
An open question that remains in computer science is how to define a program of good quality. At the semantic level, a good program is one that computes what is specified formally (either in an exact way, or even without an exact result but at least heading towards making a right decision). At the algorithmic level, a good program is one that has a reduced spatial and temporal complexity. This book does not tackle these two levels of program quality abstraction. We are interested in the aspects of code quality at the compilation level (after a coding and an implementation of an algorithm). When a program has been implemented, some quality can be quantified according to its efficiency, for instance. By the term “efficiency”, we mean a program that exploits the underlying hardware at its best, delivers the correct results as quickly as possible, has a reasonable memory footprint and a moderate energy consumption. There are also some quality criteria that are not easy to define, for instance the clarity of the code and its aptitude for being analyzed conveniently by automatic methods (worst-case execution time, data-flow dependence analysis, etc.).

Automatic code optimization, in general, focuses on two objectives that are not necessarily antagonists: the computation speed and the memory footprint of the code. These are the two principal quality criteria approached in this book. The computation speed is the most popular objective, but it remains difficult to model precisely. In fact, the execution time of a program is influenced by a complex combination of multiple factors, a list of which (probably incomplete) is given below:

1) The underlying processor and machine architecture: instruction set architecture (ISA), explicit instruction-level parallelism (very long instruction word – VLIW), memory addressing modes, data size, input/output protocols, etc.
2) The underlying processor micro-architecture: implicit instruction-level parallelism (superscalar), branch prediction, memory hierarchy, speculative execution, pipelined execution, memory disambiguation mechanism, out-of-order execution, register renaming, etc.
3) The technology: clock frequency, processor fabrication, silicon integration, transistor wide, components (chipset, DRAM and bus), etc.
4) Software implementation: syntactic constructs of the code, used data structures, program instructions’ order, way of programming, etc.
5) The data input: the executed path of the code depends on the input data.
6) The experimental environment: operating system configuration and version, activated system services, used compiler and optimization flags, workload of the test machine, degradation of the hardware, temperature of the room, etc.
7) The measure of the code performance: experimental methodology (code loading and launching), rigor of the statistical analysis, etc.

All the above factors are difficult to tackle in the same optimization process. The role of the compiler is to optimize a fraction of them only (software implementation and its interaction with the underlying hardware). For a long time, compilation has been considered as one of the most active research topics in computer science. Its importance is not only in the field of programming, code generation and optimization, but also in circuit synthesis, language translation, interpreters, etc. We are all witness of the high number of new languages and processor architectures. It is not worthwhile to create a compiler for each combination of language and processor. The core of a compiler is asked to be common to multiple combinations between programming languages and processor architectures. In the past, compiler backends were specialized per architecture. Nowadays, backends are trying to be increasingly general in order to save the investment cost of developing a compiler.

In universities and schools, classes that teach compilation theory define clear frontiers between frontend and backend:

1) High-level code optimization: this is the set of code transformations applied on an intermediate representation close to the high-level language. Such intermediate representation contains sophisticated syntax constructs (loops and controls) with rich semantics, as well as high-level data structures (arrays, containers, etc.). Analyzing and optimizing at this level of program abstraction tends to improve the performance metrics that are not related to a specific processor architecture. Examples include interprocedural and data dependence analysis, automatic parallelization, scalar and array privatization, loop nest transformations, alias analysis, etc.

2) Low-level code optimization: this is the set of code transformations applied to an intermediate representation close to the final instruction set of the processor (assembly instructions, three address codes, Register Transfer Level (RTL), etc.). The performance metrics optimized at this level of program abstraction are generally related to the processor architecture: number of generated instructions, code size, instruction scheduling, register need, register allocation, register assignment, cache optimization, instruction selection, addressing modes, etc.

The practice is not very attractive. It is not rare to have a code transformation implemented at frontend optimizing for a backend objective: for instance, cache optimization at a loop nest can be done at frontend because the high-level program structure (loops) has yet to be destroyed. Inversely, it is possible to have a high-level analysis implemented at assembly or as binary code, such as data dependence and interprocedural analysis. Compilers are very complex pieces of software that are maintained for a long period of time, and the frontiers between high and low levels can sometimes be difficult to define formally. Nevertheless, the notion of frontend and backend optimization is not fundamental. It is a technical decomposition of compilation mainly for easing the development of the compiler software.

