List of Figures

Chapter 1. Your first iOS application

Figure 1.1. iOS abstraction layers

Figure 1.2. Create your Xcode project.

Figure 1.3. Xcode iOS templates

Figure 1.4. Applications from iOS templates

Figure 1.5. Xcode project options

Figure 1.6. The Xcode interface

Figure 1.7. The Xcode toolbar

Figure 1.8. Project Navigator versus Project in Finder

Figure 1.9. Editor areas

Figure 1.10. View selector

Figure 1.11. Interface Builder

Figure 1.12. Simple interface

Figure 1.13. Document Outline

Figure 1.14. Inspectors

Figure 1.15. App execution controls

Figure 1.16. Your first app in the simulator!

Figure 1.17. Bookcase app storyboard

Figure 1.18. The app with and without test data

Chapter 2. Introduction to Swift playgrounds

Figure 2.1. Playground

Figure 2.2. Quick Look

Figure 2.3. Examples of visual result views

Figure 2.4. Automatically Run and Manually Run

Figure 2.5. Playground console

Figure 2.6. Press Alt and click on the variable to see an inferred variable’s data type.

Figure 2.7. Strings can’t be nil.

Figure 2.8. A cat optional

Chapter 3. Swift objects

Figure 3.1. Distance type

Figure 3.2. Non-optional variable can’t equal nil

Figure 3.3. Telephone inheritance

Figure 3.4. Telephone using protocols

Figure 3.5. Reference types

Figure 3.6. Value types

Figure 3.7. Structure or class decision

Chapter 4. View controllers, views, and outlets

Figure 4.1. View hierarchy for the distance converter scene

Figure 4.2. Model view controller in distance converter app

Figure 4.3. Distance converter scene

Figure 4.4. Subclassing the view controller

Figure 4.5. Jump to class

Figure 4.6. Default UIViewController

Figure 4.7. Code completion

Figure 4.8. Blank app with a yellow background

Figure 4.9. Initial view controller

Figure 4.10. Window, view, and view controllers

Figure 4.11. Add red view

Figure 4.12. Adding a label

Figure 4.13. Distance converter app

Figure 4.14. Distance converter storyboard

Figure 4.15. Editing the font in the Attribute Inspector

Figure 4.16. Steps to create an outlet

Chapter 5. User interaction

Figure 5.1. Button types

Figure 5.2. Distance converter interface

Figure 5.3. Create control action

Figure 5.4. The three keyboard types

Figure 5.5. Connect Action from Interface Builder

Figure 5.6. Delete the connection.

Figure 5.7. Connect Action from Connections Inspector

Figure 5.8. Touch Views app view hierarchy

Figure 5.9. Hit testing

Figure 5.10. The responder chain

Figure 5.11. Pan gesture recognizer

Figure 5.12. Create gesture recognizer action

Figure 5.13. View transformations

Figure 5.14. Gesture recognizer with a view controller as a delegate

Figure 5.15. Set recognizer delegate

Figure 5.16. Shortcut to go back in the editor area

Chapter 6. Adaptive layout

Figure 6.1. Device point resolutions

Figure 6.2. Device point resolutions with orientation

Figure 6.3. Add-a-book interface

Figure 6.4. Constraint attributes

Figure 6.5. View as

Figure 6.6. Interface before auto layout

Figure 6.7. Horizontal constraints for the add-a-book scene

Figure 6.8. Create a constraint.

Figure 6.9. Constraints in the Size Inspector

Figure 6.10. Vertical constraints for add-a-book scene

Figure 6.11. Constraint options

Figure 6.12. Auto layout buttons

Figure 6.13. Add constraint in align menu

Figure 6.14. Add constraint in pin menu

Figure 6.15. Adding multiple view constraints in the pin menu

Figure 6.16. Shrunken text fields

Figure 6.17. Preferred behavior when stretching and shrinking+

Figure 6.18. Compression resistance versus hugging

Figure 6.19. Hugging and compression priorities

Figure 6.20. Interface after auto layout

Figure 6.21. NSLayoutConstraint syntax

Figure 6.22. Visual Format Language syntax example

Figure 6.23. NSLayoutAnchor syntax

Figure 6.24. Rotating orientation

Figure 6.25. Autoresizing attributes

Figure 6.26. Autoresizing views in code

Figure 6.27. Default autoresizing

Figure 6.28. Red view autoresizing

Figure 6.29. Layout subviews

Chapter 7. More adaptive layout

Figure 7.1. Devices and orientation in relations to size classes

Figure 7.2. Multitasking modes in relation to size classes

Figure 7.3. New adaptive layout for ViewsInCode

Figure 7.4. Update constraints when the trait collection changes

Figure 7.5. Spot the difference!

