Chapter 10. Text Mining at Scale

In this chapter, we will go back to some of the libraries we learned about in the previous chapters, but this time, we want to learn to learn how these libraries will scale up with bigdata. We assume that you have a fair bit of an idea about big data, Hadoop and Hive. We will explore how some of the Python libraries, such as NLTK, scikit-learn, and pandas can be used on a Hadoop cluster with a large amount of unstructured data.

We will cover some of the most common use cases in the context of NLP and text mining, and we will also provide a code snippet that will be helpful for you to get your job done. We will look at three major examples that can capture the vast majority of your text mining problems. We will tell you how to run NLTK at scale to perform some of the NLP tasks that we completed in the initial chapters. We will give you a few examples of some of the text classification tasks that can be done on Big Data.

One other aspect of doing machine learning and NLP at a very high scale is to understand whether the problem is parallelizable or not. We will talk in brief about some of the problems discussed in the previous chapter, and whether these problems are big data problems or not. Or in some case is it even possible to solve this using Big Data.

Since most of the libraries we learned so far are written in Python, let's deal with one of the main questions of how to get Python on Big Data (Hadoop).

By end of the chapter we like reader to have :

  • Good understanding about big data related technologies such as Hadoop, Hive and how it can be done using python.
  • Step by step tutorial to work with NLTK, Scikit & PySpark on Big Data.

Different ways of using Python on Hadoop

There are many ways to run a Python process on Hadoop. We will talk about some of the most popular ways through which we can run Python on Hadoop as a streaming MapReduce job, Python UDF in Hive, and Python hadoop wrappers.

Python streaming

Typically a Hadoop job has to be written in form of a map and reduce function. User has to write an implementation of map and reduce function for the given task. Commonly these mappers and reducers are implemented in JAVA. At the same time Hadoop provide streaming, you where a user can write a Python mapper and reducer function similar to Java in any other language. I am assuming that you have run a word count example using Python. We will also use the same example using NLTK later in this chapter.


In case you have not, have a look at to know more about MapReduce in Python.

Hive/Pig UDF

Other way to use Python is by writing a UDF (User Defined Function) in Hive/Pig. The idea here is that most of the operations we are performing in NLTK are highly parallelizable. For example, POS tagging, Tokenization, Lemmatization, Stop Word removal, and NER can be highly distributable. The reason being the content of each row is independent from the other row, and we don't need any context while doing some of these operations.

So, if we have NLTK and other Python libraries on each node of the cluster, we can write a user defined function (UDF) in Python, using libraries such as NLTK and scikit. This is one of the easiest way of doing NLTK, especially for scikit on a large scale. We will give you a glimpse of both of these in this chapter.

Streaming wrappers

There is a long list of wrappers that different organizations have implemented to get Python running on the cluster. Some of them are actually quite easy to use, but all of them suffer from performance bias. I have listed some of them as follows, but you can go through the project page in case you want to know more about them:

  • Hadoopy
  • Pydoop
  • Dumbo
  • mrjob


For the exhaustive list of options available for the usage of Python on Hadoop, go through the article at

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