
Once we have the entire corpus in the form of lists, we need to perform some form of sampling. Typically, the way to sample the entire corpus in development train sets, dev-test sets, and test sets is similar to the sampling shown in the following figure.

The idea behind the whole exercise is to avoid overfitting. If we feed all the data points to the model, then the algorithm will learn from the entire corpus, but the real test of these algorithms is to perform on unseen data. In very simplistic terms, if we are using the entire data in the model learning process the classifier will perform very good on this data, but it will not be robust. The reason being, we have to tune it to perform the best on the given data, but it doesn't learn how to deal with unknown data.


To solve this kind of a problem, the best way is to divide the entire corpus into two major sets. The development set and test set are kept away for the modeling exercise. We just use the dev set to build and tune the model. Once we are done with the entire modeling exercise, the results are projected based on the test set that we put aside. Now, if the model performs well on this set, we are sure that it's accurate and robust for any new data sample.

Sampling itself is a very complicated and well-researched stream in the machine learning community, and it's a remedy for many data skewness and overfitting issues. For simplicity, will use the basic sampling, where we just divide the corpus into a split of 70:30:

>>>trainset_size = int(round(len(sms_data)*0.70))
>>># i chose this threshold for 70:30 train and test split.
>>>print 'The training set size for this classifier is ' + str(trainset_size) + '
>>>x_train = np.array([''.join(el) for el in sms_data[0:trainset_size]])
>>>y_train = np.array([el for el in sms_labels[0:trainset_size]])
>>>x_test = np.array([''.join(el) for el in sms_data[trainset_size+1:len(sms_data)]])
>>>y_test = np.array([el for el in sms_labels[trainset_size+1:len(sms_labels)]])or el in sms_labels[trainset_size+1:len(sms_labels)]])
>>>print x_train
>>>print y_train
  • So what do you think will happen if we use the entire data as training data?
  • What will happen when we have a very unbalanced sample?


To understand more about the available sampling techniques, go through

Let's jump to one of the most important things, where we transform the entire text into a vector form. The form is referred to as the term-document matrix. If we have to create a term-document matrix for the given example, it will look somewhat like this:








































The representation here of the text document is also known as the BOW (Bag of Word) representation. This is one of the most commonly used representation in text mining and other applications. Essentially, we are not considering any context between the words to generate this kind of representation.

To generate a similar term-document matrix in Python, we use scikit vectorizers:

>>>from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
>>>sms_exp=[ ]
>>>for line in sms_list:
>>>	sms_exp.append(preprocessing(line[1]))
>>>vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=1)
>>>X_exp = vectorizer.fit_transform(sms_exp)
>>>print "||".join(vectorizer.get_feature_names())
>>>print X_exp.toarray()
array([[    1,    0,    1,    1,    1,    0,    0,    1,    2,    0,    1,    0,    1,    3,    1,    0,    0,    0,    1,    0,    0,    2,    0,    0], [    0,    1,    0,    0,    0,    1,    1,    0,    0,    1,    0,    1,    0,    0,    0,    1,    1,    1,    0,    1,    1,    0,    1,    1,    ]])

The count vectorizer is a good start, but there is an issue that you will face while using it: longer documents will have higher average count values than shorter documents, even though they might talk about the same topics.


To avoid these potential discrepancies, it suffices to divide the number of occurrences of each word in a document by the total number of words in the document. This new feature is called tf (Term frequencies).

Another refinement on top of tf is to downscale weights for words that occur in many documents in the corpus, and are therefore less informative than those that occur only in a smaller portion of the corpus.

This downscaling is called tf–idf (term frequency–inverse document frequency). Fortunately, scikit also provides a way to achieve the following:

>>>from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
>>>vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=2, ngram_range=(1, 2),  stop_
words='english',  strip_accents='unicode',  norm='l2')
>>>X_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(x_train)
>>>X_test = vectorizer.transform(x_test)

We now have the text in a matrix format the same as we have in any machine learning exercise. Now, X_train and X_test can be used for classification using any machine learning algorithm. Let's talk about some of the most commonly used machine learning algorithms in context of text classification.

Naive Bayes

Let's build your first text classifier. Let's start with a Naive Bayes classifier. Naive Bayes relies on the Bayes algorithm and essentially, is a model of assigning a class label to the sample based on the conditional probability class given by features/attributes. Here we deal with frequencies/bernoulli to estimate prior and posterior probabilities.

Naive Bayes

The naive assumption here is that all features are independent of each other, which looks counter intuitive in the case of text. However, surprisingly, Naive Bayes performs quite well in most of the real-world use cases.

