Topic modeling in text

The other famous problem in the context of the text corpus is finding the topics of the given document. The concept of topic modeling can be addressed in many different ways. We typically use LDA (Latent Dirichlet allocation) and LSI (Latent semantic indexing) to apply topic modeling text documents.

Typically, in most of the industries, we have huge volumes of unlabeled text documents. In case of an unlabeled corpus to get the initial insights of the corpus, a topic model is a great option, as it not only gives us topics of relevance, but also categorizes the entire corpus into number of topics given to the algorithm.

We will use a new Python library "gensim" that implements these algorithms for us. So, let's jump to the implementation of LDA and LSI for the same running SMS dataset. Now, the only change to the problem is that we want to model different topics in the SMS data and also want to know which document belongs to which topic. A better and more realistic use case could be to run topic modeling on the entire Wikipedia dump to find different kinds of topics that have been discussed there, or to run topic modeling on billions of reviews/complaints from customers to get an insight of the topics that people discuss.

Installing gensim

One of the easiest ways to install gensim is using a package manager:

>>>easy_install -U gensim

Otherwise, you can install it using:

>>>pip install gensim

Once you're done with the installation, run the following command:

>>>import gensim


If there is any error, go to

Now, let's look at the following code:

>>>from gensim import corpora, models, similarities
>>>from itertools import chain
>>>import nltk
>>>from nltk.corpus import stopwords
>>>from operator import itemgetter
>>>import re
>>>documents = [document for document in sms_data]
>>>stoplist = stopwords.words('english')
>>>texts = [[word for word in document.lower().split() if word not in stoplist]  for document in documents]

We are just reading the document in our SMS data and removing the stop words. We could use the same method that we did in the previous chapters to do this. Here, we are using a library-specific way of doing things.


Gensim has all the typical NLP features as well provides some great way to create different corpus formats, such as TFIDF, libsvm, market matrix. It also provides conversion of one to another.

In the following code, we are converting the list of documents to a BOW model and then, to a typical TF-IDF corpus:

>>>dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(texts)
>>>corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts]
>>>tfidf = models.TfidfModel(corpus)
>>>corpus_tfidf = tfidf[corpus]

Once you have a corpus in the required format, we have the following two methods, where given the number of topics, the model tries to take all the documents from the corpus to build a LDA/LSI model:

>>>si = models.LsiModel(corpus_tfidf, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=100)
>>>n_topics = 5
>>>lda = models.LdaModel(corpus_tfidf, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=n_topics)

Once the model is built, we need to understand the different topics, what kind of terms represent that topic, and we need to print some top terms related to that topic:

>>>for i in range(0, n_topics):
>>>        temp = lda.show_topic(i, 10)
>>>        terms = []
>>>        for term in temp:
>>>            terms.append(term[1])
>>>            print "Top 10 terms for topic #" + str(i) + ": "+ ", ".join(terms)
Top 10 terms for topic #0: week, coming, get, great, call, good, day, txt, like, wish
Top 10 terms for topic #1: call, ..., later, sorry, 'll, lor, home, min, free, meeting
Top 10 terms for topic #2: ..., n't, time, got, come, want, get, wat, need, anything
Top 10 terms for topic #3: get, tomorrow, way, call, pls, 're, send, pick, ..., text
Top 10 terms for topic #4: ..., good, going, day, know, love, call, yup, get, make

Now, if you look at the output, we have five different topics with clearly different intent. Think about the same exercise for Wikipedia or a huge corpus of web pages, and you will get some meaningful topics that represent the corpus.

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