We are interested in backend code optimization mainly due to a personal inclination towards hardware/software frontiers. Even this barrier starts to leak with the development of reconfigurable and programmable architectures, where compilers are asked to generate a part of the instruction set. In this book, we have tried to be as abstract as possible in order to have general results applicable to wide processor families (superscalar, VLIW, Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (EPIC), etc.). When the micro-architectural features are too complex to model, we provide technical solutions for practical situations.

I.1. Inside this book

This book is the outcome of a long period of research activity in academia and industry. We write fundamental results in terms of lemmas, definitions, theorems and corollaries, and in terms of algorithms and heuristics. We also provide an appendix that contains some experimental results. For future reproducibility, we have released most of our experimental results in terms of documented software and numerical data.

Although we did not include all of our mature research results in this book, we think that we have succeeded in summarizing most of our efforts on backend code optimization. In the following, we briefly describe the organization of this book.

Section I.3, on basic recalls on instruction-level parallelism (ILP) in processor architectures, starts with explaining the difference between superscalar and VLIW architectures. ILP processor architectures are widely covered in other books, so this section will be a brief summary.

Part 1: introduction to optimizing compilation

Chapter 1 is entitled “On the Decidability of Phase Ordering in Optimizing Compilation”: we have had long and sometimes painful experiences with code optimization of large and complex applications. The obtained speedups, in practice, are not always satisfactory when using usual compilation flags. When iterative compilation started to become a new trend in our field, we asked ourselves whether such methodologies may outperform static compilation: static compilation is designed for all possible data inputs, while iterative compilation chooses a data input and therefore, it seems to simplify the problem. We studied the decidability of phase ordering from the theoretical point of view in the context of iterative compilation.

Part 2: instruction scheduling

This part of the book covers instruction scheduling in ILP. The chapters of this part (Chapters 2–6) use the same notations, which are different from the notations used in the following part. The reason why the formal notations in this part are slightly different from the notations of Part 3 is that the instruction scheduling problems are strongly related to the theory of machine scheduling. In this area of research, there are some common and usual notations that we use in this part but not in Part 3.

Chapter 2, entitled “Instruction Scheduling Problems and Overview”, is a reminder of scheduling problems for ILP, and their relationship with register optimization. Special attention is given to cyclic scheduling problems because they are of importance for optimizing the performance of loops.

Chapter 3, entitled “Applications of Machine Scheduling to Instruction Scheduling”, is an interesting chapter that discusses the relationship between theoretical scheduling problems and practical instruction scheduling problems. Indeed, although instruction scheduling is a mature discipline, its relationship with the field of machine scheduling is often ignored. In this chapter, we show how the theory of machine scheduling can be applied to instruction scheduling.

Chapter 4, entitled “Instruction Scheduling before Register Allocation”, provides a formal method and a practical implementation for cyclic instruction scheduling under resource constraints. The presented scheduling method is still sensitive to register pressure.

Chapter 5, entitled “Instruction Scheduling after Register Allocation”, presents a postpass register allocation method. After an instruction scheduling, register allocation may introduce spill code and may require making some instruction rescheduling. This chapter presents a faster technique suitable for just-in-time compilation.

Chapter 6, entitled “Dealing in Practice with Memory Hierarchy Effects and Instruction-Level Parallelism”, studies the complex micro-architectural features from a practical point of view. First, we highlight the problem with memory disambiguation mechanisms in out-of-order processors. This problem exists in most of the micro-architectures and creates false dependences between independent instructions during execution, limiting ILP. Second, we show how to use insert instructions for data preloading and prefetching in the context of embedded VLIW.

Part 3: register optimization

This part of the book discusses register pressure in ILP, which can be read independently from Part 2. In order to understand all the formal information and notations of this part, we advise the readers not to neglect the formal model and notations presented in section 7.1.