Another great thing about NB is that it's too simple and very easy to implement and score. We need to store the frequencies and calculate the probabilities. It's really fast in case of training as well as test (scoring). For all these reasons, in most of the cases of text classification, it serves as a benchmark.

Let's write some code to achieve this classifier:

>>>from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
>>>clf = MultinomialNB().fit(X_train, y_train)
>>>y_nb_predicted = clf.predict(X_test)
>>>print y_nb_predicted
>>>print ' 
>>>cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
>>>print cm
>>>print '
 Here is the classification report:'
>>>print classification_report(y_test, y_nb_predicted)
confusion_matrix [[1205 5] 
                  [26 156]]
Naive Bayes

The way to read the confusion matrix is that from all the 1,392 samples in the test set, there were 1205 true positives and 156 true negative cases. However, we also predicted 5 false negatives and 26 false positives. There are different ways of measuring a typical binary classification.

We have given definitions of some of the most common measures used in classification measures:

Naive Bayes

Here is the classification report:

              Precision      recall      f1-score     support
ham           0.97           1.00        0.98         1210
spam          1.00           0.77        0.87         182
avg / total   0.97           0.97        0.97         1392

With the preceding definition, we can now understand the results clearly. So, effectively, all the preceding metrics look good, which means that our classifier is performing accurately, and is robust. I would highly recommend that you look into the module metrics for more options to analyze the results of the classifier. The most important and balanced metric is the f1 measure (which is nothing but the harmonic mean of precision and recall), which is used widely because it gives a better picture of the coverage and the quality of the classification algorithms. Accuracy intuitively tells us how many true samples have been covered from all the samples. Precision and recall both have significance, while precision talks about how many true positives it got and what else got covered, hand recall gives us details about how accurate we are from the pool of true positives and false negatives.


For more information on various scikit classes visit the following link:

The other more important process we follow to understand our model is to really look deep into the model by looking at the actual features that contribute to the positive and negative classes. I just wrote a very small snippet to generate the top n features and print them. Let's have a look at them:

>>>feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
>>>coefs = clf.coef_
>>>intercept = clf.intercept_
>>>coefs_with_fns = sorted(zip(clf.coef_[0], feature_names))
>>>n = 10
>>>top = zip(coefs_with_fns[:n], coefs_with_fns[:-(n + 1):-1])
>>>for (coef_1, fn_1), (coef_2, fn_2) in top:
>>>    print('	%.4f	%-15s		%.4f	%-15s' % (coef_1, fn_1, coef_2, fn_2))
-9.1602    10 den                 -6.0396    free               -9.1602    15                     -6.3487    txt                -9.1602    1hr                    -6.5067    text               -9.1602    1st ur                 -6.5393    claim              -9.1602    2go                    -6.5681    reply              -9.1602    2marrow                -6.5808    mobile             -9.1602    2morrow                -6.5858    stop               -9.1602    2mrw                   -6.6124    ur                 -9.1602    2nd innings            -6.6245    prize              -9.1602    2nd ur                 -6.7856    www

In the preceding code, I just read all the feature names from the vectorizer, got the coefficients related to the given feature, and then printed the first-10 features. If you want more features, just modify the value of n. If we look closely just at the features, we get a lot of information about the model as well as more suggestions about our feature selection and other parameters, such as preprocessing, unigrams/bigrams, stemming, tokenizations, and so on. For example, if you look at the top features of ham you can see that 2morrow, 2nd innings, and some of the digits are coming very significantly. We can see on the positive class (spam ) term "free" comes out a very significant term which is intuitive while many spam messages will be about some free offers and deal. Some of the other terms to note are prize, www, claim.

Decision trees

Decision trees are one of the oldest predictive modeling techniques, where for the given features and target, the algorithm tries to build a logic tree. There are multiple algorithms that exist for decision trees. One of the most famous and widely used algorithm is CART.

CART constructs binary trees using this feature, and constructs a threshold that yields the large amount of information from each node. Let's write the code to get a CART classifier:

>>>from sklearn import tree
>>>clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier().fit(X_train.toarray(), y_train)
>>>y_tree_predicted = clf.predict(X_test.toarray())
>>>print y_tree_predicted
>>>print ' 
 Here is the classification report:'
>>>print classification_report(y_test, y_tree_predicted)

The only difference is in the input format of the training set. We need to modify the sparse matrix format to a NumPy array because the scikit tree module takes only a NumPy array.

