


-- operator
! (exclamation mark) character
? (question mark) character
. (period) character
... (ellipsis) character
{ } (curly brackets)2nd
@ symbol
& (ampersand) character
#available keyword
#selector keyword
+ operator
++ operator
<> (angle brackets)
== operator
2D shapes, drawing
3D orientation


absolute values
access control
Accessory attribute
accessory views
Action sheets
    from code
    from Connections Inspector
    from Interface Builder
  creating for buttons
activated constraints
Activity Indicator view
Activity tab, iTunes Connect
ad hoc provisioning profile2nd
adaptive layout
  auto layout approach
    in code
    in Interface Builder
  autoresizing approach
    in code
    in Interface Builder
  choosing between approaches
  manual adaptive layout approach
    receiving layout events
    receiving transition events
  problem with layouts
    app window sizes
    device orientation
    device resolutions
    view controller sizes
  size classes
    in code
    in Interface Builder
  stack views
    adding or removing views from
    in code
    in Interface Builder
    properties of
Add New Constraints menu
add operator
addArrangedSubview method
addBook method2nd3rd
addBookCloudKit method2nd3rd
addLine method
addObserver method
addTarget() method
Agreements, Tax, and Banking section, iTunes Connect
alert controllers
Align menu
All option, Build settings window
allowsCellularAccess property
ambiguous layout error
ampersand character
angle brackets
animatable properties
animate method2nd3rd4th
animateAlongsideTransition method

animating views
  from under keyboard
  with sample bar chart
    nesting animations
animation argument
API reference documentation, Apple
APIs, deprecated
App Analytics section, iTunes Connect
App Icons setting, General tab
App Information tab, iTunes Connect
app slicing
App Store, distributing apps to
App Transport Security keys
app window sizes, layouts and
AppDelegate class2nd3rd
AppDelegate.swift file
appendingPathComponent method
Apple API reference documentation

Apple Developer Program
  code signing
    checking certificates
    creating development provisioning profile
    creating iOS development signing certificate
    creating iOS distribution signing certificate
    signing certificates
  signing into Xcode
application support directory2nd
application templates
applicationWillTerminate method
appSupportDirectory variable
ARC (Automatic Reference Counting)
archiveRootObject method

archiving objects
  adopting Codable protocol
  encoding and archiving data
Array data type2nd
ASCII category, keyboards
ASO (App Store Optimization)
Aspect Fit mode
asset catalog
  adding app icons
  adding image sets
Asset Catalog editor
Assistant Editor2nd
atomic storage
atomically storing files
attributed strings
Attributes Inspector, Xcode
attributes, autoresizing
Augmented Reality Application template
auto layout approach
  in code
    automatic autoresizing constraints
    NSLayoutAnchor class
    NSLayoutConstraint class
    Visual Format Language
  in Interface Builder
    creating constraints, 2nd
    editing constraints
    priorities, 2nd
    resolving issues
  problem with
Auto Layout engine
auto layout errors
automatic adaption
Automatic Reference Counting.
    See ARC.
autoresizing approach (springs and struts)
  in code
  in Interface Builder
autoresizing masks
AVAudioEngine class
AVAudioSession class
AVFoundation framework, taking photos with
  detecting barcode
  setting up barcode detection view controller


background tasks2nd
background threads
backgroundColor property2nd
bar button items2nd
barcode detection
  detecting barcode
  setting up barcode detection view controller
BarcodeViewController class2nd3rd
Basic option, Build settings window
becomeFirstResponder method
beta testers, distributing apps to
  with TestFlight
BlockOperation class

Bookcase app
  removing test code
  repository in Xcode
BookCollectionViewCell class
BookManager class
books array
books record type2nd
BooksCollectionViewController class2nd3rd4th5th
BooksManager method
booksManager property2nd
BooksManager.swift file
BooksTableViewController method
bookToSave variable2nd3rd
bounds property
Breakpoint Navigator
breakpoints, pausing app with
bridged type
bridging header
broadcasting notifications
Build Phases tab, project settings
Bundle Resources category
bundled executable
  creating control actions


