deployment, 12351236

server-side synchronization enhancements, 27

synchronization folders, 28

Execute method, 988990

checking for entity existence, 998999

closing a case, 988989

custom entities, creating, 9991002

querying metabase to retrieve values, 1002

submethods, 997998

testing, 989990

ExecuteMultipleRequest message, 10181019

Settings parameter, 1018

expanding process steps, 119

experience dashboards, 19. See also dashboards

Explore CRM page, 45


charts, 561562

customizations, 920921

processes, 11571158

reports, 546548

available formats, 546

RDL format, 548

solutions, 933937

exposing reports to SSRS, 549551

ExpressRoute, 1065

extended CRM, 41


CRM-SharePoint integration, 11801183

entities, configuring, 1180

RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlRequest, 1180

USD with UII components, 438440

Yammer, 495

external party access, 3234


Facebook page rules, 458459

Facilities/Equipment settings, 597598

families, 618

fan account (FantasySalesTeam), 1306

fans (FantasySalesTeam), 13181319

Fans Portal (FantasySalesTeam), 1319

Fantasy Teams model (FantasySalesTeam), 13081310

FantasySalesTeam, 12991300

account types, 13051306

commissioner, 1306

fan, 1306

game admin, 1306

player, 1306

best practices, 13221323

Commissioner Portal, 13201321

configuring, 1305

fans, 13181319

Fantasy Teams model, 13081310

final configurations, 1312

Fixed Teams model, 1311

FST TV model, 13111312, 13191320

installing, 13001305

leaderboard, 13221323

No Teams model, 1311

Players Portal, 13131318

handicaps, 1315

player badges, 1316

roles, 13131315

setup, 13071308

stats, accessing, 13211322

users, 13061307

feature releases, 53


of Adxstudio Portals, 13261327

of FieldOne Sky, accessing, 1363

of mobile apps, 681682

feedback, reacting to, 470

Fetch method, 990992

FetchXML reports, 523, 551553

left outer joins, 553

query schema, 533

required components, 553

XML query string, creating, 551552

field security profiles, 653, 671674

field services, 13551356

field-level security, 17

FieldOne Sky, 1356

administration, 13641366

agreement invoices, 1374

agreement schedules, 13721374

agreements, 13711372

billing accounts, 13661367

configuring, 13611364

features, accessing, 1363

fields, configuring, 13641366

installing, 13561361

mobile app, 13801383

customizing with Woodford solution, 13871400

scheduling with list view, 13831385

scheduling with map view, 13851386

routing engine, 1380

Schedule Board, 13741380

manual scheduling, 13761378

Schedule Assistant, 13781380

security roles, 13621363

service accounts, 1366

work orders, 13681371

life cycle, 13681371

rescheduling, 13861387

fields, 872873

Account Name, 104

Account Number, 99

Annual Revenue, 101

Appears in Global Filter in Interactive Experience option, 346347

Birthday, 105

calculated and rollup fields, 1819

calculated fields, 873876

creating, 874

form customization, 913915

configuring in FieldOne Sky, 13641366

Contact Methods, 100

controls, attaching onChange event, 907912

Credit Hold and Payment Terms, 100

Credit Limit, 100

Currency, 99100

data types, 872

default values, setting, 919

Est. Closed Date, 133

Est. Revenue, 133

field security profiles, 671674

filtering, 326

Lead Source, 126127

locking/unlocking, 919

for marketing lists, 166167

moving, 886

No. of Employees, 101

Owner, 133

Parent Account, 99

Phone and Fax, 100, 105

Primary Contact, 99

rollup fields, 876878

setting as required, 918

Sortable in Interactive Experience Dashboard property, 348

Status, 133

value, setting with business rules, 917918

visibility, setting, 919

Website, 100

file attachments, adding to posts, 509510

filtered views, 578579


chart filters, 556557

field filters, 326

report filters, 527528

time frame filters, 324326

visual filters, 322

finding status of quick campaigns, 188

Fiscal Year settings, 595596

Fixed Teams model (FantasySalesTeam), 1311

float type option set, 873

flow interface, 116117

folder-level tracking, 746

folders, SharePoint, creating, 11721173

forests, 1227

Form option (navigation bar), 106

addresses, adding, 108110


of updates, 7

of version numbers, 937

forms, 428429

authentication, IFD, configuring, 12101219

Card forms, 892

card forms, 343346

case form, 334

Competitor, 141

Contact Us form, creating, 13301335

creating with Dynamics CRM for Phones app, 711713

customizing with JavaScript, 906913

displayed elements in Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 689691

