Diving into NLTK

Instead of going further into the theoretical aspects of natural language processing, let's start with a quick dive into NLTK. I am going to start with some basic example use cases of NLTK. There is a good chance that you have already done something similar. First, I will give a typical Python programmer approach, and then move on to NLTK for a much more efficient, robust, and clean solution.

We will start analyzing with some example text content. For the current example, I have taken the content from Python's home page.

>>>import urllib2
>>># urllib2 is use to download the html content of the web link
>>>response = urllib2.urlopen('http://python.org/')
>>># You can read the entire content of a file using read() method
>>>html = response.read()
>>>print len(html)

We don't have any clue about the kind of topics that are discussed in this URL, so let's start with an exploratory data analysis (EDA). Typically in a text domain, EDA can have many meanings, but will go with a simple case of what kinds of terms dominate the document. What are the topics? How frequent they are? The process will involve some level of preprocessing steps. We will try to do this first in a pure Python way, and then we will do it using NLTK.

Let's start with cleaning the html tags. One ways to do this is to select just the tokens, including numbers and character. Anybody who has worked with regular expression should be able to convert html string into list of tokens:

>>># Regular expression based split the string
>>>tokens = [tok for tok in html.split()]
>>>print "Total no of tokens :"+ str(len(tokens))
>>># First 100 tokens
>>>print tokens[0:100]
Total no of tokens :2860
['<!doctype', 'html>', '<!--[if', 'lt', 'IE', '7]>', '<html', 'class="no-js', 'ie6', 'lt-ie7', 'lt-ie8', 'lt-ie9">', '<![endif]-->', '<!--[if', 'IE', '7]>', '<html', 'class="no-js', 'ie7', 'lt-ie8', 'lt-ie9">', '<![endif]-->', ''type="text/css"', 'media="not', 'print,', 'braille,' ...]

As you can see, there is an excess of html tags and other unwanted characters when we use the preceding method. A cleaner version of the same task will look something like this:

>>>import re
>>># using the split function
>>>tokens = re.split('W+',html)
>>>print len(tokens)
>>>print tokens[0:100]
['', 'doctype', 'html', 'if', 'lt', 'IE', '7', 'html', 'class', 'no', 'js', 'ie6', 'lt', 'ie7', 'lt', 'ie8', 'lt', 'ie9', 'endif', 'if', 'IE', '7', 'html', 'class', 'no', 'js', 'ie7', 'lt', 'ie8', 'lt', 'ie9', 'endif', 'if', 'IE', '8', 'msapplication', 'tooltip', 'content', 'The', 'official', 'home', 'of', 'the', 'Python', 'Programming', 'Language', 'meta', 'name', 'apple' ...]

This looks much cleaner now. But still you can do more; I leave it to you to try to remove as much noise as you can. You can clean some HTML tags that are still popping up, You probably also want to look for word length as a criteria and remove words that have a length one—it will remove elements like 7, 8, and so on, which are just noise in this case. Now instead writing some of these preprocessing steps from scratch let's move to NLTK for the same task. There is a function called clean_html() that can do all the cleaning that we were looking for:

>>>import nltk
>>># http://www.nltk.org/api/nltk.html#nltk.util.clean_html
>>>clean = nltk.clean_html(html)
>>># clean will have entire string removing all the html noise
>>>tokens = [tok for tok in clean.split()]
>>>print tokens[:100]
['Welcome', 'to', 'Python.org', 'Skip', 'to', 'content', '&#9660;', 'Close', 'Python', 'PSF', 'Docs', 'PyPI', 'Jobs', 'Community', '&#9650;', 'The', 'Python', 'Network', '&equiv;', 'Menu', 'Arts', 'Business' ...]

Cool, right? This definitely is much cleaner and easier to do.

Let's try to get the frequency distribution of these terms. First, let's do it the Pure Python way, then I will tell you the NLTK recipe.

>>>import operator
>>>for tok in tokens:
>>>    if tok in freq_dis:
>>>        freq_dis[tok]+=1
>>>    else:
>>>        freq_dis[tok]=1
>>># We want to sort this dictionary on values ( freq in this case )
>>>sorted_freq_dist= sorted(freq_dis.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
>>> print sorted_freq_dist[:25]
[('Python', 55), ('>>>', 23), ('and', 21), ('to', 18), (',', 18), ('the', 14), ('of', 13), ('for', 12), ('a', 11), ('Events', 11), ('News', 11), ('is', 10), ('2014-', 10), ('More', 9), ('#', 9), ('3', 9), ('=', 8), ('in', 8), ('with', 8), ('Community', 7), ('The', 7), ('Docs', 6), ('Software', 6), (':', 6), ('3:', 5), ('that', 5), ('sum', 5)]

Naturally, as this is Python's home page, Python and the (>>>) interpreter symbol are the most common terms, also giving a sense of the website.

A better and more efficient approach is to use NLTK's FreqDist() function. For this, we will take a look at the same code we developed before:

>>>import nltk
>>>print Freq_dist_nltk
>>>for k,v in Freq_dist_nltk.items():
>>>    print str(k)+':'+str(v)
<FreqDist: 'Python': 55, '>>>': 23, 'and': 21, ',': 18, 'to': 18, 'the': 14, 'of': 13, 'for': 12, 'Events': 11, 'News': 11, ...>


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Let's now do some more funky things. Let's plot this:

>>>Freq_dist_nltk.plot(50, cumulative=False)
>>># below is the plot for the frequency distributions
Diving into NLTK

We can see that the cumulative frequency is growing, and at some point the curve is going into long tail. Still, there is some noise, there are words like the, of, for, and =. These are useless words, and there is a terminology for them. These words are stop words; words like the, a, an, and so on. Article pronouns are generally present in most of the documents, hence they are not discriminative enough to be informative. In most of the NLP and information retrieval tasks, people generally remove stop words. Let's go back again to our running example:

>>>stopwords=[word.strip().lower() for word in open("PATH/english.stop.txt")]
>>>clean_tokens=[tok for tok in tokens if len(tok.lower())>1 and (tok.lower() not in stopwords)]
>>>Freq_dist_nltk.plot(50, cumulative=False)
Diving into NLTK


Please go to http://www.wordle.net/advanced for more word clouds.

Looks much cleaner now! After finishing this much, you can go to wordle and put the distribution in a form of a CSV and you should be able to get something like this word cloud:

Diving into NLTK
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