CALayer class
call stack2nd3rd4th
  AVFoundation framework, taking photos with
    barcode detection view controller
    detecting barcode
  image picker controller
    selecting photos from photo library with
    selecting photos from photo library with image picker controller
    taking photos with
canMoveRowAt method
capture session
captureOutput method
Carthage dependency manager, integrating SwiftyJSON with
carthage update command2nd3rd
CAShapeLayer class
CD (case diacritics)
cellForItemAt method2nd
cellForRowAt method
Cellular class
cgColor property
CGPath object
CGRect type2nd
changedSegment method2nd

cheat sheets
  control flow
Checkmark cell
CKAsset data type
CKErrorRetryAfterKey property
CKQuery object
CKQueryNotification object2nd
CKQuerySubscription class
CKRecord class
CKReference data type
CKSubscription class
class keyword2nd
  cheat sheets for
  computed properties
    pros and cons of
    instance methods
    overloading functions
    type (static) methods
    instance properties
    type (static) properties
  structures versus
    as value types
    choosing between
    memberwise initializers
CLLocation data type

  cheat sheets for
closures capture variables

  adding book records
  deleting book records
  loading book records
  managing errors
    notifying user of error
    record doesn’t exist
    resolving conflicts
    retrying operations
  refreshing data
  subscribing to changes
    adding remote notifications to app
    requesting database subscription
    updating data and user interface
  updating book records
  updating model
CloudKit JS
Cocoa Touch layer
Codable protocol2nd3rd

  adding labels in
  adding views in
  managing views in
code sharing
code signing
  checking certificates
  creating development provisioning profile
  creating iOS development signing certificate
  creating iOS distribution signing certificate
  signing certificates
Codegen attribute
CodingKeys enumerator
collection storage
collection view controller2nd3rd4th5th6th
collection views2nd
  adding search bar to
  creating custom collection cells
  creating second section
  displaying data in custom collection view cell
  implementing flow layout
  implementing flow layout delegate
collections, cheat sheets for
collectionView property
Combined option, Build settings window
comment out
commitEditingStyle method
Compile Sources phase2nd
compiler error
completion argument
complex shapes
compression artifacts
computed properties2nd
concurrent queues
Connections Inspector, connecting actions to text fields from
consistency of layout
constraint attributes
Constraint element, storyboard

  adding customizations to
  animating changes to by updating in completion
  animating changes to with layoutIfNeeded in animations closure
    in Add New Constraints menu
    in Align menu
    in canvas
    multiple in Add New Constraints menu
  resolving issues with
constraints variable
constraintsWithVisualFormat method
Contacts app
Content Hugging and Resistance priorities
Content Hugging Priorities
content, layouts and
contentInset property
ContentLayoutMachine structure
control-flow approaches
  cheat sheets for
  for-in loops
  switch statements
controllerDidChangeContent method
    creating control actions
  text fields
    connecting actions
    deleting connections
    keyboard types
convenience initializers
convert method2nd
convertToKm() method
convertToMiles() method2nd
Copy Bundle Resources phase
Core Animation, drawing with

Core Data
  adding managed objects
  creating data model
  fetching managed objects
  initial setup
  searching fetch requests
  sorting fetch requests
  updating and deleting managed objects
Core Graphics, drawing with
  creating star-rating view
  describing path
  drawing into graphics context
  drawing paths with UIBezierPath drawing methods
  overriding draw method
  rendering views in Interface Builder
  saving and restoring graphics state
Core Services layer
Covers tab bar, Attributes Inspector
coverToSave property2nd
crash logs
  crashes caused by actions
  crashes caused by outlets
Create a New Xcode Project option, Welcome to Xcode window
createDirectory method
Customized option, Build settings window
customizing UIViewController subclass
CustomStringConvertible protocol


