Chapter 5. NLP Applications

This chapter discusses NLP applications. Here, we will put all the learning from the previous chapters into action and will see what kind of application can be developed using the concepts we have learned. This will be a complete hands-on chapter. In the last few chapters we have learned most of the preprocessing steps that are required for any NLP application. We know how to use tokenizer, POS tag, and NER and how to perform parsing. This chapter will give you an idea how we can developed some of the complex NLP application using the concepts we have learned.

There are so many applications of NLP in the real world. Some of the most exciting and common examples you can observe are Google Search, Siri, machine translation, Google News, Jeopardy, and spell check. Some of these took many years for researchers to reach this level and bring these applications to their current state. NLP is complicated too; we have seen in the previous chapters that most of the processing steps, such as POS and NER, are still research problems. But with the use of NLTK, we have solved many of these problems with reasonable accuracy. We will not cover the more sophisticated applications such as machine translation or speech recognition in this book. But at this point in time, you should have enough background knowledge to understand some of the basic blocks of these applications. As a NLP enthusiast we should have a basic understanding of these NLP applications. I urge you to try and look for some of these NLP applications on the web and try to understand them.

By the end of this chapter :

  • We will introduce reader to few common NLP applications.
  • We will develop a NLP application (News summarizer) using what we have learnt so far.
  • The importance of different NLP applications and essential details about each of them.

Building your first NLP application

Let's start with one of the very complex NLP applications, which is summarization. The concept of summarization is quite simple. We are given an article/passage/story and you will have to generate a summary of the content automatically. Summarization actually requires deep knowledge of NLP because we need to understand not just the structure of the sentence but also the structure of the entire text. We also need to know about genre of the text and the theme of the content.

Since it all looks very complex to us, let's try a very intuitive approach. We will assume that summarization is nothing but ranking of the sentences based on their importance and significance to you. We will create a few rules based on the understanding and the preprocessing tools we have learned so far and will try to come up with an acceptable summary of the news article.

I have scraped an article from the New York Times in a text file nyt.txt, in the following example. The idea here is to summarize this news article for us. Let's build a version of Google News for our personal use.

To start off, we need to keep in mind that, typically, a sentence that has more entities and nouns has greater importance than other sentences. We will try to normalize the same logic while calculating an importance score, using the following code. To get the top-n sentence, we can choose a threshold for the importance score.

Let's read the content of the news article. You can choose any news article with only contents of the news dumped into a text file. The content will look like this:

>>>import sys
""" President Obama on Monday will ban the federal provision of some types of military-style equipment to local police departments and sharply restrict the availability of others, administration officials said.

The ban is part of Mr. Obama's push to ease tensions between law enforcement and minority communities in reaction to the crises in Baltimore; Ferguson, Mo.; and other cities.
- - -
blic." It contains dozens of recommendations for agencies throughout the country."""

Once we parse the contents of the news we will need to split the entire news article into a list of sentences. We will go back to our old sentence tokenizer to break the entire news snippet into sentences. Let's also provide some form of sentence number so that we can identify and rank a sentence. Once we have the sentence, we will pass it through a word tokenizer and eventually through the NER tagger and POS tagger.

>>>import nltk
>>>for sent_no,sentence in enumerate(nltk.sent_tokenize(news_content)):
>>>    no_of_tokens=len(nltk.word_tokenize(sentence))
>>>    #print no_of_toekns
>>>    # Let's do POS tagging
>>>    tagged=nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(sentence))
>>>    # Count the no of Nouns in the sentence
>>>    no_of_nouns=len([word for word,pos in tagged if pos in ["NN","NNP"] ])
>>>    #Use NER to tag the named entities.
>>>    ners=nltk.ne_chunk(nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)), binary=False)
>>>    no_of_ners= len([chunk for chunk in ners if hasattr(chunk, 'node')])
>>>    score=(no_of_ners+no_of_nouns)/float(no_of_toekns)
>>>    results.append((sent_no,no_of_tokens,no_of_ners,

In the preceding code, we are iterating over a list of sentences calculating a score based on a formula that is nothing but the fraction of tokens being entities as compared to a normal token. We are creating a tuple of all these as the results.

Now, the result is a tuple with all the scores, such as the number of nouns, entities, and so on. We can sort it based on the score in descending order, as shown in the following example:

>>>for sent in sorted(results,key=lambda x: x[4],reverse=True):
>>>    print sent[5]

Now, the result of this will be sorted by the rank of the sentence. You will be amazed by the kind of results we get for the news article.

Once we have a list of no_of_nouns and no_of_ners scores, we can actually create some more complex rules around this. For example, a typical news article will start with very important details about the topic, and the last sentence will be a conclusion to the story.

Can we modify the same snippet to incorporate this logic?

The other theory of this kind of summarization is that the important sentences generally contain important words and that most of the the discriminatory words across the corpus will be important. The sentences that has very discriminatory words are important. A very simple measure of that is to calculate the TF-IDF (term frequency–inverse document frequency) score of each and every word and then look for an average score normalized by the words that are important; this can then be used as the criteria to choose sentences for our summary.

For explaining the concepts instead of the entire article, just take the first three sentences of the article. Let's see how you can implement something this complex using very few lines of code:


This code require installing scikit. If you have installed anaconda or canopy you should be fine otherwise install scikit using this link.

>>>import nltk
>>>from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
>>>news_content="Mr. Obama planned to promote the effort on Monday during a visit to Camden, N.J. The ban is part of Mr. Obama's push to ease tensions between law enforcement and minority communities in reaction to the crises in Baltimore; Ferguson, Mo. We are, without a doubt, sitting at a defining moment in American policing, Ronald L. Davis, the director of the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services at the Department of Justice, told reporters in a conference call organized by the White House"


>>>vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(norm='l2',min_df=0, use_idf=True, smooth_idf=False, sublinear_tf=True)

>>>print countvectorizer.get_feature_names()
>>>print sklearn_binary.toarray()
>>>for i in sklearn_binary.toarray():
>>>	results.append(i.sum()/float(len(i.nonzero()[0]))

In the preceding code, I am using some unknown methods, such as TfidfVectorizer, which is a scoring method that will calculate a vector of TF-IDF scores for each sentence in a given list of sentences. Don't worry, we will talk about this in more detail. For this chapter, consider it as a black-box function that, for a given list of sentences/documents, will give you the score corresponding to each sentence and will also provide the ability to build a term-doc matrix that will look just like our output.

We got a dictionary of all the words present across all the sentences and then we have a list of lists where each element assigns each word its individual TF-IDF score. If you got that right, then you can see some of the stop words will get a near-zero score while some discriminatory words like ban and Obama will get a very high score. Now once we have this in the code, I will look for the average TF-IDF score by using only non-zero TF-IDF words. This will give us a similar kind of score as we got in our first approach.

You will be amazed by the kind of results a simple algorithm can give. I think now you are all set to write your own news summarizer that summarizes any given news article with the two preceding algorithms and the summary will look quite decent. While this kind of approach will give you a decent summarization, it's actually very poor when you compare it with the current state of summarization research. I would recommend looking for some literature relating to summarization. I would also like you to try and combine both the approaches for summarization.

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