Chapter 7, entitled “The Register Need of a Fixed Instruction Schedule”, deals with register allocation. This is a wide research topic, where multiple distinct problems coexist, some notions are similarly named but do not have the same mathematical definition. Typically, the notion of the register need may have distinct significations. We formally define this quantity in two contexts: the context of acyclic scheduling (basic block and superblock) and the context of cyclic scheduling (software pipelining of a loop). While the acyclic register need is a well-understood notion, we provide new formal knowledge on the register need in cyclic scheduling.

Chapter 8 is entitled “The Register Saturation”: our approach here for tackling register constraints is radically different from the usual point of view in register allocation. Indeed, we study the problem of register need maximization, not minimization. We explain the differences between the two problems and provide an efficient greedy heuristic. Register maximization allows us to decouple register constraints from instruction scheduling: if we detect that the maximal register need is below the processor capacity, we can neglect register constraints.

Chapter 9, entitled “Spill Code Reduction”, mainly discusses schedule independent register allocation (SIRA) framework: this approach handles register constraints before instruction scheduling by adding edges to the data dependence graph (DDG). It guarantees the absence of spilling for all valid instruction schedules. This approach takes care not to alter the ILP if possible. We present the theoretical graph approach, called SIRA, and we show its applications in multiple contexts: multiple register file architectures, rotating register files and buffers. We present SIRALINA, an efficient and effective heuristic that allows satisfactory spill code reduction in practice while saving the ILP.

Chapter 10, entitled “Exploiting the Register Access Delays before Instruction Scheduling”, discusses a certain problem and provides a solution: until now, the literature has not formally tackled one of the real problems that arises when register optimization is handled before instruction scheduling. Indeed, when the processor has explicit register access delays (such as in VLIW, explicitly parallel instruction computing (EPIC) and digital signal processing (DSP)), bounding or minimizing the register requirement before fixing an instruction schedule may create a deadlock in theory when resource constraints are considered afterward. The nature of this problem and a solution in the context of SIRA are the main subject of this chapter.

Chapter 11 is entitled “Loop Unrolling Degree Minimization for Periodic Register Allocation”: the SIRA framework proves to be an interesting relationship between the number of allocated registers in a loop, the critical circuit of the DDG and the loop unrolling factor. For the purpose of code size compaction, we show how can we minimize the unrolling degree with the guarantee of neither generating spill code nor altering the ILP. The problem is based on the minimization of a least common multiple, using the set of remaining registers.

Part 4: Epilog

Chapter 12, entitled “Statistical Performance Analysis: The Speedup-Test Protocol”, tends to improve the reproducibility of the experimental results in our community. We tackle the problem of code performance variation in practical observations. We describe the protocol called the Speedup-Test; it uses well-known statistical tests to declare, with a proved risk level, whether an average or a median execution time has been improved or not. We clearly explain what the hypotheses that must be checked for each statistical test are.

Finally, the Conclusion describes some open problems in optimizing compilation in general. These open problems are known but do not yet have satisfactory solutions in the literature. Here, we conclude with a general summary.

I.2. Other contributors

This book is the outcome of long-term fundamental, experimental and technical research using graph theory, scheduling theory, linear programming, complexity theory, compilation, etc. We had great pleasure and honor collaborating with many talented people with high-quality backgrounds in computer science, computer engineering and mathematics. Table 1.1 provides a list of collaborators for each chapter, whom we would like to thank very much.