entity forms (Adxstudio Portals), 13291335

Main forms, customizing, 883890

Main-Interactive Experience forms, 342, 892894

Quick Create forms, 892

quick create forms, 86

Quick View forms, 889890

Quote, 146152

Social Insights controls, adding, 482489

troubleshooting, 15

web forms, 13471353

three-step survey, creating, 13481353

Type attribute options, 13471348

forms rendering engine, 1415

Forward mailboxes, 810811

FST TV model (FantasySalesTeam), 13111312, 13191320

fulfilled orders, 154155


Addlist, 1180

CopyIntoItems, 11821183

GetList, 1180


game admin account (FantasySalesTeam), 1306


FantasySalesTeam, 12991300

account types, 13051306

best practices, 13221323

Commissioner Portal, 13201321

configuring, 1305

Fantasy Teams model, 13081310

final configurations, 1312

Fixed Teams model, 1311

FST TV model, 13111312, 13191320

installing, 13001305

leaderboard (FantasySalesTeam), 13221323

No Teams model, 1311

Players Portal, 13131318

setup, 13071308

stats, accessing, 13211322

users, 13061307



from entities, 526527

with Report Wizard, 533539

Word templates, 830831, 831835

geographic instance of CRM, 9

GetList function, 1180

GFS (Global Foundation Services), 54

global data centers, 5455

Global Manager control, 408

global option sets, 872873

goal metrics, 159161

creating, 159161

rollup queries, 158, 160161

settings, 596597

goals, 158, 640. See also goal metrics

child goals, 140

creating, 158, 161163

criteria for, setting, 163

parent goals, 140

granting security roles for custom entities, 948952

grids, 563

Group node, 897


handicaps (FantasySalesTeam), 1315

Handler Properties dialog box, 911

header section for opportunities, 133

health status, checking for CRM Online, 76

hierarchy relationship visualization, 1617

Management Chain and Position Hierarchy options, 17

hierarchy security, 674

HIPAA (U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 5758

holiday schedule calendar, 306307

holidays, business closures calendar, 268

home page

Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 693

Yammer, 492

home page (MDM), 194195

charts, adding, 195196

widgets, adding, 194195, 196197

hosted controls, 399

Agent Scripting control, 404

CCA Hosted Application control, 404

creating, 401

CRM Dialog control, 405406

CRM Page control, 406

Debugger control, 407

default UII actions, 402404

Global Manager control, 408

KM control, 409

Listener Hosted control, 409

listener hosted controls, 436437

Panel Layout control, 409

Ribbon Hosted control, 409410

Session Lines control, 410

User Notes control, 411

hosted deployment (Adxstudio Portals), 1327

hosting Dynamics CRM using Azure, 10471065

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 971972

PATCH command, 1024

hybrid xRM deployment, 48


IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service), 1027

Azure-hosted Dynamics CRM, 10471065

ExpressRoute, 1065

icons, clock icon (ISH navigation bar), 326327

IExecutionContext class, 10771081

IFD (Internet-Facing Deployment), 11871190

AD FS 2.0, 11971198

configuring, 1198

installing, 1198

relying party trust, adding, 12101219

AD FS 3.0, 11981202

configuring, 12031208

installing, 11981202

relying party trust, adding, 12101219

claims-based authentication, 11901191

configuring, 11911194

disabling, 1223

DNS server, configuring, 12221223

SSL certificates, 11941197

installing, 11961197

omitting from IFD configuration, 11941196


adding/removing, 886888

default properties, changing, 888889

IG (Implementation Guide), 1283

IIS requirements for CRM deployment, 12301232

image type option set, 872


registering, 10991101

viewing in Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 708

Import Data Wizard, 181


customizations, 920921

processes, 11571158

solutions, 937943

with processes or plug-ins, 939940

incidents, creating, 1290

incoming emails

Forward mailboxes, 810811

tracking, 812813

incoming profiles

creating, 802803

email router access credentials, 800

increasing survey response rates, 1401

industry standards, Online version certifications, 5758

infrastructure, comparing Online and On-Premises versions, 6

initial setup and configuration


Double Opt-in for Emails warning, 193

license/subscription agreement, 191

role selection, 192

SMS Marketing Information warning, 193

Standardized KPIs for SMS warning, 194

Turn On Full Text warning, 192

Social Engagement, setting solution defaults, 448453

input arguments for dialogs, 1134


AD FS 2.0, 1198

AD FS 3.0, 11981202

Adxstudio Portals, 1328

CRM 2016 Report Authoring Extension, 571573

Dynamics CRM for Phones app, 713726

Dynamics CRM for Tablets app on Windows 10, 682686

email router, 793797

on multiple computers, 797799

FantasySalesTeam, 13001305

FieldOne Sky, 13561361

MDM 19.2.5056 Language Pack.msi, 237238

Microsoft Dynamics CRM, 12591269

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 for Outlook, 735738

Rule Deployment Wizard, 793797

SQL Server 2014, 12511258

SSL certificates, 11961197

updates, 1295

Voice of the Customer, 14021404

Yammer, 493494

int type option set, 872

Integrated Windows Authentication, 11871188

IntelliSense, 875

interaction roles, 455

interactive experience dashboards, 19

interactive service hub, 1921, 319323

architecture, 319

card forms, 343346

customizations, 340341

dashboards, 321322

creating, 348349

entity dashboards, 352

layout, selecting, 349351

stream records, 322323

tile view, 322

visual filters, 322

direct links to, 321


Appears in Global Filter in Interactive Experience option, 346347

Sortable in Interactive Experience Dashboard option, 348

Main-Interactive Experience forms, 342

navigation bar, 324340

customers, 330333

field filters, 326

KB articles, 337340

My Active Accounts view, 330331

Quick Create, 329

Quick Search, 327329

social profiles, viewing, 332333

streams, 329330

time frame filters, 324326

streaming, 19

Tier 1 users, 319

Tier 2 users, 319

interface, 8182

business flow branching, 18

calculated and rollup fields, 1819

command bar. See command bar

dashboards, 19

field-level security, 17

flow interface, 116117

forms rendering engine, 1415

hierarchy relationship visualization, 1617

interactive service hub, 19

for mobile environments, 3738

navigation bar, 1213

Form option, 106

opening, 84

quick create forms, 86

quick search option, 86

Recently Viewed option, 85

Parature, 2122

knowledge options, 23

product catalog, 18

Quick Search, 15

Social Engagement, 2223, 445446

templates, 1516

themes, 14

USD, 22

welcome splash screen, 82

Internet Connector license, 60

Internet Explorer Developer Tools, 913

Internet Explorer, setting security level, 11891190

invoices, 142143, 155158. See also orders

agreement invoices, 1374

marking as paid, 157

IOrganizationServiceFactory class, 1081

IServiceProvider class, 1076

isolation, 10681069

ISV Config, 898901

ServiceManagement node, 900901

ITracingService class, 1082


JavaScript. See also JSON

assigning records to users, 10161018

event handling, 905913

debugging scripts, 912913

form customizations, 906907

form customizations, Custom Code Validation Tool, 907

web interface, disadvantages of using, 912

OData web service, querying, 10031014


creating, 10211022

retrieving, 10221023

scriptlets, 427428

SOAPLogger solution, 10141016

Jobs section (MDM Projects area), 199200

jQuery, adding to solutions, 941943

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 972973


KB (knowledge base) articles, 362365

associating with cases, 273

editing, 365

in interactive service hub, 337340

keywords, 364

videos, embedding, 366367

keys, 878879

keywords, 457458

in KB articles, 364

KM control, 409

Knowledge Base Management section (Service Management), 310311

knowledge options (Parature), 23


Labels page (Social Engagement), 452

landing pages, creating, 220

language pack, installing, 237238

languages, default, selecting (Social Engagement), 450451

late binding, 993


of personal charts, changing, 560561

selecting for dashboards, 349351

of surveys, designing, 14171420

Lead Source field, 126127

leaderboard (FantasySalesTeam), 13221323

leads, 96, 124131

closed leads, reactivating, 130131

converting to customers, 128131

creating, 124125, 125

disqualifying, 128129

fields, customizing, 130

Lead Source field, 126127

new leads, 125128

new leads, creating, 117

opportunities, 125

versus potential sales, 124

Rating setting, 125126

removing from business processes, 125

lead-to-opportunity sales process, 117123

opportunity, selecting, 120121

stages, navigating between, 119120

left outer joins, 553

licensing, 4649, 12391247

access mode, 1243

in-app licensing enforcement, 46

dual licensing, 36

effect on design, 4849

EULA, creating in Parature, 366

hybrid xRM deployment, 48

Internet Connector license, 60

new Microsoft licensing paradigm, 6162

for Online version, 5862

add-on features, 6061

user capabilities, 59

for On-Premises version, 60

purchasing, 12451246

pure xRM deployment, 48

upgrades, 1246

as xRM selection criteria, 45

Yammer, 1245

life cycle

of orders, 153

of work orders, 13681371

List Component (SharePoint), 30

listener applications, creating, 10411045

Listener Hosted control, 409

listener hosted controls, 436437

listening, social media search rules, 456465

listing solutions in Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace, 952953