Generally, trees are good when the number of features are very less. So, although our results look good here, people hardly use trees in text classification. On the other hand, trees have some really positive sides to them. It is still one the most intuitive algorithms and is very easy to explain and implement. There are many implementations of tree-based algorithms, such as ID3, C4.5, and C5. scikit-learn uses an optimized version of the CART algorithm.

Stochastic gradient descent

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a simple, yet very efficient approach that fits linear models. It is particularly useful when the number of samples (and the number of features) is very large. If you follow the cheat sheet, you will find SGD to be the one-stop solution for many text classification problems. Since it also takes care of regularization and provides different losses, it turns out to be a great choice when experimenting with linear models.

SGD, also known as Maximum entropy (MaxEnt), provides functionality to fit linear models for classification and regression using different (convex) loss functions and penalties. For example, with loss = log, fits a logistic regression model, while with loss = hinge, it fits a linear support vector machine (SVM).

An example of SGD is as follows:

>>>from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
>>>from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
>>>clf = SGDClassifier(alpha=.0001, n_iter=50).fit(X_train, y_train)
>>>y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)
>>>print '
 Here is the classification report:'
>>>print classification_report(y_test, y_pred)
>>>print ' 
>>>cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
>>>print cm

Here is the classification report:

             precision    recall    f1-score   support
ham          0.99         1.00      0.99       1210
spam         0.96         0.91      0.93       182
avg / total  0.98         0.98      0.98       1392

Most informative features:

    -1.0002    sir                    2.3815    ringtoneking   
    -0.5239    bed                    2.0481    filthy         
    -0.4763    said                   1.8576    service        
    -0.4763    happy                  1.7623    story          
    -0.4763    might                  1.6671    txt            
    -0.4287    added                  1.5242    new            
    -0.4287    list                   1.4765    ringtone       
    -0.4287    morning                1.3813    reply          
    -0.4287    always                 1.3337    message        
    -0.4287    and                    1.2860    call           
    -0.4287    plz                    1.2384    chat           
    -0.3810    people                 1.1908    text           
    -0.3810    actually               1.1908    real           
    -0.3810    urgnt                  1.1431    video

Logistic regression

Logistic regression is a linear model for classification. It's also known in the literature as logit regression, maximum-entropy classification (MaxEnt), or the log-linear classifier. In this model, the probabilities describing the possible outcomes of a single trial are modeled using a logit function.

As an optimization problem, the L2 binary class' penalized logistic regression minimizes the following cost function:

Logistic regression

Similarly, L1 the binary class' regularized logistic regression solves the following optimization problem:

Logistic regression

Support vector machines

Support vector machines (SVM) is currently the-state-of-art algorithm in the field of machine learning.

SVM is a non-probabilistic classifier. SVM constructs a set of hyperplanes in an infinite-dimensional space, which can be used for classification, regression, or other tasks. Intuitively, a good separation is achieved by a hyperplane that has the largest distance to the nearest training data point of any class (the so-called functional margin), since in general, the larger the margin, the lower the size of classifier.

Let's build one of the most sophisticated supervised learning algorithms with scikit:

>>>from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
>>>svm_classifier = LinearSVC().fit(X_train, y_train)
>>>y_svm_predicted = svm_classifier.predict(X_test)
>>>print '
 Here is the classification report:'
>>>print classification_report(y_test, y_svm_predicted)
>>>cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
>>>print cm

Here is the classification report for the same:

             precision    recall  f1-score   support
        ham       0.99      1.00      0.99      1210
       spam       0.97      0.90      0.93       182
avg / total       0.98      0.98      0.98      1392

confusion_matrix  [[1204    6] [  17  165]]

The most informative features:

    -0.9657    road                   2.3724    txt            
    -0.7493    mail                   2.0720    claim          
    -0.6701    morning                2.0451    service        
    -0.6691    home                   2.0008    uk             
    -0.6191    executive              1.7909    150p           
    -0.5984    said                   1.7374    www            
    -0.5978    lol                    1.6997    mobile         
    -0.5876    kate                   1.6736    50             
    -0.5754    got                    1.5882    ringtone       
    -0.5642    darlin                 1.5629    video          
    -0.5613    fullonsms              1.4816    tone           
    -0.5613    fullonsms com          1.4237    prize

These are definitely the best results so far from all the supervised algorithms we have tried. Now with this, I will stop with supervised classifiers. There are millions of books available related to the different machine learning algorithms; even for individual algorithms, there are many books that are available for you. I would highly recommend you to have a deep understanding of any of the preceding algorithms before you use them for any of the real-world applications.

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