Figure 7.6. Adaptive storyboard checkboxes

Figure 7.7. Add customized value for size class

Figure 7.8. Label customizable attributes

Figure 7.9. Add customization to a constraint

Figure 7.10. Uninstall constraint

Figure 7.11. Vary for traits

Figure 7.12. Uninstalled views and constraints

Figure 7.13. Proposed layout for iPhone landscape

Figure 7.14. Update to bookcase design

Figure 7.15. Spacing: auto layout vs. stack view

Figure 7.16. Stack view properties

Figure 7.17. Stack view horizontal alignment

Figure 7.18. Stack view vertical distribution

Figure 7.19. Embed in Stack view button

Figure 7.20. Context menu

Figure 7.21. Stack view attributes

Figure 7.22. Stack view layout for the add-a-book scene

Chapter 8. Keyboard notifications, animation, and scrolling

Figure 8.1. The problem with the keyboard

Figure 8.2. Close keyboard

Figure 8.3. Set text field delegate

Figure 8.4. User taps to hide the keyboard

Figure 8.5. The Notification Center

Figure 8.6. Animate bar chart

Figure 8.7. Initial project setup

Figure 8.8. Bars return to their constraints

Figure 8.9. Width constraint

Figure 8.10. Fixed margins

Figure 8.11. Content inset

Figure 8.12. Pin all sides

Chapter 9. Tables and navigation

Figure 9.1. Tables in Apple apps

Figure 9.2. Books table

Figure 9.3. Add Table view controller to canvas

Figure 9.4. Move initial view controller arrow.

Figure 9.5. Dynamic prototypes table view

Figure 9.6. Table view controller identity

Figure 9.7. Select Cocoa Touch Class template

Figure 9.8. Create file options

Figure 9.9. Connect table view controller to subclass

Figure 9.10. Table view controller relationships

Figure 9.11. Basic table

Figure 9.12. Bookcase form

Figure 9.13. Tap + to add a book.

Figure 9.14. Navigation controller

Figure 9.15. Navigation controller

Figure 9.16. Create Show segue

Figure 9.17. Show segue in action

Figure 9.18. Modal segue in action.

Figure 9.19. Delegate to save book

Figure 9.20. Tap a cell to edit the book.

Figure 9.21. Creating a segue

Figure 9.22. Swipe to delete row

Chapter 10. Collections, searching, sorting, and tab bars

Figure 10.1. Sort order with segmented control

Figure 10.2. Segment attributes

Figure 10.3. Search bar

Figure 10.4. Search controller alternative approaches

Figure 10.5. Removing a row while searching can crash the app!

Figure 10.6. Bookcase collection view

Figure 10.7. Basic collection view

Figure 10.8. Pin sides

Figure 10.9. Jump bar automatic versus manual file selection

Figure 10.10. Collection view with custom cells

Figure 10.11. Collection view with custom cells

Figure 10.12. Collection view attributes

Figure 10.13. App storyboard

Figure 10.14. Tab bars in Apple apps

Figure 10.15. Bookcase app with tab bar

Figure 10.16. Storyboard with tab bar controller

Figure 10.17. Alternative solutions for sharing data

Chapter 11. Local data persistence

Figure 11.1. In-app settings are often stored in User Defaults.

Figure 11.2. Data persistence with structured data files

Figure 11.3. Info property list edited two ways

Figure 11.4. Data persistence: archiving objects

Figure 11.5. Data persistence: archiving objects.