listsService operations (SharePoint 2013), 11801182

locating resources in service calendar, 262

Location Groups page (Social Engagement), 453


fields, 919

marketing lists, 167

logo, default USD logo, changing, 440441

Look Up address dialog box, 147

Look Up Records dialog box, 169

lookup type option set, 873


mail merge campaign activities, 180

mail merge templates, 616

Main forms

Bing maps, adding, 889890

fields, adding/removing, 886


adding/removing, 886888

default properties, changing, 888889

sections, adding/removing, 884885

tabs, adding/removing, 883884

Main method variables, updating, 10451047

Main-Interactive Experience forms, 342, 892894

Management Chain and Position Hierarchy options, 17



checking for entity existence, 998999

custom entities, creating, 9991002

Online CRM subscriptions, 7475

report categories, 530

roles, 656

services, 623624

work hours of users, 266268

manual updates, 12941295

installing, 1295

maps, activity maps, 477478

marketing, 165166. See also marketing lists; sales

campaigns, 165, 172184

automating, 208212

creating, 173176, 207208

planning activities, 175176

price information, entering, 174

versus quick campaigns, 172

responses, 181183

validating, 211212

components, 221223

email marketing, 39, 213220

MDM, 39

email marketing, 39

enhanced campaign and lead management, 39

options, configuring, 636637

sales literature, 183184

Marketing Execution area (MDM navigation bar), 204220

campaign dashboard, 212213

Campaigns page, 207208

email marketing, 213220

landing pages, creating, 220

marketing lists, 166169

base entity, 166

campaigns, templates, 172173

creating, 166167

dynamic marketing lists, 167

fields, 166167

locking, 167

members, adding, 168169

using Advanced Find, 170171

using Lookup, 169

merging, 171172

Marketing Lists option (navigation bar), 102

marketplace solutions, 952

marking invoices as paid, 157

matching accounts, retrieving with RetrieveMultiple method, 984985

materials, 252

MDM (Microsoft Dynamics Marketing), 39, 189. See also marketing

CRM integration, 238249

CRM Online configurations, 240246

CRM On-Premises configuration, 246249

Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Connector, 239240

email marketing, 39

home page, 194195

charts, adding, 195196

widgets, adding, 194195, 196197

initial setup and configuration, 190194

Double Opt-in for Emails warning, 193

license/subscription agreement, 191

role selection, 192

SMS Marketing Information warning, 193

Standardized KPIs for SMS warning, 194

Turn On Full Text warning, 192

key features, 190

navigation bar, 197198

Assets and Media area, 221223

Budgeting area, 223224

Marketing Execution area, 204220

Performance area, 224226

Projects area, 198204

Settings area, 226238

UI, 190

MDM 19.2.5056 Language Pack.msi, installing, 237238


adding to marketing lists, 168169

using Advanced Find, 170171

using Lookup, 169

removing from marketing lists, 171

menu options, 8991

common functions, 9192

merging marketing lists, 171172

Message Center, 479480

message-entity support for plug-ins.xlsx, 1067

messages, 882

alerts, 479480

announcements, 626627

email marketing messages, creating, 214220

error messages, showing, 916917

ExecuteMultipleRequest, 10181019

Settings parameter, 1018

Retrieve, testing, 981982

RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlRequest, 1180

Service Bus messages, receiving, 10411045

SOAP, assigning records to users, 10161018

undelivered email, warning message, 791


checking for entity existence, 998999

custom entities, creating, 9991002

querying metabase to retrieve values, 1002

Metadata Sync alert (Dynamics CRM for Tablets app), 696


Create, 994995

new accounts, creating, 978

testing, 979980

Delete, 986988, 996

deleting new accounts, 986987

testing, 987988

Execute, 988990

checking for entity existence, 998999

closing a case, 988989

custom entities, creating, 9991002

querying metabase to retrieve values, 1002

submethods, 997998

testing, 989990

Fetch, 990992

Main method, updating variables, 10451047

PostData, 10211022

Retrieve, 980982, 995

example of, 980981

RetrieveMultiple, 982986, 996

all accounts, retrieving, 982983

matching accounts, retrieving, 984985

testing, 983, 985986

Update, 992993, 997


for field services, 1355

goal metrics, 159161

MFA (multifactor authentication), 28

Microsoft CRM Outlook client, 12371239

Microsoft data centers, 54

Microsoft Delve integration, 864867

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 for Outlook, 733734, 788

Add Connection button, 752753

advanced configuration, 744746

client configuration, 738742

client installation, 735738

client setup, 735

Convert To button, 750752

folder-level tracking, 746

Outlook CRM views, 754762

previous version compatibility, 762763

requirements, 734735

Set Regarding button, 749750

synchronizing CRM and Outlook, 745

tracking emails, 746748

troubleshooting, 742743

View in CRM button, 754

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Online. See CRM Online

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 On-Premises. See CRM On-Premises

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Email Router, software and application requirements, 12341235

Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Good, 39

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions, 1233

Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Connector

MDM/CRM integration, CRM Online configurations, 240246

requirements, 239

setup, 239240

Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace, 952953

Microsoft Dynamics Social Engagement. See Social Engagement

Microsoft Excel integration, 835846

Excel Online, 844845

Excel templates

creating, 837842

personal Excel templates, 846

selecting, 844

system Excel templates, 846

uploading, 842843

Microsoft OneDrive integration, 858863

enabling, 859861

uploading documents, 862863

Microsoft OneNote integration, 847858

enabling, 847856

Microsoft SQL Server requirements for CRM deployment, 12321233

Microsoft support page, 12901291

Microsoft Word integration, 821837

Word templates

creating, 821827

generating, 830831, 831835

personal templates, 835836

selecting, 830

system templates, 836837

uploading, 828829


customizations from previous versions, 952

email router data, 785788

mobile apps

FieldOne Sky, 13801383

customizing with Woodford solution, 13871400

scheduling with list view, 13831385

scheduling with map view, 13851386

new features, 681682

mobile environment

Cortana, 39

Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Good, 39

mobile clients, 36

mobile development helper, 36

offline access, 38

visual controls, 3538

Mobile Express, 709


Adxstudio Portals, 1325

configuring, 1329

deploying, 13271328

entity forms, 13291335

entity lists, 13381347

entity permissions, 13361338

features, 13261327

functions performed by, 13251326

installing, 1328

starter portals, 1329

web forms, 13471353

CRM for Mobile privilege, 682686

Dynamics CRM for Phones app, 709

BlackBerry support, 709

downloading, 709

entities, enabling, 710711

features, 727

forms, creating, 711713

installing, 713726

required privileges, 710

supported operating systems, 709

visual controls, 727728

Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 682

BFPs, 700701

charts, 701

command bar, 695

enabled entities, 691692

form elements, 689691

form options, 686688

home page, 693

installing on Windows 10, 682686

lookup fields, 688

mobility, 688689

multi-entity quick search, 702705

offline access, 705708

records, navigating, 689

server-side extensibility, 708

simple lists, 696698

Stakeholders and Sales Team lists, 698700

viewing images, 708

modifying reports, 539541

money type option set, 873


fields, 886

IFRAMES, 886888

sections, 884885

tabs, 883884

multi-entity quick search, 702705

multi-geo instance support, 31

multiple leads, converting at once, 131

multiple server deployments, 12471251

multi-stream data interaction, 19

multi-tenancy, 975

My Active Accounts view (interactive service hub), 330331

My Applications (Yammer), 521


N:1 relationships, 880

navigation bar, 1213, 8384

+ icon, 8586

Account entity options, 106107

areas, 115116

Audit History option, 112

Contacts entity options, 106107

customizing, 895901

with ISV Config, 898901

with Site Map, 895898

in earlier CRM versions, 8283

Form option, 106

addresses, adding, 108110

menu options, 8991

opening, 84

options, 101102

Projects area, approvals, 202204

quick create forms, 86

quick search option, 86

Recently Viewed option, 85

Settings area, sender address, creating, 234235

Settings icon, 8687

Social Engagement, 445446

navigation bar (Dynamics CRM for Tablets app), 693695

navigation bar (interactive service hub), 324340

cases, 333337

cases, viewing, 333337

clock icon, 326327

customers, 330333

field filters, 326

KB articles, 337340

My Active Accounts view, 330331

Quick Create, 329

Quick Search, 327329

social profiles, viewing, 332333

streams, 329330

time frame filters, 324326

navigation bar (MDM), 197198

Assets and Media area, 221223

components, 221223

sections, 221

Budgeting area, 223224

Home icon, 194195

Marketing Execution area, 204220

campaign dashboard, 212213

Campaigns page, 207208

email marketing, 213220

landing pages, creating, 220

Performance area, 224226

Projects area, 198204

Jobs section, 199200

project requests, 201202

project templates, 200201

Settings area, 226238

categories, 236237

divisions, 236

language pack, installing, 237238

result types, 236

templates, 231232

Users page, 228231

network settings (Yammer), 518520

new accounts, creating programmatically, 978

new contacts, adding, 103104

new Microsoft licensing paradigm, 6162

new opportunities, creating, 132133

new organizations, provisioning, 12741278

new services, creating, 253259

new users, adding to CRM Online, 6871

N:N relationships, 880

No. of Employees field, 101

No Teams model (FantasySalesTeam), 1311

no-code workflows, 11581160

non-production instances, purchasing, 60

Under and Not Under option (Advanced Find), 17

notification window (Yammer), 494

ntext type option set, 873

n-tier application model, 870

NuGet, 1073

numbering scheme for cases, 272


OAuth, 10201021

objects, removing, 44


Online certificate for Azure, 10301031

Parature trial account, 353


querying, 10031014

SOAPLogger solution, 10141016

V4 endpoints, 3132

Web API, 1020

OData (Open Data Services), 973975

Office 365, 51

CRM Online trial account, provisioning, 6267

Excel integration, 2526

Outlook, 2628

Office Delve, 29

Office integration

Microsoft Delve integration, 864867

Microsoft Excel integration, 835846

Excel Online, 844845

Excel templates, creating, 837842

Excel templates, selecting, 844

Excel templates, uploading, 842843

personal Excel templates, 846

system Excel templates, 846

Microsoft OneDrive integration, 858863

enabling, 859861

uploading documents, 862863

Microsoft OneNote integration, 847858

enabling, 847856

Microsoft Word integration, 821837

advanced Word templates, 831835

personal Word templates, 835836

system Word templates, 836837

Word templates, creating, 821827

Word templates, generating, 830831

Word templates, selecting, 830

Word templates, uploading, 828829

offline access

Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 705708

for mobile users, 38

offline deployment (plug-ins), 1070

OnChange event, 906

onChange event, attaching to field controls, 907912

OneDrive for Business, 29

OneNote integration, 2829, 11831185

OnLoad event, 906

OnReadyStateComplete event, 906

OnSave event, 906


cases, 334

navigation bar, 84

operating system requirements for On-Premises CRM, 1227

opportunities, 96, 131140

closing, 138140

header section, 133

for leads, 125

new opportunities, creating, 132133

probability rating, 140

products, adding, 133138

relationship roles, 609611

reopening, 139140

working with in Yammer, 503507

Opportunities option (navigation bar), 102

optimistic concurrency, 31

option sets, 872

global option sets, 872873

orders, 142143, 152155. See also quotes

active, 153154

fulfilled, 154155

life cycle, 153

posting in back-end/ERP system, 157

pricing, 155

status options, 153

work orders, 13681371

rescheduling, 13861387

Schedule Board, 13741380

org chart settings (Yammer), 518

Organization service, 977993

Create method, 978980

new accounts, creating programmatically, 978

testing, 979980

Delete method, 986988

deleting new accounts, 986987

testing, 987988

Execute method, 988990

closing a case, 988989

testing, 989990

Fetch method, 990992

managing metadata

checking for entity existence, 998999

custom entities, creating, 9991002

querying metabase to retrieve values, 1002

records, assigning to users, 10161018

Retrieve method, 980982

example of, 980981

testing, 981982

RetrieveMultiple method, 982986

all accounts, retrieving, 982983

matching accounts, retrieving, 984985

testing, 983, 985986

SOAPLogger solution, 10141016

Update method, 992993

organizational information for users, 650652

outcomes, response outcomes, 14321433

outgoing email, configuring, 792793

outgoing profiles, email router access credentials, 801

Outlook, 2628, 729730

client setup, 12781279

configuration wizard, 28

configuring, 638639

CRM app for Outlook, 763772


server-side synchronization enhancements, 27

synchronization folders, 28

MFA, 28

Microsoft CRM Outlook client, 12371239

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 for Outlook, 733734

Add Connection button, 752753

advanced configuration, 744746

client configuration, 738742

client installation, 735738

client setup, 735

Convert To button, 750752

folder-level tracking, 746

Outlook CRM views, 754762

requirements, 734735

Set Regarding button, 749750

synchronizing CRM and Outlook, 745

tracking emails, 746748

troubleshooting, 742743

View in CRM button, 754

Outlook for Mac compatibility, 730

ribbons, 9294

soft Dynamics CRM 2016 for Outlook, 788

Owner field, 133


PaaS (platform-as-a-service), 1027

Package Deployer, 959964

packages, creating, 960962

packages, deploying, 962964


creating, 960962

deploying, 962964


adding to surveys, 14101411

editing in surveys, 14131414

removing from surveys, 1411

paid invoices, 157

Panel Layout control, 409

parameters for reports, 581582

Parature, 2122, 353

Account module

new accounts, creating, 356357

new customers, creating, 357358

Chat module, 370372

chat buttons, creating, 370371

chat queues, 371

routing rules, 371372

Contact Management, 356358

Customer module, 356

Download module, 365367

EULA, creating, 366

KB articles, 362365

