Chapter 2. Text Wrangling and Cleansing

The previous chapter was all about you getting a head start on Python as well as NLTK. We learned about how we can start some meaningful EDA with any corpus of text. We did all the pre-processing part in a very crude and simple manner. In this chapter, will go over preprocessing steps like tokenization, stemming, lemmatization, and stop word removal in more detail. We will explore all the tools in NLTK for text wrangling. We will talk about all the pre-processing steps used in modern NLP applications, the different ways to achieve some of these tasks, as well as the general do's and don'ts. The idea is to give you enough information about these tools so that you can decide what kind of pre-processing tool you need for your application. By the end of this chapter, readers should know :

  • About all the data wrangling, and to perform it using NLTK
  • What is the importance of text cleansing and what are the common tasks that can be achieved using NLTK

What is text wrangling?

It's really hard to define the term text/data wrangling. I will define it as all the pre-processing and all the heavy lifting you do before you have a machine readable and formatted text from raw data. The process involves data munging, text cleansing, specific preprocessing, tokenization, stemming or lemmatization and stop word removal. Let's start with a basic example of parsing a csv file:

>>>import csv
>>>with open('example.csv','rb')  as f:
>>>    reader = csv.reader(f,delimiter=',',quotechar='"')
>>>    for line in reader :
>>>        print line[1]    # assuming the second field is the raw sting

Here we are trying to parse a csv, in above code line will be a list of all the column elements of the csv. We can customize this to work on any delimiter and quoting character. Now once we have the raw string, we can apply different kinds of text wrangling that we learned in the last chapter. The point here is to equip you with enough detail to deal with any day to day csv files.

A clear process flow for some of the most commonly accepted document types is shown in the following block diagram:

What is text wrangling?

I have listed most common data sources in the first stack of the diagram. In most cases, the data will be residing in one of these data formats. In the next step, I have listed the most commonly used Python wrappers around those data formats. For example, in the case of a csv file, Python's csv module is the most robust way of handling the csv file. It allows you to play with different splitters, different quote characters, and so on.

The other most commonly used files are json.

For example, json looks like:

  "array": [1,2,3,4],
 "boolean": True,
  "object": {
    "a": "b"
  "string": "Hello World"

Let's say we want to process the string. The parsing code will be:

>>>import json
>>>jsonfile = open('example.json')
>>>data = json.load(jsonfile)
>>>print data['string']
"Hello World"

We are just loading a json file using the json module. Python allows you to choose and process it to a raw string form. Please have a look at the diagram to get more details about all the data sources, and their parsing packages in Python. I have only given pointers here; please feel free to search the web for more details about these packages.

So before you write your own parser to parse these different document formats, please have a look at the second row for available parsers in Python. Once you reach a raw string, all the pre-processing steps can be applied as a pipeline, or you might choose to ignore some of them. We will talk about tokenization, stemmers, and lemmatizers in the next section in detail. We will also talk about the variants, and when to use one case over the other.


Now that you have an idea of what text wrangling is, try to connect to any one of the databases using one of the Python modules described in the preceding image.

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