
In this chapter we talked about all the data wrangling/munging in the context of text. We went through some of the most common data sources, and how to parse them with Python packages. We talked about tokenization in depth, from a very basic string method to a custom regular expression based tokenizer.

We talked about stemming and lemmatization, and the various types of stemmers that can be used, as well as the pros and cons of each of them. We also discussed the stop word removal process, why it's important, when to remove stop words, and when it's not needed. We also briefly touched upon removing rare words and why it's important in text cleansing—both stop word and rare word removal are essentially removing outliers from the frequency distribution. We also referred to spell correction. There is no limit to what you can do with text wrangling and text cleansing. Every text corpus has new challenges, and a new kind of noise that needs to be removed. You will get to learn over time what kind of pre-processing works best for your corpus, and what can be ignored.

In the next chapter will see some of the NLP related pre-processing, like POS tagging, chunking, and NER. I am leaving answers or hints for some of the open questions that we asked in the chapter.

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