Data extraction

Some of the most commonly used fields of interest in data extraction are:

  • text: This is the content of the tweet provided by the user
  • user: These are some of the main attributes about the user, such as username, location, and photos
  • Place: This is where the tweets are posted, and also the geo coordinates
  • Entities: Effectively, these are the hashtags and topics that a user attaches to his / her tweets

Every attribute in the previous figure can be a good use case for some of the social mining exercises done in practice. Let's jump onto the topic of how we can get to these attributes and convert them to a more readable form, or how we can process some of these:


>>>import json
>>>import sys
>>>tweets = json.loads(open(sys.argv[1]).read())

>>>tweet_texts = [ tweet['text']
                               for tweet in tweets ]
>>>tweet_source = [tweet ['source'] for tweet in tweets]
>>>tweet_geo = [tweet['geo'] for tweet in tweets]
>>>tweet_locations = [tweet['place'] for tweet in tweets]
>>>hashtags = [ hashtag['text'] for tweet in tweets for hashtag in tweet['entities']['hashtags'] ]
>>>print tweet_texts
>>>print tweet_locations
>>>print tweet_geo
>>>print hashtags

The output of the preceding code will give you, as expected, four lists in which all the tweet content is in tweet_texts and the location of the tweets and hashtags.


In the code, we are just loading a JSON output generated using json.loads(). I would recommend you to use an online tool such as Json Parser ( to get an idea of what your JSON looks like and what are its attributes (key and value).

Next, if you look, there are different levels in the JSON, where some of the attributes such as text have a direct value, while some of them have more nested information. This is the reason you see, where when we are looking at hashtags, we have to iterate one more level, while in case of text, we just fetch the values. Since our file actually has a list of tweets, we have to iterate that list to get all the tweets, while each tweet object will look like the example tweet structure.

Trending topics

Now, if we look for trending topics in this kind of a setup. One of the simplest ways to find them could be to look for frequency distribution of words across tweets. We already have a list of tweet_text that contains the tweets:

>>>import nltk
>>>from nltk import word_tokenize,sent_tokenize
>>>from nltk import FreqDist
>>>tweets_tokens = []

>>>for tweet in tweet_text:
>>>    tweets_tokens.append(word_tokenize(tweet))

>>>Topic_distribution = nltk.FreqDist(tweets_tokens)
>>>Freq_dist_nltk.plot(50, cumulative=False)

One other more complex way of doing this could be the use of the part of speech tagger that you learned in Chapter 3, Part of Speech Tagging. The theory is that most of the time, topics will be nouns or entities. So, the same exercise can be done like this. In the preceding code, we read every tweet and tokenize it, and then use POS as a filter to only select nouns as topics:

>>>import nltk
>>>Topics = []
>>>for tweet in tweet_text:
>>>    tagged = nltk.pos_tag(word_tokenize(tweet))
>>>    Topics_token = [word for word,pos in ] in tagged if pos in ['NN','NNP']
>>>    print Topics_token

If we want to see a much cooler example, we can gather tweets across time and then generate plots. This will give us a very clear idea of the trending topics. For example, the data we are looking for is "Apple Watch". This word should peak on the day when Apple launched Apple Watch and the day they started selling it. However, it will be interesting to see what kind of topics emerged apart from those, and how they trended over time.

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