Figure 11.6. Create data model file

Figure 11.7. Data model editor

Figure 11.8. Core Data stack

Chapter 12. Data persistence in iCloud

Figure 12.1. Activate iCloud for your app

Figure 12.2. Ubiquitous key-value store

Figure 12.3. CloudKit container

Figure 12.4. Activate CloudKit, and open dashboard

Figure 12.5. CloudKit dashboard

Figure 12.6. Check CloudKit book record ID

Figure 12.7. CloudKit book record data

Figure 12.8. Refresh control

Figure 12.9. Push notifications capability

Figure 12.10. Notification permission

Figure 12.11. CloudKit subscription notification path

Chapter 13. Graphics and media

Figure 13.1. Tab bar icons

Figure 13.2. Asset catalog editor

Figure 13.3. Add images to image set from Finder

Figure 13.4. Add image set

Figure 13.5. Add image to tab bar item

Figure 13.6. Apple icon grid

Figure 13.7. App icon in the asset catalog and device home screen

Figure 13.8. Launch screens in Apple apps

Figure 13.9. Bookcase launch screen

Figure 13.10. Star-ratings

Figure 13.11. Inspectable custom attribute

Figure 13.12. Star-rating view in Interface Builder

Figure 13.13. View layer with border and shadow

Figure 13.14. Corner radius

Figure 13.15. View and layer hierarchy of rating view

Figure 13.16. Using UIImagePickerController to photograph a book cover

Figure 13.17. Camera permission dialog

Figure 13.18. Add row to property list

Figure 13.19. Camera button item added to the navigation bar

Figure 13.20. Using UIImagePickerController to select a photo from the photo library

Figure 13.21. Using AVFoundation to detect barcodes

Figure 13.22. AVCaptureSession with inputs and outputs

Chapter 14. Networking

Figure 14.1. Request book data from a web service.

Figure 14.2. Model view controller getting book data

Figure 14.3. Create and configure objects for communicating with the web service.

Figure 14.4. JSON data returned

Figure 14.5. Drag folder to the Terminal

Figure 14.6. Fetch Carthage dependencies.

Figure 14.7. Add linked framework

Figure 14.8. Add run script to build phases

Figure 14.9. Download book cover

Figure 14.10. Network activity indicator

Chapter 15. Debugging and testing

Figure 15.1. Xcode debugger in a crash

Figure 15.2. Crash log in console

Figure 15.3. Crash log in console

Figure 15.4. Frame in call stack

Figure 15.5. IBOutlet issues

Figure 15.6. Connect IBOutlet into the Connections Inspector.

Figure 15.7. IBOutlet connected in the source editor

Figure 15.8. Crash log in the console

Figure 15.9. IBAction issues

Figure 15.10. IBActions in the source editor

Figure 15.11. File and line breakpoint

Figure 15.12. Breakpoint pausing execution

Figure 15.13. Variables view

Figure 15.14. Debug bar

Figure 15.15. Quick Look

Figure 15.16. Print variable description

Figure 15.17. LLDB command po in the console

Figure 15.18. LLDB command p in the console

Figure 15.19. Examine a variable with data tips

Figure 15.20. Color detection of the book image

Figure 15.21. Debug gauges and CPU report

Figure 15.22. Time profiler

Figure 15.23. Time profiler

Figure 15.24. Help page view controller

Figure 15.25. Debug View Hierarchy button in the debug bar

Figure 15.26. Debug View Hierarchy

Figure 15.27. Debug view oriented to 3D

Figure 15.28. Runtime issues

Figure 15.29. Constraints in the Size Inspector

Figure 15.30. Default tests in the Test Navigator

Figure 15.31. Books-Manager.swift target membership

Figure 15.32. Test method

Figure 15.33. Performance result

Figure 15.34. Record UI test

Chapter 16. Distributing your app

Figure 16.1. Adding Apple ID to Xcode

Figure 16.2. Teams and signing certificates

Figure 16.3. Project target signing preferences

Figure 16.4. Development provisioning profile

Figure 16.5. Provisioning profile errors

Figure 16.6. Checking your certificates

Figure 16.7. Checking your App IDs

Figure 16.8. Checking your registered devices

Figure 16.9. iTunes Connect

Figure 16.10. Creating an app record in iTunes Connect

Figure 16.11. Uploading build to iTunes Connect

Figure 16.12. Uploaded build

Figure 16.13. Exporting archive

Figure 16.14. iTunes Connect Users

Figure 16.15. iTunes Connect Users

Figure 16.16. Creating an internal test in TestFlight

Figure 16.17. Creating an external test in TestFlight

Figure 16.18. Editable fields in App Information

Figure 16.19. Selecting the price tier for your app

Figure 16.20. Uploading app demo and screeenshots

Figure 16.21. Adding description, keywords, and URLs to Version Information

Appendix A. Project settings

Figure A.1. Project editor

Figure A.2. Configurations

Figure A.3. Edit build setting for a configuration

Figure A.4. Filters and Combined/Levels views for build settings

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