labels, adding in code
landline class2nd
landscapeConstraints array
Launch Images setting, General tab
launch screen, displaying
layer property
Layout attribute
layoutIfNeeded() method2nd3rd
  size classes
    in code
    in Interface Builder
  stack views
    adding or removing views from
    in code
    in Interface Builder
    properties of
layoutSubviews method2nd
lazy computed properties
lazy stored property
learning resources
let keyword2nd
lettersUpper property
Levels option, Build settings window
life cycle, View controller
Lines attribute
Link Binary With Libraries phase
LLDB (lower-level debugger)
loadBooks method2nd3rd
loadCloud method2nd
loadCover method
local data persistence
  preserving and restoring state
  preserving user preferences on device
  storing data locally
    archiving objects
    Core Data
    storage setup
    structured data files
local notifications
localizedCaseInsensitive- Compare method
localizedDescription property
localizedLowercase property2nd3rd
Log Navigator


main threads
Main.storyboard file
mainValue variable
makeCall method
manual adaptive layout approach
  receiving layout events
    timing of flagging for update
    updating view layout
  receiving transition events
Manually Run option, Play button
map function2nd
Master-Detail Application template
  asset catalog
    adding app icons
    adding image sets
    selecting photos with image picker controller
    taking photos with AVFoundation
    taking photos with image picker controller
  drawing with Core Animation
  drawing with Core Graphics
    creating star-rating view
    describing path
    drawing into graphics context
    drawing paths with UIBezierPath drawing methods
    overriding draw method
    rendering views in Interface Builder
    saving and restoring graphics state
  launch screen, displaying
  playing sounds
memberwise initializers
memory issues
metadataObjects array
Metal 2
  instance methods
  overloading functions
  type (static) methods
modal presentation style
Modal segue
Model group
Model-View-Controller pattern
motion events
multiple view constraints
multitasking modes, iPad
MVC (model-view-controller)
My Apps section, iTunes Connect


navigation bars
navigation controllers, embedding2nd
navigator area, Xcode
nestedUnkeyedContainer method
network activity indicators, displaying
networkFailure error
  cancelling tasks
  examining data
  network activity indicator, displaying
  parsing JSON data
    with JSONDecoder class
    with JSONSerialization class
    with SwiftyJSON class
  setting up books service
  setting up URL requests
  URLSession objects
    URLSessionConfiguration objects
  web services
    communicating with
    downloading data from
    requesting data from
networkUnavailable error
nil coalescing operator2nd
notAuthenticated error
Notification.Name method
notifications, keyboard
  calculating offset to animate
  extracting keyboard information from
  getting reference to first responder
  keyboard frame change notification
NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key
NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsIn-Media key
NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent key
NSAllowsLocalNetworking key
NSArray class
NSExceptionAllowsInsecure-HTTPLoads key
NSExceptionDomains key
NSExceptionMinimum- TLSVersion key
NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy key
NSFetchedResultsController class
NSFetchedResultsController-Delegate protocol
NSIncludesSubdomains key
NSKeyedArchiver class2nd
NSKeyedUnarchiver class2nd
NSLayoutAnchor class
NSLayoutConstraint class2nd
NSLog statement
NSManagedObject class
NSPersistentContainer class
NSPredicate class2nd3rd
NSRequiresCertificateTransparency key
NSSortDescriptor class
NSString method
Number Pad category, keyboards
Numbers and Punctuation category, keyboards
numeric types, converting


@objc attribute2nd
object creation
  with classes
    computed properties
    defining class
  with structures
Object Library, Xcode
object method
Objective-C in a Swift project
Objective-C NSArray data type
one-sided range
OOP (object-oriented programming)
Open level, Swift
operation queue

  unwrapping optionals with
optional try
  cheat sheets for
    guard statements
    with operators
Outer Stack View

  connecting views to
  editing properties of
overlapped views
overloading functions