Table I.1. Other contributors to the results presented in this book

Chapter Contributor Nature of the contribution
Chapter 1 Pr Denis BARTHOU Formal proofs and modeling of phase ordering problems
Chapter 6 Dr Christophe LEMIET PhD work, implementation, experiments, performance analysis of memory disambiguation mechanisms.
  Dr Samir AMMENOUCHE PhD work, implementation, experiments, performance analysis of instruction scheduling under cache effects on VLIW processors.
  Pr William JALBY PhD direction
Chapter 9 Dr Christine EISENBEIS Initial intuition and formal description of the SIRA framework, PhD direction
  Dr Karine DESCHINKEL SIRALINA heuristic proposal, software implementation
  Dr Sébastien BRIAIS Software implementation of SIRALINA, experiments
  Mr Frederic BRAULT Integration of SIRA framework inside an industrial compiler for VLIW processors, experiments and performance analysis
Chapter 10 Dr Karine DESCHINKEL Iterative method for eliminating non-positive circuits in data dependence graphs
  Dr Sébastien BRIAIS Formal proofs and algorithms, implementation and experiments
Chapter 11 Dr Mounira BACHIR PhD work, formal proofs, implementation and experiments
  Dr Albert COHEN PhD direction
  Dr David GREGG Contribution on algorithms
  Mr Frederic BRAULT Experimental study with an industrial compiler for VLIW processors
Chapter 12 Dr Julien WORMS Parametric statistics, statistical testing
  Dr Sébastien BRIAIS Speedup-Test implementation
  Dr Abdelhafid MAZOUZ Experimental study of program performance variability

I.3. Basics on instruction-level parallelism processor architectures

Today’s microprocessors are the powerful descendants of the Von Neumann computer [SIL 99]. Although various computer architectures have been considerably changed and rapidly developed over the last 20 years, the basic principles in Von Neumann computational model are still the foundation of today’s most widely used computer architectures as well as high-level programming languages. The Von Neumann computational model was proposed by Von Neumann and his colleagues in 1946; its key characteristics result from the multiple assignments of variables and from the control-driven execution.

While the sequential operating principles of the Von Neumann architecture are still the basis for today’s most used instruction sets, its internal structure, called micro-architecture, has been changed considerably. The main goal of the Von Neumann machine model was to minimize the hardware structure, while today’s designs are mainly oriented toward maximizing the performance. For this last reason, machines have been designed to be able to execute multiple tasks simultaneously. Architectures, compilers and operating systems have been striving for more than two decades to extract and utilize as much parallelism as possible in order to boost the performance.

Parallelism can be exploited by a machine at multiple levels:

1) Fine-grain parallelism. This is the parallelism available at instruction level (or, say, at machine-language level) by means of executing instructions simultaneously. ILP can be achieved by architectures that are capable of parallel instruction execution. Such architectures are called instruction-level parallel architectures, i.e. ILP architectures.
2) Medium-grain parallelism. This is the parallelism available at thread level. A thread (lightweight process) is a sequence of instructions that may share a common register file, a heap and a stack. Multiple threads can be executed concurrently or in parallel. The hardware implementation of thread-level parallelism is called multithreaded processor or simultaneous multithreaded processor.
3) Coarse-grain parallelism. This is the parallelism available at process, task, program or user level. The hardware implementation of such parallelism is called multiprocessor machine or multiprocessor chips. The latter may integrate multiple processors into a single chip, also called multi-core or many core processors.

The discussion about coarse- or medium-grain parallel architectures is outside the scope of this book. In this introduction, we provide a brief analysis of ILP architectures, which principally include static issue processors (e.g. VLIW, EPIC and Transport Triggered Architectures (TTAs)) and dynamic issue processors (superscalar).

Pipelined processors overlap the execution of multiple instructions simultaneously, but issue only one instruction at every clock cycle (see Figure I.1). The principal motivation of multiple issue processors was to break away from the limitation on the single issue of pipelined processors, and to provide the facility to execute more than one instruction in one clock cycle. The substantial difference from pipelined processors is that multiple issue processors replicate functional units (FUs) in order to deal with instructions in parallel, such as parallel instruction fetch, decode, execution and write back. However, the constraints in multiple issue processors are the same as in pipelined processors, that is the dependences between instructions have to be taken into account when multiple instructions are issued and executed in parallel. Therefore, the following questions arise:

– How to detect dependences between instructions?
– How to express instructions in parallel execution?

The answers to these two questions gave rise to the significant differences between two classes of multiple issue processors: static issue processors and dynamic issue processors. In the following sections, we describe the characteristics of these two kinds of multiple issue processors.

