Chapter 8. Troubleshooting and diagnostics 215
? MS - managed server
? CC - EWLM Control Center
? WAS - WebSphere Application Server
? FB - Firewall Broker
? SSEWLM - single system EWLM
Trace logs
For diagnostics purposes, EWLM provides several trace logs which can be used for
debugging. These logs are kept in storage and exist within the EWLM dumps themselves.
They can be written out to a trace log using the EWLM file trace plug-in and formatted as an
XML document.
The trace logs can be found in the EWLM working directory in the Diagnostics folder.
WebSphere logs
Additional information can be found in the WebSphere Application Server logs when tracing
has been turned on. These logs can be found in:
? DM_WORKING_DIR/WAS/logs/server1
Error logs
If an error occurs while EWLM is starting, causing EWLM to terminate, the error will go in:
? EWLM_rootDiagnostics
8.8.4 Dumps
Dumps are automatically generated for EWLM error conditions and are saved as XML
documents. The dumps are saved in the EWLM working directory in the Diagnostics folder.
The dumps can then be sent to IBM level 2 for debugging.
The EWLM dumps contain the following information:
? Basic service information such as the EWLM version and build number
? Error information and callback stack (where the error occurred)
? Runtime properties, such as authority level, trace sizes, firewall broker information
? Recovery information
? Thread identification (what threads are running and their names)
? EWLM component information
? Some trace entries dump the trace logs
Figure 8-11 shows an example of the dump information showing the error information and
stack trace.
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