editing, 365

keywords, 364

videos, embedding, 366367

knowledge options, 23

Product module, 367369

associating products with customers or accounts, 369

product catalog folder, creating, 368

product filtering, 368

Service Desk, 353355

Registered Customers filter, 355

system overview, 354355

SLAs, 359362

creating, 359361

permissions, 361362

Support Center, 355356

Ticket module, 372377

E2T, 372375

surveys, creating, 375377

trial account, obtaining, 353

Parent Account field, 99

Parent and Child Case Settings section (Service Management), 294295

parent goals, 140

partner support, 12951298

PATCH command, 1024


cloning, 944945

for solutions, 946947

Performance area (MDM navigation bar), 224226


for configuration roles, 455

for custom entities, 948952

entity permissions (Adxstudio Portals), 13361338

for external party access, 33

for interaction roles, 455

for records, 99

removing, 44

for scheduling reports, 542

SharePoint, 1167

for sharing reports, 548549

for SLAs, 361362

personal charts

advanced options, 559560

creating, 557559

layout, changing, 560561

sharing, 560

personal dashboards, 563564

components, adding, 567

creating, 564567

editing, 564565

features, 567568

sharing, 568

personal Excel templates, 846

personal Word templates, 835836

Phone and Fax field, 100, 105

piped data, using in surveys, 14221428

planning activities for campaigns, 175176

platform, 12

improvements to, 30

player account (FantasySalesTeam), 1306

player badges (FantasySalesTeam), 1316

Players Portal (FantasySalesTeam), 13131318

handicaps, 1315

player badges, 1316

roles, 13131315

Plug-in Profiler, debugging plug-ins with, 11061111

Plug-In Registration tool, 10311040

integrating with Visual Studio 2015, 10871090

plug-ins, 10671068

assemblies, adding, 1073

asynchronous mode, 1069

creating, 10721073

debugging, 11021111

attaching debugger to host process, 11031106

with Plug-in Profiler, 11061111

deploying, 10821087

deployment types, 1070

deregistering, 11011102

development, 10711073

IExecutionContext class, 10771081

IOrganizationServiceFactory class, 1081

IServiceProvider class, 1076

ITracingService class, 1082

distribution, 11121113

early binding, 1076

impersonation, 1096

isolation, 10681069

references, adding, 10731082

registering, 10901101

filtering attributes, 1098

images, 10991101

rollback, 1070

samples, 11111112

server deployment, 1070

for solutions, 928929

stages, 1070

synchronous mode, 1069

when to use, 1071

polls (Yammer), 510512

POP3 email servers, manual rule creation, 817819

POR (partner of record), 1292

positions, 674

post alerts, 479

PostData method, 10211022


orders in back-end/ERP system, 157

to Yammer, 506508, 515

post-operation stages, 1070

Powershell commands, entering for Yammer/CRM integration, 496497

praise (Yammer), 513

predefined report parameters, 581582

predefined system dashboards, 563

preferences setting (Yammer), 521522

preferred solutions, 1359

Premier support, 1292

pre-operation stages, 1070

preparing client customizations, 894

previewing, surveys, 1420

price lists, 620621


breakeven point, 6

comparing Online and On-Premises versions, 6

Online version, 35

selecting for orders, 155

for Social Engagement subscriptions, 446447

Primary Contact field, 99

principles of customization, 870871


charts, 568

quotes, 149150

privacy, 5657. See also security

preferences, 643

Privacy page (Social Engagement), 453

private message rules, 463465


CRM for Mobile, 686

Dynamics CRM for Phones app, 710

probability rating, 140

Process Center, 679

process flows, business flow branching, 18

processes, 112

actions, 11161127

creating, 11191127

CrmSvcUtil.exe, 1118

real-time workflows, 11171118

when to use, 1119

BPFs, 11271132

default BPFs, enabling, 1128

designing, 11291132

enabling for entities, 11271128

dialogs, 11331141

activating, 1138

input arguments, 1134

testing, 11391141

variables, 1134

importing/exporting, 11571158

lead-to-opportunity sales process, 117123

new leads, creating, 117

opportunity, selecting, 120121

promoting to next stage, 121122

stage gating, 123

stages, navigating between, 119120

steps, expanding, 119

task flows, 11541158

on mobile app, 11551157


activating, 11481149

asynchronous, 11421150

creating, 1145, 1158

custom workflow activities, 11621165

development, 11611162

events, 1150

no-code workflows, 11581160

scope of, 11531154

synchronous, 11511153

testing, 11491150

product catalog, 18, 617623

discount lists, 621622

families, 618

price lists, 620621

unit groups, 623

product catalog folder, creating in Parature, 368

Product module (Parature), 367369

associating products with customers or accounts, 369

product catalog folder, creating, 368

product filtering, 368

production instances, adding, for Online version, 7679

products, 142, 618620

adding to opportunities, 133138

Azure, 10271028

competitive products, 141

invoices, 142143

orders, 142143, 152155

posting in back-end/ERP system, 157

pricing, 155

status options, 153

quotes, 142152

adding products to, 148149

associated opportunities, 143145

creating, 144

deleting, 149

printing, 149150

revising, 146

scenarios, 143

status options, 144

updates, 644645

workflows, adding steps, 11451146

Professional direct support, 12911292

Professional license, 58

profile settings (Yammer), 517518

project requests, 201202

project templates, 200201

Projects area (MDM navigation bar), 198204

approvals, 202204

Jobs section, 199200

project requests, 201202

project templates, 200201

promoting processes to next stage, 121122


for CommandClientTypeRule, 903

of email templates, 612616

field properties

Appears in Global Filter in Interactive Experience, 346347

Sortable in Interactive Experience Dashboard, 348

IExecutionContext class, 10771081

of IFRAMES, changing, 888889

provisioning process

for new organizations, 12741278

for Online version, 6267

Publish pane (Social Engagement), 476477

publishers, creating, 923925

publishing, customizations, 894


licensing, 12451246

non-production instances, 60

storage, 60

pure xRM deployment, 48



FetchXML query schema, 533

left outer joins, 553

metabase to retrieve values, 1002

OData service, 10031014

XML query string, creating, 551552


survey questions, 14091410

editing, 14141415

response actions, 14151417

queues, 291293

chat queues (Parature), 371

configuring, 598601

incoming emails, 813814

quick campaigns, 185188

versus campaigns, 172

creating, 185187

finding status of, 188

Quick Create forms, 86, 892

Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 695

Quick Search, 15

ISH navigation bar, 327329

quick search option (navigation bar), 86

Quick View forms, 890891

quotes, 142152

associated opportunities, 143145

creating, 144

deleting, 149

draft status, 145

printing, 149150

products, adding, 148149

revising, 146

scenarios, 143

status options, 144


RAD (rapid application design), 42

ranking, partners, 1297

Rating setting for leads, 125126

RDL (Report Definition Language), 548

reacting to feedback, 470

reactivating, closed leads, 130131

real-time workflows, 11171118

Recently Viewed option (navigation bar), 85

records. See also fields

assigning to users, 10161018

case records, 87

competitor, 140141

connection roles, 608609

creating, 8586

deleting, 10241025

fields, calculated and rollup fields, 1819

hierarchy relationship visualization, 1617

menu options, 8991

navigating in Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 689

ownership, assigning to teams, 99

permissions, 99

retrieving, 10221023

saving, 8889

sharing with teams, 659

stream records (interactive service hub), 322323

updating, 1024


data center redundancy, 5556

regional data redundancy, 55

references, adding to plug-ins, 10731082

refreshing charts, 556557

regional data redundancy, 55

Registered Customers filter (Parature), 355


Custom Panel Layout component, 441442

plug-ins, 10681069, 10901101

filtering attributes, 1098

images, 10991101

service bus endpoints, 10311039

Contract drop-down, 10341035

regular operations for early binding

Create method, 994995

Delete method, 996

Retrieve method, 995

RetrieveMultiple method, 996

Update method, 997

rejecting articles, 284285

relationships, 9798, 609611, 879882

1:N relationships, 880

behavior, 881882

N:1 relationships, 880

N:N relationships, 880

release cadence, 7, 11

relying party trust, adding to AD FS, 12101219


leads from business processes, 125

pages from surveys, 1411

permissions, 44

removing from marketing lists, 171

solutions, 943

Yammer from CRM, 501


entities, 96

SharePoint document location, 1178

reopening opportunities, 139140

Report Wizard, 532541


creating, 533539

modifying, 539541

Reporting Extensions for SSRS, setting up, 12691273

reports, 108, 285286, 523524

accessing, 525

administrative options, 531532

case-related, 276277

categories of, 523524, 528531

CRM 2016 Report Authoring Extension, 532

installing, 571573

custom reports, 570571

building, 570571

building with ASP.NET, 582591

building with SSRS, 573575

when to use, 570571

deploying, 580

editing with Visual Studio, 532

exporting, 546548

available formats, 546

RDL format, 548

exposing to SSRS, 549551

FetchXML, 551553

left outer joins, 553

query schema, 533

required components, 553

XML query string, creating, 551552

filtered views, 578579

filters, 527528