page view controllers
Page-Based Application template
pan gesture recognizer

  default names
  external parameter names
parseJSON method2nd
parseSwiftyJSON method2nd
Payments and Financial Reports section, iTunes Connect
PDFs, creating
performance issues
period (.) character
persistent container
Picker control, UIKit
pinch gesture recognizer
Platform Version Information tab, iTunes Connect2nd
playback issues
    with debug gauges
    with instruments
playBarcodeSound method
  automatic compiling
  collection storage
  console access
  control-flow approaches
    for-in loops
    switch statements
    default parameter names
    modifying external parameter names
    omitting external parameter names
  higher-order functions
    as return values
    defining two values at once using
    initializing variables based on
    swapping two values using
  type safety and type inference
    concatenating strings
    converting numeric types
  viewing results of code
    Quick Look feature
    Show Result feature
po command
Point type
points, converting
Popover segue
popViewController method
position property
prepareForSegue method2nd3rd4th5th6th
presentingViewController property
price parameter
Pricing and Availability tab, iTunes Connect2nd
Print Description button
print method, examining variables with
print statements
priorities, Content Hugging and Resistance
priority property
private database2nd3rd
private keyword
Private level, Swift
privateCloudDatabase method
Progress View
project editor
  Build Phases tab
  Build Rules tab
  Build Settings tab
    changing build settings for configurations
    filtering build settings
  Capabilities tab
  General tab
  Info tab
  Resource Tags tabs
Project Navigator, Xcode
project repository (repo)
project targets

  instance properties
  lazy computed
  lazy stored
  type (static) properties
Property list editor
property lists2nd
property observers

  cheat sheets for
prototype cell
provisioning profile, creating
public database
Public level, Swift
push notifications2nd
PushButtonable protocol


QOS (quality of service)
quantity data type
question mark character
Quick Look feature, Xcode
Quick Look technique, examining variables with


random property
Rating class
rating property
raw value
record types2nd3rd
rectangle button
red dot
red view autoresizing
reduce function
refresh control
register method
Relationship Segue
reloadData method2nd
reloadSections method
remote control events
remove method
removeBook method2nd
requestCachePolicy property
requestRateLimited error
resignFirstResponder method
Resolve Auto Layout Issues button
Resources and Help section, iTunes Connect
responder chain2nd
Restoration ID property
results sidebar, Xcode
resume method2nd
retrieveBooks method2nd3rd4th
return keyword
rootViewController property
rotate gesture recognizer
rotated method
rotating orientation

  adding to tables
    adding data to table
    communicating with scene using own delegate
    creating segues
    embedding navigation controller
    embedding second navigation controller
    creating segues from row
    passing in object to edit
    removing view controller
    updating objects
Run button, Xcode workspace toolbar

runtime issues
  debugging user interface with
Runtime Issues tab, Issue Navigator


Sales and Trends section, iTunes Connect
sampleBooks method2nd
Sandbox Testers tab, iTunes Connect
save problems
saveBook method2nd3rd4th5th
saveContext method2nd3rd
scale factor
scale property
scaledBy method

scroll views
  with form content and keyboard
  with image content
scrollRectToVisible method
search bars, adding to collection views

search controllers
  adding to view controller
searchFilter variable
searching data2nd
  filtering data
    making objects equatable
    removing rows with filtered data
    updating rows with filtered data
  search controllers
    adding to view controller
Segment attribute
Segmented Control, UIKit
segmented controls, adding

  creating from rows
SELECT query
Selected state, buttons
serial queues
serve function2nd
serverRecordChanged error
ServerResponse type
serviceUnavailable error
session tasks2nd
Set data type
set list
set viewer
setMetadataObjectsDelegate method
setNeedsDisplay method2nd
setNeedsLayout method
Settings app
setUp method
setViewControllers method
shadows, adding
shared property
sharing code
shouldSendContentAvailable flag
Show Detail segue
Show Quick Look button
Show Result feature, Xcode
Show segue

signing certificates
  checking certificates
  creating iOS development signing certificate
  creating iOS distribution signing certificate
signing identity2nd
SimpleSizeClasses layout
Simulator menu

  features of
  running apps in
Single View Application template
singletons, sharing data between tabs