data files, structured
data persistence
    preserving and restoring state
    preserving user preferences on device
    storing data locally
  setting up app
  storing data using CloudKit
    adding book records
    deleting book records
    loading book records
    managing errors
    refreshing data
    subscribing to changes
    updating book records
    updating model
  with ubiquitous key-value stores
data return, JSON
data source methods
data tasks
data tips, examining variables with
database subscriptions
  adding remote notifications to app
  requesting database subscription
  updating data and user interface
Date Picker control, UIKit
deactivated constraints
debug area2nd
debug bar, controlling app execution
debug gauges, debugging playback issues with
Debug Navigator
Debug View Hierarchy, debugging user interface with
  breakpoints, pausing app with
  controlling app execution using debug bar
  crash logs in console
    crashes caused by actions
    crashes caused by outlets
  debugging mode
  examining variables
    with data tips
    with lower-level debugger
    with Print Description button
    with print method
    with Quick Look technique
    with variables view
  playback issues
    debug gauges
  save problems
  user interface issues
    Debug View Hierarchy
    runtime issues
Decodable protocol
decodeRestorableStateWithCoder method
decrement operator
default autoresizing
default method
Default state, buttons
deinit() method2nd
delegate property2nd
delegation pattern2nd
delete method
deleteBookCloudKit method
dependency injection, sharing data between tabs
dependency managers
Deployment Target setting, General tab
deprecated APIs
dequeue cells
dequeueReusableCell method
description property2nd3rd
designated initializers
destinationViewController property
Detail cell
detail view controllers
detailTextLabel element
development team, Apple
device IDs
Device Orientation setting, General tab
device orientation, layouts and
device resolutions, layouts and
devices method
Dictionary data type
didFinishLaunchingWith-Options method
didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo method
didReceiveMemoryWarning() method2nd3rd
didReceiveRemoteNotification method2nd
didSet property2nd3rd
Disabled state, buttons
Disclosure cell
disclosure triangle2nd3rd
dismissMe method2nd
dispatch queue2nd
DispatchQueue syntax
displaying text
displayScale trait
Distance class2nd3rd4th
Distance structure2nd3rd
distributing apps
  Apple Developer Program
    code signing
    signing into Xcode
  iTunes Connect
    setting up apps in
    uploading build to
  to App Store
  to beta testers
    with TestFlight
do-catch statement2nd3rd4th5th6th
Document Based Application template
Document Outline, Xcode
Double data type
Double property
downcasting values
download tasks2nd3rd
draw method

  with Core Animation
  with Core Graphics
    creating star-rating view
    describing path
    drawing into graphics context
    drawing paths with UIBezierPath drawing methods
    overriding draw method
    rendering views in Interface Builder
    saving and restoring graphics state
drawing images
dynamic prototypes


editing outlet properties
editing-menu messages
editingChanged event
editor area, Xcode
ellipsis character
enabled property
Encodable protocol
encode method
encodeRestorableStateWithCoder method
endEditing method
endRefreshing method
Equatable protocol
error handling2nd
error management, in CloudKit
  notifying user of error
  record doesn’t exist
  resolving conflicts
  retrying operations
Error protocol
error variables
escaping closures
exception breakpoints
Exception domain keys
exclamation mark character2nd
executeUpdate method
Exit button, storyboard2nd
Explicit App IDs
  of protocols
  of types
  operator overloading
external testers
eye button


faded symbols
failed method
fetched properties
fetched results controller2nd
fetchRequest method
file categories
File Inspector, Xcode
File-private level, Swift
FileManager class
files, adding to project
fill method
fillEqually distribution
filter function
filteredBooks array
filtering data
  making objects equatable
  removing rows with filtered data
  updating rows with filtered data
Find Navigator
first property2nd
First Responder element, storyboard

first responders
  dismissing keyboard by resigning
  getting reference to
firstResponder property
flagged view
Float data type

flow layout
  implementing delegate
font property
for-in loops
forceTouchCapability trait
Foundation framework, Core Services layer
foundBarcode method2nd
frame vs. bounds
Frameworks and Libraries category
func keyword2nd

  cheat sheets for
  default parameter names
  modifying external parameter names
  omitting external parameter names