Figure I.1. Pipelined vs. simultaneous execution


1.3.1. Processors with dynamic instruction issue

The hardware micro-architectural mechanism designed to increase the number of executed instructions per clock cycle is called superscalar execution. The goal of a superscalar processor is to dynamically (at runtime) issue multiple independent operations in parallel (Figure I.2), even though the hardware receives a sequential instruction stream. Consequently, the program is written as if it were to be executed by a sequential processor, but the underlying execution is parallel.

Figure I.2. Superscalar execution


Again, there are two micro-architectural mechanisms of superscalar processors: in-order execution and out-of-order (OoO) processors. A processor with an in-order issue sends the instructions to be executed in the same order as they appear in the program. That is, if instruction a appears before b, then instruction b may in the best case be executed in parallel with a but not before. However, an OoO processor can dynamically change the execution order if operations are independent. This powerful mechanism enables us to pursue the computation in the presence of long delay operations or unexpected events such as cache misses. However, because of the hardware complexity of dynamic independence testing, the window size where the processor can dynamically reschedule operations is limited.

Compared with VLIW architectures, as we will soon see, superscalar processors achieve a certain degree of parallel execution at the cost of increased hardware complexity. A VLIW processor outperforms a superscalar processor in terms of hardware complexity, cost and power consumption. However, the advantages of a superscalar processor over a VLIW processor are multiple:

1) Varying numbers of instructions per clock cycle: since the hardware determines the number of instructions issued per clock cycle, the compiler does not need to lay out instructions to match the maximum issue bandwidth. Accordingly, there is less impact on code density than for a VLIW processor.
2) Binary code compatibility: the binary code generated for a scalar (sequential) processor can also be executed in a superscalar processor with the same ISA, and vice versa. This means that the code can migrate between successive implementations even with different numbers of issues and different execution times of FUs. Superscalar processors constitute a micro-architectural evolution, not an architectural one.
3) Different execution scenarios: superscalar processors dynamically schedule the operations in parallel. Then, there may be more than one parallel execution scenario (dynamic schedule) because of the dynamic events. However, VLIW processors always execute the same ILP schedule computed at compile time.

For the purpose of issuing multiple instructions per clock cycle, superscalar processing generally consists of a number of subtasks, such as parallel decoding, superscalar instruction issue and parallel instruction execution, preserving the sequential consistency of execution and exception processing. These tasks are executed by a powerful hardware pipeline (see Figure I.3 for a simple example). Below, we illustrate the basic functions of these pipelined steps.

Figure I.3. Simple superscalar pipelined steps


Fetch pipeline step. A high-performance micro-processor usually contains two separate on-chip caches: the Instruction-cache (Icache) and Data-cache the (Dcache). This is because the Icache is less complicated to handle: it is read-only and is not subject to cache coherence in contrast to the Dcache. The main problem of instruction fetching is control transfers performed by procedural calls, branch, return and interrupt instructions. The sequential stream of instructions is disturbed and hence the CPU may stall. This is why some architectural improvements must be added if we expect a full utilization of ILP. Such features include instruction prefetching, branch prediction and speculative execution.

Decode pipeline step. Decoding multiple instructions in a superscalar processor is a much more complex task than in a scalar one, which only decodes a single instruction at each clock cycle. Since there are multiple FUs in a superscalar processor, the number of issued instructions in a clock cycle is much greater than that in a scalar case. Consequently, it becomes more complex for a superscalar processor to detect the dependences among the instructions currently in execution and to find out the instructions for the next issue. Superscalar processors often take two or three more pipeline cycles to decode and issue instructions. An increasingly used method to overcome the problem is predecoding: a partial decoding is performed before effective decoding, while instructions are loaded into the instruction cache.

Rename pipeline step. The aim of register renaming is to dynamically remove false dependences (anti- and output ones) by the hardware. This is done by associating specific rename registers with the ISA registers specified by the program. The rename registers cannot be accessed directly by the compiler or the user.