size classes
  in code
    setting up layout for
    trait collection
    updating layout on changes
  in Interface Builder
    adding customizations to attributes
    adding customizations to constraints
    adding customizations to installed attributes
    varying for traits
    varying layout
Size Inspector, Xcode
sizeToFit method
slicing apps
Slide Over, Apple
Slider control, UIKit
Smart class
social media
sort method, creating
sortDescriptors attribute
sorted function
sorting data
  changing sort order
    adding segmented control
    updating sort order
  creating sort method
sortOrder property2nd3rd
sounds, playing
Source Control Navigator
Source editor
split view controllers
Split View, Apple
SpriteKit framework2nd
SQLAddBook method

  adding, updating, and removing books
  retrieving books from database
  setting up SQLite wrapper
  setting up SQLite3 database file
SQLRemoveBook method
SQLUpdateBook method
stack trace
stack views
  adding or removing views from
  in code
  in Interface Builder
  properties of
Star class2nd3rd4th
star-rating view, creating
State Config attribute
state preservation, preserving and restoring state
state property2nd
static cells
static keyword2nd
Status Bar Style setting, General tab
step into
step out
step over
Stepper control, UIKit
Sticker Pack Application template
Stop button, Xcode workspace toolbar
store provisioning profile
storeBooks method2nd3rd4th
storing data locally
  archiving objects
    adopting codable protocol
    encoding and archiving data
  Core Data
    adding managed objects
    creating data model
    fetching managed objects
    initial setup
    searching fetch requests
    sorting fetch requests
    updating and deleting managed objects
    adding, updating, and removing books
    retrieving books from database
    setting up SQLite wrapper
    setting up SQLite3 database file
  storage setup
    determining location
    preparing for storing and retrieving data
  structured data files
    property lists
storing data using CloudKit
  adding book records
  deleting book records
  loading book records
  managing errors
  refreshing data
  subscribing to changes
  updating book records
  updating model
Storyboard Entry Point element, storyboard

  setting up view controllers in
string interpolation
String variable
strings, concatenating
structured data files
  property lists
  cheat sheets for
  classes versus
    as value types
    choosing between
    memberwise initializers
subtracting method
super.viewDidLoad() method
SwiftyJSON class, parsing JSON data with
Switch control, UIKit
switch statements2nd
Symbol Navigator
symbolic breakpoints
symmetricDifference method
System Item attribute


tab bar controllers2nd
  creating sections with
  sharing data between tabs
    dependency injection
    global variables
TabBarController class2nd
Tabbed Application template
table views
  creating model class
  data source and delegate
  setting up model
  setting up table view controller in storyboard
  adding rows
    adding data to table
    communicating with scene using own delegate
    creating segues
    embedding navigation controller
    embedding second navigation controller
  deleting rows
  displaying data in table views
    creating model class
    data source and delegate
    setting up model
    setting up table view controller in storyboard
  editing rows
    creating segues from row
    passing in object to edit
    removing view controller
    updating objects
  using large titles
takePhoto method
tap gesture recognizer
Target Dependencies phase
team admins
team agent
team members
team roles, Apple Developer Program
teardown method
Telephone parameter
templates, Xcode
temporary files
ternary conditional operator

test class
  adding tests to
  setting up
Test Flight Beta Testers tab, iTunes Connect
test methods2nd
Test Navigator
@testable attribute2nd
testColorDetection method
TestFlight, distributing apps to beta testers with
  adding iTunes connect users
  setting up external test
  setting up internal test
  for functionality
    adding tests to test class
    setting up test class
  for performance
  user interface
testSortTitle method
testToggleISBN method
text editing
text fields
  connecting actions
    from code
    from Connections Inspector
    from Interface Builder
  deleting connections
  keyboard types
text property2nd
text view
text, displaying
textFieldShouldReturn method
textLabel element
throws keyword
time profiler
timeoutIntervalForRequest property
title field
titleL key
toggleISBN method2nd3rd
toKm method
toolbar area, Xcode
topViewController property
touch events
  hit testing
  overriding touch methods
  responder chain
touchCancel method2nd
touchCancelzzzz method
touchesBegan() method2nd
touchesCancelled() method
touchesEnded() method2nd
touchesEstimatedProperties-Updated() method
touchesMoved() method
touchSave method2nd3rd4th5th
touchUpInside event
trait collection
traitCollectionDidChange method
traits, varying for
transactional store2nd
transform property
transition coordinator
translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints property
try keyword
  as return values
  defining two values at once using
  initializing variables based on
  swapping two values using
type (static) methods
type (static) properties
type safety and type inference
  concatenating strings
  converting numeric types