Game template
GCD tasks

gesture recognizers
  pan gesture
  pinch gesture
  rotate gesture
  tap gesture
Gesture Recognizers element, storyboard
getBook method2nd3rd4th5th
getColors method2nd
global concurrent queues
global variables2nd
goHyperspace method
Google Cloud
GoogleBooksService class2nd3rd4th5th6th7th
Graph Editor Style
  asset catalog
    adding app icons
    adding image sets
    selecting photos with image picker controller
    taking photos with AVFoundation
    taking photos with image picker controller
  drawing with Core Animation
  drawing with Core Graphics
    creating star-rating view
    describing path
    drawing into graphics context
    drawing paths with UIBezierPath drawing methods
    overriding draw method
    rendering views in Interface Builder
    saving and restoring graphics state
  launch screen, displaying
guard statements, unwrapping optionals with


handleRotate method
handleTap() method
Hardware menu
height size class
Hello World app
  creating project
    project options
  editing interface
    Document Outline
    Interface Builder
    Object Library
    view controllers and views
    in simulator
    on devices
help command
Help Inspector, Xcode

hierarchy of views
HIG (Human Interface Guidelines)2nd
higher-order functions
    converting functions to
  converting functions to
Highlighted state, buttons
hit testing2nd
horizontal constraints
horizontalSizeClass trait


@IBAction keyword2nd3rd
@IBDesignable attribute2nd
@IBOutlet keyword2nd
iCloud data persistence
  setting up app
  storing data using CloudKit
  with ubiquitous key-value stores
iCloud Documents service
icon grid, Apple
IDE (integrated development environment)
identity Inspector, Xcode
identity, signing
if block
if statement2nd
Image item, Attributes Inspector

image picker controller
  selecting photos from photo library
  taking photos with
    adding camera button
    ensuring camera is available
    requesting permission to use camera
    taking photo
image property2nd

image sets
  adding app icons
image variable
images, drawing
imageView element
iMessage Application template
in keyword
In-App purchases
increment operator
IndexPath parameter
Info.plist file2nd
init() method2nd3rd4th5th6th7th

inject method
Injectable protocol
inout keyword
inout variable
insertArrangedSubview method
inspectors, Xcode
  Attributes Inspector
  Connections Inspector
  File Inspector
  Help Inspector
  identity Inspector
  Size Inspector
installed constraints
instance methods
instance properties
InstructionFactory structure
instruments, debugging playback issues with
Int enumerations
Int property
Int value

Interface Builder
  auto layout approach in
    creating constraints, 2nd
    editing constraints
    priorities, 2nd
    resolving issues
  autoresizing approach in
  connecting actions to text fields from
  managing views in
    connecting views to outlets
    editing outlet properties
  rendering views in
  size classes in
    adding customizations to attributes
    adding customizations to constraints
    adding customizations to installed attributes
    varying for traits
    varying layout
  stack views in
Internal level, Swift
internal testers
intersection method
interval matching
intrinsic content size2nd3rd
intrinsicContentSize property2nd
iOS Development certificate
iOS Distribution certificate
iOS Frameworks
iOS Human Interface Guidelines
isEnabled property
isFirstResponder() method
isHidden property2nd
isSourceTypeAvailable method
Issue Navigator

iTunes Connect
  setting up apps in
  uploading build to
iTunes Connect Users tab, iTunes Connect


JSON data parsing
  with JSONDecoder class
  with JSONSerialization class
  with SwiftyJSON class
JSONDecoder class, parsing JSON data with
JSONSerialization class2nd3rd
jump bar, Assistant Editor


Key-value Storage service
  animating views from under
  covering text fields
    by resigning first responder
    detecting Return key tap to dismiss
    detecting touches to dismiss
    calculating offset to animate
    extracting keyboard information from
    getting reference to first responder
    keyboard frame change notification
keyboard frame change notifications
keyboardFrameChanges method2nd

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