Training a decision tree classifier

The DecisionTreeClassifier class works by creating a tree structure, where each node corresponds to a feature name and the branches correspond to the feature values. Tracing down the branches, you get to the leaves of the tree, which are the classification labels.

How to do it...

Using the same train_feats and test_feats variables we created from the movie_reviews corpus in the previous recipe, we can call the DecisionTreeClassifier.train() class method to get a trained classifier. We pass binary=True because all of our features are binary: either the word is present or it's not. For other classification use cases where you have multivalued features, you will want to stick to the default binary=False.


In this context, binary refers to feature values, and is not to be confused with a binary classifier. Our word features are binary because the value is either True or the word is not present. If our features could take more than two values, we would have to use binary=False. A binary classifier, on the other hand, is a classifier that only chooses between two labels. In our case, we are training a binary DecisionTreeClassifier on binary features. But it's also possible to have a binary classifier with non-binary features, or a non-binary classifier with binary features.

The following is the code for training and evaluating the accuracy of a DecisionTreeClassifier class:

>>> from nltk.classify import DecisionTreeClassifier
>>> dt_classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier.train(train_feats, binary=True, entropy_cutoff=0.8, depth_cutoff=5, support_cutoff=30)
>>> accuracy(dt_classifier, test_feats)

The DecisionTreeClassifier class can take much longer to train than the NaiveBayesClassifier class. For that reason, I have overridden the default parameters so it trains faster. These parameters will be explained later.

How it works...

The DecisionTreeClassifier class, like the NaiveBayesClassifier class, is also an instance of ClassifierI, as shown in the following diagram:

How it works...

During training, the DecisionTreeClassifier class creates a tree where the child nodes are also instances of DecisionTreeClassifier. The leaf nodes contain only a single label, while the intermediate child nodes contain decision mappings for each feature. These decisions map each feature value to another DecisionTreeClassifier, which itself may contain decisions for another feature, or it may be a final leaf node with a classification label. The train() class method builds this tree from the ground up, starting with the leaf nodes. It then refines itself to minimize the number of decisions needed to get to a label by putting the most informative features at the top.

To classify, the DecisionTreeClassifier class looks at the given feature set and traces down the tree, using known feature names and values to make decisions. Because we are creating a binary tree, each DecisionTreeClassifier instance also has a default decision tree, which it uses when a known feature is not present in the feature set being classified. This is a common occurrence in text-based feature sets, and indicates that a known word was not in the text being classified. This also contributes information towards a classification decision.

There's more...

The parameters passed into DecisionTreeClassifier.train() can be tweaked to improve accuracy or decrease training time. Generally, if you want to improve accuracy, you must accept a longer training time and if you want to decrease the training time, the accuracy will most likely decrease as well. But be careful not to optimize for accuracy too much. A really high accuracy may indicate overfitting, which means the classifier will be excellent at classifying the training data, but not so good on data it has never seen. See for more on this concept.

Controlling uncertainty with entropy_cutoff

Entropy is the uncertainty of the outcome. As entropy approaches 1.0, uncertainty increases. Conversely, as entropy approaches 0.0, uncertainty decreases. In other words, when you have similar probabilities, the entropy will be high as each probability has a similar likelihood (or uncertainty of occurrence). But the more the probabilities differ, the lower the entropy will be.

The entropy_cutoff value is used during the tree refinement process. The tree refinement process is how the decision tree decides to create new branches. If the entropy of the probability distribution of label choices in the tree is greater than the entropy_cutoff value, then the tree is refined further by creating more branches. But if the entropy is lower than the entropy_cutoff value, then tree refinement is halted.

Entropy is calculated by giving nltk.probability.entropy() a MLEProbDist value created from a FreqDist of label counts. Here's an example showing the entropy of various FreqDist values. The value of 'pos' is kept at 30, while the value of 'neg' is manipulated to show that when 'neg' is close to 'pos', entropy increases, but when it is closer to 1, entropy decreases:

>>> from nltk.probability import FreqDist, MLEProbDist, entropy
>>> fd = FreqDist({'pos': 30, 'neg': 10})
>>> entropy(MLEProbDist(fd))
>>> fd['neg'] = 25
>>> entropy(MLEProbDist(fd))
>>> fd['neg'] = 30
>>> entropy(MLEProbDist(fd))
>>> fd['neg'] = 1
>>> entropy(MLEProbDist(fd))

What this all means is that if the label occurrence is very skewed one way or the other, the tree doesn't need to be refined because entropy/uncertainty is low. But when the entropy is greater than entropy_cutoff, then the tree must be refined with further decisions to reduce the uncertainty. Higher values of entropy_cutoff will decrease both accuracy and training time.

Controlling tree depth with depth_cutoff

The depth_cutoff value is also used during refinement to control the depth of the tree. The final decision tree will never be deeper than the depth_cutoff value. The default value is 100, which means that classification may require up to 100 decisions before reaching a leaf node. Decreasing the depth_cutoff value will decrease the training time and most likely decrease the accuracy as well.

Controlling decisions with support_cutoff

The support_cutoff value controls how many labeled feature sets are required to refine the tree. As the DecisionTreeClassifier class refines itself, labeled feature sets are eliminated once they no longer provide value to the training process. When the number of labeled feature sets is less than or equal to support_cutoff, refinement stops, at least for that section of the tree.

Another way to look at it is that support_cutoff specifies the minimum number of instances that are required to make a decision about a feature. If support_cutoff is 20, and you have less than 20 labeled feature sets with a given feature, then you don't have enough instances to make a good decision, and refinement around that feature must come to a stop.

See also

The previous recipe covered the creation of training and test feature sets from the movie_reviews corpus. In the next recipe, we will cover training a MaxentClassifier class, and in the Measuring precision and recall of a classifier recipe in this chapter, we will use precision and recall to evaluate all the classifiers.

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