generating from entities, 526527

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions, 1233

modifying, 539541

predefined parameters, 581582

scheduling, 541542

on-demand reports, 543544

permission requirements, 542

running reports on a schedule, 544546

sharing, 548549

permission requirements, 548549

SSRS, 524, 569570

components, 569570

testing, 575578

viewing, 525

required fields

for Account entity, 98101

for Contacts entity, 104105

creating with business rules, 918

stage gating, 123


for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 for Outlook, 734735

for Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Connector, 239


service activities, 265

work orders, 13861387

Resolve Case dialog box, 275

resolving cases, 275

resource groups, 653

configuring, 601602

resources, 252

adding to sites, 604

allocating for services, 257259

Facilities/Equipment settings, 597598

response actions, 14151417

response rate of surveys, increasing, 1401


to campaigns, 181183

converting, 182183

creating, 181182

to surveys

outcomes, 14321433

response routing, 14281431

REST (Representational State Transfer), 972

OData, 973975

querying with JavaScript, 10031014

Web API, 1020

restricting access to Settings area, 593

Retrieve method, 980982, 995

example of, 980981

testing, 981982

RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlRequest message, 1180

RetrieveMultiple method, 982986, 996

all accounts, retrieving, 982983

matching accounts, retrieving, 984985

testing, 983, 985986

retrieving records, 10221023

revising quotes, 146

Ribbon Hosted control, 409410

RibbonDiffXml node, 903905


FantasySalesTeam, 13131315

managing, 656

security roles, 660666

FieldOne Sky, 13621363

in Social Engagement

configuration roles, 455

interaction roles, 455

rollback, 1070

rollup fields, 876878

rollup queries, 158, 160161

routing engine (FieldOne Sky), 1380

Routing Rule Sets section (Service Management), 295298

Rule Deployment Wizard, 814817

installing, 793797


automation rules, configuring for Social Engagement, 468470

business rules, 915919

accessing, 915

conditions, 915916

default value for fields, setting, 919

error messages, showing, 916917

field value, setting, 917918

field visibility, setting, 919

fields, locking/unlocking, 919

for enabling/showing command bar buttons, 901903

keywords, 457458

POP3 email servers, manual rule creation, 817819

search rules

custom source rules, 461463

Facebook page rules, 458459

private message rules, 463465

Twitter rules, 459461

social media search rules, 456465

window navigation rules, 421

run settings for asynchronous workflows, 11431145


SaaS (software-as-a-service), 1027


competitors, 140142

invoices, 142143, 155158

marking as paid, 157

leads, 124131

closed leads, reactivating, 130131

converting to customers, 128131

creating, 124125, 125

disqualifying, 128129

fields, customizing, 130

Lead Source field, 126127

Rating setting, 125126


closing, 138140

header section, 133

new opportunities, creating, 132133

probability rating, 140

products, adding, 133138

orders, 142143, 152155

posting in back-end/ERP system, 157

pricing, 155

status options, 153

products, 142

quotes, 142152

associated opportunities, 143145

creating, 144

deleting, 149

printing, 149150

revising, 146

scenarios, 143

status options, 144

sales literature, 183184

sales territories, 602603

samples of plug-ins, 11111112

sandbox support, 3031

plug-ins, 10681069


auto save

caveats, 89

conditions, 89

Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 708

turning off, 8889


for quotes, 143

for server-side synchronization, 774

SharePoint support, 30

Schedule Assistant, 13781380

Schedule Board (FieldOne Sky), 13741380

manual scheduling, 13761378

Schedule Assistant, 13781380


agreement schedules, 13721374

with FieldOne Sky mobile app

list view, 13831385

map view, 13851386

reports, 541542

on-demand reports, 543544

permission requirements, 542

running reports on a schedule, 544546

schema, FetchXML query schema, 533

scope of workflows, 11531154

scriptlets, 427428


agent scripts, 425427

auto save, turning off, 88

JavaScript, debugging, 912913

scriptlets, 427428

SDK, 967968

CRM Configuration Migration, 955959

exporting data, 957958

schema, creating, 956957

CrmSvcUtil.exe, 993994

downloading, 10301031

ExportRibbonXml, 903

message-entity support for plug-ins.xlsx, 1067

Package Deployer, 959964

packages, creating, 960962

plug-in samples, 11111112

UII SDK package, 438440

for Yammer, 495

Search Languages page (Social Engagement), 450451

search rules (Social Engagement), 456465

custom source rules, 461463

Facebook page rules, 458459

keywords, 457458

private message rules, 463465

Twitter rules, 459461

Search Setup Defaults page (Social Engagement), 451452


entity searches (USD), 416420

multi-entity quick search, 702705

for solutions, 396

sections, moving, 884885


access to Settings, restricting, 593

for articles, 286


claims-based authentication, 11901191

for email router, 799800

Integrated Windows Authentication, 11871188

OAuth, 10201021

field security profiles, 671674

field-level security, 17

hierarchy security, 674

MFA, 28

Online version, ISO 27001 certification, 57


for configuration roles, 455

for custom entities, 948952

entity permissions (Adxstudio Portals), 13361338

for external party access, 33

for interaction roles, 455

requirements for scheduling reports, 542

requirements for sharing reports, 548549

SharePoint, 1167

Security settings (System Administration), 645

Access Team Templates, 675

Business Units, 667671

Field Security Profiles, 671674

Hierarchy Security, 674

Positions, 674

Security Roles, 660666

Teams, 658660

Users, 646658


Excel templates, 844

layout for dashboards, 349351

MDM user role, 192

permissions, removing, 44

Word templates, 830

xRM, criteria, 4245

core entities, 44

Dynamics CRM features, 4344

end application, 4243

licensing model, 45

user experience, 43

sender address, creating, 234235

sentiment maps, 477

Sentiment page (Social Engagement), 452

server deployment (plug-ins), 1070

server setup (USD), 380385

server-based integration (SharePoint), 30

server-side extensibility, Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 708

server-side synchronization, 773775

configuring, 775785

Exchange enhancements, 27

Server-Side Synchronization Performance Dashboard, 785

server-to-server integration (SharePoint), 11701173

deployment options, 11701171

folders, creating, 11721173

service accounts (FieldOne Sky), 1366

service activities, 252, 262265. See also services

creating, 262265

rescheduling, 265

status, changing, 269270

service bus configurations

Azure, 1028

endpoints, registering, 10311039

service calendar, 259262

resources, locating, 262

view options, 262

Service Configuration Settings option (Service Terms group), 307

Service Dashboard, 1288

Service Desk (Parature), 353355

Registered Customers filter, 355

system overview, 354355

Service interface

appointments, 268271


approving, 284

creating, 281282

rejecting, 284285

reports, 285286

subjects, 282283

submitting, 283284

templates, 279

cases, 271277

activities, adding, 274275

canceling, 276

case numbering scheme, 272

creating, 272273

deleting, 275

KB articles, associating with, 273

resolving, 275

contracts, 286289

activating, 289

options, 252253

service activities, 262265

rescheduling, 265

service calendar, 259262

resources, locating, 262

view options, 262

Services option, 253259

work hours of users, managing, 266268

Service Management, 289290

Case Settings with Record Creation and Update Rules section, 290300

Automatic Record Creation and Update Rules, 298300

Parent and Child Case Settings, 294295

queues, 291293

Routing Rule Sets, 295298

Subjects, 300

Knowledge Base Management section, 310311

Service Scheduling section, 313

Service Terms group

Customer Service Schedule, 307310

Entitlements, 303306

holiday schedule calendar, 306307

Service Configuration Settings option, 307

Service Level Agreement, 301303

Templates section, 312313

Service Scheduling section (Service Management), 313

Service Terms group

Customer Service Schedule, 307310

holiday schedule calendar, 306307

Service Configuration Settings option, 307

Service Terms group (Service Management)

Entitlements, 303306

Service Level Agreement, 301303

ServiceManagement node, 900901

services, 252

email services, configuring, 789793

field services, 13551356

managing, 623624

resources, allocating, 257259

Services option (Service interface), 253259

session lines, 422425

account details session display, 423424

creating, 422425

Session Lines control, 410

Set Regarding button, 749750

setting, goal criteria, 163


Auditing, 676679

Business Management settings, 594624

Business Closures, 597

Connection Roles, 608609

Currencies, 606608

Customization, 624

Facilities/Equipment, 597598

Fiscal Year settings, 595596

Goal Metrics, 596597

Product Catalog, 617623

Queues, 598601

Relationship Roles, 609611

Resource Groups, 601602

Sales Territories, 602603

Service Management, 623624

Services, 603

Sites, 603604

Subjects, 605606

Templates, 611617

components of a successful implementation, 593594

Data Management, 675

Document Management, 676

restricting access to, 593

System Administration settings, 625675

Administration, 625645

System Jobs, 676

Settings area (MDM navigation bar)