ubiquitous key-value store2nd3rd
UDID (unique device identifier)
UI (user interface)2nd3rd4th5th
    with Debug View Hierarchy
    with runtime issues
  solving issues
UIApplication class2nd
UIApplicationDelegate method
@UIApplicationMain keyword
UIBezierPath wrapper, drawing methods
UIColor class2nd
UIColorExtension.swift file
UIControl class
UIDatePicker class
UIDevice class
UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext method
UIImage class2nd3rd4th
UIImageColorDetectionTests class
UIImagePickerController class2nd
UIKit control
UIKit framework, Cocoa Touch layer
UILabel class
UInt data type
UIPageViewController class
UIPageViewControllerDataSource protocol
UIPicker class
UIResponder class
UIRuntimeOutletConnection object
UISearchController class
UISearchResultsUpdating protocol
UIStoryboardSegue object
UITabBarController class
UITableViewCell class
UITableViewController class
UITableViewDelegate method
UITextFieldDelegate protocol
UITraitEnvironment protocol
UIView class2nd3rd4th5th
UIViewController class2nd3rd4th
UIViewExtension.swift file
UIWindow class
unarchiveObject method
uninstalled constraints
unique device identifier.
    See UDID.
unit tests
unknownItem error2nd
unsatisfiable layout error
unwind segue
Update Frames button
updateBook method2nd
updateBookCloudKit method2nd
updatedPrices array
updatePrice method
updateSearchResults method2nd3rd4th
updating views
upload tasks
Upload to App Store button, iTunes Connect
upside-down orientation
url property
URL requests, setting up
urls method
URLSession objects
  URLSessionConfiguration objects
URLSession property
URLSessionConfiguration object2nd
User and Roles section, iTunes Connect
user defaults
user interaction
    text fields
  gesture recognizers
    pan gesture
    pinch gesture
    rotate gesture
    tap gesture
  touch events
    hit testing
    overriding touch methods
    responder chain
user interface.
    See UI.
user preferences, preserving on device
user-initiated tasks
userInfo dictionary
userInfo parameter
userInfo property
userInterfaceIdiom trait
users, onboarding
utility area, Xcode
utility tasks


value types
variables view2nd
variables, examining
  with data tips
  with lower-level debugger
  with Print Description button
  with print method
  with Quick Look technique
  with variables view
Vary for Traits button
vertical constraints
vertical distribution
verticalLayout method
verticalSizeClass trait
VFL (Visual Format Language)
VideoPlayable protocol
View Controller element, storyboard

view controllers
  adding search controllers to
  creating custom
  customizing UIViewController subclass
  setting up in storyboard
  sizes of
View element, storyboard
view property
view transformation
ViewController class2nd3rd4th5th6th7th
viewControllers array
viewDidAppear method2nd3rd4th5th6th7th
viewDidDisappear() method2nd3rd
viewDidLoad() method
viewForSupplementaryElement-OfKind method
viewForZooming method

  adding in code
  adding or removing views from
    from under keyboard
    with sample bar chart
  connecting to outlets
  editing outlet properties
  from under keyboard
  hierarchy of
  hit testing
  in code
  in Interface Builder
    in code
    in Interface Builder
  overriding touch methods
  properties of
  responder chain
  scroll views
    with form content and keyboard
    with image content
  table views
    creating model class
    data source and delegate
    setting up model
    setting up table view controller in storyboard
  with form content and keyboard
  with image content
  with sample bar chart
    nesting animations
viewsInCode app
ViewsInCode project2nd
viewWillAppear() method2nd
viewWillDisappear() method
viewWillLayoutSubviews method
viewWillTransition() method2nd
VoiceOver accessibility app
volumeInfo property


weak keyword

web services
  communicating with
  downloading data from
  requesting data from
Welcome to Xcode window
while statement
width size class
Wildcard App IDs
willSet property observer
WWDC videos


  creating projects
    project options
    debug area
    editor area
    navigator area
    toolbar area
    utility area
  signing into
  viewing repository in
XCTAssert method
XCTAssertEqual method
XML class
xml property


zoneBusy error

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