Morphological generator

A morphological generator is a program that performs the task of morphological generation. Morphological generation may be considered an opposite task of morphological analysis. Here, given the description of a word in terms of number, category, stem, and so on, the original word is retrieved. For example, if root = go, part of speech = verb, tense= present, and if it occurs along with a third person and singular subject, then a morphological generator would generate its surface form, goes.

There is a lot of Python-based software that performs morphological analysis and generation. Some of them are as follows:

  • ParaMorfo: It is used to perform morphological generation and analysis of Spanish and Guarani nouns, adjectives, and verbs.
  • HornMorpho: It is used for the morphological generation and analysis of Oromo and Amharic nouns and verbs, as well as Tigrinya verbs.
  • AntiMorfo: It is used for the morphological generation and analysis of Quechua adjectives, verbs, and nouns, as well as Spanish verbs.
  • MorfoMelayu: It is used for the morphological analysis of Malay words.

Other examples of software that is used to perform morphological analysis and generation are as follows:

  • Morph is a morphological generator and analyzer for English for the RASP system
  • Morphy is a morphological generator, analyzer, and POS tagger for German
  • Morphisto is a morphological generator and analyzer for German
  • Morfette performs supervised learning (inflectional morphology) for Spanish and French
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