Issue and dispatch pipeline step. The notion of instruction window comprises all the waiting instructions between the decode (rename) and execute stage of the pipeline. Instructions in this reorder buffer are free from control and false dependences. Thus, only data dependence and resource conflicts remain to be dealt with. The former are checked during this stage. An operation is issued to the FU reservation buffer whether all operations on which it depends have been completed. This issue can be done statically (in-order) or dynamically (OoO) depending on the processor [PAT 94].

Execute pipeline step. Instructions inside the FU reservation buffer are free from data dependences. Only resource conflicts have to be solved. When a resource is freed, the instruction that needs it is initiated to execute. After one or more clock cycles (the latency depends on the FU type), it completes and therefore is ready for the next pipeline stage. The results are ready for any forwarding. This latter technique, also called bypassing, enables other dependent instructions to be issued before committing the results.

Commit and write back pipeline step. After completion, instructions are committed in-order and in parallel to guarantee the sequential consistency of the Von Neumann execution model. This means that if no interruptions or exceptions have been emitted, results of executions are written back from rename registers to architectural registers. If any exception occurs, the instructions results are canceled (without committing the result).

We should know that current superscalar processors have more than five pipeline steps, the manual of every architecture can provide useful information about it.

I.3.2. Processors with static instruction issue

These processors take advantage of the static ILP of the program and execute operations in parallel (see Figure 1.1(b)). This kind of architecture asks programs to provide information about operations that are independent of each other. The compiler identifies the parallelism in the program and communicates it to the hardware by specifying independence information between operations. This information is directly used by the hardware, since it knows with no further checking which operations can be executed in the same processor clock cycle. Parallel operations are packed by the compiler into instructions. Then, the hardware has to fetch, decode and execute them as they are.

We classify static issue processors into three main families: VLIW, TTA and EPIC processors. The following sections define their characteristics.

I.3.2.1. VLIW processors

VLIW architectures [FIS 05] use a long instruction word that usually contains a fixed number of operations (corresponding to RISC instructions). The operations in a VLIW instruction must be independent of each other so that they can be fetched, decoded, issued and executed simultaneously (see Figure I.4).

Figure I.4. VLIW processors


The key features of a VLIW processor are the following [SIL 99]:

– VLIW relies on a sequential stream of very long instruction words.
– Each instruction consists of multiple independent operations that can be issued and executed in one clock cycle. In general, the number of operations in an instruction is fixed.
– VLIW instructions are statically built by the compiler, i.e. the compiler deals with dependences and encodes parallelism in long instructions.
– The compiler must be aware of the hardware characteristics of the processor and memory.
– A central controller issues one VLIW instruction per cycle.
– A global shared register file connects the multiple FUs.

In a VLIW processor, unlike in superscalar processors, the compiler takes full responsibility for building VLIW instructions. In other words, the compiler has to detect and remove dependences and create the packages of independent operations that can be issued and executed in parallel. Furthermore, VLIW processors expose architecturally visible latencies to the compiler. The latter must take into account these latencies to generate valid codes.

The limitations of VLIW architectures arise in the following ways.

First, the full responsibility of the complex task for exploiting and extracting parallelism is delegated to the compiler. The compiler has to be aware of many details about VLIW architectures, such as the number and type of the available execution units, their latencies and replication numbers (number of same FUs), memory load-use delay and so on. Although VLIW architectures have less hardware complexity, powerful optimizing and parallelizing compiler techniques are required to effectively achieve high performance. As a result, it is questionable whether the reduced complexity of VLIW architectures can really be utilized by the compiler, since the design and implementation of the latter are generally much more expensive than expected.

Second, the binary code generated by a VLIW compiler is sensitive to the VLIW architecture. This means that the code cannot migrate within a generation of processors, even though these processors are compatible in the conventional sense. The problem is that different versions of the code are required for different technology-dependent parameters, such as the latencies and the repetition rates of the FUs. This sensitivity of the compiler restricts the use of the same compiler for subsequent models of a VLIW line. This is the most significant drawback of VLIW architectures.

Third, the length of a VLIW is usually fixed. Each instruction word provides a field for each available execution unit. Due to the lack of sufficient independent operations, only some of the fields may actually be used while other fields have to be filled by no-ops. This results in increased code size, and wasted memory space and memory bandwidth. In order to overcome this problem, some VLIW architectures use a compressed code format that allows the removal of the no-ops.