categories, 236237

divisions, 236

language pack, installing, 237238

result types, 236

sections, 226228

sender address, creating, 234235

subscription center, 233234

templates, 231232

Users page, 228231

Settings icon (navigation bar), 8687

Settings parameter (ExecuteMultipleRequest message), 1018

setup process (Dynamics CRM), 12581259

SharePoint, 11671168

copyService operations, 11821183

CRM integration, 11681170

client-to-server integration, 11731176

deployment options, 11701171

document management integration, 11681170

entities, configuring, 1180

extending, 11801183

RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlRequest, 1180

server-to-server integration, 11701173

SharePoint folder options, 1172

List Component, 30

listsService operations, 11801182

OneNote integration, 11831185

permissions, 1167

server-based integration, 30

supported scenarios, 30

xRM, 43


dashboards, 568

personal charts, 560

records with teams, 659

reports, 548549

permission requirements, 548549

signing up for CRM Online, 62

simple lists, 696698

single-server deployment (On-Premises CRM), 1226, 1247

single-stream data interaction, 19

Site Map, 895898

Area node, 897

Group node, 897

SubArea node, 897898

Site Map node, 897

sites, 603604

SLAs (service level agreements), 301303, 359362

creating, 359361

Enhanced SLAs, 24

enhanced SLAs, 314317

permissions, 361362

standard SLAs, 24

SMS Marketing Information warning (MDM), 193

snippets, 1421

SOA (service-oriented architecture), 971

SSRS, 569570

components, 569570

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 971972

assigning records to users, 10161018

SOAPLogger solution, 10141016

SOAPLogger solution, 10141016

socia media, reacting to feedback, 470

Social Center (Social Engagement), 475477

Publish pane, 476477

streams, creating, 475477

Social Engagement, 2223, 445, 645

Activity Maps, 477478

analytics, 470474

automation rules, 468470

connections, configuring, 466468

CRM integration, 480482

customizations, 465466

inital setup, 447465

Message Center, 479480

navigation bar, 445446

roles, 454

configuration roles, 455

interaction roles, 455

Social Center, 475477

Publish pane, 476477

streams, creating, 475477

Social Insights controls

for CRM dashboards, 489490

for CRM entity forms, 482489

social media search rules, 456465

custom source rules, 461463

Facebook page rules, 458459

keywords, 457458

private message rules, 463465

Twitter rules, 459461

solution defaults, 448453

Default Preferences page, 449450

Labels page, 452

Location Groups page, 453

Privacy page, 453

Search Languages page, 450451

Search Setup Defaults page, 451452

Sentiment page, 452

subscriptions, 446447

UI, 445446

users, adding, 453

Social Insights controls

for CRM dashboards, 489490

for CRM entity forms, 482489

Social Listening. See Social Engagement

social media

search rules, 456465

custom source rules, 461463

Facebook page rules, 458459

keywords, 457458

private message rules, 463465

Twitter rules, 459461

Social Profiles option (navigation bar), 102

social profiles, viewing, 332333

solutions, 32, 921

asset types, 932

best practices, 929932

cloning, 945946

components, 921922

adding required components, 926

configuration page, creating, 925

creating, 923

CRM Configuration Migration

exporting data, 957958

schema, creating, 956957

custom solutions, 923925

customizations, importing/exporting, 920921

default Social Engagement settings, 448453

Default Preferences page, 449450

Labels page, 452

Location Groups page, 453

Privacy page, 453

Search Languages page, 450451

Search Setup Defaults page, 451452

Sentiment page, 452

dependencies, displaying, 926927

enhancements to in CRM 2016, 932933

exporting, 933937


account types, 13051306

best practices, 13221323

Commissioner Portal, 13201321

configuring, 1305

Fantasy Teams model, 13081310

final configurations, 1312

Fixed Teams model, 1311

FST TV model, 13111312, 13191320

installing, 13001305

leaderboard (FantasySalesTeam), 13221323

No Teams model, 1311

Players Portal, 13131318

setup, 13071308

stats, accessing, 13211322

users, 13061307

importing, 937943

with processes or plug-ins, 939940

jQuery, adding, 941943

listing in Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace, 952953

managed, 927

multiple solutions, working with, 947

Package Deployer, 959964

packages, creating, 960962

packages, deploying, 962964

patching, 946947

plug-ins, 928929

preferred solutions, 1359

publishers, creating, 923925

removing, 943

reports, 548

searching for, 396

security roles, granting for custom entities, 948952

SOAPLogger, 10141016

third-party, 952

unmanaged, 927

Woodford solution, customizing FieldOne Sky mobile app, 13871400

Sortable in Interactive Experience Dashboard property, 348

SQL Server 2014, installing, 12511258

SQL Server Data Tools, 574

SSL certificates, 11941197

installing, 11961197

omitting from IFD configuration, 11941196

SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services), 524, 569570

components, 569570

custom reports, building, 573575

exposing reports to, 549551


deploying, 580

exporting, 546548

sharing, 548549

scheduling reports, 541542

on-demand reports, 543544

permission requirements, 542

running reports on a schedule, 544546

stage gating, 123


navigating between, 119120

processes, promoting, 121122

Stakeholders and Sales Team lists, 698700

standalone products, 12

Social Engagement, 2223

standard SLAs, 24

Standardized KPIs for SMS warning (MDM), 194

starter portals (Adxstudio Portals), 1329

static marketing lists, 167


of quick campaigns, finding, 188

of service activities, changing, 269270

Status field, 133

status options

for orders, 153

for quotes, 144

steps, 11351138

adding to workflows, 11451146


OneDrive for Business, 29

purchasing, 60

stream records, interactive service hub, 322323

streams, 19, 329330

configuring in Social Engagement, 475477

SubArea node, 897898

subjects, 282283, 605606

submethods for Execute method, 997998

submitting articles, 283284

Subscription, 35

subscription support, 1287


configuring, 644

MDM, agreeing to terms, 191

for Online version, managing, 7475

for Social Engagement, 446447

support, 35

conditions for, 1285

incidents, creating, 1290

Online support, 12861292

in-application help, 12881289

community forums, 12871288

Enhanced support, 1291

Microsoft support page, 12901291

Premier support, 1292

Professional direct support, 12911292

Service Dashboard, 1288

subscription support, 1287

partner support, 12951298

On-Premises support, 12931295

manual updates, 12941295

unsupported state, 12851286

Support Center (Parature), 355356

supported customizations, 871

Survey Dashboard, 1431

Survey Designer, 14081420


anonymous link, providing to users, 1421

creating, 14061408

creating in Parature, 375377

designing, 14171420


adding, 14101411

editing, 14131414

removing, 1411

piped data, 14221428

polls, creating in Yammer, 510512

previewing, 1420

questions, 14091410

questions, editing, 14141415

response actions, 14151417

response rates, increasing, 1401

response routing, 14281431

three-step survey, creating, 13481353

Voice of the Customer, 21, 1401

configuring, 1405

deploying, 14021405

installing, 14021404

troubleshooting, 1433

synchronization folders (Exchange), 28

synchronizing CRM and Outlook, 745

synchronous mode, 1069

synchronous workflows, 11511153

System Administration settings, 625675

Administration, 625645

Announcements, 626627

Auto-Numbering, 627628

Languages, 640643

Microsoft Social Engagement Configuration, 645

Privacy Preferences, 643

Product Updates, 644645

Resources in Use (CRM Online Only), 644

Subscription Management (CRM Online Only), 644

System Notifications (CRM Online Only), 644

System Settings, 628640

Yammer Configuration, 645

Security, 645

Access Team Templates, 675

Business Units, 667671

Field Security Profiles, 671674

Hierarchy Security, 674

Positions, 674

Security Roles, 660666

Teams, 658660

Users, 646658

system charts, 557

system dashboards, 563564

system Excel templates, 846

system health status, checking for CRM Online, 76

System Jobs settings, 676

system overview, Parature Service Desk, 354355

system Word templates, 836837


tabs, adding/removing, 883884

TabStateChange event, 906

TAM (technical account manager), 1291

task flows, 1115, 11541158

on mobile app, 11551157

teams, 652, 658660

access teams, 660

templates, 675

assigning record ownership to, 99

creating, 658659

sharing records with, 659

templates, 1516, 611617

access team templates, 675

article templates, 612

for articles, 279

campaign templates, 172173

contract templates, 612

for contracts, 287

document templates, 617

email templates, 231232, 612616

Excel templates

creating, 837842

personal Excel templates, 846

selecting, 844

system Excel templates, 846

mail merge templates, 616

project templates, 200201

Word templates

creating, 821827

generating, 830835

personal templates, 835836

selecting, 830

system templates, 836837

uploading, 828829

Templates section (Service Management), 312313

tenants, user administration, 31

territory managers, 603

test instances, 3031


Create method, 979980

Delete method, 987988

dialogs, 11391141

Execute method, 989990

reports, 575578

Retrieve method, 981982

RetrieveMultiple method, 983, 985986

workflows, 11491150

themes, 14, 964967

third-party solutions, 952

three-step survey, creating, 13481353

Ticket module, creating surveys, 375377

