
Stemming, in literal terms, is the process of cutting down the branches of a tree to its stem. So effectively, with the use of some basic rules, any token can be cut down to its stem. Stemming is more of a crude rule-based process by which we want to club together different variations of the token. For example, the word eat will have variations like eating, eaten, eats, and so on. In some applications, as it does not make sense to differentiate between eat and eaten, we typically use stemming to club both grammatical variances to the root of the word. While stemming is used most of the time for its simplicity, there are cases of complex language or complex NLP tasks where it's necessary to use lemmatization instead. Lemmatization is a more robust and methodical way of combining grammatical variations to the root of a word.

In the following snippet, we show a few stemmers:

>>>from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer # import Porter stemmer
>>>from import LancasterStemmer
>>>from nltk.stem.Snowball import SnowballStemmer
>>>pst = PorterStemmer()   # create obj of the PorterStemmer
>>>lst = LancasterStemmer() # create obj of LancasterStemmer

A basic rule-based stemmer, like removing –s/es or -ing or -ed can give you a precision of more than 70 percent, while Porter stemmer also uses more rules and can achieve very good accuracies.

We are creating different stemmer objects, and applying a stem() method on the string. As you can see, there is not much of a difference when you look at a simple example, however there are many stemming algorithms around, and the precision and performance of them differ. You may want to have a look at for more details. I have used Porter Stemmer most often, and if you are working with English, it's good enough. There is a family of Snowball stemmers that can be used for Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, and so on. I also came across a light weight stemmer for Hindi on


I would suggest a study of all the stemmers for those who want to explore more about stemmers on

But most users can live with Porter and Snowball stemmer for a large number of use cases. In modern NLP applications, sometimes people even ignore stemming as a pre-processing step, so it typically depends on your domain and application. I would also like to tell you the fact that if you want to use some NLP taggers, like Part of Speech tagger (POS), NER or dependency parser, you should avoid stemming, because stemming will modify the token and this can result in a different result. We will go into this further when we talk about taggers in general.

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