Finally, the performance of a VLIW processor is very sensitive to unexpected dynamic events, such as cache misses, page faults and interrupts. All these events make the processor stall from its ILP execution. For instance, if a load operation has been assumed by the compiler as hitting the cache, and this unfortunately happens not to be the case during dynamic execution, the entire processor stalls until the satisfaction of the cache request.

I.3.2.2. Transport triggered architectures

TTAs resemble VLIW architectures: both exploit ILP at compile time [JAN 01]. However, there are some significant architectural differences. Unlike VLIW, TTAs do not require that each FU has its own private connection to the register file. In TTAs, FUs are connected to registers by an interconnection network (see Figure I.5). This design allows us to reduce the register file ports bottleneck. It also reduces the complexity of the bypassing network since data forwarding is programmed explicitly.

However, programming TTAs is different from the classical RISC programming style. Traditional architectures are programmed by specifying operations. Data transports between FUs and register files are implicitly triggered by executing the operations. TTAs are programmed by specifying the data transports; as a side effect, operations are executed. In other words, data movements are made explicit by the program, and executing operations is implicitly done by the processor. Indeed, TTA is similar to data-flow processors except that instruction scheduling is done statically.

Figure I.5. Block diagram of a TTA


I.3.2.3. EPIC/IA64processors

EPIC [SCH 00] technology was introduced to the IA64 architecture and compiler optimizations [KNI99] in order to deliver explicit parallelism, massive resources and inherent scalability. It is, in a way, a mix between VLIW and superscalar programming styles. On the one hand, EPIC, like VLIW, allows the compiler to statically specify independent instructions. On the other hand, EPIC is like superscalar in the sense that the code semantics may be sequential, while guaranteeing the binary compatibility between different IA64 implementations.

The philosophy behind EPIC is much more about scalability. OoO processors get their issue unit saturated because of the architectural complexity. EPIC incorporates the combination of speculation, predication (guarded execution) and explicit parallelism to increase the performance by reducing the number of branches and branch mispredicts, and by reducing the effects of memory-to-processor latency.

The key features of the EPIC technology are:

static speculative execution of memory load operations, i.e. loading data from memory is allowed for issue before knowing whether it is required or not, and thus reducing the effects of memory latency;

a fully predicated (guarded) instruction set that allows us to remove branches so as to minimize the impact of branch mispredicts. Both speculative loads and predicated instructions aim to make it possible to handle static uncertainties (what compilers cannot determine or assert);

specifying ILP explicitly in the machine code, i.e. the parallelism is encoded directly into the instructions as in a VLIW architecture;

more registers: the IA-64 instruction set specifies 128 64-bit general-purpose registers, 128 80-bit floating-point registers and 64 1-bit predicate registers;

an inherently scalable instruction set, i.e. the ability to scale to a larger number of FUs. But this point remains debatable.

Finally, we must note that VLIW and superscalar processors suffer from the hardware complexity of register ports. The number of register ports depends on a quadratic function of the number of FUs. Thus, both architectures do not scale very well since increasing the ILP degree (i.e. the number of FUs) results in creating a bottleneck on register ports. Consequently, the time required to access registers increases. An architectural alternative to this limitation is clustered-processors [FER 98]. Clustered architectures group FU into clusters. Each cluster has its own private register file: registers inside a cluster are strictly accessed by the FUs belonging the this cluster. If an FU needs a result from a remote register file (from another cluster), an intercluster communication (move operation) must be performed. Then, clustered architectures offer better scalability than VLIW and superscalar processors since the additional clusters do not require new register ports (given a fixed number of FUs per cluster). However, inserting move operations into the program may decrease the performance since more operations must be executed. Furthermore, the communication network between clusters may become a new source of bottleneck.

To take full advantage of ILP architectures, compiler techniques have been continuously improved since the 1980s [RAU 93b, FIS 05]. This book presents advanced methods regarding instruction scheduling and register optimization.

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