Ticket module (Parature), 372377

E2T, 372375

Tier 1 users (interactive service hub), 319

Tier 2 users (interactive service hub), 319

tile view, interactive service hub, 322

time frame filters, 324326

time off, scheduling for users, 266268

time slips, adding to jobs form, 199200

TKDialogs, 427

toolbars, USD

action calls, creating, 413415

buttons, creating, 412413

configuring, 411414

Top Knowledge Base Articles report, 285286


competitors with Accounts entity, 9697

incoming emails, 812813

transaction batching, 31

trend alerts, 479

trial account of Parature, obtaining, 353

triggering events for asynchronous workflows, 1143

troubleshooting. See also cases; debugging

forms, 15

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 for Outlook, 742743

support options, 35

USD, 437

USD client, 434437

Voice of the Customer, 1433

Turbo Forms, 14

Turn On Full Text warning (MDM), 192

turning off

auto save, 8788

welcome screen, 82

Twitter rules, 459461

Type attribute options for web forms, 13471348


UII SDK package, 438440

undelivered email, warning message, 791

unit groups, 623

unlocking fields, 919

unmanaged solutions, 927

unselecting languages in Social Engagement, 451

Unsubscribe option, 187

unsupported customizations, 871

unsupported state, 12851286

Update method, 992993, 997


cadence, 11

comparing Online and On-Premises versions, 6

format, 7

installing, 1295

manual updates, 12941295

for Online version, 89, 5354

for On-Premises version, 7

product updates, 644645

release cadence, 7

website, 3


Main method variables, 10451047

records, 1024

upgrading to CRM 2016, 12791281


documents to OneDrive, 862863

Excel templates, 842843

Word templates, 828829

upsert, 31

URs (user rollups), 53

USD (Unified Service Desk), 22, 445

Active Configuration page, 433434

advanced customizations, 438440

UII SDK package, 438440

agent scripts, 425427

Audit and Diagnostics Settings page, 434437

client setup, 386398

Custom Panel Layout component, 440443

default logo, changing, 440441

registering, 441442

customization file, 432433

default logo, changing, 440441

downloading, 379380

entity searches, 416420

events, 415416

forms, 428429

hosted controls

configuring, 400411

creating, 401

CRM Dialog control, 405406

CRM Page control, 406

CTI Desktop Manager control, 407

Debugger control, 407

default UII actions, 402404

Global Manager control, 408

KM control, 409

Listener Hosted control, 409

Panel Layout control, 409

Ribbon Hosted control, 409410

Session Lines control, 410

User Notes control, 411

options, 429430

releases, 379

scriptlets, 427428

server setup, 380385

session lines, 422425

account details session display, 423424

creating, 422425

solutions, searching for, 396


action calls, creating, 413415

buttons, creating, 412413

configuring, 411414

troubleshooting, 437

user settings, 431432

window navigation rules, 421

user administration

external party access, 3234

for Online version

bulk adding users, 7374

managing users, 7173

new users, adding, 6871

sales territories, 602603

tenants, 31

user experience, as xRM selection criteria, 43

User Notes control, 411

users, 646658

adding, 647, 653

disabling, 656

FantasySalesTeam, 13061307

field security profiles, 653

interactive service hub

Tier 1 users, 319

Tier 2 users, 319

organizational information, 650652

process sessions, 653

records, assigning to, 10161018

resource groups, 653

roles, 656

security roles, 652

SharePoint, permissions, 1167

Social Engagement, adding, 453

teams, 652

USD, settings, 431432

viewing, 658

work hours, 653

work hours, managing, 266268

Users page (MDM navigation bar), 228231


validating campaigns, 211212

value, setting for fields, 917918


for dialogs, 1134

for Main method, updating, 10451047

version numbers, format, 937

videos, embedding in KB articles, 366367

view customizations, 894

View in CRM button, 754

view options for service calendar, 262


cases, 333337

closed leads, 130131

images in Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 708

reports, 525

social profiles, 332333

users, 658


for charts, 555

Outlook CRM views, 754762

for reports, 578579

Virtual Machine Configuration dialog box, 10491050

visibility, setting for fields, 919

visual controls for mobile interfaces, 3538, 727728

visual filters, 322

Visual Studio, 913

advanced customizations, 967968

integrating with Plug-in Registration tool, 10871090

listener applications, creating, 10411045

new accounts, creating programmatically, 978


custom reports, 570571

editing, 532

predefined parameters, 581582

testing, 575578

SQL Server Data Tools, 574

UII SDK package, extending USD with, 438440

visualizations, 562563

visuals, adding to search topics, 485488

Voice of the Customer, 21, 1401

Active Survey Responses page, 1432

configuring, 1405

deploying, 14021405

response, routing, 14281431

responses, outcomes, 14321433

snippets, 1421

Survey Dashboard, 1431


adding pages, 14101411

anonymous link, providing to users, 1421

creating, 14061408

designing, 14171420

editing pages, 14131414

increasing response rates, 1401

piped data, 14221428

previewing, 1420

questions, editing, 14141415

removing pages, 1411

response actions, 14151417

troubleshooting, 1433




Double Opt-in for Emails warning, 193

SMS Marketing Information warning, 193

Turn On Full Text warning, 192

MDM (Microsoft Dynamics Marketing), Standardized KPIs for SMS warning, 194

WCF (Windows Communication Foundation), 972

Web API, 1020


creating, 10211022

deleting, 10241025

retrieving, 10221023

updating, 1024

web browsers

client setup, 1278

Internet Explorer, security level, setting, 11891190

supported browsers, 12361237

web client

advantages of, 731

disadvantages of, 731

Office support, minimum requirements, 731

operating system support, 730731

web forms, 13471353

three-step survey, creating, 13481353

Type attribute options, 13471348

web services

Discovery Web service, 975976

multi-tenancy, 975

web references, adding, 975976

early binding, 993997

Create method, 994995

CrmSvcUtil.exe, 993994

Delete method, 996

Retrieve method, 995

RetrieveMultiple method, 996

Update method, 997

HTTP, 971972

JSON, 972973

OData, 973975

querying with JavaScript, 10031014

SOAPLogger solution, 10141016

Organization service, 977993

Create method, 978980

Delete method, 986988

Execute method, 988990

ExecuteMultipleRequest message, 10181019

Fetch method, 990992

managing metadata, 9971002

records, assigning to users, 10161018

Retrieve method, 980982

RetrieveMultiple method, 982986

Update method, 992993

REST, 972

SOA, 971

SOAP, 971972

WCF, 972

Web API, 1020

records, creating, 10211022

records, deleting, 10241025

records, retrieving, 10221023

records, updating, 1024

XML, 971972

Website field, 100

websites, 12971298, 3

welcome splash screen, 45, 82

MDM, 192

turning off, 82

widgets, adding to MDM home page, 194195, 196197

window navigation rules, 421

Windows 10, installing Dynamics CRM for Tablets app, 682686

Windows Azure portal, updating main method variables, 10451047

Windows Security dialog box, 1188

Woodford solution, customizing FieldOne Sky mobile app, 13871400

Word. See Microsoft Word integration

work hours of users, 653

managing, 266268

work orders, 13681371

life cycle, 13681371

rescheduling, 13861387

Schedule Board, 13741380

manual scheduling, 13761378

Schedule Assistant, 13781380

workflows, 112, 11411142

activating, 11481149

asynchronous, 11421150

run settings, 11431145

triggering events, 1143

creating, 1145, 1158

custom workflow activities, 11621165

deploying, 1164

development, 11611162

events, 1150

no-code workflows, 11581160

options, 11151116

scope of, 11531154

steps, adding, 11451146

synchronous, 11511153

testing, 11491150

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 972

WWF (Windows Workflow Foundation), creating workflows, 1158


XML, 971972

editing, 895

exporting charts, 561562

FetchXML, 523

left outer joins, 553

query schema, 533

required components, 553

XML query string, creating, 551552

ISV Config, 898901

ServiceManagement node, 900901

nodes, 895

RibbonDiffXml node, 903905

Site Map, 895898

Area node, 897

Group node, 897

Site Map node, 897

SubArea node, 897898

visualizations, 562563

xRM, 41, 42

COLAC, 4546

base entities, 45

design principles, 4546

criteria for selection, 4245

core entities, 44

Dynamics CRM features, 4344

end application, 4243

licensing model, 45

user experience, 43

customers, 95

licensing, 4649

in-app licensing enforcement, 46

effect on design, 4849

hybrid xRM deployment, 48

pure xRM deployment, 48

XRMDiscoveryService, 975


Yammer, 491495

announcements, 514

chat feature, 516

ClickOnce technology, 493494

configuring, 645

CRM integration, 495, 496501

authorization, 499500

connecting Dynamics CRM to Yammer, 498499

Powershell commands, 496497

default configuration, 496

entities, configuring, 501503

extending, 495

file attachments, adding, 509510

home page, 492

installing, 493494

licensing, 1245

My Applications, 521

notification window, 494, 521

opportunities, 503507

polls, 510512

posting to, 506508, 515

praise, 513

removing from Dynamics CRM, 501

SDK, 495

settings, 516517

account activity, 520

network settings, 518520

org chart settings, 518

preferences, 521522

profile settings, 517518

Yammer Data Export API, 495


zooming in/out of campaign canvas, 210

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