Chapter 7. Web Crawling

The largest repository of unstructured text is the Web, and if you know how to crawl it, then you have all the data you need readily available for your experiments. Hence, web crawling is something worth learning for people who are interested in NLTK. This chapter is all about gathering data from the Web.

In this chapter we will use an amazing Python library called Scrapy to write our web crawlers. We will provide you all the details to configure different settings that are required. We will write some of the most common spider strategies and many use cases. Scrapy also requires some understanding about XPath, crawling, scraping, and some concepts related to the Web in general. We will touch upon these topics and make sure you understand their practical aspects, before really getting in to their implementation. By the end of this chapter, you will have a better understand of web crawler.

  • How we can write our own crawler using Scrapy
  • Understanding about all the major Scrapy functionality

Web crawlers

One of the biggest web crawler is Google that crawls the entire World Wide Web (WWW). Google has to traverse every page that exists on the Web and scrape/crawl the entire content.

A web crawler is a computer program that systematically browses the web page by page and also scrapes/crawls the content of the pages. A web crawler can also parse the next set of URLs to be visited from the crawled content. So, if these processes run indefinitely over the entire Web, we can crawl through all the web pages. Web crawlers are interchangeably also called spiders, bots, and scrapers. They all mean the same.

There are a few main points we need to think about before writing our first crawler. Now, every time a web crawler traverses a page, we must decide what kind of content we want to select and what content we want to ignore. For applications such as a search engine, we should ignore all the images, js files, css files, and other files and should concentrate only on HTML content that can be indexed and exposed to the search. In some information extraction engines, we select specific tags or parts of a web page. We also need to extract the URLs if we want to do the crawling recursively. This brings us to the topic of crawling strategy. Here, we need to decide whether we want to go recursively in depth first manner or breadth first manner. We want to follow all the URLs on the next page and then go in depth first manner till we get the URLs, or we should go to all the URLs in the next page and do this recursively.

We also need to make sure that we are not going in the self loop stage because essentially, we traverse a graph in most of the cases. We need to make sure we have a clear revisit strategy for a page. One of the most talked about crawled policies is focused crawling, where we know what kind of domains/topics we are looking for, and the ones that need to be crawled. Some of these issues will be discussed in more detail in the spider section.


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