
NLTK is one of the most popular and widely used library in the natural language processing (NLP) community. The beauty of NLTK lies in its simplicity, where most of the complex NLP tasks can be implemented using a few lines of code. Start off by learning how to tokenize text into component words. Explore and make use of the WordNet language dictionary. Learn how and when to stem or lemmatize words. Discover various ways to replace words and perform spelling correction. Create your own custom text corpora and corpus readers, including a MongoDB backed corpus. Use part-of-speech taggers to annotate words with their parts of speech. Create and transform chunked phrase trees using partial parsing. Dig into feature extraction for text classification and sentiment analysis. Learn how to do parallel and distributed text processing, and to store word distributions in Redis.

This learning path will teach you all that and more, in a hands-on learn-by-doing manner. Become an expert in using NLTK for Natural Language Processing with this useful companion.

What this learning path covers

Module 1, NLTK Essentials, talks about all the preprocessing steps required in any text mining/NLP task. In this module, we discuss tokenization, stemming, stop word removal, and other text cleansing processes in detail and how easy it is to implement these in NLTK.

Module 2, Python 3 Text Processing with NLTK 3 Cookbook, explains how to use corpus readers and create custom corpora. It also covers how to use some of the corpora that come with NLTK. It covers the chunking process, also known as partial parsing, which can identify phrases and named entities in a sentence. It also explains how to train your own custom chunker and create specific named entity recognizers.

Module 3, Mastering Natural Language Processing with Python, covers how to calculate word frequencies and perform various language modeling techniques. It also talks about the concept and application of Shallow Semantic Analysis (that is, NER) and WSD using Wordnet.

It will help you understand and apply the concepts of Information Retrieval and text summarization.

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